Chapter - 4

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Viraj walked out as soon as the judgment is passed, and Krishna is devastated... She wants to confront Viraj...

She went out only to find Rajendra Narayan shaking hands with DCP Viraj Subramanyam... and she is beyond furious.

Rajendra Narayan walked away to finish the custody procedures, Viraj is about to leave when he heard someone calling him... He turned only to see a shattered girl full of tears...

"Viraj Subramanyam... Why  ?? Why did you do this  ??", Krishna asked with pain evident in her tone.....

"Look, miss. I don't even know you, I told the court what I saw... Excuse me", he said and was about to walk away when Krishna came in front of him...

"Not so soon Mr. Subramanyam, you need to answer me, that's the least you could do after snatching my life from me", said Krishna wiping her tears...

"Look, you are an irresponsible person and I definitely don't want that child to grow in your shadow... Paternal uncle has more rights technically too... You are just a careless cousin who wants to use that child's assets, his parents left for him, for your luxuries...", He said breaking her even more...

"That's not true...", she screamed...

"I don't care Miss... At least that's what I have heard from Mr. Narayan, even if that's not true, I saw you being irresponsible towards that child twice, I think that's enough reason why you shouldn't possess his custody", Viraj tried to explain to her calmly looking at her pain... she seemed genuine to him but still he thought she is just a young woman not fit to take responsibility, but he didn't know that this young woman has sacrificed her life and her whole family for that child...

"He is a liar... I love my brother, more than my life... Since the time my aunt-uncle passed away, I was the one who took care of him... What does that Narayan know about my Adi ?? Nothing, he didn't know what does Adi like ?? Which is his favorite clothing ?? his favorite food, favorite pass time, when does he get sad ?? when does he get sick ?? nothing... He knew nothing about my Adiyansh...", She went on blabbering wiping her tears which are flowing continuously... 

"Look Miss...", Viraj started but she interrupted him again...

"Why am I telling you all this ?? You are the same as everyone, that Rajendra Narayan's puppet, how much did you take to testify against me ?? Tell me DCP Viraj Subramanyam... How much ??", She screamed and her words ticked Viraj's anger, his earlier thoughts of dealing with the grieving woman patiently flew out of the window...

"How dare you ??", roared Viraj... The court and the people are not new to Viraj's anger but still, the fight interested them as the woman didn't back out, her courage surprised everyone...

"How dare I ?? How dare you separate my little baby from me... You are a corrupt officer who testified against me wrongly...", She shouted

"Shut that bl**dy mouth of yours before I do something which I might regret later", he said dangerously...

Malini, Krishna's lawyer rushed to her to stop...

"Ojaswi... What are you doing ?? This is not right... Come let's go", she said trying to take her away but Krishna is not moving at all...

"You and regret ?? I don't think regret is something an animal like you can feel it... if you do, then you would have been already regretting separating my Adi from me...", she said wiping her tears...

"I won't regret it, Miss. Ojaswi... In fact, I have done a huge favor to that young boy by separating him from a self-centered, stupid, careless, irresponsible, and toxic woman", Viraj said losing his cool...

"I'm not irresponsible, I'm not careless, I'm not, I love my baby a lot... I love him... Ahh... ahh... Adi... Adi....", Krishna fell on her knees and cried so hard that even Viraj felt bad for a second before he walked away... 

He just took 2 steps when he heard her say...

"I hate you Viraj Subramanyam... I'll kill you....", She said wiping her tears and walking inside to the little boy who is sitting with Swapnika...

He shook his head, and shrugged away, it's not new for him to hear such confessions, and it didn't affect him a bit, the only thing is, every time, it's criminals who say that, but for the first time, a normal young woman said that...

He took two more steps towards the end of the aisle when he spotted his mother... He saluted her professionally and she gave a nod, he wanted to go but she didn't move his way, and he could go from the side but that would be disrespectful to the district collector so he stayed, She gave her a sharp look, he prayed she didn't see the little scene there but who is he kidding ?? By the look on his mother's face, it's crystal clear, she witnessed everything... The thing he didn't know is she is the same girl his mother is extremely fond of... 

