2nd Generation Gods (CLOSED)

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Another 'batch of characters' romance! Because why? I dunno, they're fun!
This one will work similar to the house Connecting Lands romance, except there's no hard requirement that the characters have to leave engaged.
There's a prophecy that a third generation God will be a hero in an oncoming storm. First generation gods are desperate for that to be their grandchild and are throwing their kids into a retreat in hopes they find someone to marry. This won't be set on any specific gods, we'll be making our own set, the children can have one or two godly parents.
Also like my Connecting Lands romance, you'll make a number of characters to match mine, you'll pick the number minimum 3 each, maximum 10.

Let's get into forms then; bare with me, it'll be an little more than usual.

Titles, or God of
Godly Parent(s) Name, Gender, God of, Powers, Personality
Siblings (if any)
Reason their parent(s) put them in

For a quick cap, here are my taken Gods/Goddesses;
Goddess of Night
- Goddess of Stars, Goddess of the Moon
Goddess of Spring
- Goddess of Flora, Goddess of Growth
Goddess of Magic
God of Alchemy
- Goddess of Transformation, God of Science
Mother Goddess
- Goddess of Hope, God of Fate/Pathway, Goddess of Birth
God of the Hunt
- Archer Goddess, Trapper God
Goddess of Death
- God of Spirits, Goddess of the Undead
God of Chaos
- God of Bad Luck, God of Good Luck
Goddess of Beasts
- God of Dragons, Goddess of Vampires, Goddess of Forest Beasts, God of Giants, God of Ground Beasts
Goddess of Safety & Protection
- God of Sanctuary, Shield God
God of Theater
- God of Story, Goddess of Music, God of Poetry

You can pick any god/goddess you want, but here are some ideas in case you're stuck.
Of the Underworld
- Necromancy, Safe Rest
Of Winter
- Ice, Snow, Wind
Of Summer
- Heat, Fruit, Tropics
Of Autumn
- Harvest, Decay
Of Art
- Color, Paint, Sketch, Pottery
Of Knowledge
- Literature, Math, Invention
Of War
- Revenge, Battle, Blood
Of Sea
- Sea Life, Rivers, Lake
Of Fauna
- Rodents, Birds, Reptiles, Mammals
Of Love
- Lust, First Love, Marriage
Of Beauty
- Vanity
Of Sky
- Storm, Flight
Of Sun
- Light, Warmth
Of Horror
- Fear, Poison
Of Tradition
- Holiday, Feast
Of Time
- Order, Clocks, Change
Of Sins
- 7 Deadly Sins
Of Fun
- Wine, Parties
Of Travel
- Messenger, Trade
Of Athletics
- Speed, Strength
Of Sleep
- Dreams, Nightmares
Of the Forge
- Swords, Spears, Daggers

Here are my 10 max characters;
*some of their parent descriptions are at the bottom

Ophelia - Goddess of Stars
Daughter of Luna, Goddess of Night
Siblings: Sterling, Goddess of the Moon
Although Sterling is older, Luna had decided that Ophelia would be the one to throw in the ring and have the time to be a mother to the possible hero, as Sterling has much more work as moon goddess. Luna chose to put in one of her daughters, just because she worried about trusting others to raise a hero.
Powers; Shooting Star, Glow, Star Positioning
Ophelia typically isn't a very social person, there's always been a natural rivalry with her sister to work hard and prove herself. For that she's always tried her hardest in anything she's gone for.

Avril - Goddess of Flora
Daughter of Aurora, Goddess of Spring
Siblings: Jonquil, Goddess of Growth
The family decided that they should be part of this as a whole. After all springtime was about birth and growth and change and they were equipped to handle the big task ahead. Avril was selected over her sister just for being the oldest.
Powers: Plant creation & growth
Avril is just a fun loving person. She knows when to be motherly and kind, but also when to have a good tease. She's an active personality that understands others well.

Celestia, Goddess of Transformation
Daughter of Hexia, Goddess of Magic & Edward, God of Alchemy
Hexia, with extreme powers over magic is a powerful presence. She's someone who makes others go into awe or trembles right away. Her husband, Edward is much less of a presence. A little nerd in his lab. They have a lot of love to give each other and are very different behind closed doors.
Siblings: Remus, God of Science
Remus has little in the way of powers. Photographic memory, he prefers books and stories over people.
Her parents were sure that Celestia could wow anyone, basically they're just proving to others what they think by throwing her in the wing.
Powers: Transformation
Celestia is known for being a gorgeous, regal, powerful being. She makes a presence just walking into a room and it's impossible to look away.

Noelani, Goddess of Hope
Daughter of Reina, Mother Goddess
Siblings: Saga, God of Fate/Path & Bay, Goddess of Birth
Saga is the serious one, making sure to collect the stories of the people, he runs the great library that holds the paths of everyone's life. Bay is a comforting soul. She's gentle and sweet, but far too busy to join this.
Daughter of the mother goddess? This position was meant for her! And her mother really pushed to devise this plan to begin with.
Powers: Comfort, Breath of Life, Bless
Noelani can come off a bit odd. She's a silly girl, who believes in just about everything. Anything is possible and she really can't be told otherwise.

