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IN the choir room, Mr Schuester was trying to choreograph a rehearsal dance. It wasn't going well. It was possibly the most boring dance that Violet had ever had to do. Every move he made, left her cringing. Watching Finn try to keep up, was somehow worse.

"Can we stop please." Rachel spoke out. Violet sighed with relief, and ran a hand through her hair.

Mr Schuester turned around to face the brunette. "You don't have to ask for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go." He turned back to continue showing off his moves—but was thankfully stopped.

"It's not my bladder. It's the choreography."

Thank God for Rachel berry. Not something Violet ever thought she'd be thankful for, but there's a first time for everything.

"Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?" He wondered.

"We can't compete with Vocal Adrenaline with these steps." She tried to reason, hoping to refrain from hurting his pride. "You're a great vocal coach, but you're not a trained choreographer."

Violet sheepishly raised her hand. "She's right, Mr Schuester. We need to be the best if we want to win Regionals."

Rachel nodded in Violets direction, grateful that she was on her side. "We need Dakota Stanley."

Perplexed, Mr Schuester placed his hands on his hips. "And, who is that, exactly?" He wondered.

Violet felt her stomach spin, and jumped up with excitement. "Oh, he's only the best choreographer in Ohio!" She exasperated. "He was the understudy in The Candelabra."

Santana flicked her hair with a strategic smile. Something about inadvertently getting Violet in on their chaos, was heartwarming. "On broadway." She sang. Violet turned to her with a wide grin and nodded her head profusely.

"Just because he understudied, doesn't mean he ever performed." Mr Schuester scoffed.

"Did you?" Quinn pried. "After high school, did you even try?" She was striking a nerve, and she knew it.

He hung his head low, and sighed. "Alright, I think that's enough for today. I'll see you all tomorrow."

Mr Schuester was living out his boy band dreams. After the previous altercation, where his students decided he wasn't the best choreographer, he practically quit. He barely showed up to rehearsals, and when he did, he didn't pay them any attention.

"He's not coming." Rachel sadly spoke, as she made her way through the choir room doors. She placed her plate of cookies on the piano, and frowned.

"What happened?" Finn asked.

"He turned down my famous sugar cookies." She responded, smacking away Violets hand as she tried to take one—to which she groaned, and took a seat beside Tina.

"Well, of course he doesn't want anything to do with us, after you kicked him in the nads!" Finn yelled with frustration.

Rachel shrugged. "Then why did he thank me?"

"Because you helped him get away from Finns dancing." Violet joked, but only Artie laughed. "Come on guys, that was funny." She added in a whimper.

"The goal is to win." Santana stated, getting everyone's attention. "And, now that Mr Schue has agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley, we can."

Finn took in a deep breath. "He doesn't want us to. He just doesn't have the confidence to coach us anymore. Guys are real sensitive when it comes to this stuff."

"And that's my fault?" Rachel's voice went up an octave or two, placing an offended hand over her chest, and widening her eyes.

Violet sank in her seat, and raised her shoulder. "Kind of." She slowly told her. Finn nodded his head along with his best friend, and glanced back at Rachel. "Yeah, do you see anyone else in here with a plate of i'm sorry cookies? I don't, just you."

"I'm bored." Quinn scoffed. She stood up from her seat between Brittana, and made everyone focus their attention on her. "All those in favour of hiring Dakota Stanley?" She said, raising her hand.

Everyone, bar Finn, raised their hand in agreement. Artie seemed to be the only one struggling with the decision, not wanting to upset Finn, but knowing this was what they needed.

The New Directions found themselves in the Carmel High School parking lot. They were all squashed in the back of Kurt's car, with Brittany say on Violets lap. While piling out of the jeep, Violet fell into stride with Tina and Rachel.

"I really don't want to do this today. I'm exhausted." Violet muttered, linking her arm in Tina's.

Rachel snapped her neck around to look at the other brunette and pursed her lips. "I thought you'd be the most excited about this."

Violet shrugged with a meh, and threw her head back. "I was up all night researching how to erase things from your memory. I did not find what i wanted."

Tina knitted her eyebrows together and let out a choked laugh. "W-What was so bad that you had to erase it from your m-memory?"

"My mom made me go with her to see Mr Schuesters band yesterday. It was very traumatic, i do not recommend."

Quinn intervened in their conversation, taking a step backwards to be closer to Rachel. "Are we even sure they're rehearsing today?" She wondered.

"Vocal Adrenaline rehearses everyday from two-thirty, until midnight." Rachel assured everyone.

