Part X - Prepare for Landing! I think..

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Published: May 6th, 2023
Words: 2313
{Socks PoV}

*Beep Beep Beep*


*Beep Beep Beep*

I slammed the alarm clock hard to get it to shut up and sat up on the bed, Blaza was still sound asleep next to me.

I checked my phone for the time since I had broken the alarm clock, the time read 6:28am. We had an hour and a half to get to the airport.

"Hey Blaza, wake up. We have to start getting ready." I said somewhat quietly, gently shaking his shoulder.

"Mmmm.. I'll get up... eventually.."

I sighed and stood up, my muscles aching as I did. I walked over to where my bag was and grabbed the clothes I had out, as I walked to the bathroom to get changed I heard Blaza get up and do god knows what.

I got changed and walked back to the bedroom where Blaza had his back turned to me, writing something while looking out a window.

Silently, I walked behind him and asked "What'cha writing?"

"WAAAH WHAT THE FUC- oh sorry, when did you get there?"

"Just now."

"Can I see what your writing?"

"NO- I- Uhm not right now.."


Blaza seemed kind of on-edge right now, best to just let him be I guess..

I made sure to put away my phone and it's charging cord into my carry-on. I didn't want to leave anything important here, I probably wouldn't be coming back —on my own will— anytime soon.

Okay, we had an hour to get to the airport which was around 40 minutes away with traffic, leaving us a 20 minute buffer window.

"Hey Blaza, do you want to buy breakfast or make it?"

"Hm.. do we have the time to make anything?

"I don't think so, I also don't think we have anything to make food out of."

"Take out it is then.. Is anywhere on the way open this early?"

"I don't think so, other than some shitty fast food, we might just have to wait until we get to America."

"I'm fine with that."

"Yeah, I know theres a grocery store near my house there, so worst-case-scenario we just have to go there." I added.

"But we really should get going.. you good just wearing that to the airport?"

"Listen, while you're wearing uncomfy jeans, I'll be in my pyjama pants having a nap."

"Heh heh.. you plan on sleeping more??"

"What did you expect?"

"Not anything less.."

Now that I thought of it, I really didn't expect Blaza to stay awake the entire flight, I was probably going to sleep through some of the flight. I envied his choice of clothing, but it would be fine.



"How do we plan on getting to the airport?"

"I have a car."

"..Can you drive?"

(A/N listen, I don't care if this is actually legal, I'm so tired rn.)

Okay, mabye I wasn't the best driver, but I could still drive! I guess that would save us some trouble.

"We should get going.."

"Mhm!" Replied Blaza from behind me, grabbing his suitcase and shuffling to the door.

I paused for a moment, thinking about all that had happened in the past month, where I was leaving, what I was going back to. I could tell Blaza was doing somewhat the same, his face read several different emotions, sadness, anger, fear, although I knew some of what he was leaving behind, it must have been strange seeing your life come together in just one month and then leaving most of it behind you.

"You got your stuff together?" I asked him, making sure I had all of my things at the same time.

"I think so, I'm really nervous to leave though.."

I grabbed his hands and looked back at him, his cheeks now flushed a slight shade of red.

"It'll be okay, Blaza."

We both walked outside as Blaza was tugging his sweater over his face.

We both got in my car and I flipped on the engine for the first time in ages, surprisingly it made a low-pitched rumbled and ignited.

"Whoa... didn't expect this to turn on.." I muttered under my breath.

I could already see Blaza nodding off, I envied him, I couldn't sleep or we would most likely die, how fun. I backed out of my driveway and set my Google Maps to the airport where our flight was.


God.. that was scary, I forgot how terrifying driving was. Anyways, we were at the airport, I was checking in my car to be brought to a sale and sold away, I didn't need it that bad to be transported.

I shook Blaza awake before letting the security guards take my car.

"'Ey, wake up, we're here."

"Oh.. we are?"


Blaza yawned and got up from his seat, grabbing the suitcases from the backseat as he got out.

We left the car and went inside the airport, I couldn't understand a thing anyone was saying or what anything said. It was all in some foriegn --to me-- language.

Blaza saw my confusion and talked with the guards and read signs to me as we went to our boarding bridge.

We reached security check and the receptionist said something with her hand outstretched.

"Bitte geben Sie mir Ihre Tickets."

I didn't know what she was saying, so I stood there dumbly and looked her in the eyes. We stayed like that for a good 20 seconds until Blaza realized and replied to the lady, "Entschuldigung, er spricht kein Deutsch."

Blaza turned to me and then said, "Can you give her the tickets?"

Aha! I thought I heard the word ticket somewhere in there..

I handed over the tickets and the receptionist punched a hole in them, security waved us past and said "Hab einen sicheren Flug."

Again, having no clue what anyone was saying, I just nodded along.

We found our seats and settled in for a long flight. Out of thin air, I felt a hand on mine, squeezing mine so firmly it almost hurt.

"Uhm.. sorry.. I'm just not a fan of heights- or airplanes."

"It's okay, the first time I flew, Tbh had to hold my hand."

"Heh heh.. thanks."

Blaza calmed down and started scribbling something in his journal again, I went on my phone, double checking I was on my alternate account before scrolling for a while. (A/N this has some relevance so keep that in mind~)

Through some error of static, a warm female voice came on the speaker, "Der Start erfolgt in 10 Minuten, bitte nehmen Sie Platz und bereiten Sie sich auf den Start vor."

