Rescue mission! (Kinda) Pt.1

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"Chi-Chi!" I exclaimed, tears nearing my eyes.


"I'm so sorry that you were sucked into this!" I apologized, frantically.

"If I had just stayed inside and rested last night, none of this would have happened!"

"(Y/n), what happened to you?" Chi-Chi muttered, her eyes looking over my body.

I sighed.

"Zamasu, Goku Black, please let my sister go."

Zamasu rolled his eyes.

"We aren't giving up our bait."

"Bait?! What do you think I am?!" Chi-Chi snapped.

"Chi-Chi.." I warned.

Goku Black slowly stalked over, towering over us.

"It's not what I think you are. It's what I know you are.."

Black crouched down, and grabbed her chin.

"Leave her alone," I seethed.

Goku Black glowered at me, and it made me go quiet.

I could only watch as Chi-Chi visibly tensed up.

"..and I know that you're our bait. You're both going to help us kill your friends."


"We aren't helping you do anything!" I scowled under my breath.

Black only chuckled.

"You're helping us a lot more than you know."

With that, he stood back up, and disappeared with Zamasu.

"(Y/n), what are we going to do?" Chi-Chi asked, looking at me.

I let my head hang low.

"I..I don't know."

~~Hours Later~~

Gohan's POV

The sun had just started to set, as people began coming back to Capsule Corp.

Piccolo got out of his meditation, and sighed.

'He seems like he's in a funk. Is it because Auncle (Y/n) is gone?'

'Nah. They're always bickering, and arguing. I'm sure it's something else.'


I turned to see Dad and Goten flying towards us with worried faces.

"Hey guys. Is something wrong?"

"Mom disappeared!" Goten exclaimed.

I inhaled sharply.


"Chi-Chi is gone. We looked everywhere for a clue, and only found this note," Dad muttered, handing it to me.

The note only had three letters.

"G,B, and Z," I grunted.

"That's the same initials we saw earlier on the first note. The 'Z' is new," Piccolo said.

I nodded, agreeing with him.

As more people began showing up, we all told them about the new note.

"They took Chi-Chi too?!" Bulma exclaimed, her face scrunching up from anger.

"Yeah, It seems so," Yamcha sighed.

"Yamcha, I suggest you start heading towards West City. We'll be a couple miles behind you," Krillin suddenly said.

"What the midget said," Vegeta grumbled.

Yamcha nodded, and took off.

Only after his energy completely disappeared, did we fly after him.

We masked our energy, so the enemies didn't see us coming.

As we flew, I took this opportunity to ask Piccolo what was going on.


He blinked.


"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Gohan, I'm fine. I've just been thinking about what we talked about earlier."

"What did we talk about..oh! What about it?"

"I..I have no idea what my feelings for them are."

"Expound on that."

"Well, I'm sure I hate their guts, but I felt bad when I broke their ribs yesterday, and when I found out they went missing, there was this heavy feeling in my chest, and-"

He looked over at me, and raised a brow at the knowing smile on my face.

"What? Do you know what I've been feeling?"

"You care about them. Maybe you guys could be friends?"

"Friends..I'll think about it," Piccolo mumbled under his breath.


(Y/n)'s POV

I spring awake, feeling a familiar ki coming our way.

Excitement took over my mind by storm.

'We're finally getting out of this mess!'

But my excitement was almost immediately replaced with dread.

'The bait worked. Yamcha is going to be killed..'

I balled my fists.

'What am I supposed to do?!'

'Well, I'm supposed to break out of these bonds, get Chi-Chi out, and leave,' I thought, chewing myself out.

'But I've got broken ribs that haven't had a chance to heal, I've been beaten so badly it hurts to move, and I know I'm not strong enough to take Goku Black or Zamasu head on.'

'Now the question is, what can I do?'

Tears left my eyes.

'Nothing. Absolutely nothing.'


I didn't respond.

"It's not your fault," Chi-Chi assured me.

"If I had j-just rested inside of Capsule Corp instead of sneaking out and training, you wouldn't have been in this mess! I wouldn't have either.."

Chi-Chi didn't say anything.

"..and Yamcha wouldn't be on a one-way train to his death!" I yelled at myself.

"(Y/n)! Cut it out!" Chi-Chi shouted at me.

I glanced at her, my vision blurred over.

"Stop thinking back to the past, and crying about what you should have done. Think about what you need to do now!"

I sniffled, and nodded.

"T-The only thing I guess I can do is try and warn Yamcha."

"Then do that."

I inhaled and exhaled, trying to stabilize my breathing.

I shook my tears away, so my vision could clear.

I felt my heart beat faster as I saw Yamcha approach us.

When I knew he was close enough to hear me, I whispered his name.


"(Y/n), Chi-Chi, I'm going to get you out of here."

"No, go back home! They're going to kill you, it's a set-up!"

"I know," he whispered in my ear.

"B-but Yamcha-"

"Everything's going to be okay, because I'm here!"

I smiled a little.

Yamcha walked behind me, and started fumbling with Chi-Chi's bonds.

Chills ran down my spine as I felt Goku Black and Zamasu's dark energy growing close to our location.

"Yamcha! Get out of here, they're coming!"

"I can't just leave you both here, I bet I can fight them off."

I grit my teeth.

"Yamcha, look at me."

He stopped messing with Chi-Chi's restrains, and looked at me.

"Do you see the bruises and gashes Yamcha? I got those from trying to escape. I really don't want you to go through the same thing!"

Yamcha smiled reassuringly at me.

"(Y/n), I'll be fine, don't worry. I'll give those bad guys a good beating!"

I shook my head vigorously, growing frustrated with him.

"Yamcha, please-"

"Look at what we have here."

I froze.

"So you're the ones who took my friends!" Yamcha shouted at Zamasu and Goku Black, jumping in front of us.



"It's simple, Yamcha.." Zamasu said, as if venom was dripping from his mouth.

"..we want you and your friends dead."

I could feel him tense from feet away.

"Yamcha," Chi-Chi muttered. "Be careful."

Yamcha nodded slightly, and got in a battle ready stance.

"Pathetic. It seems that all of you mortals are the same."

In one swift motion, Goku Black had Yamcha in a chokehold.

All of the color drained from Yamcha's face, as he fell limp.

"Yamcha!" I exclaimed, struggling to get out of my bonds.

Goku Black only smirked, Zamasu looked on, seemingly unimpressed.

"Leave him alone!" A loud voice demanded.

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