Night of the hunters part one

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I stood outside the stables. Eyes closed. Hoping I would hear the flapping of Dragon wings. Not just any Dragon wings, a Deadly Natter. And not just any deadly natter. I was waiting for Stormfly. And not just Stormfly. I was waiting on Astird Fearless Hofferson on Stormfly.
"Still no sign of them?" I heard Fishlegs ask

I opened my eyes.
"They're probably out exploring, lost track of time." He said.
"She's never been gone all day like this. Not without​ telling someone." I said, never taking my eyes off the horizon.
"Well, remember when she missed her own birthday party because she was setting up a defense perimeter around Berk?"
"Yeah..." I said turning to him.
"And that one night when she decided to practice her late night axe throwing and surprised Silent Sven in the woods?"
"Yeah but..."

"Yeah I don't think he recovered from that. And the time-"
"Yeah, I get it Fishlegs. Thank you for trying to make me feel better." I said turning back​ to the sea.

He came up next to me.
"You know, if anyone is eequipet to survive out there, it is Astird." He said.
"Yeah, I know Fishlegs... Your in charge. I'm going to go find her."
"Hiccup, let us come with you." He said.
"No, a storms coming. I don't want to risk Astrid, Toothless and all of you guys. No. I'm going alone." I said.
"Be back by noon?" He said.

I nodded and took off.
"Ok bud. Astrid loves to fly south. So let's go there first." I said.

He roared in approval and we speed off.
(Time Skip)

I wiped my hair off of my face. Rain was pouring, lighting was striking. We needed to find her.
"Oh come on...where could she be?" I asked.

Toothless roared in distress. I looked down to see a hand go under.
"ASTRID!" I screamed jumping off of Toothless.

I dove for her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and swam up. Toothless was underwater. I climbed on his back and we surfaced.

I positioned her on my lap, bridal style.
"Astrid? Astrid?!? ASTRID?!?" I screamed.

She stired, her eyes opened half way

"What took you so long?" She asked.
"Oh thank Thor." I said, hugging her.

She groaned and passed out. Toothless roared in distress and flipped. A bolt of lightning struck where we were.

I saw a cave.
"Come on Bud!" I said, we flew for it.

We landed and I hopped off. I knelt down and set Astrid on my lap. She was shivering.

Oh Thor... I have to take off her clothes... Or she'll get hypothermia. I thought.

I took a deep breath and removed her armour. Next was the shirt. My face burned as I did this. Her bindings weren't wet, so I left them on. I took off her skirt but left her leggings and took off her boots. I took off everything, except for my pants. She shivered agian. I took a blanket from Toothless's saddle bag, who had laid down.

I propped us up against him and covered us. After a while, she rolled into me, wrapping her arms around me. I blushed, turning bright red. Toothless laughed

"Shut up you useless reptile." I muttered.

He rolled his eyes and I scratched his ears. He smiled and fell asleep. I enveloped her in a hug and fell asleep. Only caring that she was safe.

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