But wait! What's her name ?? Ojaswi, and that's the name of that organic vegetables delivery girl... He put two and two together and got the whole story... 

"DCP Viraj Subramanyam, meet me at my office tomorrow, 10 AM sharp...", she said, though her voice is polite, she held an authority...

"Yes ma'am", Viraj said saluting her and walking away to his car...

His driver Sunil went to have tea from the nearby stall so he had to wait... That's when he saw Rajendra Narayan standing leaning on his car and talking to his lawyer and laughing wickedly... Something in his laugh didn't seem right to Viraj... But he decided to push it on his always suspecting police brain until he gets something solid...

Krishna is seen walking towards Rajendra Narayan holding Adiyansh's hand tightly... When she approached Rajendra Narayan's car, she sat on her knees to reach her little brother's height...

"Adi.... baby... You need to go with your doddappa(father's elder brother) for a few days", Krishna said breathing heavily...

"But Klishna... I have been a vely good boy lately, I don't even ask you to buy things ol(or) tlouble(trouble) you, then why ale(are) sending me away ??", he said with a cry baby face, he is just seconds away from bursting into tears... 

Krishna hugged him tightly, tears fell from her eyes but she wiped them quickly before breaking the hug and facing him again.

"You have been a good boy Adi, and this is your gift... look, your doddappa and doddamma love you a lot, you have a huge family, you need to be with them too right ?? So, spend some days with them, I'll come and get you soon", Krishna said...

"Klishna.... ale(are) you punishing me fol(for) pushing you on the load(road) and lunning(running) away that day ?? solly Klishna, I won't do again... Please don't send me away", the little boy said holding Krishna tightly...

"No baby... I'm not punishing you, it's just that they too love you, and you need to stay with them for a while... please understand me Adi, don't make it harder for me... listen, you will have your elder sister, and brother there, who will take care of you... You always ask me right ?? Why do you have only me to take care of you, from now, you will have so many people to care for you, go... I'll keep visiting you", she said and Adiyansh burst into tears...

"I don't want anyone... I want only you Klishna.... please... don't send me away.... Klishna.... Klishna...", the boy kept shouting when he was lifted by Rajendra Narayan...

"Your Krishna will soon come to meet you Adiyansh... don't cry....", the vile man said in his cringingly soft voice but even the child understood his bad intentions...  He kept slapping the man and shouting for Krishna, at last, he was put into the car and the door was shut...

Krishna cried looking at her little brother who is banging on the door...

"He became completely mannerless, you made him like that, I'll teach him discipline...", he said 

"Don't you dare... You wouldn't punish my baby... bear with him whatever he does, otherwise, I'll make you regret even for wishing for his custody Rajendra Narayan... and one more thing, I did teach him discipline, I also taught him to fight the evil, that's what he is doing", Krishna said...

"Ojaswi... Don't forget with whom you are talking to, don't compel me to issue a restraining order against you...", The vile man threatened before getting into his car and left...

As soon as the car left, Krishna collapsed on the floor... Swapnika made her stand and hugged her friend trying to provide comfort but Krishna is equal to a dead soul now...

"Krishna... Everything is not over yet... You can get back Adiyansh's custody, we all know what kind of a man is Rajendra Narayan, he won't treat Adi right and we can use it against him in the court...", Swapnika said

"Exactly Ojaswi... Since Adiyansh is so attached to you, staying away from you will definitely affect him, he might even fall ill....", Malini started but Krishna gave a furious look to her...

"Do you even know what you are saying ?? I want my brother's custody but I don't want him to suffer for it... I want Rajendra Narayan to take good care of Adiyansh, otherwise, I would kill him... I left everything behind for Adiyansh, now too, I'll go to any extent to have his custody back but not by using him...", Krishna said walking away to her E-bike and that's when she spotted Viraj, who till then is watching her but suddenly shifted his gaze...

