| Chapter 6: Our Vanadey |

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You belong with us. Stay here Vanadey. - my quote

I so desperately need to open my eyes and wake from this nightmare.
But sadly this dream has stretched too far this time and my curiosity is the only thing keeping me sane. That and I want to know what mischievous Ayleen wants to prank me with and well mostly because I'm actually cozy in the arms of the guy carrying me.
In any normal circumstances I would wake up immediately by just the thought of Ayleen pranking me, but this has to be an exception.
Just when I relaxed my facial features, I felt something. . .a sort of small creature-like insect or bug crawling on my arm. I felt it making its way to my face and that is how I lost it.
I completely lost it.
"AHHHHH! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFFFFFFFFF!" I screeched like a maniac as I jumped off the arms of the guy and started smacking the bug off.
"See, I told you this is the much more expeditious way of waking her up," Ayleen said triumphantly.
I swear she will regret this prank.
As I tried to make a run for it, the guy grabbed my stomach and pulled me into him as I frantically tried to break free.
"Why are your eyes closed? Wait, is it because of all that glitter on your face? Why do you have glitter on your face anyway?" Ayleen kept questioning me and as a take-back, I won't give her an answer.
I simply will not reply to her, that way she will get either frustrated or annoyed. I'm telling you, I can't believe I'm related to this girl.
Wait. Did she just say I have glitter on my face? I knew it! I felt something yet I wasn't quite sure what.
I felt an arm squeezing my stomach and that brought me back from my slight daze.
"Let go!" I yelled.
"That, I won't do." The guy interjected.
Fine. I'll make him.
I made my body lose and then kicked him hard between the legs, which bought me some time. As he doubled over, groaning in pain.
I made a dash for it. The wind blew vigorously on my face, causing my hair to wildly run free with the breeze. A wave of brown shades.
"Elli! Eliza! Elize!" I heard Ayleen's faraway voice shouting all the nicknames that come with my name.
"Elsie, Elise! Come back!" She continued yelling at me.
But I refused to go back. I continued to run blindly in the dense forest, I could detect footsteps after me, the rustling of leaves and broken twigs as they tried catching up to me. To make it worse, there were about four things after me.
My sister, the creepy guy, and two other smaller ones that I could distinctly hear.
My breathing intensified, It's so troublesome trying to navigate blindly and not collide into trees or branches in the way. It felt like trying to find my way out of a labyrinth of sorts.
All around me faint giggles erupted, all around. Causing eerier chills to run down my spine.
This is just my mind playing tricks. I haven't even eaten and drank anything and dehydration is real. Illusions and hallucinations are also real, I'm living it. Or I'm dreaming. Or it's both!
You can't say you're dreaming and awake at the same time? It's one or the other, my darling.
Okay, I'm definitely going into a hallucination! I'm hearing things inside my mind!
I start running wildly, trying to get rid of the echoing laughter in the breeze and that voice inside my mind.
"Here, here, come this way." A voice whispers seductively in my ear.
"She's so beautiful, look at her complexion." Another voice joins in.
"Do you think she's our Vanadey'?" A voice louder this time echos throughout the Forrest, quietening the other voices and whispers.
A Vanadey? What in the world is that? A girl? A fancy brand? It got to be a girl, right?
All of a sudden, I felt shivers run down my spine, an eerie feeling taking hold over my being, suffocating me until I started hyperventilating. I'm not only hearing a voice inside my mind but also hearing other voices, real ones. Are they even real? What defines real? What's reality? What's going on with me? What's happening? I can't. I can't breathe. I...I...I'm losing it.
The soft faint giggles returned mixed with childish laughter and murky playful chuckles of uncontained joy and clear amusement. Do they think this is funny?! Whatever they are?
Anger boiled within.
I was breathing too fast with my mouth opened. Loudly inhaling and exhaling whatever oxygen there was.
The wind felt deadly and dangerous all around me and I lost my balance as I ran.
I tripped on what felt like the roots of a tree that was sticking out and I swear I felt the branches holding on to me, trying to prevent my fall. It's too late though as everything happened too fast and I tumble hard on the earth.
I didn't even realize the ground went downhill since my eyes are still glued shut and I tried over and over to open them, but it was no use.
I kept stumbling and rolling downhill with no possible way to stop it; twigs, fallen branches, and rocks kept jabbing all over me, the faster I kept rolling down.
I tried halting my fall by grasping onto anything nearby, but my nails only reached the air, and dirt jumbled with grass bits.
As I hopelessly tried my best to aid myself, I noticed the velocity of my rolling and help would be impossible as I felt my head roughly collide with what felt like a monstrous boulder and it blew the air out of me with no chance to scream as the pain and impact blacked me out.

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