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[What is he doing with Flowey?] Jay though as he heard their conversation. Fred watched beside him, not daring to make a noise as well.
"Good work! You've been improving with your bone manipulation! Now how about you try summoning your gaster blasters?" Flowey told Papyrus, smiling in a fake manner that only Jay could notice. [Why is he asking Papyrus to do that?] Jay wondered.
"I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN...I GET TIRED BY SUMMONING JUST ONE BLASTER." Papyrus said, looking very honest.
"Sure you can! I know you can manage to summon a gaster blaster. I believe in you!" Flowey the flower said to Papyrus, trying to cheer him up.
Papyrus was silent for a moment before nodding and saying, "OKAY. I'LL TRY."
Then, Papyrus steeped backwards and turned to face another part of the forest as he extended his hand forward. Papyrus closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment before a light began to appear beside him. Slowly, Papyrus's gaster blaster began forming and opening its mouth to shoot. However, Papyrus let out an exhausted exhale and fell to his knees. The gaster skeleton looked as if he has gone through extensive amounts of stress.
"Come on! Don't tell me that's all you can do! You can do better!" Flowey said, just a bit disappointed to hide his anger.
"I...I CAN'T." Papyrus said in a low voice, sounding a bit angry. Flowey noticed the tone of the gaster skeleton's voice that he got mad as well.
"You can't...or you don't want to? Are you raising up your voice against your teacher!?" Flowey growled, looking more angry than ever.
"NO! I-I MEANT THAT I WILL TRY MORE HARDER TO IMPROVE! I'M SORRY!" Papyrus quickly said as large vines started to rapidly grow from where Flowey was.
"Too late. I'm gonna get your real apologies out of you!" Flowey said as the vines quickly grabbed Papyrus's limbs, seizing the gaster skeleton. Jay and Fred watched in fright as Flowey began to pull the vines apart making them squeeze the bones of the gaster skeleton. Papyrus let out a shout of pain as the vines stretched him, struggling to get free.
"What is he doing??" Fred whispered in a shaky voice. Jay was too frightened to speak, but in his mind he thought about doing something to help Papyrus from the evil flower. If Fred were to see him fight Flowey, he might see that he is a machine. Or, even worse........get hurt during the fight.
"You should go. Now!" Jay whispered to Fred hastily. "But I-" Fred was about to counter when Jay whispered, "Go! NOW!" a little harder than he meant it. Fred looked a bit scared, but the monster kid nodded and ran off quietly. [He's safe. Now to warn Sans.] Jay thought, taking out his phone and typing quickly.
["Sans! Respond quickly! Papyrus is in danger! Flowey the flower is here! And he's got your brother!"]
["What? Are you serious? Where are you?"]
["A mile and a half on the right where you're standing. HURRY!"]
["I'll be there!"]
And with that, Jay read the final message and placed the phone away. [Now to defend Papyrus while they get here] Jay though as he looked at Flowey.


Selecting the mode, Jay aimed his right hand and fired one yellow bullet at one vine holding Papyrus's hand. Flowey hissed and looked at where the bullet came from.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" Jay shouted as he cane out of the bush, still aiming his yellow-glowing hand to the flower. "JAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Papyrus exclaimed, surprised that Jay was here.
"How rude of you to interrupt our magic training session!" Flowey growled, new vines growing near where the flower was.
"Let Papyrus go! Now!" Jay shouted firmly at the flower while still aiming his hand at Flowey.
"And what will happen if I don't?" Flowey sneered with a wicked grin forming in his face.
"I'll fight you! Not like the other time that I had to run away! This time I WILL fight you if you don't let Papyrus go!" Jay said strongly at the flower who was holding Papyrus.
Flowey let out a mad laugh as his face grew more scarier. "Good. I've been planning for this opportunity since last time!!!" Flowey said before he launched the large vines at Jay. He jumped out of the way as the sharp vines pierced the snow. Getting up from the roll, Jay took aim and fired at the vine stems, the yellow bullets breaking the stems. Flowey snarled and launched a new set of vines that shot towards Jay.


Raising his left arm forward in a blocking position, Jay activated his shield mode. The vines bounced off of the glowing green coffin-shape of the shield. The vines retreated backwards, smoke rising from the surface from the hard impact they had on the shield.
[Ok. It's going well—] Jay thought when a sharp headache stabbed through his head. Jay grunted as he clutched his head from the pain. He looked at his hands, which had both the Enhanced Shield and Shooter mode active at the same time. [Seems like its harder to use two abilities at a time. But now's not the time to wince back from this. Focus on adapting quickly!] Jay thought to himself as he shook his head and prepared himself for Flowey's next attack.
"CURSE YOU!!!" Flowey snarled as he made more vines grow from the ground, this time all around Jay. With a quick movement of wings forwards, Jay covered himself from the vines as his standard shield deployed and protects him. But Flowey kept sending more sharp vines to try and pierce Jay's shield. They came over and over again, but the shield blocked the vines.


Although the vine attacks were far less powerful than those of other monsters, they were still strong. Even more, Flowey began shooting the bullet seeds to try and break Jay's shield. [Darn! If this keeps up, the shield won't last any longer.] Jay though as he looked around for a way to escape. The vines and bullet seeds were attacking from all directions, leaving almost no space for Jay to deactivate his shield and run out from between the attacks.
[What should I do?] Jay thought frantically.
As if someone heard his mind shouting for help, a beam suddenly blasted through the vines and bullets. The blast vaporized them off from Jay's shield. Jay deactivated his shield and looked at the direction from where the beam had come.
To his surprise, the beam was fired by a pair of gaster blasters. At first he thought it was Dr. Gaster that has come to help. But as he closely examined the blasters, Jay realized they didn't belong to the scientist gaster skeleton. They looked...like the ones he encountered alone in the woods.
And the one who had summoned them...

was Sans.

The blue-jacket-wearing gaster skeleton approached the clearing with the two gaster blasters following close. Jay looked at Sans and got a bit scared. Sans's right eye was hollow black, while his left eye glowed/flashed blue.
And he did not look happy to see Flowey holding his brother Papyrus with vines that hurt him as two new gaster blasters appeared above Sans.
This filled Jay with fear and dread because of the atmosphere that was starting to build up around them.

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