Part IX - Late Night Adventures.

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Published: April 30, 2023
Words: 1433
Mmm what plot? I didn't make one.


(I am so sorry I'm like this)
{Blaza PoV}

"Ding Dong"

The doorbell rung as soon as a I was drifting off to sleep again. I was sitting on his bed with Socks, he had woken up started
looking over what he had packed for the following trip.

Both him and I went downstairs, I answered the door while he set out the few paper plates he had left over in the cupboards.

"You wanna go for a walk later? The skies are supposed to be clear."

"..Shmmr" Socks muttered while taking a chomp out of his pizza slice.

{Time skip to when they are done (Definitely not because I can't write filler)}

"You still up for going out?"


"Alright." I said, getting up from my chair and walking to the door to put on my shoes, Socks soon following me.

I opened the door to see nothing but downpour of rain.

Hesitant, I asked Socks if he still wanted to go out.

"Of course! The rain makes it better!"

Heh heh.. it sort of did now that I was admiring the rain. He grabbed an umbrella and opened it as we walked outside.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Mmm.. theres a gazebo in the park not too far away.. want to go there?" I replied, I usually went to that gazebo before school to pass the time. (A/N If you don't know what a gazebo is, its like a fancy shelter that is usually in parks, gardens or backyards)


Socks opened the umbrella and stepped off his porch and onto the pathway and started walking away. He stopped at the end of the driveway and smiled at me, knowing exactly what he was doing. I sighed and ran to catch up with him, trying not to get myself too wet from the rainfall.


I playfully shoved him, and we just joked about it for a while. I wasn't mad about it at all, despite being a bit soaked, I was happy.

Him and I walked in silence for some time, admiring the rain, the sound of raindrops hitting the ground, hitting the umbrella and hitting various surfaces. The sound soothing considering both him and I had a long day ahead.

Suddenly I felt warmth around my hands and felt Sock's fingers intertwining between mine. I looked down at him, but wasn't met with his eyes. I don't know if he did it subconsciously, but it clearly didn't matter to him. I could feel my cheeks warming up so I turned my head away, hoping he didn't notice.

We walked the rest of the way silently, my hand still in Sock's. When we arrived at the gazebo, Socks looked ecstatically at the structure in front of us before running out to it, dragging me along with him. (A/N SHIT I THINK I WROTE A SUN/MOON DYNAMIC)

Socks opened the large glass doors, the wood-smelling air surged out of the open doors and out into the rain filled air. We both walked in, taking in the grand-ness of the structure.


"You ready to leave tomorrow?"

"Not at all." I replied, laughing weakly.

"Ah, I get that, I was hesitant to take the offer to come here. But alas, I'm glad I did."

"Hey Socks?"


"Do you think we would have ever met if you didn't move? ..Sorry, dumb question..."

"I think so."


"Fate always finds a way."


To be honest, Socks was the first person I would expect to have views like that. I admired it actually, the ability to convince yourself that something good would have happened in your favour. I always took things more logically, eliminating all hopes for things that wouldn't really come.

"Uhm, what is your work anyways..? You mentioned it before but never specified what you do.."

"Oh.. ehm... Isn't the rain nice? The sound against the glass panes is calming."

Changing the subject, I noticed, but I didn't want to stress it. Wasn't that important anyways.

{Time skip}

I yawned and leaned back on the walls, I was getting sleepier and sleepier by the minute.

"Uhh.. Blaza..? You still with me?"

"Mhmm.. not for long..."

"Jeez, we should be getting home."

I grumbled in reply, I was too tired to talk at this point, let alone walk all the way home. Even if I slept the majority of the day, I was still tired for some reason.

Despite my urge to fall asleep, I got up and started walking out of the big glass doors with Socks soon following and opened the umbrella.

We walked back to the house, casually talking along our way. My mind was clouded by sleep but I didn't want to seem disrespectful, so I tried to stay engaged in our conversation.

"Huh.. Christmas is coming up.."

"Oh, right. Do you have any plans?"

"Other than spending time with you and the others.. not really."

"Uh.. the others..?"

"My friends from America."

"Ah, I see."

"Oh yeah, I guess I haven't really mentioned them. We'll be stopping by Meme and Tbh's house tomorrow."


Eventually, we arrived back at Sock's house. It was around 2am now, six hours t'ill our flight. I had all of my belongings packed up, not like I had much anyways, mabye a suitcase's worth? The other suitcase was just my pc all stuffed in.

"You should get sleep, you'll need it for tomorrow."

"Yeah.. I think I'll do that. But what about you?"

"There's a few things I need to do. But you get sleep."

"But I-"

Socks softly put a finger over my lips and quietly but sternly said, "Blaza, you have bags under your eyes. Go to sleep."

"Mnnmm.. I feel like a toddler getting lectured.."

"Mabye because you have the mentality of one, now sleep."

I was somewhat offended by what he said, but he wasn't completely wrong.

I would have felt bad not complying considering he was just trying to help me, so I settled down and shut my eyes. For some reason, all of my sleepiness had vanished. So I laid there wide awake for a good 20 minutes while Socks rummaged around, mumbling to himself, repeating lists of things.

Eventually, he settled down and seemed to had finished whatever he was doing.

"God damn it, why are you so fucking cute while you're asleep.."

Oh god, I was trying so hard to not blush and give away that I hadn't been asleep, that would have been awkward. But did he- ahm.. no. No, just me overthinking it.

"..*sigh* Tomorrow is a new day, no worries."

"Nothing to worry about.."

Suddenly, I started drifting off to sleep, with a warm feeling in my chest, it was nice to succumb to sleep after our small midnight adventure.

{Socks PoV}

I was incredibly anxious about the following day, I wondered if I forgot to pack anything, or if the house would stay in-tact while I was gone, would we miss the flight? Ahh! Too much to think about.

While I was repeating lists of things I had packed to myself, I took a glance over at Blaza.

"God damn it, why do you have to be so fucking cute when you're asleep.." I mumbled to myself.

'Okay, I think I have everything packed.' I thought to myself with a sigh.

I was glad I could help Blaza somewhat move past what has happened to him. Leaving this area would hopefully somewhat help. That thought brought back the memories of my first few days here.. it's been almost a month. God, a whole month away from everything I knew before, and now I was going back?

Tiredness started to creep into my body, making my movements more dragged as I forced my eyelids to stay open. (A/N Relatable, I'm doing that rn 2:23am)

I eventually gave up fighting off sleep and sat down on the bed where Blaza was cuddled up by the edge.

I laid down facing a wall and shut my eyes, I had an alarm set for about 3 hours, leaving us 2 hours to get to the airport.

My mind was ridden with worry and panic, but the calming silence of the wind brushing past the windows temporarily soothed my worries and let me drift off to sleep.

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