Enemy of my enemy

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"Come on Bud, work with me here." I pleaded with Toothless​.

He grumbled and shot at the dragon proof armour. I groaned and lead him outside. His eyes widened as we exited the stable. He smiled and sat down.

I looked and stopped in my tracks.
"Um... A-astrid! H-hey! Hey Astrid! G-good morning. S-so, you going on a t-test flight with S-stormfly? Y-yeah! Same here! B-but with T-toothless of course! Because Stormfly y-yeah thats-" I stuttered.

Astrid stood there, hands in hips, staring at me. I felt my shoulders slump

Ah Thor I thought
"I can't believe this! Your going in a recon mission! Alone, with no back up, no support! Hiccup, we talked about this!" She scoffed.

I looked down. I felt like a terrible terror who was being scolded. Well, all that was true, except for me being a terrible terror.

"Hiccup. It's been months since the Viggo-"
"Fiasco?" I asked walking past her
"I was going to say episode."

I sighed.
"Hiccup. Viggo isn't out there."
"But his Hunters are if I can just find one to question-"
"They won't tell you a thing. You're going to wear yourself into the ground trying to find someone who doesn't want to be found."
"You don't know that."

We stared at eachother.
"Fine. If you're really serious about going, then at least let me and Stormfly go with you."
"Fine." I sighed.

She smiled and pet Toothless, than ran off.

I picked up the armor.
"Ok bud, it's now or never." I whispered.

He shot at the armor, causing me to drop it. I groaned as I heard Stormfly wake up.

I mounted Toothless and sped off.
"When Astrid finds out your not wearing your armour, I am not covering for you." I said

He growled and flew up.
"But without all that armour on, would we be able to do...this?" I asked.

He roared happily and did flips, turns and dives.  We went under, he barrel rolled and we came up.

"Whoa! I owe you one bud." I laughed.

He laughed and went above the clouds. We spotted a hunter ship.

"I see em bud." I said

We landed. The boat was all scorched and blasted. Soot scattered everywhere. Hunters laied unconscious, wepons spiraled inches away from them.

"Looks like a dragon got the best of them."

Toothless's​ eyes dilated as he growled, his wings preparing for take off.
"Yeah, I know bud. Let's get out of here." I said scratching his head.

The hunters rose and​ grabbed thier wepons.

We bolted for the sky. A spear was thrown at us, leaving us no time to react.
"TOOTHLESS!" I warned.

"SPINE SHOT!" A familiar voice said.

The spear fell from the sky. Astrid and Stormfly flew by.
"Astrid?!?" I asked

A arrow embedded itself into Toothless's​ side. He roared in pain and flew for an island.
"Whoa! Hold on bud! We can make that!"

Astrid flew after us. Toothless started going down at incredible speed.


I was lifted off the saddle.
"TOOTHLESS!" I called with Astird.

He crash landed. We landed not far away. Stormfly set me down and Astrid dismounted. We ran to his side.

"We got to take it out." She said.

I touched​ the arrow. He roared in distress.
"Hold him still."
"On it."

I yanked out the arrow. Toothless's​ nose fell to the ground with a thud.

"Are you ok?" Astrid asked me placing a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

We heard Dragon Hunters.
"Come on Toothless!" I pleaded trying to get my Dragon to stand.

(Time Skip)

Toothless collapsed in the cave we found. I collapsed with Stormfly.
"Oh I am so sorry bud." I said

Astrid looked around the corner. I did the same. I saw hunters heading our way.
"Why didn't I listen? Why didn't​I listen?" I asked, face palming myself.

"Hiccup. Rest. Tend to Toothless." Astrid said, one foot leaving the cave.

I grabbed her wrist.
"Whoa whoa. And you?"
"I'm gonna distract them."
"Yeah. I don't think so."
"Hiccup. Toothless. Your Dragon needs you."

I looked at Toothless.  Astrid kissed my cheek and ran out. Light slowly fled the cave as she threw bushes and branches in front of the entrance.

(Time Skip 731 words)

I was sitting with Toothless. I suddenly heard commotion outside. I heard Astrid fighting. I stood, grabbing a rock. I slowly crept to the entrance. I heard her being thrown down, groaning in pain.

Light fled into the cave as the bushes were casually thrown to the side. I squited, my eyes adjusting to the new brightness of the cave.
"You?" I asked .

Dauger the Deranged walked in

He took a step forward.
"I wouldn't​ do that if I were you. Toothless!"

Toothless stood, eyes dilated, wings out, blast ready. He closed his mouth and collapsed. I screamed and charged Daguer with the rock

"Whoa! Calm brother!" He said.

He collected me.in a choke hold.
"Seriously, you need to calm down." He said

He threw me outside​ to unconscious hunters and Astrid, who was trying to sit up. I knelt and helped her up.
"You...?"  I asked.

He nodded.

(Everything the same but with Astird and Stormfly)

Toothless​ roared in pain. He stood, arching his back, his eyes dilated.

"T-toothless?" Astrid asked.

He roared, and fell, his eyes closing as his nose hit the cave floor.
"What did you do?" I asked with her.

"Hiccup! I didn't do anything!" Dauger said trying to get close to Toothless.
"You stay away from him!"
"Stormfly, spines!"
"Hiccup, you got to believe me! I didn't kn-"

I screamed and charged him, sending us both out of the cave and off the cliff.
"HICCUP! Stormfly, guard him." Astrid said.

I saw her running down the mountain just as I hit the water.

We surfaced on the beach

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I screamed tackling him.

