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        TODAY started off different than usual mornings for Violet. Instead of Finn picking her up for school, she walked with Tina. Tina just showed up and quite literally dragged her out of bed, insisting that they go to school together, since having friends was quite new to the both of them.

During their trudging, Violet noticed that Tina seemed to be a bit off. Her posture was different, and she was extremely quiet. Violet gently nudged her with her elbow, and raised an eyebrow.

"Tina, are you alright?" She worried.

Tina lifted her head up quickly, letting out a little cough before nodding her head frantically. "Y-yeah."

Cocking her head to the side, Violet let out a friendly scoff. "Tina, it's me. You can tell me anything." She softly spoke. "I gave myself a mullet when i was six, so i really can't judge you."

Tina let a slight laugh slip, and she smiled at the brunette beside her. "Its silly, but..." She paused, taking in a nervous breath. "Violet, I've been lying about my stutter."

Violet immediately stopped in her tracks, furrowing her eyebrows and letting out the loudest laugh she'd ever let out. "You what?" She screeched. "That's such a random thing to lie about."

"I faked it in the sixth grade and it made people leave me alone, and now i'm too embarrassed to tell anyone else about it." She smiled faintly at her friend.

Violet gave Tina a gentle pat on the back, letting out a puff of air from her cheeks. "You know, it wasn't even that convincing, now that I think about it."

Tina joined in on the laughing, covering her face with both hands out of embarrassment. "Just please don't tell anyone about this." She pleaded.

Violet stuck out her pinky. "I solemnly pinky promise that i, Violet Peters, will never, ever tell anyone that you, Tina Cohen Chang, faked a stutter." She sweared, getting a light, but grateful smack on the arm.

"Thank you, Violet." Tina wrapped her left arm around Violet, and pulled her in sideways. "You're a great friend, you know."

"I love you, Tina." Violet cooed. "But if you pull me into your armpit ever again i will tell everyone about your stutter." She threatened.


In the choir room, the New Directions were putting their all into Le Freak—although Rachel seemed to be the only one really enjoying it. Despite being the best dancer there, Violet had fallen twice, tripping over Rachel's feet.

"This song is terrible." Mercedes voiced to their teacher, placing her hands on her hips. Violet nodded in agreement, swaying awkwardly behind Finn.

"No, it's not the song." Mr Schuester told her. "You guys just need to get into it more!" He jazzed with a wide smile.

Kurt raised a finger, shaking his head. "No, it's the song. It's really gay."

Artie looked slightly worried about the song choice, glancing toward Violet who wore the same look. "We need modern music, Mr Schue." He said.

"I'm sorry." He apologised. "We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing the song this friday at the pep assembly." He informed them with a tight lipped smile.

Tina gasped. "In front of the whole s-school?" She exclaimed through obvious panic.


"Mr Schuester, this is going to ruin my reputation." Violet fake sobbed, throwing herself into Finns arms. "My life will be over." She continued.

Finn furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Tina, then back to Violet. "You don't have a reputation." He reminded her. "Literally no one knows you exist."

She perked her head up, narrowing her eyes at Finn. "For now." She screeched. "There's no way we can sing this song, they'll kill us dead." She tried to reason with her teacher, while flailing her arms around.

Kurt scoffed in agreement, nodding his head. "They're gonna throw fruit at us...and i just had a facial."

"I can't stress enough to you how important this assembly is. We need recruits. There are six of you, we need twelve to qualify for Regionals. We have no choice, or the club is over. I know you guys don't like this song, but we took Nationals back in '93 with Freak Out. It's a crowd pleaser, trust me."

"I don't trust him." Violet quietly seethed.

Violet was stood at Finns locker, watching him struggle to pull out his books, then proceeding to pull out all the wrong books, then pulling absolutely everything out from his locker. She physically threw herself onto the floor, letting out an aggravated sigh.

"How are you so helpless?" She groaned. She sighed once more, deciding to help him collect his stuff.

