Chapter - 6

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Note - Doddappa - father's elder brother; Doddamma - father's elder brother's wife


Krishna went home, she again took a bath to remove all the bad encounters that happened to her, first and foremost being with Viraj Subramanyam, she hated his existence, and this is the first time she hated a man so much, she didn't even hate her father so much, as much as she did Viraj...

She flushed away all those thoughts and freshened up, cooked Adiyansh's favorite meal, and started to his school...

At lunch hour, she went inside and saw Adi staring sadly at his lunch box but not eating anything... Krishna's eyes teared up but she decided to stay strong...

"Someone is too busy to notice their favorite person", Krishna said standing in front of Adiyansh, hiding the lunch box she brought for him behind her...

As soon as he heard her, he jumped on her and he lifted him in the air, and caught him, kissing his cheek...

"Klishna... Klishna.... yayyy", He screamed in joy... She made him sit and she sat beside him... he turned his head angrily...

"Huh... I hate you Klishna, you left me with that bad Dodappa... Doddamma is good but she is not like you, I only want you Klishna", Adiyansh said and Krishna hugged him, after a series of apologies, he finally forgave her...

"Klishna... That bad Doddappa said I'll be staying in that house folevel(forever), is it tlue(true) ??", he asked

"No Adi, that's not true, I'll get you back soon....", she said

"Klishna... I know, you didn't want to send me, that uncle with long beald(beard) ordered you to send me light ??(right)", He said, and Krishna chuckled at his reference to the judge... and thinking about that judge, her blood boiled again...

"My baby became so big, you know everything, but don't worry, I'll bring you back", She promised to him and herself too

"Yes Klishna, I am a big boy now...", He said proudly and she chuckled....

"Yeah, yet this big boy doesn't know how to say my name, it's krishna, not klishna", she said teasing him...

"You ale bad Klishna", he said again and she chuckled

"Oh really ?? I brought your favorite Sandwich, but since I'm bad, I should finish it", she said and he immediately jumped on her searching for the box, and when he found the box, he ate everything, she smiled with contentment looking at him... After finishing the lunch, she took the empty box and filled it with Adiyansh's lunch... 

"I'll eat this, don't worry, I'll bring you lunch daily and I'll take your lunch", She said and he nodded...

"Be a good boy Adi, and do your homework properly, who is making you do the homework??", She asked him

"no one... I did it on my own and teachel scolded me a lot for doing it long(wrong)", He said sadly...

"Don't worry, I'll talk to your Doddamma", she said kissing his forehead before leaving from there... She got teary-eyed while leaving but Adiyansh wiped it and smiled at her... After seeing her, he got confidence that his Krishna will come and meet him daily, so he didn't have to cry...

She smiled at him, kissed his palm, and left for her nursery...

Days passed like this... It's the 25th already, and Krishna has to deliver the plants to Adiyansh's school, she decided to deliver it herself though Ashwin offered to do it for her... She wants to see Adiyansh using this as an opportunity...

She went to the school and delivered the plants, the function has just started, and the children are assembled in the auditorium, the parents too arrived there and are made to sit beside their children... She searched for Adiyansh and that's when she heard a name which she never wanted to hear...

"We thank our chief guest DCP Viraj Subramanyam for accepting our request and gracing us with his presence... The man of masses, we couldn't thank him enough for what he has done for the city and for us as well...", the host continued to sing praises for Viraj and Krishna sighed...

"Wow... He is beautiful inside out Krishna, look how handsome he is...", Swapnika said...

"Very funny, now do your work without talking about that moron...", Krishna said and the school attender who is helping them glared at them suddenly, he was being nice to them till then...

"Amma, don't say things like that to DCP sir, he is a great man, before last year, three gangsters entered our school building and tried to kill a child, whose father refused to give the ransom and went to the police instead, they not only targeted that one child, but many of the children studying here, Viraj sir, like a lion fought with them, killed them saving all the children, he got shot too while saving them...", The attender said and Krishna is surprised but her hatred for him remained the same, but a little respect for him is accommodated there... Krishna didn't know about the issues as Adi was in a play school then... 

She is done with unloading the plants... and special plants were ordered for the guests which were delivered in the morning only, so the guests were called upon the stage and presented with the plants, after the host is done praising Viraj, the chief guest, the school director, principal, and head teachers got down the stage, they made Viraj sit on the reserved seats in the front row, followed by the director and principal... 