He came out on top.
"I didn't hurt your..." He started

I heard the sound of wepons being drawn​. Duager put his hands up in surrender, chuckling nervously.

I looked, hunters had us surrounded. One had a unconscious Astrid, knife at her throat.
"Astrid!" I called.

Hunters tied us up and hauled us away from where Toothless and Stormfly were.
(Time Skip)

I was kneeling​ next to Dauger. Astrid was dropped next to me. I moved her closer to me, placing her head in my lap

Why didn't I listen? Your always right Astird. I thought

I turned my attention to the leader of this batch of hunters.
"We are going to find those Dragons. It'd be easier if you just told us where they are."

We didn't say anything. Astrid began to stir

Thank Thor

The hunter leader smirked and grabbed her by the wrist. She woke up as he pinned her hands behind her and tied her up.
"What in?!?" She asked

Another hunter grabbed me, pulling me next to her. They stopped us infront of a fire. A hunter lifted and iorn rid out of the fire and pressed it onto the barrel. The hunter igsinia.

They lifted another, freshly hot, and gave it to Astrid's capture. Both of us had one to the neck.

"Now you two will be apart of the dragon hunters forever."

Astrid I thought.

Knowing hers was hot enough to damage her skin severely, I kicked my hunter where the sun doesn't shine and shoved her out the way.

The metal pressed into my skin,  I screamed in pain. They dropped me. Astrid was unconscious again, seeing a hunter punched her in the face.

"OK ENOUGH! I'll take you to the Night Fury." Duager said as a knife appeared in my line of vision. Same with Astrid

"No Duager!" I said

The hunter laughed and pushed us down. I reached out to Astrid. She didn't stir.

Dauger ran over to me. My neck was tingling. His suddenly knocked out two gaurds.

"Come on, come on!" I said holding out my hands.

He looked around, hunters were approaching us quickly​.
"Sorry brother, you'll just slow me down." He said running off


He kept running.

I hung my head.

He just left Astrid here to die... I thought

I looked at her, unconscious. But she was obviously in pain. I was picked up ruffly, Astrid was thrown over a hunters shoulders.

I scowled at that.
"Forget about him. This one will take  us to the dragons."

(Time skip.)

"Last chance, you want to help that dragon? Help your self? Help the girl?"

I knew they would​ just kill both of them
"I'll die before I'll talk."
"Then die you shall. Viggo, shall see to it."

I hung my head and continued​ to follow the hunters. I glanced at Astrid. She was still unconscious.

"What should we do with the girl?" A hunter asked.
"Either drown her, or...we do need new hunters."

I scowled​. I swung my prosthetic around the leader and tripped him. I did the same with our captures and picked Astrid up the best I could.

The hunters stood, obviously shocked.
"Touch her and I kill you." I snarled.

They laughed and drew their swords. A purple blast landed at their feet, sending the hunters flying. Spines separated us from the hunters.

I laughed happily knowing what they were. But what I saw confused me. Dauger riding Toothless​.
They landed next to me with Stormfly.  Dauger cut my ropes, I placed Astrid on Stormfly​.
"Stormfly, go to the edge!" I said.

She nodded and took off. I turned to Duager who was bent over.
"I have no idea how you stomach that." He groaned

I laughed and pet Toothless who was nudding​ me happily.

"What do you say bud? Let's show him how it's done." I said

(Time skip)

We landed at the edge. Astrid was standing there, hands on hips, scowling.
"There you are. Let me gusse. You went on the recon mission?" She said
"Hiccup! We talked about this! I sleep in and you go on a recon?!? Are you ok? Did you see anything?" She said
"Astrid...I'm fine..."

She must of forgotten...she was hit pretty hard. More than once.
"No I didn't see anything. You were right." I sighed.

She smiled and hugged me.
"What's...what's this?!?" She asked.

She pulled away and touched my neck. I winced harshly.
"Come on." She said

We want to my hut. She sat me down and went downstairs. She came back up with a hot bowl of dragon water and a rag. She sat down next to me. She got on her knees and pressed the rag down on my neck. I winced.

"I know... But it needs to be cleaned."

I grabbed her wrist and held it, while wincing, keeping my eyes shut. I could feel her eyes on me. She finished.

"Hiccup...what happened? That's a hunter igsinia." She said holding my hand.

"I kinda sorta ran into some hunters... But besides this." I said gesturing to the igsinia.
"I'm fine."

She eyed me. Her lips pressed together.

Suddenly all I could think about is how I almost lost my crush and my best friend today... Wait... besides the best friend part, you didn't hear anything.


She didn't finish. Why? I slammed my lips into hers. She stiffened but quickly kissed back.

Her arms wrapped around my neck and mine around her waist, pulling her into me. We pulled away, gasping for air. She rested her head on my chest. I held her close.

"What was that for?" She whipered
"I don't know. I've just...missed you today." I said.

I felt her smile. Toothless came up to me and licked me. His toung touched my neck.
"Toothless!" I laughed.
"Someones jelouse." Astrid laughed sitting up.

"Hiccup...the thing on your neck is gone."

I felt my neck and it was definitely gone. I smiled.
"Thanks bud." I said scratching his neck.

We stood and went outside. Heather was out there.
"There you are! See Ash? I told you he slept in."
"Sure. Lets go with that." I said.

Astrid rolled her eyes.
"Ready for training?" Heather asked handing Astrid her axe.


She turned and kissed my cheek
"See you later."

She walked off, dragging Heather who was standing there, gawking.

I smiled and went inside, laying down with Toothless. He nudged me.

"I know. It's good to have you back bud." I said petting him.

2123 words! That's alot!😂

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