"I'm distracted." He quietly admitted. "I can't sing that stupid song in front of everyone!" He whisper yelled, trying to avoid the stray eyes that landed on him.

Violet widened her eyes as something in the distance caught her attention. "Little Miss Crazy is on a mission." She observed, laughing at the nickname she gave the drama queen.

Finn followed her gaze, and shrugged. "Come on, Rachel's not that bad." He mumbled.

"You're just saying that because you like the attention." She scoffed. He playfully rolled his eyes to the back of his head. "That's not true." He muttered.

"Hey guys!" Rachel chirped, making Finn jump.

Violet gnawed on her lip, getting ready to turn in the other direction. "I'm gonna leave you two, and go... literally anywhere else." She spun on her heals, only to hear footsteps following after her.

"I was hoping i could talk to you." Rachel sweetly wondered, shrugging gently.

Violet looked over her own shoulder, making sure there was no one there, and Rachel was in fact, talking to her. "Oh, uh—yeah, alright." She nodded.

Rachel beamed, linking her arm with Violets and continuing down the hallway. "I think we should join the celibacy club." She suggested, glancing quickly to the brunette beside her.

Violets eyes widened as she burst out into a fit of laughter. "Please tell me you're kidding." She struggled out, holding onto Rachel's arm for support.

"No. I'm very serious." She sternly replied. Violet stared at her vacantly, racking her brain for any excuse to get out of this—she came up empty.

She let out a defeated sigh, and reluctantly nodded her head. Rachel squealed while wrapping her arms around the shorter brunette. "You wont regret this."

"I will definitely regret this."

"The Celibacy Club is now in session." Quinn Fabray announced, as she hit her gavel off of the long table. She was staring intensely at the two girls who sat opposite her. Violets shoulders were tensed at the uncomfortable silence in the room, while Rachel seemed to be ecstatic.

Quinn sighed. "Thanks to a school rule that says we have to let anyone join the club, we're welcoming two new members this week." Her expression softened when she introduced Violet. "Violet Peters." It hardened again at the sight of Rachel. "..and Rachel, what's her name."

Rachel noticed that the room was extremely empty, and elbowed the girl beside her with a frown. "Where are all the boys?" She wondered.

The blonde cheerleader overheard her and scoffed. "Down the hall. First half hour we separate, then we come together to share our faith."

"Kinky." Violet muttered. She didn't mean to say it out loud. Sometimes her thoughts just slipped out her mouth without warning. The cheerleaders all stared at her with disgust, although one of them wore a smirk.

Said cheerleader, Santana Lopez, cocked her head to the side. "This is what you consider kinky? Maybe for Jesus." She laughed. Violet shrugged, and gave her a tight lipped smile.

Watching as the popular girls stood up to dance around the room, Rachel attempted to pull Violet up from her seat. She frantically shook her head no.

"Come on, Violet." Rachel whined, but kept her smile. "You're a pretty good dancer, you'll be fine."

"It's not me i'm worried about." Violet whisper yelled, still fighting to keep her seat. "It's you. You'll embarrass yourself...and me. But mostly you."

Rachel locked her jaw, and sat back down with a huff. She crossed her arms over chest, and held her head high, staring at the ceiling. Part of her was waiting for Violet to beg for her forgiveness, part of her enjoyed the silence.

Violet was bouncing her leg, and chewing on the skin of her lip. She was nervous. She was pulled out of her thoughts at the sound of gruff laughter coming through the door.

The boys were here.

"Everyone pair up for the immaculate affection." Quinn instructed everyone in the room, handing them each a white balloon.

Violet took a nervous glance around the room, looking desperately for either a partner, or an escape. She felt a tap on her shoulder and spun around to see Mike Chang smiling at her.

"Are you following me, Violet?" He jabbed, placing the balloon between them. Violet furrowed her eyebrows, and leaned closer to him. "Like.... on Facebook?" She asked him.

