Chapter - 12

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The next day, he called his friends, and told them about it, later, he called Krishna...

"Now what ??", she said with irritation... He is doing everything in his power to help her, he, for the first time, used his power and tried to manage at the registrar's office about the marriage date, usually one should notify 15 days before the marriage but he managed it so that they could marry the next day and custody proceedings don't get delayed... and her rudeness irked him to no extent and he lost his cool... 

"I'm helping you out by marrying you, you better remember that and be nice to me Miss, otherwise f**k my accountability, I don't give a f**k about the custody, I'll break this marriage", he said no scratch that screamed at her...

"Okay...", she said controlling her tears, she hated herself for crying, she never did that, she is not a cry baby but his screams always make her afraid...

"I am sending you an address, come here, we'll discuss everything and also fix the marriage date, we'll marry in a registrar's office... If you have any dreams about your wedding then...", he started 

"No", she quickly added...

"I don't give a f**k**g sh*t even if you do, come here", he said hanging up...

Krishna cried at his rudeness... She is already upset at what happened in the morning... The news she got to know broke her from within... and Viraj's scream is what she didn't need right then...

She cried recollecting the morning incident...

Krishna woke up and finished her morning chores, when she received a call from her favorite person... Her grandfather(father's father), the only man in that house who stood up for her... Though Adiyansh is not related to him in any way, he helped in every way possible, but since he is old, and considering his age and health, Krishna kept some things from him, and even when she left the house, she told him only, ignoring the rest of the family and took his blessings...

"Taatha(grandpa)... how are you ?? You called after so many days, I was about to call you to....", Krishna started but is interrupted by his hard tone...

"When are you going to tell me Krishna ??", he asked strongly

"Tatha...", she remained silent hearing his hard tone... he never got angry with her... she is the most pampered by him... He is the reason Krishna became independent and strong, instead of weak and submissive like her mother...

"Krishna, I got to know that you agreed to marry, I don't know to whom but I know you were trapped, Your Appa planned all this", he said shocking her...

"You... you might have had some misunderstandings tatha, appa can't do this, I agree he didn't like my attitude, but he loves me, he knew Adiyansh is very important to me, he... he can't do this", she said in her broken tone... Yes, she is angry with her father but his father can't stoop that low, can he ??

"Krishna... I heard him and Sundar talking... he is the one who asked Sundar to pass restraining orders against you...", He said breaking Krishna

"Look! you don't have to do this marriage, I'll talk to him, I should have slapped him years back when he pushed you to marry if you want to keep Adiyansh in the home, this home is mine, I am capable of making the decisions still, I'll take care of everything... don't worry Krishna, come home", Her grandfather said but she is broken beyond...

"Tatha, no... I have decided... if it's Appa's plan, then he would play dirtier if I don't succumb now, I don't want my father to stoop lower than this... so please let me do this, Adiyansh's custody will be with me, and that's all I want", she said...

"What about you Krishna ?? and me ?? you want Adiyansh's happiness and I want yours, please don't do this", he pleaded...

"sorry tatha...", She said

He tried to convince her a lot but she is adamant...

"Okay then, if that's your decision, then hear mine too, I sever my ties with you from the day you marry, you'll form a new relationship but you'll lose your tatha forever... Don't ever call me tatha after that", he said strongly...

"Tatha... no... please...", she begged but he hanged up... she cried a lot for hours before Viraj called her...

She got up and wiped her tears before freshening up and starting to the location Viraj sent her... She came there to find the police personnel guarding the place, after seeing the name board, she understood that it's Viraj's home... Why did he call her here ??

She walked inside after giving the details at the gate and passing the security checks... From the outside, she is very impressed to look at the house, it's big, but not huge... it's a duplex and looked very beautiful, she wanted to see it inside too...

"When did I ask you to come ?? Why are you late ??", He asked angrily without looking at her face... 

"Sorry", she said in a hoarse tone... she is tired physically and mentally from all the crying...

