Eye of the Beholder Part one.

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(When Hiccup appears on deck)
"Toothless hold!" I said as he prepared to fire a blast.

Dauger stood in front of me. Two men flanking him. He stood in front of a dragon proof cage.
"Hiccup! Did you miss me? Cuz I sure missed you. Every day for three years!  I thought about you." He said in his usual deranged manner, stepping away from the front of the cage.

Astrid sat there, tied up, bruised and scarred. She could barely lift her head. The others were in a cage, flanked by the guards.

"Astrid!" I called, even tho I knew it could do no good.

She looked at me through her half lided eyes, but fell forward. Exausted.
"What did you do to her?" I asked.
"Hiccup..." Dauger laughed
"She wouldn't go down without a fight. You know that. Anyways, Look at you! All grown up! And quite the ladies man I would wager. Huh? Huh?" He finished

I scowled. I glanced at Astrid, who couldn't even lift herself off the ground.

"Dauger, what do you want?" I asked.
"Duh. He wants the jewels." Snoutlout said

"Shut it!" Dauger said as the guards took the jewels.
"And, I will also take whatever is behind​ your back. Come on. Give it to me. Brothers share you know." He said.

I gave it to him
"You aren't going to get to far with that you know." I said.
"Shut it brother. I must go now, I'll see you soon. On the fields of battel." He said jumping off the ship.

I ran to Astrid's cage.
"A-astrid? Guys? Are you ok?" I asked.
"W-we're fine go!" She said pulling herself up.

I nodded and hopped on Toothless.
"Fire!" Dauger said.

A boulder flew at us, we dodged.
"You missed, Brother!" I said sarcasticly
"Oh Hiccup, you should know by now, I never miss." He laughed.
"Oh No!" I said in realization.

I flew back to the ship.
"Astrid! Hiccup! Get Astrid!" Snoutlout said worriedly.

I looked at her cage. She was on her side, not moving.
I landed on the ship.
"Astrid?" I asked

She looked up.
"G-go. G-get them out​ of here..." She said.
"Astrid..." I whispered.
"I'll be fine... Go!" She said.

I nodded, knowing there was no winning.
"Everyone, Dragon calls." I said.

Everyone called for their Dragons and I called for Stormfly. The ship lurched forward and Astrid's door flew open, she tumbled out, falling into the water.
"ASTRID!" I called diving after her.

Toothless dove to. I got on his back and grabbed her waist. We surfaced as the others climbed onto there dragons.
"Astrid? Astrid?!? ASTRID!" I screamed.

She didn't stir.
"Everyone come on. Back to Berk. Snoutlout, go get the thing Dauger took." I said.

He nodded and flew off. We sped for Berk.
Come on Ash...just a bit longer.... I thought

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