She walked towards him furiously and he is about to shout at her when she did the unexpected shutting his mouth with shock...

She pulled out a pen and wrote a date on Viraj's hand...

"Before this date, I'll prove all your accusations false and get my baby brother back... My brother is the only one holding me up from doing anything extreme, and since you snatched him from me, I have utterly no restrictions, I can do anything, If you're corrupt, then even God can't save you from me...", she warned before shoving his pen in his hands before walking away...

He looked at her eyes, which only showed courage, he had never seen someone who showed so much courage while talking to him... Behind that courage, he saw her pride in being right and honest... He shook his thoughts away and got into his car... and his driver drove off...

After witnessing the scene in the court, and her little conversation with Rajendra Narayan, he somewhere felt his opinions were wrong... And he did want to find out the truth... For now, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and started with his work...

At night, after wrapping up his work, Viraj reached home and is met with an expected sight of his friends having drinks in his lounge...

He directly went to his bedroom, freshened up, and returned to them...

"So what's so special today  ?? Usually, you invite us for drinks only when we wash our hands with some criminal's blood...", Harsha asked...

"Invite  ?? Did you guys ever need an invitation to come here  ?? You are the annoying a**h*l*s who show up without even intimation let alone invitation", Viraj said taking a peg before taking a seat beside Tejas...

"Fine... Stop your snarky comments on us and speak out... What's bothering you", Tejas asked Viraj...

He again took a deep sigh before explaining the custody case and his point of view... He told them everything except how she challenged him...

"So, is this fear that you, for the first time, went against the law by testifying against her wrongly, or is this your guilt that you destroyed a girl by snatching away her only family  ??", Dhiraj asked Viraj...

His statement drew the attention of everyone and the trio can see Dhiraj is furious...

"I didn't testify against her wrongly", Viraj defended himself

"Oh... Really ??", Dhiraj questioned him...

"at least not intentionally, so it wasn't against the law", Viraj said... "What has happened to you  ??", Viraj questioned looking at a furious Dhiraj

"Exactly how stupid you can be Viraj  ?? You are right most of the time with your judgment about people that doesn't mean you are always right... That girl is anything but careless... Do you even know what happened that day  ?? The little guy pushed her and she got hit by a bike, her arms, elbows, knees, and ankle are hurt badly, she is bleeding from everywhere, yet all she thought is about that little boy, that girl couldn't even take a step with those injuries, but she ran across the roads in search of the little boy...", Dhiraj said surprising Viraj...

"But... The little guy ran on the streets, what if he got hurt", Viraj said in his defense...

"Dude... He ran while she was hit by a bike before she could get up and see him, he ran off, and didn't you see the affection he had for the girl  ?? It wouldn't come just like that Viraj, if a child loves you so dearly, then there are years of love, nurture, efforts, and care that went to achieve it... I seriously thought the lady to be his mother until you said she is his cousin...", said Dhiraj...

"F**k... I have a meeting with mom tomorrow, she is going to take my class", Viraj said...

"Your mother  ??", all three are surprised...

"Long story, shortly Krishna Ojaswi is in my mother's good books and I am f**k*d up from all sides.... ", he stated... "Actually no... In my defense, I have the bribing incident on my side", Viraj said smirking for finding an escape but soon Dhiraj's words spoiled his little celebration...

"I am sure, she must have had good reasons to do what she did, and your mother will definitely try to know it... So it's official, Viraj Subramanyam will be returning with bleeding ears tomorrow", Dhiraj said and Viraj glared at him...

"Don't look like that, you deserve it for what you did to that girl", Said Tejas, and Harsha agreed pissing Viraj more...

"By the way, Viraj, it's surprising, that DCP Viraj Subramanyam re-considered his opinion on someone... Well that's a rare case", teased Dhiraj

"Not rare, it never occurred before... What's there in this girl ?? Is Viraj Subramanyam in love ??", said Harsha joining his friend in teasing Viraj...

