Chapter - 1

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An alarm sound is heard before it's shut off by its owner Viraj Subramanyam... He woke up, freshened up, made breakfast, and had it before ironing his uniform and wearing it...

He started doing his work instead of hiring a maid since his maid was attacked by his enemies a few years ago, though he was able to save her, he didn't want anyone else to suffer because of him, he hates any obligations, and that's the reason he started staying away from his family, many people don't even know about his parents though they are very well-known people in the city...

He walked out locking the door hearing the car horn signaling his driver's arrival...

"Hey, Sunil... Aren't you early by a minute today", Viraj teased his driver hopping into the passenger seat...

"Sir... ", Sunil said giving him a polite smile...

"Made sandwich today, have it... ", he offered his driver...

"No thank you, sir, I had my breakfast", he said and Viraj raised his brows...

"You think I'll believe you  ?? With your wife at home, you can't even have a drop of water peacefully, let alone breakfast, so come on have it", Viraj said and Sunil chuckled before taking a sandwich...

"Um... Very nice sir... ", Sunil said having the sandwich managing the driving...

Just then Sunil received a call, he accepted the call, but with Viraj's glare, he stopped the car at a side and talked... It's his wife, again called to pick a fight with him, Sunil shouted in the end before hanging up...

His wife is belligerent, doesn't know how to live in harmony and Sunil never had a peaceful sleep, everyone close to him in the department including Viraj knows this...

"Why don't you divorce her Sunil  ?? I am seeing you for the past few years, and not for once did I see any calmness or peace in you while returning home... It's affecting your health badly", Viraj said concern evident for his subordinate...

"I know sir, but I can't do that, for my children", he said giving a painful smile and Viraj nodded mentally patting himself for his policy of 'No Marriage'.

Well, his reasons are a lot different but now after seeing Sunil, he appreciated himself for successfully protecting his mental peace forever...

The car soon came to a halt and Viraj walked to his office immediately starting with work...

On the other side of the city... A girl is seen watering the plants in a huge nursery...

"Ramayya..... Done with watering ?? That side ??", Asked Krishna Ojaswi

"Done ma, I'll ask Lakshmi too, if she is done or not", he replied and Krishna nodded...

"Excuse me, Can I talk to the owner here ??", asked a customer, Krishna untied the dupatta which is tied to her waist, and put it across her shoulders...

"Yes sir, please tell me, what do you need ??", She asked wiping her wet hands after washing them...

"Oh... I'm sorry, I thought you work here...", he apologized and she smiled at him politely... "There is an annual day celebration at our school this 25th, and we are planning to distribute plants to all our guests including the parents", He said...

"Oh... that's really a nice thought, How many do you need and what type do you need ??",  She asked...

"Anything is fine, we need 500 plants, can you supply them till 25th ?? And what about the price", he asked

"I'll detail you everything sir, if you have some time, I would like to give you a tour and you can select the best one", She said and the customer nodded...

Krishna Ojaswi gave a tour and also detailed the prices, and the customer selected the type of plants...

"Do you do delivery or do you want someone to pick up ??", the customer asked 

"You don't have to worry about that sir, we'll do the delivery, just give me the address, I'll get it delivered on the morning of the function so that you don't have to care for the plants' longer", She said and the customer is impressed...

"Thank you, that would be great, Can you deliver to St. Peters School, Dwaraka Nagar", He asked

"St. Peters ?? Oh... my cousin studies there, Adiyansh, First standard...", She said with a wide smile on her face....  "I think parents are not informed about the annual day", She said

"No ma'am, parents are already informed about it... It's written in their diaries too", He informed shocking her...

"Oh... Okay... Okay sir, plants will be delivered on the 25th morning, don't worry", Krishna said, the customer paid the advance and left from there... 

"Why didn't he tell me anything about the celebrations ??", She wondered to herself...

Her phone buzzed which brought her out of her thoughts...

"Krishna... SKR group chairman is here in Banglore, He is going to the factory, I think it's the right time to do the rally....", Her friend Swapnika said on phone

"Okay, get everything ready, I'll send messages in our WhatsApp group", Krishna said hanging up...

"Ramayya, take care of the Nursery, I'll be back till afternoon", she said taking her e-bike keys and walking away...

"Huh... last days for another factory", Lakshmi said and started working again making Ramayya smile...

"Thank god, you came at the right time, now start fast", Swapnika rushed to Krishna as soon as she saw her...

"Don't worry, I'm here now", Krishna assured and walked to the crowd waiting for the instructions...

