Back From The Dead

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Eyes red and swollen, he stared at a lifeless, teenage boy in the mirror. His hair was disheveled to the point where it basically couldn't be brushed down. The collar of his shirt was crumpled. And his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot from the endless sobbing.

He would give anything to have her back. He would give anything to change the past. His last words to her rang in his ears.

"Go die in a hole, Angela!"

And that's what she did. Later that night, his sister was found in a muddy ditch next to the prairie they loved to run across when they were younger. He couldn't bear to look at her expressionless face, smothered in mud and dirt and tears.


His mother appeared behind him and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. Without a single word, she attempted to turn her lips up into a smile, failed, then went back downstairs. Maclin wished he could undo everything he'd done, everything he'd said.

If only he could see her once more.

Maclin sauntered downstairs and out the door, desiring fresh air. He dragged his feet, putting one foot in front of the other, until he was suddenly in front of the grave. Angela's name was carved into the stone, which was surrounded by roses.

They all had it wrong. She hated roses. Orchids were her favorite.

All of a sudden, he yelped as a hand clamped over his mouth, dragging him into the dark bushes bordering the graveyard. Maclin tried to pry those clammy fingers off his mouth, but they held on with an intense grip. He shrieked, but no sound came out. All he could see was black, stretching for miles and miles. And when things finally came into view he barely suppressed a scream. Because when he could see again, he saw a familiar face.

"No," he breathed. "No, no, no."

Familiar and a stranger all at once, she smiled, revealing her front teeth, one chipped. Maclin remembered the day she got; she'd gotten into a fistfight at school. Her sleek, raven black hair was let down, shorter than he remembered, and curtain bangs framed her face. But those eyes - those bottle green eyes flecked with silver - gave it all away. Maclin stumbled back into the thorny bushes as she smirked maniacally.

"Miss me, little brother?"

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