Chapter - 2

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The next day, as planned Krishna Ojaswi gets successful in cornering the SKR, she even took the media with her and SKR had no option than to promise to reduce the pollution level or else close the factory...

Well, Krishna didn't believe his words, so she decided to file a case in the court to get the factory shut down but she didn't want to mess up her life, that too just a week before the custody hearing...

It's been 4 years since her maternal aunt and her husband died in an accident... Adiyansh was barely 2 at that time, no one was ready to take care of the child, his paternal uncle even suggested they could join him in an orphanage and Krishna gave a disgusting look to him, before announcing that she would take care of her baby cousin...

She went against the whole world to take care of that child, and suddenly Adiyansh's paternal uncle got to know about the assets his brother earned and everything is under Adiyansh's name, so all those assets and properties would come under his control if he has Adiyansh's custody, so he applied for his custody, two hearings are already done, Krishna wants to be away from news and factory conflicts till she wins the custody... And probably the next hearing is the last one...

In the evening, Krishna picked up her cousin, after reaching home, she gave him snacks after helping him freshen up.

After eating, and watching TV for a couple of hours... She called Adiyansh to do his homework...

"Adi... Take your English notes... ", she says looking at the diary when she finds a note to the parents... It's of fee reminder, the second term fee is nearing, and it's written that it should be paid on or before the 15th which is in two days...

On seeing this, she got worried... The only source of income she has is that nursery, she could have earned a lot from that nursery since it's a huge one, but on her love for nature, she keeps donating plants more than she sells...

And since it's one of the top schools in the city, they charge up to a lakh per anum and since she wants to give the best for her cousin, she didn't even think once before making his admission in that school...

After helping him with the homework, she fed him dinner and made him sleep... But sleep is far away from her eyes since the fear of arranging fees didn't let her...

The next day, she went to work but her whole thoughts are revolving around how to pay fees for her cousin before the due date, she would never let him face humiliation, she should do something, anything to arrange money...

"Ojaswi  ?? What are thinking so deeply  ?? You look upset, is everything alright child  ??", Ramayya asked her...

"Yes... Yes", she said smiling tightly...

"What's troubling you  ??", he asked again and she vent it out...

"Don't mind me saying this, but why don't you use Adiyansh's parents' money  ?? It's his right", he said but she shook her head...

"Adiyansh is my responsibility Ramayya, I will have to fulfill his needs, I wouldn't take a penny from his father and mother's savings, those are for him and he has the sole right on how to spend that money... I'll take care of his whole education", she said and the old man just patted her head leaving her in deep thoughts...

Her friends came to meet her, and on knowing her problem, they offered her the amount and she took it having no option promising them to return soon...

"By the way Krishna... If they are charging one lakh for the first standard, don't you think they would charge a fortune going further ??", Ashwin asked and she nodded...

"They will, that's what I am worried about, but I can't compromise with the quality of education, I want the best for him", she replied...

"What about Kendriya Vidhyalay  ?? You applied it last year too right  ??", her friend Swapnika said

"Yeah I did, that's the best school, and the fee is very much less compared to all these schools, and it's standard is top class but getting admission there is equally difficult, their first preference is NRIs, second preference is either of the parents should be a central government employee, third preference is for state government employees' children, and fourth is single girl child, after filling all these, if the seats are left, they would offer seats to children on lottery basis.... Adiyansh qualifies none, so it's very much difficult to get his admission there", Krishna said defeatedly

"It's easy if you marry a central government Or state government employee", Swapnika suggests only to receive death glares from her friends...

"There's a time when I too dreamed of a man who would understand me, and love me, but that time is gone now... I just want to live my life like this... Adiyansh and me... That's all...", she said trying to block her past from her memories...

"Come on Krishna, all men are not like that, you can't say no to marriage just because of a few men", Ashwin tried changing his friend's mind

"Not few Ashwin, all are the same", she said shaking her head

"Soon... You will find a man who loves you, understands you, and will also take Adiyansh's responsibility and love him like his own", Swapnika said and Krishna chuckled...

"I don't have any more time to waste on daydreaming, I would suggest you do the same", she said getting back to work and her friends felt an immense urge to hurt all those men who rejected their friend just because she has the responsibility of Adiyansh...

