[part 4] of Known Continents

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There are four major continents that are yet known across the earth, clustered around the Great Ters Altum Sea. Each continent is home to numerous different kingdoms. 

The Ters Altum takes approximately four months to cross west-east, and two months to cross north-south. This is largely due to the strong currents in the centre of the sea, which forces fleets to diverge around it in order to travel safely through.

The four continents encircling the Ters Altum are as follows.

• Cor Regnis from Ancient Pertheist, corandum regnis, which can be translated to "an assembly of kingdoms bound by a mutual and respective understanding"

Cor Regnis lies west of the Ters Altum and consists of one large continent with several outlying, smaller islands. The people native to Cor Regnis tend to have shades of white to pale skin. Its lands varies from deserts to lush grasslands, from sinking marshlands to looming mountains. 

The realms within Cor Regnis share similar cultures and customs, although with slight variations. One of the most common stereotypes is that the people of Cor Regnis, compared to their neighbouring continents, tend to be much more proud, civil, individualistic, and progressive.

A few examples of kingdoms located in Cor Regnis include Elingar /ˈɛlɪŋɡɑː/, Ijssford /ˈʌɪsfɔːd/, and Anglioc /ˈaŋɡliːɒk/.


Godsthrone so named for the belief that it was in this continent that the deities first arrived after Creation.

The Godsthrone lies south of the Ters Altum. The continent consists of two large mainlands, one of which connects to Cor Regnis by land, whilst the other stretches on so close to the Eastern Isles that it takes only about one month to sail between the two continents.

The lands across the Godsthrone also greatly ranges from dry deserts to fertile lands, from mountainous terrain to swamplands. The people are known to be more ceremonial, peaceful, religious, and devoted to family. Natives of the Godsthrone are lighter-skinned than their Eastern-Isle neighbours, but more coloured than their Cor Regnis cousins.

A few examples of kingdoms located in the Godsthrone include Hirdii /ˈhəːdiː/, and Canthor /ˈkanθə/.


Eastern Isles so named for its location east of the Ters Altum.

The Eastern Islands consist of a scattered archipelago of islands. Most of these are larger islands home to between one to three realms. Some kingdoms comprise of several different smaller islands.

Here the lands are lush and rich, with no deserts nor drylands. The people are mostly known to be communal, territorial, superstitious, conservative, and pampered due to pleasant climate all year-round. The natives have shades of olive and tan skin.

A few examples of kingdoms located in the Eastern Isles include Surikhand /ˈsʊ⟨r⟩ɪkʌn/, Napoa /nəˈpəʊɑ/, and Tsunai /sʊˈnʌɪ/.

Terra Sol from Ancient Pertheist, which translates to "land of sunshine", although the word for "sunshine" can also be interpreted as "a constant, bright and blistering light; unbearable heat; or life sprouting out of barrenness".

Terra Sol is located north of the Ters Altum. It is clumped in one vast continent, with some outlying islands. The lands within Terra Sol comprise mostly of drylands and deserts, although few realms towards the south-east of the continent are blessed with better fertility than the rest of their kin.

Natives of Terra Sol have darker brown to black skin. They are known to be hard-working, unyielding, stubborn, and nomadic. Several realms exhibit clan-like traits, and for that reason some of the best fighters have come from this continent.

A few examples of kingdoms located in Terra Sol include Liguer /ləˈɡɛː/.

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