I thought I would have to have Blaza translate for me, but the speaker came on again in English, "Launch is in 10 minutes, please prepare for takeoff."

Blaza shrugged and went back to writing, he seemed awkwardly calm considering how scared he'd been just a few minutes ago. Mabye his writing calmed him down.. I still had no clue what he was writing about, I assumed something about the flight because he had already written twice today.

The warm voice came on again, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, 10 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. Blaza gripped my hand and squeezed his eyes shut, but nothing came. Just a change of scenery.. and- Ow! My ears popping...

I yawned and settled back into my seat, the plane was surprisingly quiet for being completely public. I put in my headphones and started listening to music while Blaza continued to write.


I had no clue how much time had passed, but I felt tapping on my shoulder beside me, I cracked an eye open to see Blaza pointing to the aisle beside me.

It was a little girl hugging a stuffed cat, trying to mumble something to me.

"I-I Uh.. A-Are you SocksFor1..?"

"Y-Yeah, I am! Would you like anything?"

"S-Sorry, I-I don't speak English v-v-very well.."

She gestured at a small polaroid camera and I knew what she wanted to do.

I picked up the camera and bent down in the aisle to take a photo with the young girl. To be honest, I didn't think I would get recognized anywhere in Germany, but here we were.

I snapped a few pictures and stood up, the girl thanking me and hugging my leg and her mother (I assume?) gestured her back to their seat.

I smiled and waved back at the mother and sat back down in my seat, next to a confused Blaza.

"What was that about?" He asked in a whisper.

"Oh ehm.. a fan..."

"Of you? For what?"

I sighed, knowing that I would actually have to tell him, but I could stall a bit.

"I'm sorry, I don't really want to explain right now, there are so many people around and it's dead quiet in here."

"Ah, okay."

Phew.. that was a close call. I looked back at the girl, who was marvelling over the pictures while her mother giggled while looking at the pictures.

I put my headphones back on and tucked my legs near my chest, I rested my head back and intended to fall asleep again, when I heard a soft screeching sound beside me. When I opened my eyes, it was Blaza putting the armrest that divided our seats down and scooting closer to me, eventually resting his head on my shoulder.

Eventually, I ended up falling back asleep, putting my arm around Blaza's shoulder and hugging him tightly.


"Socks, wake up.."


I blinked my eyes open to hear "Attention passengers, we will be landing in ———- airport in 1 hour, please be prepared for landing." coming from the sharp radio.

Ah! How long did I sleep for.. was something wrong with me? Why was I sleeping so much..? Meh, no matter, a little extra sleep never hurt anyone.

"You've been out for the past 6 hours despite how much we both have slept so much." Blaza commented.

"Yeah, I have no clue why, usually I only sleep for a few hours a day, if I even sleep."

Blaza shrugged and went back to doing something on his phone. I pulled up my hood and put on my headphones and watched YouTube, Blaza had his headphones in so I didn't want to bother him.

Two videos later and the speaker had let out the 10 minute warning. I removed my headphones and relaxed, I was glad I would be able to see my other friends for the first time in a while. Not that much would have happened within a month.

Blaza and I talked until we landed, I knew where the airport was, so I could call an Uber and get home easily.

After landing, chatter broke out and some people got up, some stayed seated. Blaza and I waited a couple minutes for everyone to get their baggage out of the overhead compartments before we did the same and went out of the plane.

"Okay.. our luggage should be at gate 3, I tagged them with bright yellow tags so look for those." I told Blaza as we walked to get our luggage.

"Found it!" Blaza laughed as he pulled out 4 suitcases from the rotating belt. Now that there were so many American people here talking, I realized how much of an accent he had. Cute.

"Heh heh.."


"Your accent is adorable."

"Oh stop it you!!" Blaza said while ruffling my hair around.

"Hah! Now your hair is all messed up!" He said while looking at my now messy hair.


Blaza and I joked the rest of the way while I booked an Uber to pick us up. I messaged Tbh that we would be arriving in around 30 minutes, he left me on read.

When we got outside, I flipped my hood up and put on a decorative mask, I didn't want to be recognized right now.

Blaza stared down at me, somewhat confused but just carried on walking to where I told the Uber to pick us up. We found the car waiting and we got inside with all of our stuff.

"Mr. For1?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Ah okay, I hope you two enjoy your drive." The driver said to us kindly, I was somewhat glad she didn't recognize the name. I really had to stop worrying about that.


About 15 minutes later, we were at my house. It wasn't overly huge or small, it was just an average house. I fidgeted around with my keys until I found the key to this house. The key fit right in and the door opened, revealing a plain house with some furniture. It looked like some rich person's house who didn't bother to decorate.

We walked in and put the suitcases in the living room, we didn't have any time to pit anything away, I promised Tbh that I would go see him when we got here.

I walked into my garage and called for Blaza to follow into the room, he got somewhat lost but eventually found the door.

"Seriously? An orange jeep?"

"That's.. not what we're driving..."

"I wasn't complaining."

"So you want to ride in the flashy orange jeep?"

"Not what I meant."

I unlocked the not orange car and we both got in. I already knew the directions to Tbh's house, so it would be easy getting there by memory.


{??? PoV}

How could he..

Why is he with someone else..

I've waited a month for you to come back and you betray all of us like this!?

You'll pay... you should be mine.. not being with that.. person.

I'll make sure your pretty faced lies never cross the internet again, SocksFor1.


Sorry for the cliffhanger! This chapter was getting too long!

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