Chapter - 3

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The next day, Krishna completes her work in the Nursery and in the evening, goes to Yamini Prakash's house to deliver vegetables... And what she didn't expect is her to be received with great respect...

"Hello I'm Ojaswi, Ma'am asked me to deliver this, Is she at home ??", Krishna asked the guard...

"Ma'am, your ID ??", the police personnel asked, and Krishna showed him the ID and he allowed her with a bow which surprised her....

"Ma'am is waiting for you, you can go inside", he said with a slight bow and she politely thanked him for walking inside...

Inside she met with a few other personal staff of Yamini Prakash IAS.... and after 10 minutes, the lady herself presented... She is a beautiful lady in her early 50s, wearing a cotton churidar, though she is in her casuals, the royalty is seen on her face... Krishna stood up to greet her... and she politely asked her to take a seat...

"So sorry Ojaswi, you had to wait, I just returned from the office, so got a little late", the lady spoke politely...

"Ma'am please don't apologize, I understand, you are a very busy person... Here are the vegetables, you can see them and if you are okay with it, only then pay me", Krishna spoke drawing a smile on Yamini Prakash's face...

"I'm sure, they are good, but still, I'll take a look for your peace", Saying this, she took the bag and went into the kitchen herself... 

Krishna is shocked, she thought the lady would call her for help but she did everything... The lady returned back with a glass of juice for Krishna...

"Ma'am... I'm fine, no thank you", she said with surprise...

"Please have some, well it's fresh if you are wondering about that", Mrs. Prakash joked and Krishna took the glass with a wide smile...

"Thanks, ma'am...", Krishna said having the juice

"Thank you for the vegetables, they are perfect....", She said making Krishna smile widely...

"Pleasure is all mine ma'am, I'm glad I could meet you, I have read a lot about you, you are an inspiration", Krishna said, the lady is truly an epitome of courage and determination... She never tolerated wrong and never bent her head for it in her almost 3 decades of service...

"Well, I have heard a lot about you too.... With the amount of courage, you fight all those corporates and shut down their factories which emit tons of greenhouse gases is commendable...", She said..

"It's an honor to hear those words from you ma'am...", Krishna said...

The ladies talk for some time when a man in his mid-50s enters the hall... Krishna stood up instantly seeing the man in police uniform, she has also seen him in television, she is not sure of his cadre but he is a very high official...

"It's fine Ojaswi, sit down, he is my husband Ravi Prakash...", Said Yamini Prakash...

"Hello sir, Krishna Ojaswi, environmentalist...", said Krishna extending her hand...

"RaviPrakash Subramanyam, Additional Director General of Police", He said in his base voice without any smile, hearing his cadre, shocked Krishna, and shaking Krishna's hand briefly.

"Don't scare her Ravi", Said Yamini Prakash, and her husband nodded giving a small smile... and in that small smile, Krishna found the immense love that man had for his wife...

"Sit down", Ravi Prakash said and Krishna sat down...

"I'll just come after changing", He said and walked away...

"Ma'am, I'll leave now", Krishna said...

"Oh... Please stay for a while, let Ravi come, He'll be back in 10 minutes", Yamini said and Krishna couldn't deny... She wanted to tell her about her cousin being alone, though Swapnika is with him, she couldn't leave him on her for more time... She wanted to tell this to Yamini but didn't want to answer the questions that come with that, about Adiansh's parents and all that... about which she doesn't wanna answer...

Exactly after 10 minutes, Ravi Prakash came down, and the trio started conversing... Krishna felt very much scared to sit there, especially with Ravi Prakash, he didn't speak much but whenever he did, he made a very valid and intellectual point which impressed Krishna a lot and also intimidated her...

"The work you're doing is commendable, but your generation only knows to run, you never know where to take a pause or step back to get ultimate success...", Ravi Prakash remarked leaving Krishna in puzzles...

"Sir... ??", Krishna asked politely but he shook his head leaving a long sigh...

"What he means is, SKR is very dangerous, he can harm you, be careful, if needed, step back, for now, you can act when the right time comes", Clarified Yamini Prakash... Krishna nodded respectfully... 

They spoke for 10 more minutes before Krishna took her leave from there... As soon as she entered home, she went to check on her cousin...

"Adi ?? Are you fine ?? Why is your body burning ?? Come here... let me check the temperature...", Krishna said taking the thermometer and Adi walked to her... she checked the temperature and it's showing normal...

"It's normal, but why are you looking so weak ??", Krishna worried...

"Uffo... Krishna... you worry a lot, he is fine... He might have played at school more today... give him some snacks and let him take a rest, he will be fine", her friend Swapnika said...