Hearing a sorry from her instead of a strong reply which she gives always, he turns to look at her... and that's when he finds her face red and eyes swollen... 

"What's wrong", he asked, moving towards her...

"Nothing", she said

"No, you sounded low even on phone, did something happen ??", he asked, a lit bit softer this time

"Yet you didn't stop with your screaming and your 'f' bombs, did you ??", she shouted back and he shook his head and turned away sitting on the sofa asking her to sit... He hated her guts and strong replies but he hated her vulnerable self more...

"Why did you call me here ??", she asked softly when he didn't say anything about her rudeness...

"I want you to look at the house, and make the necessary changes if you need any, since Adiyansh is a kid, I have told the contractor to keep everything children-friendly, he will be here in a while, talk to him and finalize everything, also there are 3 spare rooms apart from my bedroom, you can take one and prepare one for Adiyansh... You can design it according to his tastes", he said... and at that minute, she wanted to kiss his cheek tightly for his gesture... How cute he is ?? He didn't feel Adiyansh like a burden like other men she met for marriage... he took it as a responsibility...

"Oh madam, why are you smiling, are you nuts ??", he asked and she glared at him...

"No, and you know what ?? from outside, your house looked so beautiful and I so want to see how it would look from inside, but I'm disappointed", she said

"What ?? Why ?? you have zero taste, the interiors, home design, decor, everything is perfect", he said glaring at her

"well, everything is perfect, except for cleanliness...", She said touching the desk beside her and showing him her finger which is of dust... "What's this ??, I mop my home twice a day, dust it once every week, Who is your maid, need to talk to her immediately", She said and he glared at her... "What ?? You call it cleaning ?? I don't know who cleaned this house but it's horrible, huh useless people", she said...

'what ?? useless ?? but my friends say I keep my home very neat, even more than their wives, huh I think this woman has some OCD', thought Viraj

"Who is the maid here ??", She asked again

"There is no maid, I do everything... and for a bachelor's home, it's perfect", he said thanking mentally for asking his neighbor's maid to clean the house in the morning, otherwise it would have looked more horrible...

"What ?? no maid, what would you do with all your money ha ?? You can't even afford a maid ??", she asked...

"Yes, I can't afford a maid, not because of money, my previous maid was attacked, when someone tried to kill me, well I saved her but...", he started but Krishna gasped... Fear is clearly visible in her eyes... 

He walked towards her, held her shoulder...

"Nothing will happen to you or Adiyansh, I'll protect you both with my life", he said looking into her eyes, and like every time, she trusted him and his promised tone...

He left her when they heard some throat-clearing sounds, the contractor and his men came, Krishna told him all the necessary changes...

"And how would you like to design the kid's bedroom  ??", the contractor asked...

"Um... nothing is needed, just do the usual for the balconies like increasing the length of the railings, rest all is fine", she said

"Are you sure ??", Viraj asked and she nodded with a smile...

After discussing some more things, he left with his men promising to start the work the next day...

"Why didn't you re-decorate Adiyansh's room, he would have liked it", Viraj asked her...

"That's not necessary, we both stay in the same room there, and here also, we'll stay in the same room, and coming to designing the room, that we will do together, I mean Adiyansh and I, we enjoy doing things together, that way, we will get to spend some time with each other and he will also learn to work hard for what he wants...", she said and he nods getting impressed with her thoughts...

"Just hire a maid please, I want everything neat for Adi, I am used to cleaning the house twice a day, but that is a very small house, I can't clean your whole house, I'll be found dead the second day itself", She pleaded

"Then don't clean, hiring a maid is out of the question", he said sternly...

"DCP sir, Please... We are having a kid in the house, can't have the place dirty right", she tried but he shook his head...  

She took the whole house in and put on a cry-baby face... The hall is huge, and the dining hall is separated by 3 steps which made the dining hall look very attractive, and apart from the hall, the ground floor, has a kitchen, a store room, an open bar, and a pooja room which is closed... the four bedrooms are in the first floor...

