Deep Trouble

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He didn't say anything.

The cool night's wind nipped at my arms.

Goku was in some weird getup. Black? Since when?

"Alright Goku, it was nice talking to you, but I'm kinda busy here."

I turned around a little too quickly, causing my ribs to rub against each other.

I grit my teeth to keep from yelling.

I was suddenly grabbed by my shirt collar, and was lifted into the air.

"I'm not the Goku you know. I'm Goku Black."

I scoffed. "You couldn't come up with a better nickname?"

The so called 'Goku Black' growled and punched me in the stomach.

He dropped me, and I doubled over on my knees in pain.

"You mortals disgust me."

"Mortals? Yeah I'm a mortal, but not all of them are total jerks."

'This definitely isn't my brother in law.'

"Look, what do you want?" I coughed out.


I raised a brow.

"Me? The disgusting mortal?"

Goku Black rolled his eyes.

"Yes. You, the disgusting mortal."

"Why me? I'm currently in a weak state, so I wouldn't be much use to you."

Goku Black smiled wickedly.

"Actually, you're perfect. You have a connection with Goku, Vegeta, and those Z fighters, best of all, you can't try to escape because you're already suffering from an injury."

My breath caught in my throat.

Goku Black laughed.

"Who's so fearless now, hm?"

I wasn't going to back down.

"What do you want them for?" I demanded.

"Like I would share that information with you, (Y/n)."

"How do you-?"

"That doesn't matter. Now.."

He grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder.

I groaned from the constant pain I'm enduring.

A deep chuckle from Goku Black was all I heard before blacking out.


I was shaken awake.

"Get up mortal," an icy voice instructed.

I pushed them away from me, and rubbed my eyes as I looked up to see who woke me.

A green being stood in front of me.

His white hair seemed to only grow from the middle of his head.

'Telling from his attire, I'm sure he's important somehow..'

"Who are you?"

"You just woke up, and you're already asking questions?"


"I'm Zamasu."

Awkward silence ensued.

"Okay, Zamansy whatever your name is, what did you wake me up for?" I growled.

Zamasu laughed.

"It's like that activity you mortals do sometimes, fishing? You're the bait, and Goku, Vegeta and the Z fighters are the fish."

"The moment I know the fish have taken the bait, I will trap them, and Goku Black will kill off everyone one by one."

" can't!"

"On the contrary dear.." Zamasu got really close to my face.

"..I can."

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