Chapter - 11

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The next morning, he woke up with a hangover, which is not so common, as he has alcohol daily but the hangover is not a part of his routine, but since he had a lot considering his dilemma about marrying Ojaswi, brought a hangover... He cursed her for this too and freshened up, before having a strong coffee... After his head stopped throbbing a bit, he called his mother to ask for Krishna's number... He didn't wait for her teasings as he is in no mood for them right then...

Yamini sighed at her son's temper before forwarding Krishna's number to him...

He immediately called her and she took the call apprehensively as it's a new number... 

"Let's get married...", he said in his cold tone, but she thought to rile him up... She recognized his voice but it's not necessary to let him know that right, she thought...

"What ?? Who are you ?? and sorry, I can't marry you, I already got a 'Bakara' to marry... ", she said smirking...

"Excuse me...", Viraj shouted...

"Why the hell are you shouting ?? OMG you have so much of a temper... Huh, This Ashwin is a waste candidate, don't know, to what kind of people he gave my number... Ashwin, you idiot, I will kill you... to what kind of people did you give my number, this man is threatening me just because I rejected marrying him", she acted screaming at her best friend who is cooking along with Swapnika... 

"What the hell Krishna, why are you shouting like a mad woman ?? and when did I give them your number ?? You said you want to talk through my number with all those guys I have set you up with, as you didn't want to disclose your number", Ashwin said making Krishna slap her forehead as he spoiled all her game... 

This irritated Viraj a lot, he got what she is doing and how dare she call him 'Bakara' if only he didn't have the responsibility to make things right... Huh... he thought of torturing her after marriage... A wide smirk appeared on his face...

"Oh... so who is this... sir, I don't know you...", she started to cover her deed but Viraj is way smarter...

"Save it... Come and meet me at the address I have just sent you, at 8 O'clock, sharp", he said in his arrogant tone before hanging up...

She cursed herself for even playing this prank on that devil... she went inside the kitchen slapping Ashwin's head for spoiling her plan...

She didn't inform her best friends yet as she is not sure of Viraj's decision, and she thought of telling them in the evening after meeting Viraj Subramanyam...

There's this unknown satisfaction in her even though she is going to marry her arch enemy, a man who she loathes, and she knew that satisfaction is because she is going to have Adiyansh back, all to herself... and no pain is greater than that happiness... For Adiyansh, she could tolerate Viraj Subramanyam too, she thought...

She got ready in the evening before starting to the said place... She reached the place 10 minutes late and got more delayed at the parking...

Viraj is already fuming... She ran inside which is a 7-star hotel... She too got angry seeing the place, why so expensive place ?? Can't he call her at a normal restaurant ??

she called him and he guided her to the table keeping his anger in check saving it for later... and as soon as he spotted her, his anger bubbled but he had to agree, she looked damn beautiful in that Kurti and jeans, he wanted to touch the soft skin of her waist which is visible from her Kurti,  mentally cursed himself for thinking about Krishna Ojaswi like that, of all the women, Krishna Ojaswi ?? his brain warned... What ?? I'm a man and I appreciate beauty... he screamed at his brain which is mocking him... 

Krishna sat in front of him and he busted at her in anger...

"Is this the time I told you to come ?? You think I have a lot of free time to waste on you ??", he shouted, thankfully their table is at the farther corner, so none heard but still she is embarrassed to be scolded like a 3-year-old...

"stop with that tone, I didn't do it purposely, traffic and also parking, you know I use a two-wheeler, and how difficult it is to find a parking place for two-wheelers at such a place...", she said angrily looking at him...

"You should have started early, and I called you here for some privacy, people don't mind other's businesses here... they are not nosy and unlike you, I'm a public figure, can't lose my temper unnecessarily in public, but you rile me up so much that I lose it, I don't want that to happen in front of the public", He said glaring at her...

"I rile you up so much ?? I ?? you bring the worst out of me, I hate you Viraj Subramanyam", She says

"Thank you so much, I hate you too... and this is why I called you here in the first place... I am ready to marry you but I have a few conditions", Viraj said...

"I have too, What did you think ?? I would be jumping in happiness, hearing you accept this marriage proposal ??", Krishna asked angrily...