Krishna muttered curses under her breath for the royal treatment that's being given to the devil in disguise, well that's what she felt for him...

She went to wash her hands and then search for Adiyansh and see him from far since there'll be someone from Narayan's family attending from Adiyansh's side but what she didn't know is he didn't even tell them anything as his little heart didn't accept anyone in the place of Krishna...

"Ayy Adiyansh, go there and sit in the last seat, you anyway don't have parents to sit beside you", One boy bullied him, fortunately, or unfortunately, it's just behind Viraj's seat...

"Before he at least had his mother, now no one is here for him.... hahah you are alone...", another boy bullied Adiyansh... they thought Krishna is his mother...

"You shouldn't tease him like that", the boy's parents tried to reprimand them but they didn't stop...

Viraj got up despite the director's requests to sit down... His heart went out to the little boy seeing him in tears... 

He went to Adiyansh and seeing Viraj, Adiyansh went and hugged his legs tightly... 

"Angel... What are you doing here ??" Adi asked Viraj, and Viraj sat down on his knees to reach Adiyansh's height

"Well, I got to know you study here, so I came to meet you, can I sit here ??", Viraj asked showing the seats where Adiyansh wants to sit...

"These are for my parents, you will sit here ??", the little boy asked with so much hope...

"Yes, I would love to, will you allow me ??", Viraj asked softly lifting Adiyansh... the little boy nodded his head excitedly...

Viraj made him sit and sat beside Adiyansh... and the children who mocked Adiyansh too apologized to him and they became friends again and that's the beauty with kids, they apologize and forgive so easily, they are so pure, no ego issues...

"Sir, we'll make sure these type of things doesn't occur... you please come and take your seat", the correspondent said

"That's fine, I am comfortable here... please start the program, it's so much fun to watch the program from here", Viraj said pointing to Adi and other children and parents... 

The correspondent and principal agreed unwillingly and went back to their seats... Krishna came there and spotted Adiyansh, but seeing the seat beside him occupied that too by the man she hates to the core, she is beyond furious...

she marched towards her brother...

"Adi...", She shouted and everyone around her stared at her, Viraj glared at her... she looked down embarrassed, slightly apologized to no one in particular, and took a seat beside Adiyansh....

"Klishna... you'le hele ??(are here ??), I'm so happy...", he exclaimed standing on his seat and hugging Krishna...

"Adi, What are you doing ?? Sit down...", She scolded him... "Baby, the seat will get dirty... Didn't I teach you how to be neat ??", she told him... He was about to sit there only and Krishna just glared at Adiyansh... He silently got down, and Krishna dusted off the dirt and signed the little boy to sit and he silently followed...

"Hitler...", murmured Viraj and she just glared at him...

"Solly Klishna, I got excited seeing you hele...", Adiyansh apologized and she nodded...

"I think you are the chief guest here ?? no ?? please go and take a seat in the front sir... how can you sit with us ??", She said glaring at Viraj... "I mean you are the DCP and sitting with common people like us ??", she re-formed her statement seeing the people beside her looking at her weirdly...

"Well, I would have, if you would have been more responsible and came here at the right time... His fellow classmates were bullying him about not having parents, I was right about you, a careless woman...", He whispered making her furious and hurt too... Adiyansh is so indulged that he didn't care what they spoke about, he enjoyed the dance performances...

"I'm not careless Viraj Subramanyam, Don't you dare say that again, With what right do you want me to come here ?? ha ?? You snatched the guardian post from me, don't you remember", she whispered back...

"Really ?? then how come you are here now ??", he mocked her...

"To deliver the plants", she said showing the one in his hands, he quickly put it down...

"Adi... why are your doddamma and dodappa not here ??", She asked... 'How dare they leave my child alone' she fumed inside... Adi who is happy watching the performances suddenly became pale and bowed his head and Krishna got suspicious...

"What did you do ??", she asked knitting her brows...

"Stop scolding him", Viraj butted in...

"Stay away Mr. Viraj Subramanyam... I'm talking to my brother", She whispered...

"I would have, but you are clearly the reason he is having a pale face, if you talk like that with a child, how else would he keep his face ?? obviously can't jump in happiness right", he mocked her and she glared at him...

"Adi... I'm waiting for the answer...", She said ignoring Viraj...

"Klishna, don't get angly(angry), I... I didn't show them the dialy(diary), I don't want them to come here Klishna", He said and Krishna huffed knowing the reason exactly...