"Love ?? and that too Krishna Ojaswi ??", Viraj scoffed... "My reconsideration is regarding the little boy, I don't want his future to be at stake with my one wrong statement, otherwise I wouldn't even think about that crazy and stupid girl who dared to question me in the court corridor... I hate her guts, courage, and even her existence", He said glaring at his friends...

"Doesn't look like that, though...", Tejas said...

"I don't care what you guys think, love is a big no for me, and that too her, even if she is the last woman on earth, then too, I wouldn't even spare a glance at her", Viraj said with venom

"Is she that ugly ??", Harsha asked Viraj to know his opinion but Viraj is not the one to get trapped...

"F**k off Harsha", said Viraj getting up...

"She is a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart Harsha... It's just that this coldhearted man is ignorant", Dhiraj said and Viraj gave a punch to him, Dhiraj held his hand, and looked at the inked date on his hand...

"What's this ??", he asked... "What's this date, and there's 'I hate you' also", Dhiraj said...

"What ??", Viraj exclaimed, jerking his hand from Dhiraj's hold and looking at his hand on which there's 'I hate you' written below the date...

"Crazy woman, utterly stupid", Viraj said furiously before storming to his room... 

The three friends laughed, and talked for some more time, before leaving for their places...

@Krishna's home

"Krishna... You haven't eaten anything from the morning, have something", Ashwin said but she shook her head, wrapped in Adiyansh's bedsheet... 

Swapnika is with her since the afternoon they returned from the court, and just now left to bring some clothes so that she could stay with her friend for a few days...

"Krishna... not eating is not a solution, Swapnika ordered to get you to eat before she arrives, if you didn't, she'll have my head... Please Krishna...", Ashwin again pleaded but Krishna didn't even move... she just shook her head again but Ashwin nudged her again and she burst out crying again...

"I don't even know if he had eaten something... How is my Adi doing without me ??", She sobbed...

"Why don't you call them and ask ??", Ashwin asked...

"I did, but that vile man is not taking my call, and I don't have any other numbers", She said

"Call your mother, Adiyansh's mother is her sister, so she will definitely have her sister's husband's side family's numbers, also, even if she doesn't, your brother can get the number for you in minutes", Ashwin suggested only to earn a glare from her.

"I wouldn't call them ever", Krishna muttered angrily...

"You have to if you want Adiyansh's knowabouts... at least call your mother Krishna... She didn't do or say anything right ??", Ashwin said

"That's my problem Ashwin, She didn't do or say anything, I'm her daughter, why didn't she take a stand for me ??", Krishna said wiping her tears...

"shh... Sh.... calm down, you have enough problems in your plate right now, don't bring the past as well, forget it for now, Krishna, you can't be at peace until you know about Adiyansh, so call your mother, forget everything...", Ashwin said...

"Okay... I'll call her, I want to know about my Adi, rest all doesn't matter", She said picking up her phone and dialing her mother... It took a few rings, Krishna want to hang up so badly and at the same time, want to hear her mother's voice for once... 

A voice brought her out of her reverie...

"Krishna....", Her mother cried into the phone...

"Amma....", Krishna controlled her tears... 

"Krishna... How are you ?? Please come home... I want to see you, please don't punish your mother more... I was so scared when I heard about your arrest... Krishna... Are you there...", her mother said in between her sobs... and it's damn hard for Krishna to control her tears after hearing her mother's voice but she had to...

"Yes Amma... I need Adiyansh's paternal family's numbers, please send me their contacts, I don't have anyone's number except for Rajendra Narayan's and that man is not taking my call", Krishna came directly to the point... she knew her mother's heart would have broken with her words but what could she do ?? She can't go back home, her father made it clear, she has to step in only after leaving Adiyansh permanently and that she couldn't do...

"Krishna... Please come home... Adiyansh is not with you now so what's stopping you.... please", Her mother's words angered her...

