[part 5] of Runes

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Runes are, in one way or another, powered by the epperstrom. It essentially takes a natural property of the epperstrom and applies it into the human world. The most common example of this is the use of runes as a means of controlling daemon-kin. The epperstrom is the home realm that confines and regulates daemons; subduing them and preventing them from breaking free. Runes that are used to bind, punish, or otherwise control daemons are simply channelling this nature of the epps in the human world.

There are two categories into which a rune can belong:

Elementary runes An object that has been (1) appropriately marked with inscriptions in Ancient Pertheist, and (2) imbued with and hence containing power from the epperstrom; which when correctly stimulated, triggers the effects of the inscriptions and power in question. Amulets and charms fall under this category.
With the correct procedure, elementary runes can be stimulated by anyone -- of theurgic blood or otherwise. Elementary runes feed on the power contained within itself, and thus will eventually drain and must be replaced once its fuel expires.

Secondary runes Either (1) an inscribed object, or (2) a specific and complex set of inscriptions; which when correctly stimulated, sieves fuel directly from the epperstrom, summoning a natural power or capacity contained within the epps. The nature of this power and its effects depend on the inscriptions in question.
Secondary runes can only be stimulated by theurgists, as it serves merely as a channel between the human realm and the eppertstrom, thus feeding on the power of the applying theurgist. Thus a secondary rune will never expire unless destroyed.


Every layman believes that there can, or does, exist a rune for every occasion. This cannot be further from the truth. As the power of a rune, whether elementary or secondary, is always obtained from the epperstrom, runes and the creation thereof are largely limited to the natural laws governing the epps itself. Anything that lies outside the capacity of the epperstrom therefore lies outside the capacity of a rune.

A second, and lesser known, example is the creation of time-altering runes. As time in the epperstrom flows differently from that of our own world, it is possible -- if extremely rare and challenging -- to extract this particular force of the epps into a time-manipulating rune.


The stimulation of a rune varies depending on the complexity of its mechanism. The invocation of a higher rune generally involves uttering the correct incantations. Some even requires certain instruments such as the dhupa, candles, or other such apparati. 

More rudimentary runes can be triggered simply by wearing the object in question, such as an amulet for providence. These particular types of runes generally last for a much more limited amount of time, and/or are not as powerful as its more complex counterparts.

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