2nd Gen Royals - Round 2 (Closed)

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Year 2 of the cross-continent royal meeting. Xx_FireBird_xX
See previous page for the map.
After the success of the first meeting, there was an agreement to make this an annual event, expanding the list of royals/countries to attend.
Singles only. And let's say no siblings at the same.

^Althea Forge
Daughter of Bishop & Erebus
The youngest of the 'first gen' kids.
Female, fourth born, third adopted, Witch
Princess of Oon Island
Head of Magical Affairs
Not too long after the first two boys were adopted, she came to them, but no one knows where she came from. No family has ever even claimed to see her before she appeared on the castle doorsteps, she does not resemble anyone on the island that they're aware of, and there were no children born at the estimated time of her age. Some say she was born of magic itself, others wave it off as her being left at birth.
Despite the rough start, everything has come quite natural to her. From speech, walking, reading, writing, history, magic, art, and more.

^ Idina Espinosa
Heir, Princess of Katu
Daughter of Keary and Kalim
Female, Human-Shifter (Bird)
Technically older, Idina is heir to the throne, much to the relief of her sister.
She knows her way around a sword, like anyone in her family would, but it isn't her life like it is the rest of them. She takes an interest in mapping, she prefers the tracking portion over actual hunting, she likes puzzles and studying old languages. She goes hunting with her parents of course, puts up with all the new weapons they want to show her, but it would take up way less of her life if she was given her true desires, not that she's ever brought this up to her family, she just doesn't want to disappoint them.

^ Demetria 'Demi' Ghast
Princess of Krulux (Conlink)
A country east of Runko lake
Female, Elven/Siren
Eldest child (of 3), they are half-siblings
Father: Well-traveled elven
Mother: Home-body elven
Birth-Mother: Tricky siren that was never a part of her life
Because her mother is the one of royal-blood, there was a lot of controversy about Demetria taking the throne, since she is not an heir of her mother. After a lot of headache, and her parents trying to defend their decision for year, she had finally had enough. She announced she would pass the throne on to her sister and work as ambassador. She has an easy time traveling across the lake to those nearby countries and knows the ways of many of the coastal countries, so it seemed fitting to her. Her parents tried to talk her out of this, not wanting her to bow down to the pressure, but she assured them it was the best decision for everyone.
She's strong, she has to be for all the negativity that gets directed at her. Her sweet parents worry enough as is, so she put it on herself to never show her true feelings. She'd feign like everything was okay, pushing through on her own and supporting those when she didn't have the capacity to.

^Serafina Ace
Princess of Callow (Prinley, Spot 4)
Middle Child (of 3)
Apprentice Treasurer
Female, Human
Born to a country high in crime, Serafina spent the first 3 years of her life living a quaint life at the edge of a bustling city. Her birth-mother had passed giving birth to her, and her father worked two jobs to get by. On his late job, he was mugged and murdered, not an uncommon occurrence is her kingdom. For the next 4 years Serafina lived on the streets, running away from the orphanages people kept trying to put her in. The two queens read her profile when considering adopting and were intrigued by her determination, and hence Serafina became a princess. It was quite the adjustment to make, but overtime she learned to fit in and make her own way.
She has two sisters;
Her older sister, Abigail, and her younger sister, Drew.
Abigail was adopted as a baby and therefore had the easiest time adapting to royal life. She is the example for her sisters, and full of poise.
Drew, was adopted in a similar fashion as Serafina. However, her own past made her timid and nervous.
Serafina has always been good at making her own path in life. She doesn't care what others think of her, and isn't opposed to some petty theft or throwing a punch. Despite her attitude, her work always gets done to the fullest and she's protective of her family.

^ Philomena Treps
Princess of Ginao (far eastern country Prinley)
Female, Witch
Heir (one younger brother)
To finish of the girls, we have Philomena, often called Phil by her brother, Mena by friends, and Lolo by her father.
Magic is rare, but highly valued in her kingdom, making her all the more praised as a royal with powers. She tries to stick with helpful and gentle magic, learning little tricks, earth magic, healing, and a few light spells.
Leading a fairly simple life for a royal, she easily manages a kind and upbeat attitude, with the exception of early mornings. She is much more of a night time person and often jokes she would be nocturnal if she could. She loves dancing in the moonlight, changing up her hairstyle, and cooking.

^ Vervil Ilona
Male, Changeling, Youngest, Adopted
Son of Eeva and Taran
Kind of the opposite story of his father. Vervil was a changeling that was caught as the swap happened. The other boy remains with his family, but Vervil got stuck with no where to go. He was thrown on the streets as a baby, lucky to have a passerby take him to the orphanage thinking the situation to just be some cruel parents. It wasn't until years later that the story was found out, and he was adopted by the royal family. For years he was quiet and untrusting, a child with no laughter for the world. Slowly, overtime he began to open up, and now it would be hard to believe he was ever so dark and brooding. Despite his appearance and resting face, Vervil is one of the brightest and kindest persons you'd ever meet. He's always welcoming, knowing first hand how much a gesture of love can really do.