In the evening, Krishna reached the school half hour before, paid the fees, met Adiyansh's teachers, and then left with her cousin who ran to her as soon as he spotted her...

It's Saturday the next day and the little boy wanted some entertainment for the weekend...

"Klishna... Klishna...", called the little boy... His sister who is cooking in the kitchen walked out to his shout...

"Yes Adi...", Krishna spoke out...

"Klishna... Can we go out tomollow(tomorrow), flom aftelnoon ??", He asked showing his puppy eyes...

"Adiyansh... my answer is a 'No', I know you have half-day tomorrow, but you will come home directly, freshen up, have lunch and take a nap, this weekend, we are not going anywhere", Said Krishna sternly

She also want to take him somewhere but her financial condition right now didn't allow her, but how could she make her 6-year-old cousin understand this....

"Klishna............ No....... I want to go out....", He started throwing tantrums....

At last, Krishna gave in to his demands but thought to take him to somewhere local and something which would cost less...

"Okay... But tomorrow, you will rest completely, only then, I'll take you out on Sunday, deal ??", She asked seriously and the kid thought for a while before accepting her offer....

"Deal", he shook hands with her and she smiled at his behavior like a man... 

"Good... now let me cook, It's past your dinner time... you need to sleep early, till I cook, you go and watch TV", she told him and walked back to the kitchen...

She finished cooking, fed him and is trying to make him sleep when she heard someone call her...

"Ojaswi.... Ojaswi...", Her house owner called her... She asked Adiyansh to stay back in the room and went out to talk to him...

"Uncle ?? You at this time ?? Please come in", She said opening the main door...

"Ojaswi... I want to talk about the house rent, it's already the 15th...", he said

"Uncle ?? I have already transferred the amount to your account," she said, surprised...  

"You did, but didn't I inform you about the increase in rent ??", He asked her...

"Sorry uncle, I forgot about it, Right now, I'm running a little tight, Can I give you that amount along with next month's rent ?? Please don't mind uncle", She requested him...

"Okay Ojaswi... You have been very good and always on time when it comes to paying rent, I can wait till next month... But remember, 1st of next month, don't forget...", He said and she nodded politely... She offered coffee but he denied it and left from there...

"Klishna....", She heard her brother call her, she is surprised to see him, she never wanted him to witness all this...

"Adi, didn't I ask you to stay in the room ??", she asked going towards him...

"Klishna... Don't we have money ??", He asked and she smiled at him...

"Of course we have, but uncle needs cash, and the money is in the bank, you know right ?? We'll insert a card in the ATM and then we'll get cash, but sadly the ATMs are not working, that's the reason we can't pay him", She lied to him and he bought her logic...

"Oh... Okay... Klishna, I'm sleepy", he said and she made him lay down and tucked him in the duvet... he soon fell asleep but Krishna didn't... 

She is always against corporate companies as they emit a lot of co2 into the environment, many have offered her jobs in their companies seeing her Linkedin profile, but she refused them but she wants to take those jobs now but she can't sacrifice her beliefs for money... she is in a great dilemma... 

And that's when she received a call from an unknown number... 

"Hello... Who is this ??", Krishna Asked...

"Am I talking to Ojaswi ??", The lady spoke

"Yes, this is she, Can I know who is on the other side ??", She asked politely...

"I'm Yamini Prakash, I got to know about your nursery, I heard you grow vegetables too, I liked your idea of organic farming very much... Can you deliver vegetables every week ?? I'll give you the list", The lady spoke and Krishna got overwhelmed by the offer... But she doesn't want to sell vegetables, she gives vegetables freely to all her friends and known people as she wants them all healthy... 

"Thank you ma'am, but I don't think I could deliver to you, I'm not into selling vegetables, I distribute the vegetables to all my friends, it's not a business for me... Please don't mind, I can help you grow them at your place if you want", she replied...

"I don't need vegetables and fruits in a huge quantity, just need for the 2 people, I can pay you 4 times the normal cost...", The lady, Yamini spoke

"No ma'am, it's not about money...", Krishna started but the lady interrupted...

"I know Ojaswi, it's not about money, if it is, you would be selling those veggies instead of freely distributing them, the price I'm willing to pay you is like an appreciation for what you are doing, please don't deny me, deliver it to us", the lady politely requested and Krishna couldn't refuse, she too needs money and instead of compromising with her ethics, she could do this...