"Yes aunty, I played a lot today", replied Adiyansh weakly...

"But Adi... Let's go to the hospital baby, I think you are not fine...", Krishna said

"Alle... I'm fine Klsihna...", he said, Krishna nodded, gave him snacks, and after that made him sleep in the room...

"Swapnika, these are the symptoms before he gets a fever, this happened twice", Krishna blabbered getting worried for her brother...

"When was the last time he got a fever", Swapnika asked folding her hands...

"It's 10 months before, I think", Krishna replied...

"Huh, did it happen like this then too ??", she asked and Krishna shook her head..

"But, it used to happen before, I'm afraid, let's take him to the hospital...", Krishna said...

"Krishna, he didn't even have any temperature... The doctor will kick us out if we go now.... don't worry, he will be fine...", Swapnika said

Krishna though not completely convinced by her friend's words, agreed to her logic without knowing it would prove to be the worst mistake in her life...

After an hour or so, when she went to wake him up for dinner, his body is burning... It's already past 10:00 PM, she woke him but Adiyansh is half awake... He is not waking up which scared Krishna a lot... She is hell scared for her baby brother...

"Adi... Adi... baby.... please wake up... please baby...", she cried, she rubbed his body with a water cloth, mixed glucose and forcefully made him drink and after 10 minutes he woke up... She immediately took him to the hospital... 

Since the doctor is her friend, he agreed to see Adiyansh at that time... He gave the little boy an injection for controlling his temperature...

"Arvind... Is he fine ??", Krishna asked 

"He is alright Ojaswi, nothing to worry about... His temperature will come down in a few minutes, you can take him home, but as soon as you reach home, feed him something and give him these medicines, it's very important...", the doctor said and Krishna nodded...

"But, why did he get a fever suddenly, maybe we can go for tests ??", Krishna asked...

"Might be the flu, it's all over the city, don't worry, give him these medicines without fail for 5 days and he should be fine... No need for unnecessary tests", he said softly ruffling the little boy's hair, they all knew how she struggled to take care of him... He is not letting her waste money on something which is not needed... He went after detailing Krishna...

After some time, when Adiyansh's temperature got back to normal, she took him and walked out of the hospital...

"You scared me a lot Adi... This is why I tell you, eat healthily... but you'll never listen to me", she scolded him, helping him stand in front and starting the bike...

"Don't scold Klishna...", he said meekly and she nodded kissing his hair driving off...

"Wanna sit, legs are aching ??", she asked him softly and he nodded... She moved back and made him sit in the front and drove off, but seeing the police checking she hit her forehead... 

In all this hurry, she forgot her papers, she always carries her papers with her...

"Whatever happens, don't get afraid baby... Your Krishna will make everything fine.... I know that police uncle, we are just playing a game", she said, anticipating the police is gonna trouble her as she saw them asking for everyone's papers...

"But Klishna... I'm hungly, you people play later", said the poor boy...

Before Krishna could reply, the policeman approached her, she detailed her problem and he asked her to park her bike a side...

"Sir, the girl doesn't have her papers but she said she does have the license but forgot to bring the papers with her", the constable whispered to his superior.....

"Stop her and get the bike seized", he said

"Sir, but she is having a kid with her, she said she is just returning from the hospital", the constable said looking kindly at the little boy...

"Okay take 500 and leave them", the greedy officer said and the constable nodded...

He conveyed the same to Krishna...

She is not completely okay with bribing the constable but she is not left with much of a choice, her little brother is burning with fever and she has to feed him and give him medicines as soon as possible, and for that, she needs to reach house ASAP.....

She nodded and took 500 rupees note from her bag but before the constable could take it, a firm hand held her soft one tightly.....

"Driving without papers is a punishable offense Miss. and bribing the officer is too.... Ramana..... Seize the bike and get her inside the jeep", roared an authoritative voice making tears spill from her eyes..... Seeing the man, The constable who asked for a bribe, and the one who conveyed are literally shivering...

"Sir..... I am sorry, I do have the license and all the papers at home, my baby brother is burning, please let me go, he needs med..... ", she started blabbering.....

"Shut the hell up..... ", he roared "And You.... You are suspended...... Tell this to the S.I as well.... ", he deadpanned to the constable and walked towards his SUV and left the place without listening to Krishna's screams, cries or the S.I's pleading...

Krishna was crying badly, she was put into the cell, whereas the little boy is made to sit on the table...

"Sir... Can I make a phone call ??", She pleaded...

"No... because of you, I got suspended...", She requested... but the S.I didn't agree... but when he saw the C.I come, he allowed her...

Krishna called Ashwin and Swapnika to come and take Adiyansh home... Hearing her situation, they quickly rushed to the police station...

