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         VIOLET PETERS was sitting at her kitchen island, bouncing her left leg while she stared at her burnt toast. Isabelle, her mother, was tidying away some dishes behind her, looking over her shoulder every so often and frowning.

She let out a soft sigh, taking a seat in front of her daughter, while gently grabbing her hands. "Violet, hunny, i know you don't like school, but i can't let you stay off another day."

Violet smiled tightly, nodding her head.

Isabelle mentally rubbed at her eyes. "Maybe, if you made friends you'd enjoy school." She suggested.

The younger girls head shot up. "I have a friend."

"You could have more, though." Isabelle softly spoke. She swallowed a slight lump in her throat, gnawing on the inside of her mouth. "I think it would be good for you to maybe join a club. Finn spends a lot of time with his other friends, and you spend a lot of time hanging out with Carole and I."

"I like spending time with you and Carole." Violet shrugged, finally taking a bite of her breakfast. "Is that a bad thing?" She wondered.

Isabelle smiled faintly. "Of course not, hunny. I just think you'd feel better if you had someone your own age, someone that wasn't just Finn."

A chuckle slipped from Violets throat, causing her to briefly choke on her toast. "Mom, i'm not the kind of person people befriend. I start every morning with a slushy facial, and or being thrown in the dumpster. No one wants to stop and talk to the loser wearing red stained clothes, and smelling like trash."

"Well, hasn't Finn talked to his football friends about all that? I thought he told them to leave you alone?"

"He's tried, they just don't care." She shrugged. She quickly checked the time, jumping from her seat and scrambling to get her bag. "I have to go, i'll be late."

She gave a her mother a loose side hug, before running for the door. "Have a good day at work!" She called out from the other end of the house.

The glee clubs sign up sheet was practically laughing at Violet, daring her to scribble her name down. She was biting her nails, while rocking back and forth on her heals. There was one name neatly written down so far, and that was Mercedes Jones—a potential friend if she could just bring herself to lift the pen.

Once she got the courage, she was stopped before the pen hit the paper by a large hand grabbing hers. "Violet, what are you doing?" Finn warily asked her.

She furrowed her eyebrows in slight confusion, looking at the board, then back at Finn. "Joining the glee club." She told him in a 'duh' tone.

"That's what i was afraid of." He sighed. "I don't think it's a good idea, Violet." He dropped his grip on her hand, looking over his shoulder to make sure no one was around.

"You didn't think Halo 3 was a good idea, and now it's all you play." She jarred back, folding her arms over her chest. "You're not the best judge of character."

He let out a heavy sigh, sliding his hand down his face. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

She cackled, crouching down to clutch her stomach. "Oh yes, i'm sure singing and dancing is going to be a very traumatic experience."

"You know what i mean!" Finn exasperated.

"Finn, I love you." She cooed, smacking his arm. "But, being popular doesn't matter to me, I just want friends—and i'd be surrounded by people who share interests with me, or know what it feels like to be hit with a bunch of flavoured ice."

He smiled distantly, looking to the floor, half ashamed for trying to talk her out of it. "The football team love picking on you, this is just another reason for them to hassle you, Violet."

Violet thought about it for a moment; she already spent most lunch breaks hiding in the bathroom, or weekends hauled up in her room on days Finn decided to hang out with Puck—she could live with a cold face for the rest of her high school life.

"I'm okay with that." She smiled, messily writing her name under Mercedes'.

The newly formed glee club were awkwardly sitting in the front row of seats in the choir room. Violet was the last one in, having no choice but to sit beside Rachel Berry. She kept catching glances of Rachel's disgusted face as she took in everyone around her— she really wasn't impressed with who Mr Schuester had recruited.

Their teacher had strut in with pure excitement, greeting them all with a wide grin. "Welcome, everyone!" He beamed. "Can i just say what an awesome job you all did in your auditions."

Violet mentally gave herself a pat on the back, squirming happily in her chair. "Yes you can." She breathed out.

He handed everyone a pair of white gloves, along with some sheet music. Tina looked it over, furrowing her eyebrows at the old song.

"Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat." Mr Schuester applauded himself, getting a smile of approval from Rachel. "Artie, why don't you take the lead."

Rachel's hand immediately shot up, and her voice went a few pitches higher. "Mr Schuester, with all due respect, i'm the only member here who was in Mr Ryersons original glee club, therefore i should be getting the first solo." She tried to reason.

Violet choked on a stray laugh, ignoring the glare from the girl beside her. "It's the first song, it sets the precedent for everything!" She screeched.