"And Pooja room will be opened because I do pooja a lot, and one more thing, shift this bar to your room", she said...

"Don't you dare, you can make any changes you want, but, period", he said holding her hands tightly...

"Okay... please leave me...", she said trying to remove his clutches, he left her and walked to the lounge, and lightened a cigarette and she followed him...

"I have no interest in changing your home or your habits DCP Viraj Subramanyam, I just don't want Adi to see you having alcohol, and yes, do not smoke on Adi's premises, if you do, you'll see the worst of me...", she said and walked inside... 

He finished his cigarette and after taking a mint in his mouth, he walked back... 

"Is there anything else, we need to talk about ??", she asked him

"Yes, about the wedding...", he started...

"I am okay with your registrar's office idea, in fact, I'm happy, but I want it to be at the earliest... so that I... I mean we can file for custody", she said and he nodded...

"Mom and dad will be here soon, we can talk about it and decide, mostly it will be this week...", he said and she nodded... He said he would divorce her soon after things settle and she too agreed, it did give some pain inside to both of them, a broken marriage is not what they want but bearing each other is more painful, thought they...

Yamini Prakash and Ravikant Prakash Subramanyam made their way inside just then, and all of them spoke about random things before discussing the marriage...

"Both of you have the registrar marriage first, we can plan a perfect wedding later", Yamini said...

"Why ??", Both Krishna and Viraj said at a time...

"What we mean is, it's not needed, registrar's marriage is enough", Viraj said and Krishna nodded...

"What the hell ?? You guys have gone crazy, you are not called 'married' until you get married according to our rituals, you.are.getting.married according to all the rituals... that's all", Yamini said

"But Ma'am/but mom...", Started both Viraj and Krishna but Ravikanth's voice stopped them...

"That is final...", he said in his hard tone and Krishna immediately shut her mouth but Viraj is Viraj...

"Appa, this is not a real wedding, I don't want you guys or her family to waste money on this marriage preparations", he said...

"I would divorce you once you get the complete custody of Adiyansh, don't worry we'll be together at max, one year",  Viraj's words rang in Krishna's brain...

"We know what to do Viraj Subramanyam", Ravikanth Prakash roared and it shut Viraj too and brought Krishna out of her thoughts...

"So, tomorrow is an auspicious day for your court marriage, Are you guys ready ??", Yamini asked...

"Yes/No...", said Krishna and Viraj simultaneously... Krishna looked down getting embarrassed, it portrayed as if she is dying to marry Viraj... Like really... 

"It's fine Ojaswi, we understand your hurry, no need to be embarrassed", Yamini said before turning to her son... "Why no ??", she asked him...

"Well I thought she won't be ready for the marriage so soon, so I said no, but if she is okay, then I don't have any problem... the sooner the better", he said and his mother gave him a smirk... "For Adiyansh", he added giving a warning look to his mother which widened her smirk...

"Okay then, We'll do all the arrangements...", said Ravikanth...

"Not needed dad, I'll take care of them...", Said Viraj, and his parents nodded...

"Ojaswi, give me your parents' number, and sorry, I never asked about them...", Yamini said

"But why ma'am ??", Krishna asked...

"We need to talk to them about your marriage, whatever they might do, they are your parents, and when we have decided to wed you both according to all the rituals, you need their blessings right ?? and what's this ma'am, call me Atte(mother-in-law) and him(pointing towards Ravikanth) Maava (father-in-law)", Yamini said...

"I'll... but it will take some time...", Krishna said awkwardly and Yamini gave an understanding nod...

"So, your parents' number, and what do they do ??", Yamini asked again...

"umm... is it necessary ma'am ??", she asked, the pain and hurt are clearly visible in Krishna's eyes, she is broken, especially after today's revelations...

"I wish I could say 'no' but... ", Yamini said sadly...

"Justice Vishwanathan Diskhitar, Retired, former Cheif justice, high court, Karnataka, her father", said Ravikanth Prakash, shocking Yamini, Viraj, and Krishna as well... 

