Chapter - 7

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Days passed but Krishna didn't hear from Viraj, she cursed herself for trusting him but she was proved wrong soon, he was busy fulfilling the word he gave her...

He was busy investigating the 3 cases on Rajendra Narayan Koppad, and surprisingly, there are many such cases where even an FIR hasn't been lodged, there are many illegal land acquisition cases on him too... 

Viraj decided to get him arrested based on the evidence he had... He sent the orders to the respective police stations and their inspectors where the cases were registered on Mr. Narayan... and within two days, everything is done, the case is moved to trial where Rajendra Narayan is fined, and also jailed for 3 months... 

Krishna got to know about the arrests, she doesn't want any negative effect on Adi, so she went to their place, fortunately, Roshini is the only present in the house then along with Adiyansh's grandfather who wants him to stay with Krishna, Roshini sent Adiyansh with Krishna, so from a week, Adiyansh is staying with her... The days are again back when Krishna and Adiyansh played and cooked together, the little boy can never sit idly when his Krishna is working, he would try to help her in whatever way he can do, like bringing the vegetables with his little hands, or taking out the fresh garbage covers from the shelf for Krishna to clean everything... 

Both of them together finished the work, though Krishna did everything, her little brother's thoughts to help her, gave her enough satisfaction... 

On one such satisfactory day, after finishing all the chores, she bathed him and she too freshened up and sat him to feed him dinner... 

She just started feeding him when the calling bell rang... She wondered who must be at this time of night and went to open the door only to find Viraj Subramanyam standing in all his glory...

"What are you doing here ??", she asked the first thing that came into her mind...

He gave her a once over, she is embarrassed as she is in her mickey mouse pink pajamas... His eyes stopped at her hands which have rice spread on her whole palm completely... Looking at it, he thought she is eating like that and also by her dressing style, he thought of how childish she is...

"So mature for having the custody of a 6-year-old", Viraj murmured but she heard...

"excuse me, what the hell is your problem, did you show up at this time to remind me how childish I'm ??", she asked glaring at him and he is pissed...

"Woman, stop with that tone, I'm actually here to help you that is if you let me in", he said in his strong tone which meant business... she opened the door widely letting him in... Viraj is surprised to see Adiyansh there, watching TV and chewing something... that's when he understood that she is feeding him...

"Oh, he is the one who is eating ??", his question slipped before he could stop it...

"Yeah... you see, he is a kid, I need to make the rice very soft, otherwise he can't swallow, what did you think ?? I am eating like this ??", She asked looking at him incredulously... He looked away trying to avoid the moment... "Unbelievable", she muttered...

"Please sit, I'll feed him and come", She said...

"Oh, Miss. Universe, I don't have hours, I'm just done with my work, I need to go home, eat and rest too, so sit here", he said in his usual arrogant tone and she left an irritated sigh...

"fine...", she said and was about to wash her hands when Adiyansh shouted still watching television...

"Klishna... I'm hungly... How long will you take ?? feed me Klishna", he shouted getting angry with his sister for not feeding him... She glared at Viraj and he sighed...

"Fine, feed him, I'll wait", He said...

"Wow so generous of you", she mocked him and took the plate and started feeding her little brother...

"Eat fast Adi, I'm sitting here with you for the past 20 minutes, still you are in your Rasam, You have curd rice too", she said trying to control her anger... sometimes he takes so much time to eat that it completely drains her off...

By just looking at how slowly Adiyansh is eating, Viraj is frustrated like hell, but she remained patient and this surprised him...

"Adi... open your mouth", she said... but he didn't... Krishna had to beg him, tell him 3 stories just to make him open his mouth, after another half hour, he is completely done with his food, she removed the bad sight before cleaning her hand and his mouth... That's when he noticed Viraj...

"Angel... What ale you doing here ?? Did you come to meet me ??", he asked excitingly...

"Yes, little man, how are you ??", Viraj asked

"I'm good, come I'll show you my new toy, Klishna bought me tomollow...", Adiyansh said confusing Viraj...

"Yesterday", Krishna corrected him... 

"Ha ha solly, yestelday (yesterday)", the little boy said making Viraj chuckle... 'This man can laugh too ??', Krishna exclaimed in mind...

"Adi... go and sleep on the bed, switch on the AC, I'll come in 10 minutes", Krishna said

"But, Klishna, Angel came to see me, how can I....", He started but he is shut up by Krishna's stern yet soft tone...

"Adi, you have school tomorrow, you need to wake up early, go, baby, You can talk to him later, and what's this Angel, Angel, call him uncle...", She said shocking Viraj... What ?? Uncle ?? No way, he thought...

"No thank you, call me Viraj, little man..", Viraj interrupted and Krishna glared at him with a look of 'Is that what is important right now ?'