"Which is why Artie should sing it." Violet piped. "I heard his audition, Rachel. He has an amazing voice."

Artie turned his head to blush at the brunette, mouthing a thank you, and getting two thumbs up.

Mr Schuester sighed, already fed up with the bickering. "Rachel, Artie is going to sing the first song. Period." He told her. "Everyone will have an opportunity for a solo. In fact I was thinking for Sectionals we could do a medley from Grease."

Violet jumped up momentarily, accidentally smacking Rachel's head with her elbow. "I wanna be Rizzo!"

"I love this energy, Violet." Mr Schue spirited. He quickly turned to Brad, instructing him to play the piano. "Let's warm up."

Standing in the auditorium, Violet was rocking back and forth on her heals, suffering with the awkward silence between the six students. Tina seemed to be just as uncomfortable, nudging Violets arm to start a conversation.

"I-I heard Mr Schuester got one of the f-football players to join." She muttered with a smile.

Violet slowly turned to her with wide eyes, taking in a nervous breath. "Is he blackmailing people now?" She whispered with a slight yell. Tina simply shrugged.

"Alright, alright!" Mr Schuester marched onto the stage, a striped shirt trudging right behind him. "I've got us a new recruit."

Finn shuffled to Violets side, giving her a tight lipped smile with a gruff laugh. "I still think it's lame." Violet hummed in response, trying to avoid a laugh.

"I was thinking," their teacher began, handing his two new leads some sheet music. "that we sing a Grease song today. Rachel, Finn, you got this." He sent them both a thumbs up, ushering the others in a specific, yet random order between them.

Violet was now stood beside Mercedes, and she couldn't help but catch the frown she was wearing. "Hey." She whispered. "Are you okay?" Mercedes nodded back with a smile, straightening her posture.

During their rendition of 'You're the one that I Want', Rachel sought it the best time to try and woo The Quarterback. She felt up Tina, almost wheeled Artie off the stage, and accidentally stood on Violets foot.

Annoyed, and with good reason, Mercedes shoved past the brunette. "Uh-uh, I ain't down with all this background singing." She spoke.

Mr Schuester sighed, aggravated with the commotion. "Look, it's just one song." He tried to reason.

Kurt's sheepishly shrugged. "And it's the first time we've sounded pretty good." With a hmph, Mercedes turned to look at the taller boy.

"Alright, you're good white boy, i'll give you that. But, you've got to bring it." She forced a smile on her face, looking at her teacher. "Let's run it again."

And so they did.

Vocal Adrenaline were the team to beat at Regionals, and the New Directions needed to scope out their competition. They were hosting an Invitationals event at their high-school, Carmel High, and Mr Schuester insisted on them being there.

Violet was standing at the front of the queue in the cafeteria, bouncing food options off Tina, trying to decide what she was hungry for.

Behind them, Rachel was making another attempt at wooing Finn. "I think the rest of the team expects us to become an item." She told him, staring at the back of Violets shoes.

Violet turned to Tina, tears of laughter tempting to trickle down her cheeks. "I might literally die of embarrassment if I listen to this conversation."

"L-let's go." Tina chuckled, grabbing Violets hand. "Finns kind of c-cute though, d-don't you think?"

Violet dropped Tina's hand, and stopped in front of a Carmel student—who bumped into her and cursed at her. "Tina, i'm literally gonna pull my hair out. Why would you even think that."

Tina shrugged with a cheeky grin, continuing to pull her friend toward the rest of the group. They all looked up curiously at the sound of footsteps, an immediate smile taking over all of their faces.

"Hey, guys!" Mercedes beamed, moving her bag to the floor to spare a seat—which Violet sat on without hesitation, then getting sat on by Tina.

With her arms hugging Tina's waist, Violet peered around the girl to join in on the conversation. "So, what were you guys talking about?" She wondered.

"We're making a bet." Kurt smirked, eyeing up Rachel and her attempts for Finns attention. "How long until Rachel gives up on her pathetic little crush."

"Hm, I don't think she'll ever get over it." Artie chimed with a sheepish laugh.

"I saw her write 'Mrs Finn Hudson' over and over on the back page of her notebook." Kurt added with a subtle eye roll.

Violet spared a quick glance at said brunette, and scrunched up her face. "She seems a bit crazy."

The lights above them started flickering, letting everyone know that Vocal Adrenaline was ready for them. The New Directions shot up from their seats, excited to see the competition.

"Alright, guys." Mr Schuester smiled, as everyone took their seats. "So, this is supposed to be our 'competition', but i honestly don't think that they've got the talent that we've got." He assured them.