"Oh actually yes, for a girl who got ready to marry a man with what ?? 4 wives ?? I thought you would be very happy", he said taunting her...

"Don't you dare bring that topic again...", she fumed in anger...

"I don't have time to waste fighting with you, hear out my conditions, Yes, we are marrying, but we won't have any wife-husband relationship, you are no one to me inside the house, do not interfere with my life... do not irritate me at home, I have a lot of pressures in my professional life, all I expect is peace at home, and since you'll be there after marriage, I won't be having it, but please make sure you won't show your face to me and that would suffice", He said

"I too want the same, anything else ??", She asked though something is hurting inside her... she didn't know for what, and she didn't even want to know in the first place...

"Yeah... You don't have to worry about Adiyansh, it's not only to show the court that I'm providing social security to the little kid, but I'll actually be a part of his life, I like him, I want to be in his life and help him in any way possible... It would be great if you don't bring up our differences in front of that little kid", he said shocking her... Is this really Viraj Subramanyam ?? His mature thoughts surprised her... Despite her hatred for that man, she is thoroughly impressed with his thoughts... 

"Okay...", she nodded which surprised him, she never thought Krishna Ojaswi could ever agree to anything he says in one go but guess she would if it's about her little Adiyansh...

"Good, Now your conditions...", Viraj said uninterestedly

"Well, I have the same conditions, I don't want your involvement in my life unless it's about Adiyansh, I'll pay you rent and for food for myself and Adiyansh...", She started...

"No, I won't be needing it, You are my wife, even though it's only on papers, it's my duty to provide for you and Adiyansh, I would never back out from my responsibilities... You should be knowing it by now", he said again impressing her... That wife part did bring goosebumps but she didn't want to encourage any positive thoughts for Viraj Subramanyam, he is the man she loathes, and he will be that forever...

"Okay, then I'll pay you back in some other way, I don't want to be a freeloader...", she started

"You won't be, cook for me, well you'll be making food for yourself and Adiyansh right ?? Make some for me too, that would be enough", he said

"Of course, is that something to tell ?? How did you think I'll leave you alone just feeding myself and Adi ?? hello... I'm not that bad okay", she said and a small smile threatened to form on his lips but he stopped it and nodded curtly... Her giving attitude is what impresses him...

"Anything else ??", he asked 

"As of now, no, if I remember anything, will tell you, do you have anything else to say ??", She asked him

"Yes actually, You'll be a wife to me in society's eyes, so I would like you to maintain that dignity", He said making her fume in anger...

"What do you mean ?? I don't have dignity ??", She asked

"What will you have ??", He asked looking at the menu ignoring her words...

"Nothing, thank you", she said glaring at him...

"Okay", he said and ordered for himself... The service is quick, they brought the ordered dishes and he started eating smirking at her...

"No manners at all...", she muttered and he smiled hearing her...

"Don't look at me like that, have something, otherwise I'll suffer stomach pain, and I can't afford it right now", He said and she glared at him...

"You think I will cast an evil sight on your food, you are a monster", she said angrily and he smirked...

"I know that, at least have an ice cream", He said, that's the most he could do, he never insisted anyone for food... and this is all so new...

"No thank you, anyway, I can't afford anything here... you eat, Ashwin cooked for me already", she told him, to make him comfortable, Viraj Subramanyam is an arrogant man but he does have manners, he can't have food when she is sitting there idly, and she knew this...

"Ashwin ?? you are so close to him no ??", he asked her casually... But he didn't like the fact, reason unknown to him, he hates her, no doubt about it but at the same time, he is jealous of her male best friend... he didn't understand these feelings... His father's words ran in his brain, 'you'll understand when you get married...', whether you love your wife or not, she is yours and any other man in her life will fume you, it's natural, saying this to himself, Viraj composed himself...

"Yeah... Right from childhood, later, Swapnika joined our group... The only man I can trust even with my life, Of course apart from my little Adiyansh", she said with a smile... He nodded and had his food, though he didn't like what she said...

They walked to the exit, no one brought the bill and Krishna thought it was regular for Viraj, but what he did, surprised her and also made her laugh a lot...

