Part VIII - Afternoon Sleepies.

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Published: April 24, 2023
Words: 1614
{Socks PoV (Finally)}

I swear Blaza could sleep at any time of day, it was 10:30 in the morning, how did he fall asleep when he woke up 3 hours ago?

I haven't told anyone from America that I'm coming back, I thought it would be a nice surprise especially if I brought Blaza back with me. Heck, it was sort of close to Christmas too, it was currently November 18th and still no snow.

I'm sure Ally would smother Blaza in.. welcoming energy... and everyone else is sort if neutral about new people.

I think it's pretty weird how I've gotten so close with Blaza in only around 3 weeks. But some reason I feel different around him, I get a weird feeling in my chest that almost has a warm sensation to it. I could be dying, I wouldn't know.

I'm surprised my agency didn't send me here for longer, I was expecting to be here for at least 4 months, but I won't complain.

I still had some of my own things to pack up at the moment, so I had to get to that. I tried to be as quiet as possible while entering my room as Blaza was probably asleep by now.

I cracked the door open and he shifted around, but didn't wake up. I walked to my closet and started getting various clothes off hangers before folding them into a suitcase.

There was still room in my suitcase, so I tried to fit as many of my other clothes into the suitcase.

Now I had my entire room cleared out, except for an outfit for tomorrow, suitcases and my phone.

It was 11:30 now, still so much time left in the day...

Mabye I could try calling Tbh..

**Pending call - 00:03**

I waited for a few seconds, staring at Tbh's greyed out profile picture as I waited for him to pick up.

I looked away for one second and there he is, in the call.

{This may get confusing so make sure to read the letters}
T:"Hey Socks! Whatcha call for?"
S:"Just wanted someone to talk to.. Blaza's asleep right now so you're the next option."
S:"Heh.. could I tell you a small secret?"
T:"Oooo tea."
S:"I'm coming back to America tomorrow."
S:"Yeah, I'm also bringing Blaza."
S:"I know, I know, sudden and all but I want to surprise the others."
T:"My mouth is shut."
T:"You moving back into your old place?"
S:"Yeah, I think the majority of my stuff is still there."
T:"Sure is, Meme and I have been through there making sure the house was holding up."
S: "Thanks for that."
T: "Anyways, I gotta go. Meme wants to go somewhere and he won't tell me why."
S:"heh.. I think I might have an idea.."
T:"Don't you dare."
S:"Alright, have fun with Meme."
T:"Yeah! Come over tomorrow, Meme's been talking about missing you."
S:"Will do."

With that final goodbye, I was left with the somewhat eerie silence, occasionally broken by Blaza's soft breathing.

I was getting a bit sleepy, probably from my rough sleep last night. I was glad Tbh is getting out with Meme, I hope those two have fun.

To be completely honest, I am really thinking that it's a date but I suppose only time will tell.

I decided to watch YouTube on my phone, I had nothing else to do to pass the time, I could go somewhere but I didn't want to leave Blaza alone.

I sat down on my bed and laid my phone on my pillow to watch videos. Blaza was still sound asleep next to me, wrapped in 8 too many blankets.


"Okay I think right around this corner is where it should be.."  The audio played from my phone two videos later. I was enjoying watching videos even if I was getting tired.

I stared at the glowing screen of my phone through the now orange tinted light of a lovely afternoon sky. I wanted to get outside but Blaza was probably going to wake up soon and I didn't really have the energy to get up again.

Out of nowhere I felt the warmth of hands around my waist which made me jump, it was Blaza still asleep but holding me from behind. I sighed and grabbed my phone from the pillow and laid down beside Blaza, his hands not moving as I laid down.

I attempted to watch my videos but eventually ended up falling asleep in Blaza's arms.


{Blaza PoV}


I grumbled as light shone into my eyes abruptly, interrupting my nap.

I was going to go back to sleep when I was caught off guard by Sock's gentle breathing on my arms, I peeked an eye open to see that I was cuddling him from behind. I could feel my cheeks start burning as I realized what had happened, but I didn't move, I didn't want to disturb him.

I laid there for a while, thinking about the situation. I was sure I had fallen asleep before him, so how did this even happen?

I was also questioning myself at this moment, why was I staying like this and not just moving my arms away? I stayed like that for a long time until I felt shifting on my hands and forearms. Suddenly, I felt warmth and very slight pressure on my hand and I realized Socks had grabbed my hand in his sleep.


It was probably a good thing I couldn't see my face because I was so red you would mistake me for a tomato.


Socks mumbled as he shifted around in his sleep, still holding my hand. I was worried I had done something to make his sleep uncomfortable but he seemed to be sound asleep.

The still sleeping Socks suddenly turned over to face me, somehow not waking up. My hands were still around him but it felt much more awkward now as I could feel his chest rise and fall against mine.

I tried to go back to sleep but I was awake for far to long for that boat to sail. I just laid awake, trying to evade my eyes from meeting Sock's closed eyes.

Socks started shifting around uncomfortably again, his eyes eventually lifting open sleepily.

"Nhmm... I- AH! BLAZA!?" He said jumping up.

"Y-Yeah..? You alright?"

Socks just stared at me dead in the eyes, now sitting cross-legged awkwardly on his bed. He looked very flustered and still tired.

"What time is it..?"

I reached over to his nightstand and grabbed my phone to check the time, "Uhh it's 9pm..?" I replied, kind of concerned at why he was so worried, had we missed the flight?


"Did we miss the flight?"


"Why so worried then?"

"7 hours.."

I was so confused at what he was saying, but I didn't want him to be more worried about whatever it was so I didn't stress it.

"Whatever.. I'm to tired to worry about this..." Socks grumbled as he cuddled back into me.

"Hmph.. at least you're warm.."

I was so confused why he dropped whatever he was mad about so quickly, but I guess that was it.

I picked up my phone and went on DoorDash and ordered pizza for 11pm delivery, Socks should be awake by then.. hopefully.

Socks let go of my hand and shifted around again, so I took the opportunity to go sit on his couch, I was a bit too warm and his body heat definitely wasn't helping.

Now being alone in the dead of the night made me start to question myself, did I li- No, no. We are not going there tonight brain, no.

I pulled my journal out of my backpack and started to write a new entry.

December 9th, 2020.
{Sorry for the time skipping}

Tomorrow is where I start anew. I leave all my past
behind and move on, with someone I care about.
Seems like those better days I aspired for finally
made way.

One thing that is troubling me though, I don't
know if I'm starting to catch feelings for Socks.
I don't even really understand love, but if I had
to imagine the feeling, this would be it. I'm worried
that if he finds out, we won't be friends anymore.

I don't recall ever telling him I'm gay and I don't
know if he is or not, I don't even know if he
supports it or not.This is so confusing but I
don't want to seem weird and I don't even really
understand if I like him or not.

But even if I never have the courage to do anything,
I'll be just as happy with our friendship staying as it is.


One thing I loved about journaling, it really helps get things off your chest that you can't really tell anyone. And what I wrote in the journal was true, I think I am catching feelings but I wouldn't know how to tell. It might just be me caring about him, I don't have a clue about love at all.

It was stressing me out quite a bit, I don't know how to deal with these feelings. But I'm fine living with them for longer, as long as nothing too big happens.



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