"No, I'll call you angel only", Adiyansh said stubbornly...

"fine, now go", Krishna said, Adiyansh whined but obeyed Krishna... Viraj saw the house, though it's very small, the house is very neat, everything is in its place and enough for two people...

"So, Why are you here ??", she asked...

"Why is Adiyansh here ??", he asked

"None of your business", She said and it ticked his anger... no one spoke to him like that till today, and that's the reason he hates her...

"Be polite Miss. Ojaswi... You don't know me completely", he said in his dangerous tone and she remembered the day he screamed at her, making her afraid of him... She hated that this man still makes her fear him...

"Since Rajendra Narayan is arrested, they all must be worried, I don't want Adi to live in that chaos so I went and brought him here, I don't want him to suffer them or himself", Krishna said and he nodded...

"I want to talk to you about the same... using this, you file for the custody of Adiyansh again, since the cases against Rajendra Narayan are proved, there are high chances you'll get the custody", He said

"Okay... but Will it work ??", she asked getting apprehensive...

"Well... it has to, I can't find any other solution other than this, and this is the main reason why I moved Rajendra Narayan's cases so fast, I want solid evidence against him before you apply for custody", He said

"You did all that ??", She asked, shock visible on her face... He smirked at her...

"What did you think ?? the pending cases from years got evidence suddenly, just like that ??", He asked and she shook her head at his arrogance... 

"anyways, that's why I'm here", he said getting up...

"you could have called me", she said... "instead of gracing me with your arrogant self", she muttered the last but he heard him...

"Yeah, I would have if I had your number, but unfortunately, I'm not a telephone directory, So I didn't, I got your address from the school, they didn't have your number surprisingly, so I had to come here... otherwise, I don't have any interest to watch you, that too in pink mickey mouse pajamas, kid", he said arrogantly and walked away...

"Idiot...", she murmured angrily... She banged the door letting him know her irritation which made him smile triumphantly... He enjoyed it when he won the argument with her... He hated her but there's some unknown satisfaction in fighting with her and winning it of course...

Krishna applied for custody as Viraj suggested and the day of the hearing is here... Both the lawyers are arguing fiercely...

"Your honor, Miss. Krishna Ojaswi is unfit to take care of a child, it was cleared in the prior arguments as well, What is that a child requires the most in today's world, security, both social and financial...", Rajendra Narayan's lawyer started but Malini interrupted him...

"Love, care, and nurturing, you are forgetting this Mr. Pratap, and if you see the past few days, you can clearly understand only my client can give Adiyansh those... Mr. Rajendra Narayan treats Adiyansh as his another money laundering business, not his child, hence there is no way the little boy could get love and care from that man", Malini said

"That's not true... my client and his wife love the little boy, like their own child, and your honor,  I want to share a personal experience... I live with my son, daughter-in-law, and their kids... Both the parents raise the kids together, these days, even their education curriculum is based on good parenting, the projects are given both for kids and parents, and they together need to finish that, and once my son couldn't participate in the group project leaving my daughter-in-law and grandson to do it, the very next day, he was called to the school, he had to leave all his works and go to them... That's how much importance they give to the parents, especially a father figure, Even the curriculum is designed in such a way so that parents and children can bond, not like in our times, our parents never used to ask about our education but the things are different today... Look at my grandson's school only, they celebrate, mother's day, father's day, grandparents' day and the list goes on, so that the children would learn to value relationships... Unfortunately, Adiyansh studies in the same school as my grandson... You only imagine, what would run in that little boy's brain when these days are celebrated ?? Wouldn't he feel their loss ?? If his custody is given to Ojaswi, he won't have any of these people to call family, but that's not the case if the custody is given to my client... In fact, Rajendra Narayan's father, that is Adiyansh's grandfather also lives with them... Adiyansh will get all the love with them", he ends his long speech and the judge looks almost convinced... and now, Malini has no option other than using the 'Brahmastra'

"Oh really ?? How would Adiyansh live with a man who is known for his illegal land acquisitions ?? Rajendra Narayan Koppad is a criminal, he has a criminal history, please look into these papers your honor...", said Malini passing the papers...

The judge took the notice of it and questioned Mr. Pratap, but they had no answer with them... Malini gave a triumphant look to Mr. Pratap... She is sure the custody is theirs but destiny has planned something else for Krishna... The opposition had nothing to say to cover Rajendra Narayan's deeds but he did have a case against Krishna, he raised Krishna's bribing incident...

Viraj, Krishna, and Rajendra Narayan are the most worried people about the judgment...

"The judgment will be given after the recess...", the judge announced...

Krishna is sitting on the chair outside and is in tears... 