"Okay ma'am, will do, could you give me your address and the list of vegetables you need", Krishna asked

"We'll have everything except for mushrooms and beetroot", the lady spoke...

"Okay ma'am, will deliver to you, your address ??", Krishna asked again

"Collector Bungalow, Sampangi Rama Nagar, Banglore", The lady said shocking Krishna...

"Ma...Ma'am ?? Are you Yamini Prakash IAS ??", Krishna fumbled with her words...

"Yes Ojaswi I'm, Anyways, thank you for accepting my order", she said politely...

"It's my pleasure ma'am, Thank you so much", Krishna thanked her politely, expressing her gratitude as she showed her the way, even though she is the collector, she spoke very politely to Krishna which surprised her a lot and also brought huge respect for the lady...

"You are welcome, I have heard about you, come to deliver yourself if you are free, would like to meet you sometime", Yamini Prakash said

"Sure ma'am, definitely, when do you want your first delivery ??", Krishna asked her

"Day after tomorrow, that is Monday, is it possible ??", Yamini asked politely

"Sure... Will come", Krishna said

"Okay then, bye, apologies for calling you this late", Yamini said but Krishna shook it off politely...

They hung up and Krishna slept peacefully as her problem was a little sorted for now...  In the future, she needs to get back all the money people took from her as loans and plants on credit...

On the other side...

"Dhiraj  ?? What about Munna's partner, Satyam, and his gang  ?? It's been 2 days since we have finished Munna and his gang, till now, we are supposed to have at least some information about Satyam and his gang, 2 days, 48 hours is a lot of time for him to plan his escape damn it", Viraj screamed at the underground office which is made under the DCP office and given to the crime branch team of the city, currently Viraj, Dhiraj, Tejas, and Harsha...

"Viraj... We are trying our level best. But... ", Dhiraj started but is again interrupted by Viraj...

"The hell you are trying... And where the hell are these idiots  ?? No time sense... ", Viraj screamed again and the two 'idiots' who entered sighed looking at their friend's temper, they are prepared for Viraj's lecture and he didn't disappoint them... Friend or not, Viraj always made working with him hell for his subordinates and everyone knows it...

"Okay, if you are done with throwing your anger on us, can we talk about the leads we got to take down Satyam  ??", Tejas said calmly not to aggravate the lion more...

"You better have something useful", he spat and his friends gulped with a small, 'we tried our best' before spilling the details and Viraj paid attention to every single word they said before throwing the files on the floor...

"Is this what you have found in 48 hours  ?? Damn you guys... He is more dangerous than Munna, and if Satyam escaped, he would take years to come back, he might never come back, but do dealings from there which is more dangerous", Viraj shouted...

He took his BP tablet, drank some water, and rubbed his temples to calm himself down...

"No worries, I wouldn't let that ba***rd run away", Viraj said more to himself before calling someone...

"Cover the ports of Mangalore, Chennai, and Vishakhapatnam, I am sure he will use only these sea routes to escape", he barked orders into the phone before hanging up...

"Mangalore is under state control but for Chennai and Vishakhapattanam, we need Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh government's permissions for police operations, let alone a shoot out", Tejas said...

"And it's hard to get their permissions within a few hours, we need to talk to our higher authorities and they should proceed talks with the higher authorities of the states, even the chief Ministers are to be taken into the loop, it's next to impossible", Harsha said

"We need to make it possible because you guys didn't leave me another choice, letting him leave is not a choice I am willing to take, so talk to the authorities, beg if you have to, I don't care, but we are taking Satyam down and that's for sure... I will not let him kill any more people than he did", Viraj barked and left the room...

To his delight, his team managed to get the permissions but are making many plans in their heads on how to torture Viraj after this operation for all the mental torture he had put them through...

And finally, it took them 28 hours to finally take down Satyam... They killed all his gang and surrounded Satyam...

"Ready to turn into approval  ??", asked Tejas but before he could answer, He was shot dead by none other than Viraj Subramanyam...

"You are giving choices to this man  ?? Who had 16 murder and 7 rape charges  ?? Money laundering, drugs, kidnappings, etc are a bonus... We can't take this dog, put him in jail, and feed him like he is the new son-in-law of the family... 50 rupees is all he gets from the government", Viraj said indicating the bullet...

