Chapter - 5

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Krishna got ready and went to meet Yamini at her office... She was there 5 minutes early but she was called in at exactly 9:30 Am...

"Please take a seat Ojaswi", Yamini Prakash said politely and Krishna sat down after joining her hands in 'namaste ' in respect to the collector...

"You must be wondering why I called you here... Hm... ", Yamini Prakash said...

" Yes ma'am... ", Krishna said politely though anticipation is killing her...

"Mr. Mukerji, I'll talk to you later about that, you can leave now" , she said to her assistant who nodded and left with a 'yes ma'am'

"Ojaswi... I was at the court yesterday when you confronted DCP Viraj Subramanyam, to be frank, I was very disappointed with the way you acted, it would make your case weaker, it's good that DCP Subramanyam didn't press any charges of defamation in public, you do know he had that right don't you  ??", yamini Prakash asked Krishna...

"I'm sorry ma'am, I... ", Krishna hesitated...

"I want to know why you called an officer like Viraj Subramanyam a corrupt officer", Yamini said

"An officer like him  ?? What do you mean by that ma'am  ??", Krishna asked puzzled

"He is known for his honesty Ojaswi, he is one of the most sincere officers today... Duty is his utmost priority, trust me when I say this, he is anything but corrupted, I know him, and I also know you, you wouldn't say anything just like that...", yamini asked

"I don't know how much you know about the custody case but I'll tell you, everything ma'am, if you have time... ", Krishna said politely

"Go ahead", yamini Prakash said

"My cousin was barely 2 when my maternal aunt and uncle passed away in an accident, no one was ready to take care of his responsibilities, at one time everyone thought of sending him to orphanage or for adoption, I was very close to him and listening to what all the so-called relatives of Adiyansh are planning, I decided to take care of him... And from that time, I was the only one taking care of him, after 4 years, Adiyansh's paternal uncle suddenly realized that Adiyansh's parents invested in a lot of businesses which are booming now and all their assets belong to the little boy, and Rajendra Narayan badly wants money ma'am, he fell so low that he even portrayed me as gold digger in front of DCP viraj subramanyam... Till today, I never used Adiyansh's parent's money for him, I earned and took care of his needs, because he is my responsibility now... Everyone knew how I took care of him, so I was sure I would win the case despite of so many flaws like family support, financial strength, Or social Security, yet I know I did no less for Adi... But with DCP Viraj's one statement, tables turned... I was sure he is Mr. Narayan's man because no man who is truthful can support that vile Rajendra... ", Krishna said...

"I agree, it's DCP Subramanyam's fault for not investigsting it thoroughly, I would like to issue a warning to him regarding this... But tell me one thing, how do you defend the case you were arrested in just more than a week ago... Let me read it for you... You were booked under 'Bribery against public officials' section 201", said Yamini Prakash looking into her notepad...

"Yes ma'am... I have committed it but my situation forced me to do so... Adiyansh was burning with fever and I had to rush him to the hospital at night and was returning when this happened, the doctor advised me to feed him and give him medicines as soon as I go home... He was very weak, he couldn't even stand at the time when the police asked for my papers", she started... She narrated the whole incident to Yamini Prakash...

"There's a 6-year old kid with me ma'am, DCP Viraj Subramanyam didn't even consider the fact that in what way all this could affect the child... I am not even sure if he even knew there's a child in front of me... He was arrogant, reckless and extremely  insensitive... Excuse my language but at least for the sake of humanity, any official would respect a woman with a kid, I don't expect for him to free me, but the least he could do is let me explain, and arrange for someone to take the kid away before I was dragged to the station... I was taken to the police station at night at 12:30 along with my 6-year-old cousin... What impact that would leave on that child  ?? Not to forget, he was burning... I had asked my friend to pick Adi from police station, I stayed in lock-up, before my brot.... before someone bailed me out....", Krishna said correcting herself, she doesn't want to talk about her family which abandoned her...

