Team Astrid

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"Son! Im glad your here." Dad said as we arrived at Berk.

I looked around at the damage. Fire was erupting from huts. Some were destroyed.
"Who did this?" I asked in rage.
"It was a strange attack son. A hit and run. Hit a few houses. Astrid...o-one of them was your parents. Hiccup make sure she doesn't go nea-" He started.

Astrid flew past him.
"ASTRID!" We screamed after her.

I flew after her. She jumped off Stormfly, running. She stopped. I landed next to her.
"A-astrid?" I asked.

She didn't move. She didn't talk. Her house was  gone. Destroyed. Villagers surrounded two white blankets. Laying on top of two bodies. They looked​ at Astrid. The gang landed behind us. Dad came up behind her. He placed a hand in her shoulder.
"Are you ok lass?" He asked

I looked at her. I placed a hand on her shoulder and my dad removed his.
"A-astrid?" I asked unsure of what to say.
"No..." She whispered.

No one could hear her.
"No!" She screamed jumping on Stormfly.

They flew off with an incredible speed.
"Astrid!" I called jumping on Toothless.

A hand landed on my shoulder. I turned to push them away it was my dad.
"Son...let her be for a while." He said.
I didn't say anything. Toothless moaned sadly.
"Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked.

I nodded and hopped off. Everyone stared at me.

I just walked off . I went walking​ through the woods with Toothless. I heard sobbing. I ran to it.

I came to the cove. Astrid was crying by the lake. Head in her hands. Stormfly stood there. Unsure of what to do.

I walked up to her and sat down.
"A-astrid?" I asked.

She turned into me and sobbed. I held her.
"It's ok's ok..." I whispered, playing with her hair.

She calmed down a bit. But she silently cried.

I never thought I would see the day there would only be one Hofferson left. I never thought Astrid would lose her parents. I never thought I'd see Astrid Fearless Hofferson cry.

"Hiccup?" She croaked.
"Yes?" I asked.

She looked up at me and I looked down at her. Her eyes were blood shot from crying for who knows how long.
"Thank you... Thank you for being here for me." She whispered.
"Astrid. I will always be here for you. There will always be a Hiccup​ and an Astrid. Whatever that means... w-whatever you want it to mean. I'm here for you. Always." I said.

She smiled. We hugged each other. We didn't let go for what seems like hours.

(Authors POV)
Eventally, the two teens fell asleep, Stoick, who had been searching for them for hours, found them.

Slightly propped up in Toothless side, Astrid curled up into Hiccup who's arms were wrapped protectively​ around her.

The chief smiled to himself, and walked back to the village.

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