Sabrina, Archer Goddess
Daughter of Jareth, God of the Hunt
Siblings: Gil, Trapper God
Gil is a lot like his sister, but less skilled. He tries so hard to live up to her, but just falls short. He has enhanced hearing and strength, but lacks her speed and agility. He tries to work smarter, but it doesn't always work out.
The only time her competitive spirit comes out, is against her brother. Which is how she needed up here, her father announced they'd participate and they competed to get the spot. She didn't even care about coming, just beating her brother.
Powers: Sure Shot, Strength, Speed, Eagle Eye
She's pretty laid back, easy to get along with, occasionally stirs up trouble, but nothing her father would hear of! She's sneaky and good at what she does.

Hewie - God of Spirits
Son of Kaliya, Goddess of Death
She's a stern distant being with powers such as death-touch, undead, & death day. A versatile and powerful being who wants to show that the underworld is not evil. Death, is not the enemy.
Siblings: Mara, Goddess of the Undead
Hewie is the oldest and the more unique in abilities, he was is a protector of spirits. However, this isn't much of a full time job and having knowledge of assisting hero's, his parents knew he needed to be thrown in the ring.
Powers: Familiar, Ghost Commune, Enlighten
Hewie is a good kid, he cares about humans and how their lives play out. His fascinated by their cultures and lives and a good thing, as he spends more time with them than others. He believes in connection and falling in love.

Cedric, God of Bad Luck
Son of Jack, God of Chaos
Jack is a stern, unforgiving being. He holds grudges and hardly ever let's go of the past. He sets out to give hard times with his chaos powers.
Siblings: Cullen, God of Good Luck
Cullen is a lot more sure of himself, he just happens to get everything done the way he wants due to his uncontrollable good luck abilities.
Jack just wanted to get his useless bad luck son out of the house.
Powers: Bad Luck, but he doesn't have a control grasp
Poor awkward baby that always gets into messes. He tries to stay to himself just not to cause any problems.

Harvey, God of Dragons
Son of Keziah, Goddess of Beasts
Siblings: Lilith - Goddess of Vampires, Faye - Goddess of Forest Beasts, Jason - God of Giants, Gellert - God of Ground Beasts
His siblings are all pretty diverse, but all of them are sharp and fighters.
His mother wanted to change their bad name by having a great hero in their family. It's unclear why Harvey was chosen.
Powers: Fire breath, dragon transformation, dragon speech, claws, wings/flight
Despite having a big supportive family, he's pretty rough around the edges. His whole family has it hard for the problems their 'monsters' create on earth. He's turned into that whole 'they call me a monster, so I'll become a monster.'

Henrik, God of Sanctuary
Son of Elysia, Goddess of Safety & Protection
Siblings: Orion, Shield God
Orion is on the hot-headed side. He forges the shields for Gods and Heroes and was just too uncontrollable to place into this.
It was important to Elysia to take place in this and hope for the future hero. After all, safety was of an utmost concern. Henrik was the obvious choice of the two.
Powers: Safe Space, Shield, Pause
A stern play-by-the-rules type. He hates to disappoint though, and takes pride in everything he does.

Zephyr, God of Story
Son of Jiminy, God of Theater
Siblings: Isla - Goddess of Music & Chester - God of Poetry
Zephyr's father was another inventor of this idea, a grand gesture to make prophecy a reality. He wanted to send all his kids in, but has to choose one.
Powers: Solid Script, Thought-to-Paper, Quick Read, Imagery, Quick Change
Zephyr is certainly the fun one of his family. He likes to joke around and come up with elaborate stories.

My Outside Characters

Luna - Goddess of Night
Powers: Dark, Reflect, Star Position
Luna can come off serious sometimes, but she puts a lot of love to her girls and is the best worker around. She's genuine, and regal.

Sterling - Goddess of the Moon
Powers: Reflect, Sleep
Anyone who knows the girls, will say that Sterling has a much more natural time of things than her sister. Her powers come easier to her, she's a one-time wonder with her work and she just makes things look easy. She's more laid back in the whole rivalry part and tries to befriend her sister. She's not overly rambunctious, but definitely more fun at a party than her sister.

Aurora, Goddess of Spring
Powers: Plants, Comfort, Breeze, Rain, Bless
A kind motherly type that just wants to lead her daughters to be the best they can offer.

Jonquil, Goddess of Growth
Powers: Plant Growth (cannot create), Bless
Just like her sister, she's a kind and fun soul, but sometimes she can be a bit distant. Being a seasonal goddess is hard for her, she wants to do more and she's often thinking on her next step.

Reina, Mother Goddess
She gave life to the human population.
Powers: Breath of life, empath
Being the mother goddess, Reina is very proud. She's seen as pretty relaxed until you have to work closely with her, then her perfectionist side comes out.

Jareth, God of the Hunt
Powers: Strength, Speed, Accuracy, Heightened Senses
The stern Hunter. He shows his love for his family in the training and leadership he gives them.

Keziah, Goddess of Beasts
Powers: Beast Transformation plus many beasts abilities
She's surprisingly nurturing, at least her children and beasts. She's also extremely protective, not someone to mess with.

Elysia, Goddess of Protection
Powers: Shield, Pause, Power Interrupt
Safety first. She doesn't care if things have to take longer, or if someone needs to quit. It's all about protecting those around her.

Jiminy, God of Theater
Powers: Vocal Enhancer, Mimick, Quick Read, Quick Change, Solid Script, Illusion
Jiminy likes things grand and dramatic. Everyone knows him as the total drama queen.

Isla - Goddess of Music
Chester - God of Poetry
Isla Powers: Music, Mimick, Auto-Instrument
Chester: Solid Script, Brain-to-Paper, Magic Word
Zephyr's siblings are a lot closer to each other to an him because they're older, more mature, a bit more stoic. They just have more in common.

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