"Hi people, thanks for gathering here, today we are going to fight another war which is essential to take a step forward in protecting our mother nature... Actually, Who are we to protect it ?? It protects us and some people are destroying that protection, who gave them the right to snatch our safe heaven ?? SKR groups have their factory, it's AQI(Air Quality Index) around that factory is beyond the acceptable ranges... The court has warned them numerous times but with the money, they are escaping every time... We shouldn't let them win this war... The chairman is in the city, we need to block his way to the factory and show him our power... We need to get him to agree to our terms... So are you ready team ??", she screamed with enthusiasm, which gave strength to all the members...

All are holding save nature, Save the environment, save a life, Mother Earth, protect the earth and so on, boards are given to the crowd...

"SKR groups, Down down", "Save Nature", "Shut down the factory", "Save lives", etc slogans are chanted on their way to the main road... More people joined them at their rally and finally reached their destination...

They waited for 15 minutes yet SKR's car didn't arrive, the traffic jam is getting worse... Police are trying to convince the protesters...

"Are you sure he will be coming in this way ??", Krishna asked her friend...

"I'm positive, Ashwin told me, he is following SKR's car", Swapnika said and Krishna sighed...

"Ma'am, it will be good if you clear the road before our higher officials arrive", the police officer warned Krishna

"We are protesting peacefully, you do not have a right to talk to us like this, We didn't block the whole road, you can divert traffic from this way", Krishna spoke... and the police officer sighed deeply... She is not the one to back down and he understood that by now...

"Madam, normally we would have left this, but this area comes under DCP Viraj sir, he is a mental case, impulsive, he won't listen to anyone, duty is his foremost priority, everything should run perfectly under his watch, otherwise it would be a problem for both you and me, please listen to me", The police officer finally started requesting Krishna but she didn't listen...

"Ojaswi... SKR...", someone from the team screamed, and she lead the team to his car, the concerned police officer slapped his head thinking about the consequences if Viraj knows about this...

"SKR down down... Close the factory, Factory-Shutdown...", protesters screamed at SKR scaring him...

"What the hell ?? The commissioner told me, this is the safest route as this comes under DCP Viraj Subramanyam... I should have known better... Kyathi... Call the commissioner", he ordered his PA

Before she could do anything, the protesters surrounded him... but she called the commissioner and the commissioner called Viraj instead...

Viraj reached the place furiously with 20 members, including constables and CIs, and SIs of that area...

"Team... clear the traffic, you have 10 minutes....", he commanded, the team literally shivered to hear his high-pitched tone which scares the hardest of the hard criminals...

"Ramana, call the in charge here...", He said and before Ramana could go, the officer in charge of the location ran towards Viraj...

"What the hell is wrong with you ?? Didn't I warn you before ??", Viraj shouted... Except for very close people in the department, everyone else thinks Viraj can never talk normally without anger in his tone... They call him Lucifer, some even call him 'lord Yama'(the god of taking lives) 

"Yes sir, I tried, but they are very stubborn, especially that girl, who is the leader", he spoke with fear...

"What are you for then ?? Take VRS and sit at home, if you are incapable", Viraj shouted, the officer bowed his head having no answer...

He is about to say a lot more, but a girl's scream diverted him... The in-charge sighed in relief and mentally thanked Krishna...

"Police department, down down...", she started the slogan and others followed...

"We are peacefully protesting, then why did the police have to interfere ?? How much did you take from SKR ??", she screamed again at the police officers who are pushing them away...

Her back is facing him, so he couldn't see her face... He is about to move towards her, but a call stopped him...

"Viraj... A shootout at the **** Bungalow, Got a tip about Munna and his gang's presence", his friend and teammate whispered

"I'll be there... Carry my bulletproof jacket as well... inform the team", he said in a low tone and hung up...

"Should clear all this mess within 5 minutes", he said to his team, and turned towards the in charge "this is the last warning, if this repeats, you are suspended", Viraj says and gets into his car giving one look to the girl, still her face isn't visible and he didn't care to see her either...

After an hour, Krishna and her friends came back to the nursery... 

"Sh*t, if that DCP didn't come, we would have succeeded in stopping SKR from visiting the factory, that would be an essential step and it would help us shut down the factory but everything is spoiled...", Krishna said with frustration...

"Relax... Krishna... We'll get another chance, he will stay for two days here, We can find a way tomorrow.... or we can spy on what's happening in the factory, maybe we could get some clue about it", her friend Ashwin replied and she nodded agreeing to his plan...

After a while, they leave, and Krishna resumes her work, and when the clock stuck at 4:30, she quickly wrapped up her work and took her bike keys, and sped away to the school...

She waited at the school gate and a smile is brought when she heard that scream...

"Klishna.....", her cousin Adiyansh ran towards her...

She lifted him in her arms and kissed his cheek, ruffling his hair...

"Klisna... Don't do that... my hail style....", the cute little boy whined making her laugh...

"It's Krishna, Adi, and I can't stop kissing you baby brother, you are so handsome...", she said kissing his cheeks again and he giggles...

