| Chapter 7: Nightfall Creatures |

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Don't be deceived by false promises. Oaths don't count here. - my quote

'Run!!! RUN!!!! RUUUUNNNNNNN,' voices of distressed children echo through the night.

I trip over some more as I pick my dress up as tormented cries are heard throughout the Forrest. Something's after me. Something bad. I can sense it in my very bones.


they're monsters

they want me dead.

The trees betrayed me, making me trip over stuck out roots. I fight against all odds, pushing myself up. Only to be left gobbled by the open earth.



Stumbling down into unending darkness.

'Elise, wake up', a voice whispers, 'Wake my child.'
"I'm awake," I whisper back.
'Are you really sure about that?'

I gasp upright, panting. I'm alive, I'm here! The darkness hasn't got to me, it hasn't consumed me under the ground.
I lay still, my heart beating against my chest. Confused and frightened at the same time as to how I got sprawled out alone in the dark.
     One thing kept repeating itself over and over in my mind. One word: Vanadey
     The melody led me here with Ayleen, a guy carrying me, bugs, running for my life, and falling down. That's all I remember. Maybe I hit my head on the fall?
    Once calmed I realized I did hit my head and probably left for dead. No one was coming for me. That and I'm in utterly complete darkness.
     It's nightfall.
     As if on cue owls began hotting as if giving out warnings, crickets and frogs joined in a musical display of various dark uneven notes.
     And all I can do is lay still in the soft soil, my long brown curls laid out flowingly above my head. My eyes are still unable to open. Maybe I'm going blind after all.
     Why though? I've never done any harm, why this cruel punishment?
     Exhaustion and fear crawled upon me like bugs eating away my sanity little by little.
     Theirs no way I can make it out or find help in complete darkness.
     I'll never find my way with these useless eyes. I'll have to use my other senses.
     But even if I miraculously found my way through this forest, there's the danger of animals out and about during these night hours.
     The risks are too high. Too high to bet my life on.
      Don't you think this is but a dream?
      "That's far from the point," I whispered.
      I keep hearing that voice. Might as well embrace the madness and reply. Am I right? I should bold up and ask a question. If it replies that means I made up a character in my head.
I'm not made up. Far from it.
     "Stop reading my thoughts!"
      Exasperated, I lean closer to the tree and bring my knees to my chest. "Okay fine. I know what's happening. I made you up. You're my imagination. So I don't feel so lonely."
     You're never lonely.
     "No, that's why you're in my head. So I won't be."
     All that's left is to wait till sunrise and everything will be better. I'm too tired. And darkness is already upon me.
     I laid still in the soft soil. Making myself as small as humanly possible.
    "You're just a dream," I whispered to the wind.
    "Am I?" It whispered back rustling my hair.
    "You have to be."
     The only response I got was the wind quietly whispering melodies of love and danger.

"She's here," A voice whispered with infinite adoration pooling out in waves, planting the faintest of kisses on my cheeks.
     I was too sleepy to even process any of the things going on. It was as if drunkenness took a hold on me. So impossible yet possible.
     The last thing I felt was being lifted and carried with such ease and carefulness. Tenderness efficiently directed on me. It was so odd yet welcoming.
My senses were all over the place until nothing was. Until calmness penetrated my mind with his final words lulling me to eternal sleep, "My love."
That voice, that voice sounded familiar, so very familiar. I couldn't keep my mind awake any longer to grasp sense of any of it as I succumbed into it's dark embrace.

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