After the best performance any of them had ever seen, they all sat with their mouths open. "I was really hoping they'd suck, so bad." Violet winced.

Tina looked at her with a worried frown. "We're d-d-doomed." She muttered.

With Mr Schuester's decision to leave McKinley high, Rachel took it upon herself to take over the glee club. During their first meeting with her in charge, she pulled a strand of hair from Violets head to wake her up from her much needed nap.

She also spat a bunch of cruel names towards the group, which ended up with Violet storming out of the choir room, and to the dance studio instead.

She roughly pushed the door open out of frustration, it swinging back and hitting her in the face.

The room was occupied by someone she'd seen around the school, usually behind the rest of the football team while they humiliated some poor student who was just trying to get through their day.

She stared at him with an impressed eyebrow raise, leaning against one of the ballet bars to hold her up. He spun around, nearing the end of his warm up, only to end up letting out a screech at the stranger.

Violet chortled, crouching down to the floor. "I'm so sorry." She apologised through a laugh. "I didn't think anyone would be in here, then you were, and you were killing it so i didn't want to interrupt you."

He nodded his head, still trying to steady his heart after the slight shock. "Can you not tell anyone about this?" He asked her, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Violet tilted her head to the side, scrunching her eyes up at the dancer. "'hey guess what this one football player likes to dance in his free time'. It's not a very good conversation starter." She jabbed, hoping to get a laugh out of the man—and she did.

He chuckled at her attempt at a joke, shaking his head while raising his eyebrows. "Mike, by the way. My names Mike." He struck his hand out for her to shake.

She smiled, jumping over to grab his hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you Mike, i'm Violet."

He smiled back, going back to awkwardly shoving his hands in his pockets. "I should get going.. practice." He shrugged.

"Hey!" Violet yelled excitedly, slapping his arm as he went to walk by her. He looked down at her with wide eyes, trying to refrain from laughing. "You should join the glee club!" She suggested.

Mike laughed through his nose, that turning into a full on laughing fit. "Look, they shaved Matts eyebrows off last year, just because he watched greys anatomy."

"I don't know who Matt is, and also don't tell me."

"Are you serious!?" A voice shrieked from the large doorway. Both Violet and Mike quickly turned their heads to the awful sound, and Mike attempted to hide behind the short girl.

"Hi Rachel." Violet drawled out the hi, giving her a small wave, and an awkward smile.

"You can't just walk out of rehearsal like that, Violet. It is completely unprofessional." She spat, folding her arms across her chest.

Violet furrowed her eyebrows. "You do it all the time." She reminded her.

Rachel scoffed in a disapproving manner. "I do it to make a statement." She sassed. "You done it because you can't stand the fact that i'm a better leader."

"Since when are you a leader." She replied with a slight laugh. She then turned to look up at Mike, who seemed to be incredibly uncomfortable. "You can go, you know."

He simply just shook his head, wanting to hear the rest of the conversation, and being terrified to walk by an angry Rachel Berry.

"I became the leader when none of you would step up and take over. You probably would have made us sing the SpongeBob theme song." Rachel rolled her eyes.

Gasping loudly, Mike took a step forward. "What's wrong with Spongebob?" He exasperated.

"I happen to like the Spongebob theme song, and Finn does too, and probably Artie." Violet shrugged. Mike turned to her with a grin, grabbing her arm and forcing her to high five him.

With an aggravated hmph, Rachel stormed out of the studio. Violet turned to Mike with a tight lipped smile, and gave him a hard smack on the back. "Well, i'll see you in glee club."

She left the room with a skip to her step, tripping over her own feet and falling into the doorframe. "I'm alright, i'm okay!" She assured her new friend.

Mike smiled after her, replaying her previous statement over and over again in his head.

See you in glee club.

The school day was coming to an end, and Violet had to track down Finn Hudson for a lift home. He was ignoring her many, many texts, and she was starting to worry that he was kidnapped by some old man who catfished him online.

She decided she'd just meet him by his car, and wait forever if she had to. Standing in the cold air with nothing but a thin jacket, Violet was shivering.

"You look a little cold." Noah Puckerman observed while wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

She cringed at his presence, pushing his arm away. "And you look about forty." She remarked back. "I'm waiting for Finn, go away." She added, shooing him with her hands.

"Babe." He flirted. "Walk with me." He didn't give her a chance to say no, and instead started walking her in the direction of the football pitch.

"The football team felt bad about giving Finn crap for joining that god awful singing club, and decided to get him a gift." Puck told her with fake sincerity.