"Vokay.... Vokay.... let's go home", He said in between his giggles and she nodded... She made him stand in front and drove off home...

"Klishna... let's buy a caaaal(car), this bike is so old.... so slow", he said and she shook her head...

"It's a lot of pollution Adi, and also this is cute... When you grow up a little, I'll buy you a cycle, you can go to school with your friends, I don't have to drop and pick you up then", she said...

"Leally ??(really ??)....", he got excited...

"Yes.... Leally", she said imitating him...

Both reached their home, she opened the lock, took off his shoes, and socks, and helped him change his clothes... Later made hot snacks for him and he enjoyed every bit of it...

"Adi... come here", she called him after he finished his snacks and washed his hands... He wiped his wet hands to her dupatta and she smiled wiping his mouth with it...

"Yes Klishna....", he said...

"Are there any celebrations in the school coming up ??", she asked carefully...

"Um... no... Klishna..", he shook his head vigorously and she got that he is lying...

"Adi... I know there is.... why did you hide it baby ??", she asked making him sit on her lap...

"Klishna... Amma-Appa can't come even if I say light (Right)??, they ale dead", He said sobbing, Krishna hugged him to her chest and consoled him...

"Why klishna ?? Why all my flends(friends) have amma-appa and I only have you ??", he asked her...

"Because they are all bad babies, they need two people to take care of them, but you are the best, you just need one, that is me, to take care of you... and I have you to take care of me...", she said and He nodded...

"Yes klishna... I'll take cale(care) of you", he said protectively and she smiled at him...

"Now tell me what all did you do, to avoid that news reaching me ??", she asked and he looked down biting his nails...

"Adi... don't do that", she told him sternly taking his hands off his mouth... he only does that when he did something wrong

"My school teacher called your phone and I cut it, the phone is with me at that time and I was playing a game, I even tore the diary pages where she wrote about the annual day", he said fearing what would she do to him but she just hugged him...

"Thanks for telling the truth, but you shouldn't do that Adi, it's very bad, I'm responsible for you, if I didn't know about the events, how would I come ?? And then your amma-appa will scold me badly for not looking after you properly... Do you want that ??", she asked and he realized his mistake...

"Solly klishna... I won't do it again...", he whispered and she nodded hugging him tightly...

In the evening, she cooked dinner, helped him have his dinner, and read him a story to sleep... after he slept, she started working, also making plans to trap SKR the next day... and dozed off

"congratulations da Viraj, I'm proud of you, we took them down... another victory under your leadership", said Tejas, his friend, and teammate, walking inside Viraj's home after another deadly encounter they successfully completed...

"Victory ?? I don't think so, the real victory for me is when I eliminate all the criminals from this city, till then I won't stop, not even a pause", he said locking the main door, after all his friends cum colleagues entered the house...

Viraj took whiskey and poured into glasses and gave it to them...

"Then what's this celebration ??", asked Dhiraj, another colleague

"This is not a celebration Dhiraj, it's our medicine, it works like a tonic, provokes us to do more", Viraj said gulping the whole glass at once...

"He is right... He is right", said another colleague Harsha, pouring another glass for himself...

And with their conversations, everyone got so drunk...

"Do I smell like I am drunk ??", Asked Tejas and Viraj chuckled before nodding a 'yes'... "I'm dead today", He whispered...

The same scene repeated with Harsha too, and Viraj chuckled again...

"Why are you so afraid of your wives ?? If I ever get married which is very unlikely, I dare to drink in front of my wife, I'll make her give me ice cubes and soda with her own hands, not like you cowards", Viraj taunted them...

"That's impossible....", they said...

"Why ?? Look at our brave Dhiraj, he is not at all afraid", Viraj slurred pointing to his friend, and the other two burst out laughing...

"His wife went to her parents'...", they said...

"Chi... thu...", Viraj acted to spit on his friend... 

All the friends laughed together for some more time before starting to their respective homes... 

Viraj closed the door and walked to his bedroom and dozed off...

Note - Guys, 'MY WOMAN', my other book is available on Amazon and kindle, I also added BONUS CHAPTERS in it which I haven't uploaded in 'Wattpad' before, I'm giving the link below, go and get ur copy..... It is available at a discounted price, more than 50 percent discount is given on it... The offer is available for a limited time, it starts on 26th may 8:00 AM and ends on 30th may 8:00 AM... Buy now and save money....
If anyone is facing issues, please dm me.......

Check out my other books 'For Him...??', 'The Kiss I Hate The Most' and 'R.A.I.N.B.O.W', Below are the links, you might already know about 'For Him...??', R.A.I.N.B.O.W is a LOVE-HATE classic which I feel you would all love..... I'm gonna start uploading the chapters soon.... Please do go and give it a try. Hope you would like it as well.

'For Him...??' link

'Impounded love' link

'The Kiss I Hate The Most' link

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