Royals Future

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The aftermath and happily ever afters for our various royal romance couples.
There's no particular storyline, just the highlights of their futures together. Through the ups and down and kids growing up, here we can combine the future of all our wonderful babes. We'll try to stick with a consecutive timeline as much as possible, but between different stories it's understandable for it to get a little mixed up.
Starting with Tansy and Tarquin's wedding! I've added some wedding guests so it's not just family.

Fleur Finnegan
Herbalist, Gardener, Medicine Maker
Fleur is a good friend of Tansy, her father a grounds-worker at the castle. She was around the castle with her father, learning her craft, so they were friends from a young age. She's pretty focused, always pursuing the next big step of her career. She rarely does social events like this, but she couldn't not attend her dear friend's wedding (especially when the dear friend even offered to pay for the travel).

Byron Finnegan
Between Jobs
Byron is Fleur's half-sister. She didn't get any Druid abilities from their father and she didn't spend as much time at the castle because her mother had more custody than Fleur's did. She lacks the drive her sister does and constantly finds herself hopping jobs. She's coming as her sister's plus one so that she wouldn't have to be amongst so many royals and high class alone, but honestly she's more looking forward to all the singles to woo.

Davina 'Davi' Enchanta
Magic Teacher
Davi just started her career as magic teacher, teaching younger kids who are just discovering their powers to harness them. One of her mother's is the head of education, so a very good friend of Alayna's. Her other mother is a high ranking knight, so it's fair to say the whole family has a good stance in the kingdom.
Her whole family has dedicated themselves to helping others, and she continues to carry on that tradition. Even her great great grandmother was an advocate for magic rights during the time it was illegal. She's a kind sweet soul who can hold her head high, knowing she's making a difference. Of course she knows how to have a little fun, calm kid-friendly fun mostly. Her own magic is in the realm of light, fire, and some mystic arts and she specializes in helping kids with more 'dangerous' powers find their way such as fire and necromancy.

Emery Ginger
It's not common for workers to be invited to these sorts of things, but Emery's family has been connected with the Telekat Royal family for decades. Her grandmother consoled Elias' mother during her husband's death, her mother had special desserts prepared for Alayna whenever she was feeling homesick, and Emery is always willing to sneak the kids an extra slice of dessert. The Ginger family and their treats have become a vital part of the family ecosystem and Emery is no exception to the rule. She's on a name-basis with the kids and is always happy to lend an ear when they are turning to sugar for comfort. She's got that baker gene, she especially loves to experiment with new bread recipes.

So... I wasn't going to make anyone specific for other characters, but I saw this one and thought of Holly and her love for books. So, whether he works out or not, he's an inspired boy.

Adonis Buckley
Lord Heir of Telekat
Lord Bossa, Adonis' father, is known for being on the shallow side. It means Adonis was raised to always be conscious and careful about his appearance. He doesn't mind too much though, working out was always a good way to clear his head and he didn't have a lot of pressure to devote himself to studying. He's usually pretty good about doing as he's told, preferring to quietly stand by. However...
With the occasional visits to the castle he's had some run-ins with the royal family. He is well aware that his father is too much for most people and picks up quickly what the general mood of the room is. Obviously, his father wouldn't be too popular with the royal family and he picked that up. Considering he's typically quiet muscles, it didn't feel like he was doing much better anyway. Typically, it wouldn't bother him too much, until he ran into Holly as a teen. Something about that meeting lit a fire under him, so on top of all his workouts and beauty maintenance, he's added on self-betterment. Any book or subject that he got wind she took interest in, he also took interest in, and when he wasn't sure what to do next, he'd go to the library and get recommendations for similar things. He even started volunteering weekly, close to the castle whenever he could, but he's found it pretty enjoyable to help out either way.

Atreus Gimble
Ambassador of Tavata
An ambassador hardly needs explanation for attending a wedding connecting two lands, but it also helps that he's known the family for a while and is a good friend of Vervil's. Mostly that meant he dragged the prince around to have some fun on occasion since Vervil was a quiet young lad. He's a fun-loving spirit, who loves talking new cultures with people. His mother being an advisor made it easy for him to learn the ambassador position.

Forrest Evans
Wedding Planner
As stated above, Forrest is the wedding planner. He'll mostly be standing back to make sure everything goes smoothly during the event, but he'll still get some time to enjoy the evening. He'll also be around much of the time ahead. For a party planner, he's not nearly as fun as one would think. He can come across as a perfectionist, always nitpicking the decor and triple checking the budget. He likes to keep his own style sleek and simple, blending in the background to allow his events to shine.

Navin Smith
Navin just has any eye for anything. He's quick to spot problems, read faces, notice when a picture is hung slightly crooked. It made an inspection job super easy for him to land, and then further even inspecting places like the royal kitchen. He finishes his jobs fairly quickly, and since he works all over the city, he meets many people, people he then takes out on dates. Every wedding needs a shameless flirt after all! He's in good with the royal family for being so darn good at his job, and so charming too!

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