"Krishna... Wait for some time, I'll contact some lawyer, we'll take you out from here...", Ashwin said...

"No... are you crazy ?? first take Adiyansh home, feed him, give him the medicines, orange color syrup, one tablespoon, and the green one, 5ml... and apply Vicks to the chest area... check the temperature for every two hours... I don't want him here in this environment for more time", Krishna spoke...

"Krishna, It's 1:00 AM, I can't leave you here and go... please try to understand", Ashwin tried to argue but Krishna shut him off, seeing Adiyansh cry, Ashwin took him, he offered he would at least leave Swapnika here, but Krishna said that he can't manage Adi alone and she is right...

"Adi baby... listen to me, don't irritate Ashwin uncle or Swapnika aunty, go home and eat whatever they feed you, and have medicines, don't cry Adi, I'm fine, I told you right ?? That uncle is my friend and we're just playing a game... I'm fine...", Krishna said wiping his tears...

"If he is your friend, then why is he not smiling at you like Ashwin uncle does  ?? and I don't like this game... You come home with me....", Adi asked... Who said you could fool children ?? especially this generation kids are so smart...

Krishna told some or the other thing and convinced him, though he is not convinced, he went with Ashwin and Swapnika...

"You don't want to make a call to anyone else ??", the C.I asked 

"No Sir, I don't have my lawyer's number, who am I kidding ?? I don't even have a lawyer....", she said sitting on the floor, and tears flew from her eyes... She wanted to call many people but her self-respect didn't agree... 

Ashwin couldn't leave Krishna in the lock-up like that, so he called that one man without having an option, he knew she might even kill him for doing that but he doesn't have an option...

After an hour or so...  a man in his early 30s stomped into the police station...

"Krishna... Oh god... here are the papers....", the man spoke to the police officer...

Seeing the man, everyone is shocked there... 

"Sir... Do you know her ?? Why did you come here ?? You could have made a single call", the C.I spoke...

The lawyer gave the papers and the officer immediately took them...

"What the hell are you doing here ?? I don't need your help, go away...", shouted Krishna...

"Krishna shut up, don't create a scene here, Let's go out and talk", the man spoke...

"I would have taken your help Anna, but I don't want your father's help", She said angrily...

"Krishna... Shut up", The man spoke...

"Nithin, calm down...", the elderly lawyer calmed down the young man... "Krishna... After these papers, they wouldn't keep you here even if you want them to, so come with us silently", the lawyer spoke and Krishna gave a furious look to him but nodded nonetheless as he is right...

"What about the case ??", the lawyer asked...

"Sir, sorry can't do a thing about it, DCP Viraj Subramanyam is involved in it, she has to attend the hearing, mostly, she will be fined, that's all", the inspector spoke and the lawyer nodded...

Krishna signed the register and speed-walked out to her baby cousin, It's the early hours of next morning, she is hell worried about Adiyansh...

"Krishna... amma is very much worried for you, please come home once", her brother pleaded...

"I can't, tell her I'm fine, Adi is burning, I need to check up on him...", She said and started walking...

"Okay... at least let me drop you", he pleaded again...

"No thank you, I wouldn't sit on that man's property and the car belongs to him too", saying this she took a cab and went home...

Her brother took a deep sigh before getting into his car and leaving the place... The elderly lawyer smiled at Krishna's back... 

"You will come back to your father Ojaswi... Because that man clearly knows how to make things happen his way", he said to himself before leaving from there...

She went home and seeing her, Adi hugged her tightly and cried...

"He is crying the whole night, even in sleep, he kept whispering your name...", Swapnika said

"I'm so sorry Krishna, but I had to call Nithin...", Ashwin started but Krishna showed him her hand indicating him to stop his justification... She is afraid of this thing affecting the custody case which is a week after, It took 3 days for Adiyansh to recover... 

Viraj came to his parent's house as it's his usual every Sunday, and that's the promise they made him do, before permitting him to stay away from them...

"Viraj... Did you find any difference in the food today ??", His mother asked

"No ??", he carefully answered looking at his father who is eating calmly without even sparing a glance at his son since he keeps meeting his son on work basis...

"What ??", His mother screamed

"I mean, yes, there is... The food is spicy and according to my taste... thank you amma", He said and his mother glared...

"Okay fine, sorry, I failed, you tell me, what's the difference", he asked

"We shifted to organic vegetables, I told you about a girl right ?? she agreed to deliver us, and you know what ?? the vegetables are so good and healthy, even the fruits are... taste them", she said giving him the fruits...