Yamini Prakash is very impressed with how boldly Krishna called a police officer of DCP cadre, insensitive and arrogant... As a mother, she is surprised to hear those words coming from a girl about her son... Well girls usually see him as a hero and many of their parents did approach her for marriage... but Krishna is different, she didn't fall for his looks, nor for power or cadre, her eyes are pure and free of any lust for money or power and Yamini Prakash loved that attitude...

"I understand your concerns Ojaswi, but still you committed the crime", Yamini intentionally provoked her...

"I did ma'am, that's the reason I decided to stay there and get punished, I didn't even call any lawyer.... It's my friend who arranged for it, all I wanted is my cousin's safety... ", Krishna said...

"Well... In that case, DCP Viraj Subramanyam will get a warning regarding this too... ", Yamini Prakash said...

"Ma'am, DCP Viraj Subramanyam is here", the assistant informed and Yamini asked her to let him in... Krishna got up to leave as she couldn't even tolerate that man's sight but Yamini Prakash asked her to sit and she obliged unwillingly....

Viraj came inside, is shocked to see the same girl who dared to accuse him of corruption...

"Ma'am... ", he saluted Yamini prakash

"DCP Viraj... Take a seat", Yamini said and Viraj sat down and then took off his cap and placed gently on the table...

"So... I have a few queries regarding the process you have followed in this case, which isn't your case in the first place", Yamini Prakash started and with the stern tone, he understood his mother is mad...

"Yes ma'am... ", Viraj said politely

"Did you know there's a kid with this lady when you ordered her arrest at midnight  ??", she asked

"I had a vague idea about it ma'am ", he answered

"Did you give her a chance to give an explanation  ??", she asked again...

"No ma'am, she was caught red-handed and I thought listening to her is pointless", he answered and Krishna glared at him, having him take a seat beside is boiling her blood at 200°C if that's even possible...

"You thought  ?? Unfortunately, the system doesn't run on your thoughts, Mr. Subramanyam", strongly said Yamini Prakash... He nodded politely...

"Okay, what investigation did you do before you testify against Okaswi, how did you decide that she, a woman who spreads positive and protective thoughts for the environment, raises awareness among people, a responsible citizen, and a responsible guardian, is not capable of taking care of that young boy, rather you thought a man who has 3 money laundering cases on him is much better to possess the little boy's custody  ?? Any particular reason  ??", Yamini questioned strongly...

"I apologize, ma'am, I did a background check and I do know about these cases, but none of them were proved yet, but I can't say the same for the lady here... I witnessed her bribing an officer on duty, and not to forget, the accident sequence...", Viraj said...

"Don't even get me started DCP Viraj Subramanyam, do you even know what happened that day, it wasn't my fault", Krishna said anger bubbling inside... With her loud tone, Viraj's jaw ticked but he is controlling as he is in a collector's office...

"Calm down Ojaswi... I can understand your emotions, but please maintain the decorum...", Yamini Prakash said softly yet with a little authority...

"I'm sorry ma'am...", Krishna apologized holding the chair to control her emotions...

"The little boy is burning with fever, she is returning from a hospital, and in that hurry, she forgot the papers, she was ready to bear the punishment for her offense, she at least wanted someone to take her brother home before she was rushed to the police station but what did you do ??", Yamini Prakash stated strongly

"I... I didn't know", Viraj said

"You would have known if you would have heard her Viraj... if something happened to the little boy, can you undo what you did ??", she asked and Viraj shook his head clearly guilty...

"This is the last warning DCP Viraj Subramanyam since it's your first time, you are a very sincere officer and the people need you, that's the reason I'm letting this issue go, with just a warning", Yamini Prakash said... "I would expect you to control the damage you have done considering your accountability towards your actions", She added further and Viraj nodded... "And you Miss. Ojaswi, bribing is a serious offense under any circumstances, you'll face the trial soon, don't repeat that again", Yamini told Krishna in the same tone...

"Yes ma'am...", she said

"You both can leave now", She added sternly yet softly...