"Why little man ??", Viraj asked softly...

"Klishna is my only palent(parent), I only want Klishna here, I don't want them to take hel(her) place", Adiyansh said and his love for his sister melted Viraj's heart...

"Baby, you do know your friends will bully you if you don't bring anyone right ?? then why did you do it ??", Krishna asked softly...

"I don't want them Klishna, I only want you, please take me home Klishna... I don't want them...", He said tears about to spill from his eyes...

Krishna took him in her lap and consoled him...

"Baby... you shouldn't talk like that about them, they are your doddama and dodappa, and they love you, just like me... you should give the same importance to them as you do to me", Krishna said but Adiyansh shook his head...

"Kishna, they don't love me like you, you know, doddama don't tell me bedtime stories, she doesn't feed me like you do, she asks me to eat on my own, she feeds me sometimes but when dodappa sees it, he scolds her, he says I'm old enough to have it on my own... How can I eat Klishna ?? My hands ale so little... I can have sandwich and snacks but can't eat lice(rice), I'll make the whole place dilty(dirty) and they again scold me, You never scolded me if I dirty the home, you silently cleaned evelything(everything), you played with me, you love me Klishna, they don't...", the little boy said making Krishna emotional and Viraj guilty, he again called her careless when she is not... 

"Adi... I'm so sorry, I didn't teach you how to eat as I thought I'll be with you always but...", she said gulping her pain and putting on a fake smile for her brother... "leave all that, I made pasta for you, I brought it in your favorite box, will you have ??", she asked and he nodded excitedly and she chuckled...

Krishna took the box from her bag and gave it to him... He is about to put everything in his mouth, but suddenly remembered what Krishna says, he takes some and puts it aside in the lid, and then eats from the rest...

"Um... It's vely(very) yummy Krishna...", He started having it again...

"What's this for ??", Viraj asked pointing at the little food he placed separately...

"It's for god, Klishna always says to offel(offer) some food to god before having, oh no... I forgot... Solly Klishna.... Angel, will you have it ?? Klishna says, I should share my food with everyone, especially with people who has no food, and now you don't have food, so have it", The little boy said, Krishna feared Viraj would get offended but surprisingly Viraj smiled and shook his head...

"No little man, you have it... I'm full", he said...

"No, have some, Klishna makes yummy pasta", Adiyansh insists, keeping the fork full of pasta at Viraj's mouth and having no option, he has it... It tasted good, though a little less spicy, considering it's for a child, and also Viraj normally has spicy food, he has spices and mirch more...

 "How is it ??", The little guy asked and Viraj smiled saying it's yummy... He smiled and had the rest of it...

"Klishna... thank you", Adiyansh said handing her the empty box... 

"You are welcome...", Krishna said, wiping his hands and mouth with her handkerchief... and she took a baby hair brush and brushed his hair and made him sit on his seat again...

'A perfect mother material' thought Viraj in his mind... He realized how wrong his remarks are about her, but like the hell would he apologize to her... but there's something else he could do for her...

"Adiyansh, could you go that side and send your Krishna here, From there you can see the dances more clearly", Viraj said making the little kid happy and Krishna shocked... Nonetheless, she agreed as Adiyansh is too happy to sit beside his friends, so she moved to his seat beside Viraj giving her seat to her little brother...

"What do you want ??", Krishna whisper-yelled

"Definitely not you, I loathe your existence, but that kid of yours, he needs you, and it's right for him to stay with you, and I would like to help you win his custody, no matter what, I give you my word", He said getting up... "Bye little one", he said to Adiyansh and he waved a bye to Viraj and got busy in watching the program again... Viraj gave one last glance to Krishna who looked shocked with his statement... He walked to the Principal, and told him, he need to leave... There's a vote of thanks from the school, and a memento is given to Viraj before he left... 

Krishna is still shocked to hear his statement, but there's an unsaid determination in his words and she wanted to badly trust that...

The function is over after an hour or so, the school people distributed the plants to all parents and then dispersed the guests... Krishna waited till the driver came to pick up Adiyansh... She hid behind, after assuring he is safe, she started to her place, that night, she didn't sleep properly, Viraj's words kept ringing in her head, she doesn't know why, but she want to trust him, she still hates him, but by then she got to know he isn't bad, he is just misguided, and he misunderstood her... She is happy that soon Adiyansh will be with her, but she didn't know, even that will come for a price...

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