" the news reached you ?? What are you cooking for that husband of yours ?? He might have called for a celebration... No ??", Krishna screamed

"Krishna... He is your father", her mother scolded...

"Father... my foot.... amma, please I don't want to discuss that man, send me the contacts, Will you or not ??", Krishna asked controlling her temper...

"No... I won't, I can't go against your father, I... I have to ask him...", She said breaking Krishna's heart...

"Okay, get ready to see your daughter's deadbody then, I'll starve to death till I get to talk to Adiyansh", Krishna replied furiously... 

"Krishna... No...", she cried

"The phone numbers", Krishna asked sternly

"I just have Rajendra Narayan's wife's number, I can share that with you, it's been years, I don't know if it's in working", her mother said

"Okay send it", Krishna said

"Will do, Krishna... please come home... I...", Her mother started but Krishna hung up and burst into tears...

Ashwin side hugged her broken friend...

"She is still the same Ashwin, a puppet in my father's hands... It's been years I walked out of that house, yet there's no change in her.... Why ??", Krishna sobbed into her friend's shoulder...

She wiped her tears as soon as she saw the number and dialed to it... To her luck, the number is in working and soon a lady took the call...

"Hello... Hello... Is it Rajendra Narayan's wife speaking ??", Krishna asked clutching her dress tightly...

"Yes...", the lady said and relief tears flew from Krishna's eyes...

"Mrs. Narayan, I'm Krishna Ojaswi, Adiyansh's sister, please tell me, Is he fine ?? Did he eat something ??", Krishna asked...

"Thank god you called, my husband wouldn't give me your number, Adiyansh is crying from the time he came home, I tried feeding him food but he didn't eat a morsel, he is constantly asking for you, he slept empty stomach just an hour back", The lady spoke, by her words, Krishna guessed she isn't cruel like her husband...

"Ma'am, Don't let him sleep empty stomach, he will fall sick, please let me talk to him, I'll convince him, he won't trouble you from tomorrow", Krishna said 

"Can I call you in sometime, my husband is in his room, I can't make you talk to him in his presence...", the lady whispered

"Okay... I'll be waiting for your call", Krishna said hanging up... and pacing around in worry, and then she received a message from Yamini Prakash shocking her...

"Meet me at my office tomorrow 9:30 AM sharp"

the message read and Krishna didn't know why but decided to go...

After waiting for 2 hours, Krishna received a call from the lady, she didn't even ask her name...

"Hello Ojaswi, talk to Adiyansh", The lady said as soon as Krishna picked up the call, she is thankful the lady addressed her as Ojaswi herself, she didn't like people except for her closenit calling her 'Krishna'

She talked to Adiyansh, who cried a lot even screamed at Krishna for sending him with them... Krishna convinced him, asked him to have the food, and be nice to the lady, and only then they would send him back to her and Adiyansh promised her he would do everything she said and after a good 20 minutes, Adiyansh handed the phone to the lady as per Krishna asked...

"Thank you so much ma'am, please feed him something, he would eat now... and I'm so sorry, I didn't ask your name", She apologized, she is calm now since she talked to him...

"It's fine, I can understand, I'm a mother to two, myself, and I'm Roshini", she said and Krishna thanked her hanging up... 

"Now, Will you eat ??", Ashwin asked and Krishna shook her head... "Now what ??", He asked sighing deeply... 

"I'll have after my Adi had it", she said and he silently sat beside her, and after a while, she received a message from Roshini saying Adiyansh had his dinner, and that's when Krishna ate the food...

"Who said you are not his mother... if anything, you are more than a mother and court will definitely see your love, that too soon...", Ashwin said and Swapnika who just came there agreed to his statement... 

After a while, Ashwin left home leaving the two girls...

Precap -  Viraj and Krishna Ojaswi at Yamini Prakash's office

Note - My other book, 'The Kiss I Hate The Most' is now available on Kindle, please go and give it a try... Below is the link... Read it in Wattpad till 21 chapters, if you find it worth your time, only then, go ahead... Thanks again for all the support...

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