Violet narrowed her eyes, and looked up at the taller boy. "What's that got to do with me?" She wondered. She then heard murmuring from behind a group of sweaty boys, and furrowed her brows. "What's that?"

"You'll see." He smirked. "Open it up!" He yelled to his teammates, shoving the girl forwards.

Violet looked inside the opened port-a-potty and widened her eyes. Her hand shot up to her mouth to catch her gasp. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She yelled at Noah.

Instead of giving her an answer, he bit his lip in a taunting manner, and grabbed her shoulders. The team huddled around them, walking closer until she was enclosed inside the tiny bathroom.

She was awkwardly sat on Artie, trying to avoid the actual toilet. "How's it going?" She cheerfully asked.

"It's been better." He laughed, giving her a smile. "They ambushed me after math, i've been here since." He shrugged.

"Well," Violet began, ruffling his hair. "I wish I could say I was here to save the day." She frowned.

"Hey!" Artie froze, holding a hand up to quiet the brunette. "I think I hear someone." Violet squirmed frantically, trying her best to press her ear against the door to listen.

"Move over." Artie loudly whispered, also trying to hear what was going on. "You're standing on my foot!" He added.

"Like you can feel it." She shot back in a hushed voice. "Ow! You're pulling my hair." She screeched.

"Im not touching you." Artie put his hands up in surrender, bringing Violets head with him. "Your hair is caught in my watch." He realised.

The door opened, and they were met with a sweaty Finn, while he was met with a teary eyed Violet, and am extremely red Artie.

Violet scurried out of the tiny space, running to the closest patch of grass to lie down. "I will never take the outside world for granted again."

Puck looked at her with disgust and confusion, then rolling his eyes at Finn. "I can't believe your helping out these losers!" He was clearly annoyed.

Violet scoffed, getting to her feet and crossing her arms. "I'll have you know, lots of people think i'm pretty cool." She confidently spat.

"Hell yeah." Artie preached.

Finn looked between them both, and scratched his head. He sighed in annoyance, before glaring at his 'best friend'. "We're all losers." He expressed.

Puck looked at him with a dumbfound expression.

"I'm not afraid of being called a loser, because I can accept that that's what I am." He smiled at Violet, then shared a nod with Artie. "But I am afraid of turning my back on something that actually made me happy for the first time in my sorry life."

"So what, you're quitting to join homo explosion?" Puck aggressively queried.

"Im doing both." Finn proudly stated. "Cause you can't win without me and neither can they." He gave Violet a gentle pat on the shoulder, and grabbed Artie's chair to wheel him away.

"You have finally come to your senses Finn Hudson, and I am so proud of you." She dramatically feigned, getting a light shove from the giant.

"I've got the perfect song for us to sing." He smiled down at her, nodding his head toward the middle of the football field.

They walked into the auditorium with a stroll, Violet walking sideways every now and then, and bumping into Finn and Artie. She smiled at Kurt once she noticed his staring, but wasn't given the same enthusiasm back.

"This is a closed rehearsal." He sassed.

Finn sighed. "I owe you guys an apology, i never should have quit. I don't wanna be the guy that just goes around throwing eggs at people."

"That was you?" Rachel inquired.

"You and your friends threw pee balloons at me." Kurt deadpanned. "You nailed all my lawn furniture to my roof." He continued.

"He sat on my head once." Violet added, getting a confused, yet sympathetic look from Tina.

"That isn't who i am and i'm tired of it. This is what I want to be doing, with you guys." Finn admitted, gnawing at the inside of his mouth.

"W-we are pretty c-cool." Tina muttered to Violet, who nodded with a little hop. "We are so cool."

"E-everyone else j-just doesn't realise it yet." Tina whispered back with a childish laugh.

"Violet." Finns voice broke her out of the little conversation she was having with Tina. She looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue. "You can do the choreography, you're the best dancer I know."

She saluted him, almost knocking Kurt out in the process. "I won't let you down, Sir." She promised in her best military voice.

Mercedes crossed her arms across her chest, looking Finn up and down. "What are you bringing to the table, Justin Timberlake?" She pressed.

"Who's Justin Timberlake?" Violet mouthed to Finn, though she wasn't as quiet as she thought she was. Everyone on the stage turned to look at her with open mouths. She simply shrugged, not understanding why it was such a big deal.

"The famous guy that looks like Mr Schue." Artie informed her, while giving her a thumbs up. Everyone just went back to giving Finn their full attention.

"I've got the music."

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