"What ??", Yamini and Viraj exclaimed...

"Yes, he is her father, and Mr. Justice Ramaswamy Dikshitar, former chief justice, Supreme court, New Delhi, her grandfather", Added Prakash surprising the mother-son, they never thought Krishna could be from such a big family... Well, theirs is too a big family but this is unexpected...

'That means her brother is 'Nithin Dikshitar' ??' thought Viraj, the newfound information made Viraj upset, and at the same time, smirked to himself... Nithin Dikshitar is an infamous public prosecutor, very big, both in name and talent, he defended the government and the police department, especially Viraj's team, in an encounter, and during that time, Viraj and Nithin fought over an issue and from then, there's this coldness between the two... but Viraj knew everything about Nithin and his family, except for his little sister, Krishna Ojaswi who is now going to be his wife... Maybe that's because she is the only one from the family who stayed away from a law or lawyer career...

"How...", Krishna started, she wanted to ask, how Ravikanth Prakash knew all this but wouldn't that be a stupid question to ask a man of his cadre ?? she thought and stopped herself...

"I just know... but How ?? you need not know, and I also know what your father did to get you here...", Prakash said indicating the restraining orders, Krishna's eyes welled up but she turned her head...

"What's wrong Appa ??", Viraj asked with a frown... 

Prakash looked at Krishna but she shook her head slightly, wiping her tears indicating to him not to say anything and he nodded...

"Nothing you need to know, Don't worry about his number Yamini, We'll go to his home and talk about the marriage", Ravikanth said...

"I have a request", Krishna said apprehensively...

"Yes Ojaswi", Yamini asked softly...

"Can we have the wedding after Adiyansh's custody... For now, court marriage is enough", Krishna said...

"I agree with her", Viraj said 

"But...", Yamini started thinking about the society but shook her head... her children's happiness is more important... hell with the society... "Okay", she said with a smile and caressed Krishna's head...

"I'll send you saree and jewelry for tomorrow Ojaswi", Yamini said...

"That's not needed Ma'am, I have a few sarees with me...", She said but Yamini didn't budge... she is adamant and Krishna didn't have a say as Yamini started using the mother-in-law card already... 

"Who will sign from your side tomorrow ??", Asked Yamini...

"My friends Ashwin and Swapnika...", Krishna answered immediately...

"Your family...", Yamini started... 

"Mom... it's okay", Viraj said and Yamini nodded

"It's just that I don't want you to regret anything later, but if that's what you want, I'm okay with anything... your opinion matters the most", Yamini said patting Krishna's back of her palm and Krishna gave a small smile...

After talking for some more time, all the four dispersed to their respective places...

As soon as she informed the news, Swapnika hugged Krishna getting happy for her, though she knew this marriage is happening out of compulsion, she is happy for her friend... Krishna told Ashwin on call, and he agreed to be on time the next day... Swapnika urged Krishna to buy some make-up and other products and jewelry but Krishna refused... 

When she moved out of her parent's place, Krishna didn't take any of her jewelry or costly dresses with her, she just took her normal clothes and Adiyansh's baby products and dresses, after that, whatever she earned, went on running the house, paying bills and Adiyansh's school fees, she never had money to buy something for her, she never needed one... She never bought any new dresses for her except for pajamas every summer... 

Later Krishna informed the landlord about vacating the house... if not informed prior, he wouldn't return the advance, so she informed, even though she is not sure of when she will go to Viraj's place... And he agreed to transfer the advance to her soon and she thanked him...

Both the friends slept peacefully, Swapnika expected her friend to stay awake the whole night since she is getting married the next day, but there is no kind of nervousness in Krishna's mind as she knew it's not a marriage, it's just an arrangement made for Adiyansh and to be frank, she is happy with a no strings attached marriage, no emotions, no responsibilities, and no obligations... thought Krishna but she is not aware of what future holds for her...

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