"But he could give us a lot more information", Dhiraj said

"Like the hell, he would... He is not the one to open his mouth, his lawyer has already applied for anticipatory bail", Viraj said and his friends are surprised...

"Then it's good you killed him Viraj...", praised Harsha, ordering 4 tea from the opposite tea shop...

All sat around relaxed...

"Having so many contacts always help, and the most shocking thing is despite your aggressive self, how do you manage to make so many contacts and people who are even ready to take high-end risks to get information for you", Harsha questioned...

"I am real, not fake like you people, even my anger is real and people find my intentions behind them which are very good, that's why they help me", Viraj bragged sipping his tea...

"yeah, right...", they said sarcastically and Viraj burst out laughing...

"Saale... You're laughing now ?? You tortured us these two days like hell, I wanted to kill you", Tejas threw Viraj on the wooden table, held his neck and kept his pistol near Viraj's chin...

"Easy man... Sorry", Viraj said still smiling, and slowly taking the gun from his chin and sat on his place, rubbing the spot...

"A**h*le, it's burning...", muttered Viraj...

"Oh it should, I wish I have shot you...", Tejas said and the other two agreed....

"Sorry da... You know me, I get mad when something doesn't go according to my plan, I can't let criminals escape under my nose... That's dangerous and even thinking about the number of crimes, Satyam could commit after escaping from here made me that way", Viraj said

"You say this after every operation Viraj, We can't work with you anymore, We are applying for a transfer", Harsha said seriously...

"Oh You can't, Do you really think you can get a transfer against my will ?? and stop with this, I know you don't want it, so stop trying to frustrate me, come let's go", He said tucking his gun at his waist, and walked to his SUV...

"Ba****d", muttered Harsha and the other two chuckled before getting inside the SUV and Viraj drove off...


It's Sunday, and as promised Krishna took Adiyansh to the recreational park, and the whole day, both of them enjoyed a lot, everyone around them thought them as mother-son adoring them, and Krishna didn't find the need to correct them... He maynot be her son biologically but he is in all other ways...

"Didn't his father come ??", asked a lady...

"I don't have a father", said Adiyansh who heard her question...

"Adi... go and try that, you'll enjoy it", said Krishna showing an yellow slide and the kid ran away...

"I'm sorry...", the lady apologized and krishna gave a small smile... she didn't know what the lady thought, and she didn't want to clarify either... 

In the evening, they came out of the place...

"Adi... Let's eat something in the opposite, I'm hungry... and I'm in no mood to cook, is that fine baby ??", Krishna asked...

"Okay, Klishna, just for you", Adiyansh replied with attitude...

"Oh... really ?? You don't need to sacrifice for me Adi, I'll eat here, and cook for you at home, okay ??", asked Krishna and Adiyansh's face almost turned into a cry baby...

"You ale bad, vely bad, go away....", He said pushing Krishna, and since they are just about to cross the road, she fell in front of the bike, and since it's just a small bike, nothing major happened, but her legs, especially at knees and elbows are badly hurt and blood is oozing out of them...

Adiyansh got very afraid seeing his sister on the road with injuries all over, and he ran while crying to find a doctor, thankfully the vehicles stopped seeing the accident, he ran in search of a doctor wearing a white coat, he remembered his teacher's words 'doctors are angels wearing white coats and they save people who are ill or hurt'...

Krishna got up apologizing to the bike, she suddenly looked around only to find Adiyansh missing, everyone is screaming at her for her carelessness for coming in front of the bike like that... but she cared the least...

She kept limping around in search of her little baby... She is hell scared on not finding her Adi.

Viraj and her friends just came out of the restaurant, a little boy suddenly hugged his legs and is not leaving him...

"Hey... What happened little boy ??", he asked sitting on his knees... "Why are you crying ?? and where are your parents ??",  he asked softly...

"Angel... Will you save my klishna ??", he asked while sobbing.... "Klishna... Klishna is hurt, blood... here, here and here", he said showing his knees, elbow....

"Angel ?? and he ??", Dhiraj chuckled...

"Shut up idiot, Viraj is wearing a white shirt, and maybe that's why he is calling him that...", said Dhiraj's wife Ratna

"Okay... Okay relax... little boy... where is your klishna ??", Viraj asked calming him down and making him drink some water....

