The Power of Love (Closed)

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Welcome to the magical world of Owamaund.
In this realm everyone is born with relatively minor powers. However, it's well known that when true love comes together, powers enhance greatly, each gaining the abilities of the other and combining into something amazing.
Have a small fire power and fall for someone cold? Well, now you're combined powers are fire and ice!
Able to shape shift into tiny critters and fall for a bird telepath? Now you're both able to transform and communicate with animals!
10 second future seer becoming in love with a minor nature being? Time to use plants to prophesize!

Of course, knowing this has made people desperate to find their partners in life. School programs are made from a young age, there are matchmaking sites galore and tons of other means to find true love.

In this Roleplay, we play as High School Graduates yet to find love. Either by their own desire, their parents wishes, or college requirements (institutes like hero academies require your full power to be discovered), these young adults are being sent to a summer camp to help find their true love.

There are several versions to choose from!
1. One true love. Each playing one character, we keep throwing them together until they fall in love or leave bitter.
2. Free-for-All. We each create a chosen number of character and see if any of them fall in love!
3. Options. You create one character that will meet several or all of mine, hoping to fall for one.
4. Match Making. Pick a set number of my characters. You'll make a match for each without telling me which is which. You'll also create the same number of characters more for me to match-make for. That was we each have a challenge. (Ex. If you pick all six of my characters, you make a match for all six of them and then another set of six)


Gender & Sexuality
Attendance Reason

My characters!
(All my character will be played as Bi for ease of making matches)

Kinley Grace
Speed (Can use her finger for mixing or flip back her hair quickly currently)
She chose to come. She's really sick of the limits of her powers, plus all her friends have partners!
She's an athlete, in line for a scholarship, but with others gaining their athletic powers, she could quickly fall behind if this doesn't work out. She wants to get into fashion business with her major.
She's tough and spunky, always in top fashion and working herself.

Vida Nor
Demonic (Currently just her horns)
Her parents had her come. Not that she was super against it, but she hasn't had much luck as many others are nervous about getting stuck with horns and demonic traits themselves, so she's a bit pessimistic.
She has no idea what she wants to do from here. As a kid she just was excited to be a mother and start a family, but kids often made fun of her. "Demons can't have families!" So, she just tells people she doesn't know at this point.
Full of attitude, but generally not that hard to get along with. She'll treat others precisely how they treat her and that's that.

Jaha Tahir
Walk on Water (Still only)
Her decision to come. Just to give it a shot really, the program was cheap anyway.
Out to become an architect, she'll be spending as much lab time as she can get applying for scholarships and spending her outdoor times sketching by the lake.
She's a casual girl who doesn't like relying on others for anything.

Pryce Denver
Quick Change (He's hoping it'll move into full on shapeshifting later)
He decided to come, even if he didn't find love he might come up with some inspiration.
He's looking to become a writer. He's always been a star English teacher, joined all the clubs, and wrote in his free time. Practice makes perfect after all!
He's a sweet lad, but can sometimes forget about his surroundings. That means tripping occasionally, bumping into others, and making a mess of himself. He always laughs it off and moves on of course.

Daxon Great
Flu (Makes others sick, colds and flus)
His father demanded he come. His father is some big hot shot scientist who studied biology and medicine. He think his son having enhanced disease powers could really help out in their lab.
His father has pretty much planned out his pathway since they found out his powers at a young age. He'll be a scientist studying the same thing of course, he'll be taught everything he knows.
He's serious and relatively keeps to himself, hey- he doesn't want to get anyone sick after all.

Efren Hunt
Floating (He's hoping for full on flying)
He needs his partner so he can get into the superhero school.
A superhero of course! He's worked hard even when it sucks. When his friends want to go out and be dumb teenagers, he stays on the straight and narrow.
He's a hot head, been training long and hard for his spot, and he isn't gonna let some stupid little thing like this stop him! He'll find a Dàmn partner.

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