He directly walked to the reception and she followed him...

"Bill please, Table number 25", Viraj asked, the receptionist stared at him in amusement... 

"Sorry sir, our boss asked not to send the bill there", she replied after Viraj clicked his fingers in front of her bringing her out of her dreamland...

"Why ?? Am I his brother-in-law ?? Come on, give me the bill, I have other things to work on", he said angrily and her face is worth watching, but still, Krishna can see the admiration for Viraj in that receptionist's eyes... 

She quickly gave the bill and Viraj paid walking out... As soon as they reached the parking lot, Krishna burst out laughing... 

"what...What...What was that... oh my god, her face is worth watching, she is crushing on you... and you... you were rude...", Krishna said in between her laughs... He gave her a cold look filled with amusement, he has never seen her laugh so much.... from the time they met, all she did is cry, 'you are the reason' his mind screamed... "I know", he said loudly...

"Hm...  What ??", she asked him stifling her laugh finally...

"Nothing...", He said shaking his head...

"You know you were rude, yet you will continue being rude and what was that ?? brother-in-law ?? seriously ??", she said and started laughing again...

"Crazy idiot", he muttered walking to his car, and she continued laughing looking at his irritated face...

"Hey wait... wait, why can't you shift to E-Cars, you know they don't emit carbon dioxide... They are so environment-friendly and...", she started but is interrupted by Viraj...

"No... I love my car", he said settling inside, but didn't drive it... and she kept staring at him angrily...

"Will you stop staring at me and start your bike, I have to go home after dropping you off", He said getting irritated...

"I don't need you Mr. Bodyguard, I can take care of myself", she said walking back to her bike... 

"Shut up and start the damn scooty woman", Viraj shouted angrily, she got afraid and started the bike and he followed her...

They reached her place, Ashwin rushed out hugging Krishna followed by Swapnika... 

"God Krishna, thank god you are safe", Ashwin said and Swapnika wiped her tears...

"We are so scared", Swapnika said making Krishna confused...

Viraj got out of his car, seeing them so worried, well he didn't like the hug, but for now, he pushed those feelings to the back of his head...

"Will you tell me what happened ??", Krishna asked...

"There's an accident near the Orion mall, the girl is also using an E-bike, there are no identification cards with her, and you forgot your wallet here, We are damn scared girl", Ashwin said, there's still some fear in his tone...

"I'm fine, it's late, that's the reason DCP sir is here following me", Krishna said pointing towards Viraj, he is surprised to hear DCP sir from her mouth instead of Viraj Subramanyam, well many called him that but, coming from her is nice to hear...

"Thank you so much sir", Ashwin and Swapnika thanked him...

"That's fine, she is my responsibility now... No ??", he said passing a smirk to Krishna whose face paled... her friends got confused... Krishna signaled him to keep calm but how could he ?? Troubling her became his favorite hobby...

"Didn't your friend tell you ?? We are getting married", He said

"For Adiyansh", she corrected...

"Yeah, for Adiyansh of course", he said...

"Krishna, I need to talk to you, come inside...", saying this Ashwin took her inside, dragging her and holding her hand which didn't sit well with Viraj... 

"Sorry Sir, please come inside and have some coffee", Swapnika offered

"No thank you", he said and walked back to his car but suddenly stopped, "Actually, yes, I need a coffee", he said smirking to himself, and walked inside with Swapnika...

"Krishna, you both hate each other, you loathe his existence, you can't be marrying him", Ashwin said

"I am not marrying for myself, for Adiyansh it is, and Dcp sir loves Adiyansh, and also this is the only way to get Adiyansh's custody", Krishna said

Viraj saw Ashwin and Krishna arranging the table for dinner while arguing... They didn't notice him...

"No Krishna, this is not the only way... You have gotten crazy, I don't want you hurt once again, you were already broken by that b**t**d once...", Ashwin started but Swapnika cleared her throat, and both on seeing Viraj shut their mouths, Krishna glared at Ashwin and he returned the glare...

Swapnika went inside and brought coffee after making Viraj sit...

Krishna and Ashwin too sat with Viraj...