"I'm afraid Malini, I want my Adi back, I have no wishes for this life, just Adi... he is my everything", Krishna said... 

"You will get the custody, stop crying", Viraj said coming from nowhere... There is no empathy in his voice, it's like a stone but surprisingly it soothed her, she wiped her tears and went back inside the courtroom... The session begins, Krishna feels something very bad is gonna happen, she clutches her dress tightly...

"After taking all the arguments into consideration, the court decided to allot the custody of Adiyansh to neither Mr. Rajendra Narayan nor to Ms. Krishna Ojaswi... It's clearly proved both the parties are incapable of taking care of the child... So I would like to ask the RTE Children's home to take care of the kid until further notice, the court is adjourned", The judge announced breaking Krishna's heart into pieces...

"No... Please don't do that your honor, I...I'm okay with Rajendra Narayan, having my Adi's custody... My baby can't live in an orphanage... please don't do this... ", Krishna cried and begged folding her hands to the judge... The judge gave her a sympathetic look but walked away nonetheless... Viraj felt bad for her and was also surprised to see her so broken, no one ever behaved like that in court, especially educated people like Ojaswi... 

"Ojaswi... you can't say all that from here... There are certain rules and regulations, please handle yourself and it's not an orphanage", Malini said...

Krishna cared the least about who would think what, she sat on the floor and cried hard... This is worse than last time, then at least her little brother had a home, but now... even that was snatched from him... all because of her... 

She wiped her tears and speed-walked to the corridor... She spotted the judge who passed the judgment... She walked to him furiously... Viraj ran after her so did Malini but Krishna is too fast... 

She held his collar and cried questioning him...

"Why ?? Why did you do this ?? Why ??", she cried leaning her forehead to his chest shocking everyone...

The assistants were about to come and separate them but the judge signed them to stop showing his palm...

"That's the right thing to do child, I can understand your pain, but you are incapable of handling the kid", he said making Krishna fume in anger...

She is about to say something when Viraj pulled her aside apologizing to the judge...

Viraj dragged her far away from them and made her sit... after 5 minutes of controlling himself, he started shouting at her...

"Have you gone crazy ?? Don't you want Adiyansh's custody ?? How can you be so stupid to go and hold the judge's collar, mad, you have lost it...", he shouted...

"Don't shout at me, it's none of your business", She screamed back and Viraj is beyond his control level now

"SHUT UP... JUST SHUT UP", He shouted scaring Krishna, she moved back in the chair holding her heart which is beating at a higher pace due to fear... "It's my GODDAMN Business because I gave you my word, to bring back Adiyansh to you, and I won't let you destroy it", He said calming himself down... But she is still scared of him also the heartbreak she faced just inside isn't helping her... She felt dizzy but opened her water bottle and had some water... She gave a look to Viraj and walked from there... He kicked the chair for screaming at her... He knew what effect his screams have on people, not to forget she is already in so much pain...But Is she that crazy to hold Judge's collar, though not literally, she just held the judge near his arms, still, that counts as an offense...

Viraj shook his head and walked back to see Ojaswi, and that's when he saw a man, to be precise, the judge's man gave a note to Ojaswi... She saw the note and fumed in anger, she crushed it and threw it in the bin before walking away...

Viraj slowly walked to the bin and took the piece of paper without anyone's notice... He got used to these things, so he is not that disgusted to put his hands in the bin... But what he saw shocked him...

'Wanna know why I sent your Adi to the childcare home ?? Meet me at 6:00 PM this evening at you know where' the note read

It first shocked Viraj, and after a while, it made sense why did the judge didn't react as he should, when Ojaswi held his collar, they knew each other and he sent Adiyansh purposely to the childcare... Viraj got it till here... but what they want from her is still a mystery... 

Viraj decided to follow Krishna or keep an eye on her movements as the girl is absolutely crazy and she would even risk herself when it came to Adiyansh...

Planning everything he should do, he left from there before burning the slip with his lighter...   

Note - Guys, 'MY WOMAN', my other book is available on Amazon and Kindle, I also added BONUS CHAPTERS in it which I haven't uploaded in 'Wattpad' before, I'm giving the link below, go and get ur copy soon...

My other book, 'The Kiss I Hate The Most' is now available on Kindle, please go and give it a try... Below is the link... Read it in Wattpad till 21 chapters, if you find it worth your time, only then, go ahead... Thanks again for all the support...

Check out my other books 'For Him...??' and 'R.A.I.N.B.O.W', Below are the links, you might already know about 'For Him...??', R.A.I.N.B.O.W is a LOVE-HATE classic which I feel you would all love..... I'm gonna start uploading the chapters soon.... Please do go and give it a try. Hope you would like it as well.

'For Him...??' link

'R.A.I.N.B.O.W' link

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