Rilian Banks
Prince of Veli Land (Conlink)
Son of Leslie and Beau Banks
(Keary's sister who married a lord)
First Born (of 2)
Rilian is a decent boy, who is decent at many things. He was always interested in learning sword work when his extended family came to visit, always willing to do the dance lessons his mother required, always reading the books his father said to, and always takes an interest in the passions of others. He doesn't really have a lot of his own skills to show off, but what could be considered his greatest strength is his ability to interact with others. He knows just when to charm, when to fight, and when to be serious or polite. This is really from his parents constantly demanding different things.
You see, Queen Leslie is all about the high-end life. She expects her son to understand the finer things in life, have skill on the dance floor, and understand romance. While King Beau cares more about power. He wants his son to have knowledge about money, be able to handle weapons, and strategize for expansion. These thought processes have led to one of their biggest disagreements, their sons marriage.
Leslie wants to marry him into the Suuri Empire and merge their land into the thriving empire, going so far as to have her son study all he can about the land. This would allow them to gain more money and live a lavish lifestyle of status without much work, while Beau wants Rilian to marry a local girl who knows the land and can help them thrive. Rowena is even open to the idea of arranging Alora and Rilian for marriage, but luckily Norah is against the idea, the only one sensible enough to want her daughter to find love. However, you can see how there would be pressure on the two.

^ Hemlock Sanna
Son of Kane's brother, I think I named him Kieran or Kilian or something. It was another K-name. As well as queen Sasha, a gentle halfling gardener.
Prince of Oiken Hills
Male - Fairy/Halfling
Second Child (of 2)
Hemlock's older brother, Idris, is the perfect prince. He had gotten all the fairy magic, is good looking, well-behaved, completes his duties with ease, and everyone loves him. From the start, it's been hard for Hemlock to compete. While Idris, got more fairy traits, including magic, the ability to change size, beautiful wings, and an easy time with appearances, Hemlock leaned more into halfling, and not by choice by any means. He's short, a bit scrawny, and the only way to keep his hair from being a mess is to tie it back and spend extra time on it every morning. He always found himself falling behind, and it felt like nothing came easy to him. The endless comparisons are tireless, and he constantly feels the need to prove himself. His attitude can make him come off as hardened at times, but really, he's just exhausted. The part of him he is actually grateful for, is that he's quick and can slip around relatively unnoticed. Compared to most fairies, he's relatively plain, so it's easy to sneak around. That's how he gets out for a breather, or manages to stick to the sidelines during events.

Flavius 'Flay' Quartez
Prince of Zohan (Spot 8 Prinley)
Second Child (of three) - Human
In Zohan, beauty is of great importance. You'll get much further in life with that in mind. As second child, it is one of Flavius' duties to schmooze. He is the entertainment to visitors, the guide around the castle, the wow-factor of parties, and the scout to have only the finest looking staff as the heir should always have only the best to look at surrounding them. Actually, Flay was sent to this meeting with orders to be on the lookout for a bride for his brother. Usually he does his duties well, but he has no intention at shoving whatever beautiful royal at his brother. Despite upholding these standards and doing mostly as he is told, he has never enjoyed these values of his kingdom. He spends extra time giving praise and attention to those considered unworthy by others. His parents always shake their heads at this, but as long as he gets the job done then so be it. On occasion he has suggested bringing in more skilled workers over the prettiest worker and that gets him an eye roll. His training will still kick in, schmoozing and likely flirting with other royals at the event.

^ Kenji Lounge
Prince of Icasta Kingdom
(Prinley, Spot 2)
Heir, Eldest (of 3, one brother, one sister)
Male, Human
Icasta is a fairly simple place. A farming kingdom, with plenty of fields and plains. Their biggest sport is equestrian, and they don't have much big game, so poultry and cattle are much more common than hunting. It's pretty quiet, but Kenji has dreams of bigger things. He always tries to be tough and has... attempted many skills. However, he's a big klutz and struggles to focus for too long. It's not so much he longs to leave or fight or anything, he is just so easily distracted and spends so much time fantasizing grand moments in history. Sometimes he'll just be daydreaming and reenacting and ends up getting himself into some tight spots.

Xx_FireBird_xX characters:

^Andreas Redmond of Lavia (heir)
Stern, cold, image-drive. Anti-magic family

Octavius Reeves of Aklaen
Likes paperwork and keeping busy. Head of finances

Jasper Coates of Pieni (heir)
Goofy explorer who doesn't desire the royal life

Ursa Holt of Aridian (heir)
Bear Shifter
The picture of a barbarian fighter, except a complete softie.

Cecil Groves of Ementis (heir)
Fairy Druid

Alora Valthjot of Suuri (heir)
Studies lots of magic, perfectionist

Elaine Whitewood of Tietulli
Major flirt, singer

Ariadne Pendragon - Neste (heir)
Bright, bubbly, & fun

Camille Fenton of Perdu
Worry-wort and shut-in

Selena Allenia of Cortensia
Worry-free, good listener

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