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Fishlegs gawked at the Deathsong Amber goggles. I covered my eyes as Toothless blasted the metal rod.
"Oh! Fascinating!" He marveled

I heard a creak and looked at the door. Astrid stood there, sorrow, regret and fear across her face. She was clutching her arm.
"Astrid? Are you ok?"
(Time Skip)

I heard a loud bang. Toothless shot up, growling.
"What? What?!?" I asked waking up

I signaled for Toothless​ to be quite and peered over the ledge. Stormfly entered, squawking and running around.
"Stormfly​? Astrid..." I said mounting Toothless.

We flew to Astrid's hut. I followed Stormfly inside with Toothless.
"Astrid..." I said seeing her up
"Hiccup? W-what are you doing here?" She asked in a sickly voice.
"Uh, Stormfly seemed a little worried so i-" I started.

Astrid coughed. I noticed a bright red scratch on her arm, she quickly covered it. I felt my eyes go wide.

(Time Skip)

Fishlegs entered Astrid's hut. She was laying down, coughing and groaning. I was sitting next to her, holding her hand.
"Hiccup." Fishlegs said.
"Can you move so I can-"
"Oh yes! Y-yeah sure."

(Time Skip)
Snoutlout and Stormfly landed on the island. I ran over to Stormfly as Astrid fell. I caught her bridal style.

I looked at her. Her skin was pale, the bottom​ if her eyes were green. Her nose was red.

My heart shattered. I felt weak. Seeing her like this brought so much pain. She shuddered and shivered violently.
"Ssh. Ssh. It's ok Ash. It's ok." I whipered.

I walked over to a boulder and laied her down.
"You have to stay with us. I can't imagine a world without you in it..." I said.

I stood and grabbed the cup. Everyone stared at me. I filled the cup and went back to Astrid. She took a drink. I held my breath in anticipation.

Astrid started shuddering and shivering violently. My eyes went wide.

"It's not working! Somethings wrong! What's happening? " I asked
"Oh. " Fishlegs siad suddenly.
"What? What is it? " I asked grabbing Astrid's hand.
"Clear Buffalord saliva is..."
"Is what?"
"What? How long do we have? " I worriedly
"At least ten or fifteen minutes. "
"But the Buffalord's saliva is clear. It's supposed to be green. "
" Umm...Hiccup? Look agian. " Ruffnut siad pointing to the Buffalord.

I looked at the Buffalord, his saliva had turned green
"HIS FOOD!!!" Everyone (except Astrid) exclaimed

I turned back to her.
"Hold on Astrid. Please, just a little longer. For...f-for me. Please. " I muttered holding her hand .

She shivered . Stormfly started freaking out and spitting fire everywhere, going crazy.

I sighed, at least I was prepared.
I took out some rope and tied her to a rock and wrapped her mouth .

"N-no.....no. Stormfly......n-no" Astrid whispered reaching out to her dragon.
"It's ok Astrid, it's ok. " I promised.

I walked over to the Buffalord, right when I was about to get his saliva, Viggo and his men showed up

(Time skip)
Ryker swung his sword at the Buffalord.

"NO!" I screamed.
"It's a loss I'm willing to make, question is, are you? " Viggo asked
"Ok , ok, fine you win, take him , take the dragon, but leave us with what we came for, his salvia. I'm not leaving here without it, that's a loss I'm not willing to make. " I siad.

Viggo raised his hand, all if the hunters stopped and Ryker moved his sword.

I jumped off Toothless and quickly retrieved his saliva, and hurried over to Astrid.

"Hic-....cup....." Astrid whispered.

I quickly had her drink. I placed her in my lap and held her hand. She ran her other hand through my hair, then  went  limp

"No,no,no, NO! ASTRID!!" I screamed

I mounted Toothless and attacked Viggo and Ryker's ships, sinking all of them, except there's

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I secreamed

I landed back on the Island and pulled Astrid's dead body into my lap and started to cry .

The gang wandered away and set up camp for the night.

(Time Skip)
I was sitting on a cliff with Astrid's dead body in my lap. I let tears roll down my face as I stared out into the never ending ocean .

"Hiccup." A deep voice full of sympathy siad

I didn't have to turn around
"Hi dad..."
"Fishlegs and Ruffnut sent me a terror... I'm sorry about Astrid. This is a great loss, for everyone."

He knelt down next to me a put a hand on Astrid's forehead I pulled her into me, away from him without knowing it. He didn't do anything. He only sighed.

"What are you going to do with the body?" He asked
"Take her back to dragons edge...K-keep her in her hut ....I-"
"Son...." He started placing a hand on my shoulder
"...She's gone. I-its time to say goodbye." he siad walking away

I looked at the lifeless Astrid in my hands .
"I-im sorry Astrid..This ..This is my fault ... I - I never realized how much you ment to me till you were gone...I -i love you" I whispered, kissing her head .

I slowly stood up and carried her back to the camp grounds
"Hi-Hiccup?" A raspy voice asked
I looked down .
"Astrid?!?" I gasped
"What's ..What's going o-" she started
"YOUR ALIVE!!" I shouted spinning her around.

I lowered her to the ground and slammed my lips against hers she stiffened then relaxed . Before she could do anything I pulled away. She was wide eyed.

Maybe she doesn't feel the same way I do... I thought sadly

(Astrid's pov)
Did Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III just kiss me!?!I was so confused but I was happy at the same time ... But speechless.

"I'm sorry ...I-I j-just ..." He stumbled on his words
I just stood there and blinked rapidly. Like a true blond

Darn it Astrid you have to freeze up NOW!?! I thought
He cleared his throat catching my attention
"I'm just happy your alive ." He siad regularly agian .
Oh so that's it?!? I thought madly, but instead I siad
"Me to."
And we went to the others and flew back to dragons edge

(Time Skip)
Everyone had just went to thier huts. I was alone with Hiccup.
"Hey, thanks. Thanks for saving me." I said

He smiled.
"It's no problem. I-id do anything for you."  He stuttered

I smiled we went outside and down to the beach. The sun was setting.
"When you said you couldn't imagine​ a world without out me, did you mean it?"

He stared at me. Dumbfounded. I looked away.
"I knew it..." I whipered

I took a step away. A hand grabed my wrist. I was pulled into a hug. I gasped.
"Yes. Every word." He whispered.

I smiled and hugged him back.
"What...what do you feel about me?"
"I can't imagine a world without you in it either." I smiled.

I felt him smiled and hug me. I pulled away and kissed him. I pulled away when he started to kiss back. He looked at me, dumbfounded.
"I forgot to do that earlier. Good night Hiccup." I siad kissing his cheek

I walked back to my hut, leaving him there, gawking

(Time Skip)
I opened my door.
"Good morning M'lady" I heard Hiccup say
"Good m-"  I started

I was swept off my feet. Hiccup was kissing me. I started to kiss back when he pulled​ away. He smirked
"I forgot to do that yesterday."

I rolled my eyes and kissed him. We pulled away.
"Tag your it." I said running off.

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