"It's not Klishna, it's Klishna(Krishna)....", Adiyansh said and all of them chuckled.... Viraj kissed his cheeks seeing his cuteness surprising everyone, Viraj Subramanyam who hates kids to the core kissed a little boy ?? Well hard to believe...

Adiyansh again started crying remembering his sister... And Viraj got angry with his parents' negligence to leave such a little kid alone....

"How careless of them... Idiots... If they don't know how to take care of kids, why do they have them then ??", Viraj said angrily to his parents...

"Stop it Viraj, you don't know what would have happened", Said Uma, Tejas's wife who is completely against Viraj's aggressive and impulsive self but is a well-wisher of him...

"Yeah... even after seeing this kid in this condition, you're saying this... great...", Viraj said...

"Stop it both of you, let's find his parents first... immature people", Tejas scolded both of them and started looking here and there... 

Viraj and Dhiraj too started looking for someone who looked worried and searching for a child... Harsha didn't come with them as he went to bring back his wife from her parents place otherwise the four of them hangout together...

Viraj saw a girl showing some pictures to the nearby people and enquiring something, her back is visible...

"I think she is the one... I'll go right away and teach her a lesson", Viraj said walking towards her but Dhiraj stopped him as the parent must be already very worried for the little boy and Viraj's words would only hurt her more...

"You stay with the little boy, I'll go", said Dhiraj and walked towards her....

"Excuse me miss ?? Are you searching for that boy ??", Dhiraj told her, Krishna turned and saw Adiyansh sitting on the car bonnet and Viraj holding him so that he wouldn't slip down... She ran to him and Dhiraj ran behind her seeing her injuries, her elbow and knees bleeding, he understood what the little boy was saying before...

Krishna hugged Adiyansh tightly sobbing heavily... Tejas took Viraj to a side as he didn't want him to say a thing...

"Adi... Why did you go away ?? I was so afraid.... Adi, I would die without you, Why did you do this ?? I live only for you, you are the only family I have, you know it right ??", Krishna said sobbing heavily...

"Alle... Don't cly(cry) Klishna.... I know you love me... I am solly(sorry), I pushed you, and you got hut(hurt), I went to seach(search) angel doctol(doctor) to save you", Adi said and Krishna hugged him again...

"Thank you so much... I don't know how to thank you all", she said joining her hands towards Dhiraj...

"No, that's okay, We were just coming out of the restaurant when this little boy ran into my friend, he was wearing a white shirt, maybe that's the reason he thought him to be a doctor", Dhiraj said

"Oh... Why did you leave like that Adi ?? There is so much of traffic, What if something would have happened to you ?? How many times did I tell you not to run like that ??", she scolded him...

"I'm solly(sorry) Klishna....", Adiyansh apologized holding his ears...

"You are badly hurt, You need to visit hospital", Uma said nearing Krishna, seeing all the injuries...

"Oh yes, How did you get hurt ??"Dhiraj asked

"We were about to cross the road when my naughty little boy thought to play with me...", she said glaring at her little boy... he looked down....

"I lost the balance and fell in front on the bike coming from the opposite side... I'm fine, I'll drop him home and visit a doctor", she smiled at them gratefully...

"Let us drop you", Ratna, Dhiraj's wife said...

"Um... no, that's fine, I have my bike in the opposite, I'll call my friend, and they will come here, I'll have someone to pick my vehicle then...", Krishna said and they nodded...

"Your name ??", Uma asked her...

"Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Ojaswi...", she said 

"Ojaswi ?? But your son is calling you Klishna ??", Dhiraj asked

"Krishna Ojaswi... he calls me Krishna", Krishna replied smiling at Adiyansh...

"Oh unique name, I'm Dhiraj, this is my wife Ratna and she is Uma", Dhiraj introduced and Krishna greeted them a hi....

"Okay, now, I have to leave, say thanks to your friend too", Krishna said pointing towards Viraj whose back is turning towards them... they nodded and walked away...

"Great girl", Uma said and the other two nodded....

"Did you teach her a lesson ??", Viraj asked his friends...

"She is not at fault Viraj, She loves her child, it's just an accident...", Dhiraj said...

"And you believed it ?? Every careless parent gives the same excuse...", Viraj said

"Really ?? You know what has happened to her ??", Uma said...

"I don't want to know, come let's leave", he said hopping into driver seat and the others followed...

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