"Oh no, you can have your dinner, I'm fine", said Viraj indicating the set dining table...

"That's fine sir, we are not hungry", Ashwin said and Krishna nodded...

"Well, you need a husband, right ?? For that you don't have to spoil your life, I mean...", Ashwin started but Viraj's cold stare is making it difficult for him to continue...

"Yes.. go ahead...", Viraj said

"I don't mean any offense sir, you both don't like each other, and I don't think it's right for you both to marry each other", Ashwin said

"That's the only solution Ashu, why are you not understanding ??", Krishna said, the nickname too irked Viraj, don't know what was wrong with him today... He is getting jealous over who ?? Krishna Ojaswi, the woman he hates...

"Krishna, you want a husband and a family right ?? I'll marry you, I want to tell you this when you decided to marry that old man but thought of looking for more matches before taking any such decisions but I think this is the right time to say it... Krishna, we are friends since childhood, I don't even remember how old I was when I first saw you, Yes I don't love you like a man loves a woman but I love you, you and Swapnika are my family, I can do this for you... Right ??", He said holding Krishna's palm...

Viraj should be happy right ?? that he needn't marry her but he is not... but he showed the opposite...

"Wow... that's great, thank god, Ojaswi, say yes....", Viraj said with a glint of happiness, well fake-happiness, and Krishna glared at him...

"Viraj Subramanyam, I'm not leaving you any time soon...", she said angrily... Viraj heaved a contented sigh inwardly but glared her back as if her statement didn't relieve him just now...

"Ashwin... You don't have to do this... I know how much you are waiting for your perfect someone... You want to lead a happy and successful married life with a wonderful wife and children, despite your parents' failed marriage, you didn't leave hope, it only intensified your wish to have a successful marriage but that's not possible with me, Ashwin, I can't spoil your life and if we marry each other, the beautiful friendship between us will be destroyed, I would never want that... Coming to DCP sir, he didn't have any high dreams like you, so it's fine, he will adjust with me, What's say DCP sir ??", Krishna asked and Viraj nodded as if he is disappointed with her decision but inside, he is happy, don't know why... 

The moment he decided to marry her, she became his, his to hate, or love... LOVE ?? No way... He hates that woman, but she is his, thought Viraj Subramanyam without knowing what the future holds for the both of them...

"Krishna... They are just dreams, but your life is real, your struggle is real, I don't want you to suffer as you did with Kart...", Ashwin started but stopped looking at Viraj...

"VIRAJ IS NOT KARTHIK Ashwin, and this marriage is for Adiyansh, Didn't I tell you this ??", Krishna shouted so angrily that even Viraj is astonished... and Who the hell is Karthik...

"Even that marriage you agreed is for Adiyansh, no ?? but what happened ??", Ashwin questioned and Krishna's eyes welled up...

"Ashwin, shut your mouth, idiot", Swapnika said hugging Krishna but she immediately broke the hug...

"Who is Karthik ??", Viraj couldn't stop himself from asking...

"My ex-fiance DCP sir", Krishna said getting back to normal... well acting to be normal... "and you, do not bring this topic again", Krishna warned strongly to Ashwin... 

"fine... sorry...", he said calmly...

"Thanks for the coffee Swapnika", Viraj said politely...

"Did you just say thanks ?? my ears are working properly right ??", Krishna said touching her ears...

"I'll be polite unless they don't mess with me, learn the lesson at least now Ojaswi", he said getting up and walking out... A smirk made its way... one hell of an eventful day it is, just yesterday night, he broke the glass in anger, not wanting to marry her, now, his intentions took a 360-degree turn... 

He called his mother and she took the call in anticipation...

"Amma, I'll marry Ojaswi", he said before hanging up... he knew his mother would be dancing in happiness and he isn't wrong... She hugged her husband, jumping in happiness...

Viraj went home and thought to inform his friends the next day...

Note - Another update... Hope you enjoyed it... For 'Impounded love' and 'For Him...??' readers, it will take some time to update them, but right from tomorrow, I'll start writing Impounded love and then For him...?? will try to post soon... till then enjoy this story... I liked writing this, hope you'll enjoy reading this as much

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