Mike tilted his head, and stared at her curiously. He pursed his lips and chuckled. "No, like, in real life." Her mouth formed an 'o' shape, taking in a slightly embarrassed puff of air.

"Finn!" Quinn yelled, referring to their popped balloon sitting on the floor. He frantically moved his hands around, waiting for an excuse to cross his mind. "It must have hit my zipper."

"Aw, he's such a terrible liar." Violet sneered.

The New Directions were called to the gym for an emergency meeting. Rachel stood before them with a devious grin, while they were all huddled on the bleachers. Violet was behind everyone, next to Finn, resting her head on his shoulder so she could take a much needed nap—she was still recovering from the Celibacy Club meeting.

"I officially call this meeting of glee club in session." Rachel smiled, banging the gavel—that she stole from the previous day.

"Mr Schuester isn't here." Artie voiced.

"He's not coming." Rachel simply replied. Violet let out an excited cheer. "I have another idea for the assembly."

Violet jolted forward. "It can't be any worse than disco, count me in." She exclaimed, going back to her position on Finns shoulder.

Artie sighed. "Can i once again stress my most strenuous objections to this attempted suicide."

Violet groaned. "Why do you always use such big words that no one understands?" She wondered.

"They're not gonna kill us." Rachel confidently assured her friends, ignoring Violets query. "Because we're going to give them what they want."

"Blood?" Kurt leered.

Rachel smirked up at him. "Better. Sex."

Violet dropped her head into her hands. "I was wrong. That's so much worse." She muffled.

They were now sat behind a large curtain in the gym, listening to each others nervous rants on how terrible this was going to go. Their principals solemn speech wasn't encouraging any confidence in the kids.

Violet was pacing in circles around Finn, trying to hype herself up for the upcoming performance. "It'll be great." She whispered. "They won't throw fruit at us. They won't punch me in the face. In fact, they'll want our autographs. We're cool. So very cool."

"When I went to school here, glee club ruled this place." Violets attention was drawn to the sound of her teachers voice through the microphone. "And we're on our way back. But we need some recruits to join the party. Now, I could tell you all about how great glee is—but i think i'm gonna let some friends of mine show you instead."

Uh oh.

The next day had sprung up on Violet, and she refused to go to school. For the second time this week, she had to be dragged out of bed—this time by Finn. He literally had to carry her out to his car, and force her to eat a slice of toast.

She was tottering down the school hallway, trying her best to avoid the judgey stares directed at her. She decided she'd head to the choir room to see if anyone else was there to hang out.

As she rounded the corner near the room, she spotted a flustered Finn Hudson. His t shirt was pulled down over his crotch, and he was desperately trying to get out of the building. Hm.

The closer she got to the choir room, she could hear a beautiful voice singing 'Say a Little Prayer'. The voice was unique, and different to the ones she's heard in glee. She assumed it was someone trying out— somehow convinced by their assembly performance.

She hid behind the open door, peaking through to see the top cheerleaders auditioning to join their club. Quinn was leading them, and she was astonishing.

Once they finished up, and left Mr Schuester speechless, they left the room in a line of shortest to tallest. Violet nabbed Quinn—who was walking between the two other girls.

"You're joining the glee club?" She asked with a hopeful smile. Violet liked Quinn. Sure she was a total bitch, but being Finns best friend she's had to spend time with the blonde for his sake. So, she had to get used to her attitude.

Quinn looked her up and down and laughed through her nose. "So?" Her two minions looked at each other and snickered. "That doesn't make us friends, Violet."

Violet nodded her head profusely. "Yeah, sorry." She frowned, and spun on her heals. Maybe Quinn found her annoying. She does talk a lot. Maybe its because she's not a cheerio—the most plausible reason.

Either way, Violet felt a little down after the interaction. She thought they were friends, like secret friends—because Quinn had a reputation to uphold and Violet was a 'loser'.

And that's all she ever would be.

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