Viraj got up first as if he is sitting on burning coal... he saluted her and is about to leave when Yamini Prakash stopped him... Krishna left from there after politely greeting Yamini Prakash ignoring Viraj as if he is non-existent, his ego is bruised, though he couldn't care any less, Yamini wants to laugh so badly at her son's face, but she cleared her throat to stop her chuckle... As soon as Krishna left the room, the door is closed... Viraj left a sigh...

"Viraj... sit here, I want to talk something", Yamini started softly, and he understood now she wants to lecture him as his mother... Argh, in both roles, whether it's personal or professional, she is superior to him, and he had to bear her scoldings...

"Yes mom... go ahead", Viraj said settling on the chair and getting ready for the lecture... 

"Viraj... Ojaswi is not...", She started and he got irritated even by hearing her name...

"Not her mom, seriously, the girl irritates me to the core... I can't bear her presence even for a minute, and you made me sit with her for half-hour... a crazy nut case... huh...", He said and his mother chuckled at her son's irritation when taken Ojaswi's name...

"Come on Viraj, she is not bad, in fact, a fantastic girl, her courage reminds me of myself when I was her age... and She is the right guardian for that boy... I have verified her background, she is perfect... Unknowingly and unintentionally, you snatched safe heaven from that little boy, and a reason to live from the girl, I don't know how you do it but she needs to get the custody of Adiyansh back... I think I have taught you to be accountable and responsible, prove me right Viraj", she said softly...

"Mom...", he started but she cut him off...

"You can leave now DCP Viraj Subramanyam", she said with authority... Viraj sighed, he understood, that his mother is not the one to change her decision... Huh, how the hell would he get back the boy to Ojaswi, thought Viraj...

"Ma'am", he said with a salute and walked out of her cabin...

Viraj saw Krishna arguing with a man fiercely, he went nearer to hear the conversation...

"Don't be stupid Krishna, we are also sad for what happened with Adiyansh, but life won't stop for anyone, you need to move on, come back home, Amma - Appa are waiting for you", Nithin said

"You are sad for what happened ?? But why ?? All this time, you only wanted this, didn't you ?? And what did you say ?? life wouldn't stop for anyone ?? Adi is not my responsibility, but my life too, I didn't leave my family, my life for nothing, I want to secure Adi's future but now... he is not with me, but that doesn't give you any chances Anna, tell this to your parents too", Krishna said furiously...

"My parents ?? they are your parents too", Nithin said and Krishna laughed humorlessly

"They didn't treat me like one, and you know what ?? I suspect your father's hand in snatching Adi away from me", Krishna said furiously...

"Krishna, stop it, why would he do that to you ?? He knew how much Adi is important for you, he loves you", Nithin tried to convince his sister...

"Please brother, don't say all this... I can't help but laugh at these words, and why wouldn't he ?? He has all the reasons to do, his daughter decided to remain single taking responsibility of a child which is not hers, she left home, refused to recognise him as a father, even refused his surname and with all this, his so-called respect in the society is badly effected, and he wanted it back, and how would he get it ?? by snatching away Adi from me...", Krishna said with tears in her eyes...

"Krishna, stop it, you are speaking utter nonsense... Come home, we can talk and resolve things calmly, I'll talk to Appa...", Nithin said

"I wouldn't ever step inside that home, not after how they treated me and Adi, if you try to talk me into this, then I would severe my ties with you too, now please let me go, I need to prepare lunch for Adi and give him in the school", saying this Krishna walked away...

Viraj is shocked to hear her, she left her family, abandoned marriage, just for Adiyansh, he is definitely wrong in judging the girl, it's true that the girl gets on his nerves but he had to find a solution for her problem since he is the cause for it... 

He never backed out from taking up the consequences for his actions, his mother is right, he is very accountable, he decided to bring back Adiyansh to Ojaswi at any cost...

Thinking of various ways, he walked back to his car and drove off to his office... He failed to see the person Krishna talked to, if he did, he would have known about Krishna's family and their hand in the whole custody case...

Precap - Function at Adiyansh's school and guess who is the chief guest...

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