"Yeah... these are tasty... um.. nice...", Viraj said... "Amma, you don't have to cook daily, why don't you appoint a cook ?? With your hectic work, you can't manage the kitchen too, you are not an ordinary woman, You're Yamini Prakash IAS, so please....", Said Viraj...

"I'm just Yamini Prakash inside this premises, a mother to you and a wife to your father, I enjoy cooking for my family, there're people for everything else, so it's not much of an issue... stop worrying...", she said ruffling his hair...

"Okay fine, I'm done... I'll leave now", Viraj said getting up...

"So early ?? You are supposed to stay with us the whole day no ??", She asked

"Yeah, but got a tip, had to go, sorry, will come for lunch or dinner...", he said

"Wait for some time, Ojaswi said she will come to deliver the vegetables today, meet her and go", Yamini Prakash said

"I don't have time mom, and by the way, you said she delivers vegetables every Monday, then how come today ??", he asked suspecting that girl...

"Stop using your police brain, she said she had some court case hearing tomorrow, so she will deliver it today", she said..

"Court ?? Is she a criminal ??", he asked

"Everyone who goes to court or attends a hearing is not a criminal Viraj, you and your father should know better as you attend it at least once in a week", she said countering the father-son duo about suspecting everyone...

"Fine... I can't win over you...", he said before leaving...

Viraj left and Krishna entered... she delivered the vegetables and silently left from there before Yamini could ask her what's the problem, she looked very upset...

Viraj as promised returned for dinner, and had the fresh fruits delivered by Krishna, he is really impressed... the trio had their dinner...

"So mom, you are coming to the court tomorrow right ??", he asked 

"Yeah, I have to", she said

"Okay then see you there", he said standing up to leave...

"You will be there tomorrow ??", she asked him

"Yes amma, there's a custody case tomorrow", Said Viraj

"Custody case ?? From when did you start involving in these types of cases ?? I thought only crimes and criminals interested you", Asked Yamini Prakash

"A little boy's parents died in an accident and from then, the boy is living with his cousin sister, who provoked the boy against everyone else... The paternal uncle wanted the boy's custody, he personally requested me to testify against her, and I have seen her carelessness personally, I was surprised when he showed me the picture of the boy... she left him like that on a road full of traffic, and a week ago, she was caught bribing a police official, if my testimony can save a little boy's future, then why not ??", He said and they nodded...


The next day in court...

"She is not fit to take care of my client's nephew your honor, he is his brother's son and I request the full custody of the little boy to be handed over to him..... My client could provide a safe environment for the little boy..... You can see how Ms. Krishna Ojaswi got arrested for not carrying the papers and bribing the police officer a week ago, and not to forget, the little boy was with her at that time, how can she act so irresponsible with a child around ?? I request the court to think about the child's future and hand over the custody to my client..... With this, I rest my case your honor", finished Mr. Rajendra's lawyer

"I object your honor, it was a clear case, the little boy is burning with fever and he needs medicines immediately, she needs to go asap, but the police weren't allowing her until she bribes them, so she had to offer to save a little boy's life, to be precise, the same boy about whom we're discussing so much...", Krishna's lawyer Malini spoke but is interrupted by Mr. Rajendra's lawyer...

"I object my lord, they are shifting the blame to the police for saving themselves... I would like to call DCP Viraj Subramanyam to say a few words about how irresponsible this woman is", Says Ranjendra's lawyer...

Viraj comes into the witness box and Krishna literally shivered, and her hold tightened around Adiyansh...

"Thank you for coming here leaving all your important work Mr. Viraj, so please tell me and the court, what kind of a woman is Ms. Krishna Ojaswi", The lawyer asked

"I don't know much about this lady, but from what I have seen, She is a careless woman.....", he starts saying the accident incident according to his point of view, and also about the bribing incident... "The lady might love her cousin brother immensely but I don't think she is capable of handling a 6-year-old, at this age", Viraj said and steps down the box, and that one incident paved immense hatred for him in Krishna's eyes...

"That's all my lord, I don't think Ms. Malini has anything to say after this", Rajendra's lawyer says wickedly...

"After hearing the arguments from both sides, the court decides to hand over the custody of Adiyansh to his paternal uncle Mr. Rajendra Narayan Koppad.....", said the judge, and Krishna collapsed.....

She lost her brother for whom she fought the whole world including her parents..... Now she is alone..... But the biggest concern is how would her baby brother stay without her.....

She remembered how his temperature raised and he was almost admitted to the hospital when she was not with him for one night, the horrible one night of her life, where she stayed in the lockup crying about her little brother's health...... Where she loathed a man's existence, where she wished to kill a person for the first time in her life.....

Precap - Krishna confronting Viraj for what he had done, their ugly fight in the court corridor...

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