Mercedes linked her arm in Kurt's, sending him a small smile. Rachel harshly elbowed Violet, trying to get her to look ahead of her and notice the strange interaction—that wasn't all that strange.

"Guys, that's Andrea Cohen!" Rachel gushed, rushing ahead of the group. Violet followed quickly behind her, having a little fan girl moment.

"Oh my god!" She squealed, hiding behind Rachel, not wanting to embarrass herself. "She's amazing."

"W-who is she?" Tina wondered.

Rachel hushed her voice, looking back to the group. "She won outstanding soloist last year in Absolutely Temptastic." She hesitated to step forward, but once she realised that Violet was right beside her, she i felt more confident.

"Are you guys Vocal Adrenaline?" She asked them. The two girls, one bent over the trash can, and the other holding her hair back, looked up at the two strangers. They didn't respond.

Violet leaned forward slightly, smiling at them both.
"Uhm, we'd like to talk to Dakota Stanley."

"We want him to choreograph for our glee club." Rachel sternly added, holding her over the shoulder bag tightly.

Andrea Cohen, show choir superstar, shook her head profusely. "Don't." Her voice was quivering due to her crying state. "He's a monster."

The New Directions didn't listen. Here they were, stood in a straight formation in the choir room. Nervous breaths struggling to escape them. Dakota Stanley was handing them all out a personalised lunch menus. He was a very short man, but that didn't stop him from being the most intimidating person any of them had ever met.

"This is what you're going to be eating for the next six months." He informed the club, standing front and centre in front of them all.

Mercedes hummed. "Mine just says coffee."

Violet drooped her shoulders, and huffed. "Mine says growth enhancers." She sighed. "I'm taller than him." She muttered breath-fully.

"Okay, let's start with todays business." Their new dance instructor pointed to Artie. "You're cut, you're not trying hard enough."

He raised his hand in confusion. "At what?"

"At walking." He blatantly responded. "Can't be wheeling you around during every number. Throws off the whole dynamic, and it's depressing."

"So, you're kicking him out?" Mercedes mouth was gaped, burning holes in Dakota Stanley.

"Mhm, also you."

Kurt scoffed. "You can't kick people out of glee club because you don't like the way they look." Despite his earlier altercation with his best friend, he didn't hesitate to have her back—it was sweet, really.

"Uh, why don't you shut your face, gash, and stay away from aerosol cans, because you could burst into flames at any second." He spat back.

He moved toward the cheerios, grinning from ear to ear, impressed. "You three are great, you're perfect. Seriously, don't change a thing." He cringed as he reached Rachel. "Nose job."

Rachel, growing quite shy, covered her nose. He wasn't just picking at their insecurities, he was making them out to be terrible attributes.

"What's wrong with you?" Finn exasperated.

"What's wrong with me, is you're freakishly tall! I feel like a woodland creature!"

Violet folded her arms over her chest, growing immensely furious at this tiny, tiny man's attitude. "Now, who needs growth enhancers?" She mocked.

Dakota Stanley straightened his posture and scoffed. "I thought you wanted somebody who respected you enough to tell you the truth. But maybe you don't have the confidence to hear it. Hm, maybe you need somebody's who's gonna lie to you, and tell you things like you've got what it takes! but you know what, as far as i can see, you don't."

"Screw this, i quit." Finn let go of his sheet of paper, and let it fall to the floor. He wrapped an arm around Violet, and they both headed to the door. Mercedes, Artie, Kurt and Tina rushed after them.

"Barbara Streisand." Rachel bellowed. "When Barbra was a young ingenue, everyone told her that in order to be a star, she'd have to get a nose job. Thankfully, she refused." She informed the group.

"Where is this going, yentyl?"

"We don't need you." She looked down on the man. "Let's face it, we're never going to be as good of dancers as Vocal Adrenaline. We're gonna win because  we're different, and that's what makes us special."

"They told J Lo her booty was too big." Mercedes added on, standing next to Rachel.

Artie sheepishly smiled, and wheeled closer to the other two. "Curtis Mayfield was more successful after he became paralysed."

"Jim Abbott." Finn breathed.

Kurt gave him a side eye, and gave a questioning look to Violet. "I have no idea who that is."

"Oh, he was in Boy Meets World." She confirmed, genuinely sure that was why he was famous. "He was a one arm pitcher for the Yankees." Finn corrected.

Dakota Stanley sighed, and rolled his eyes. "So, misfits, spazheads and cripples can make it too, that's great. What's you're point?"

"Our point is, you're fired." Rachel sassed, smiling tauntingly at the choreographer. "And i'm taller than you." Violet let out a cackle at the last part.

"Barely." Mr Stanley muttered.

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