Part XI - Visiting a Friend.

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Published: May 7th, 2023
Words: 1269

Wowie Tbh Point of View??

{Tbh PoV}


Oh, that was probably Socks, I set down my cat and went to pick up my phone from the counter. Socks had mentioned yesterday he and.. uhm... I forget his name was coming, I hadn't told anyone yet, but I invited everyone over for a "party". Of course I wasn't clear of suspicion because I was the introverted type who avoided parties.

I opened my phone to read Sock's message, "We'll be there in about 30 minutes, see ya soon!"

That was good timing, people were just starting to arrive at our house, being greeted by a very confused Meme, I forgot to tell him we had people coming over.

Our cat scurried to bounce at Ally's knees as she crouched down to pet her. I walked over to the door and pulled Meme away and mentioned why we had people coming over, not the part about Socks though.

"That's.. not like you... and I still have to feed Nari."

"I'll feed her, don't worry."

"Ah okay, thanks Tb."

"No problem, you go have fun."

I walked over to the cabinet while Nari abandoned Ally and scurried over to me, her bell emitting noises as she clumsily slipped around the ground.

I filled her dish and placed it down on the ground, Ally looking sad she got abandoned while Meme awkwardly and jokingly consoled her.

A more people arrived at the house bringing snacks, drinks and party games, Meme getting a little more stressed each person who arrived, the room getting slightly louder and louder.

I saw Sock's car pull into the driveway, so I practically ran outside to meet him, making it somewhat discrete that I was gone.

I got to the car and Socks got out, looking just a bit different.

"Hey!! Tb! How ya doing?"

"Just fine, got this place renovated with Meme the day after you left for Europe."

"Ah, looks nice!"

"Yeah, how did Europe treat'cha?"

"Just fine, what about you? Anything going on with you?"

"Yeah, but I don't want anyone to notice I'm gone for too long, so let's go inside."

"Alright one minute.."

Socks leaned back into the car and said something, I heard the sound of the passenger's side door open. Ah it was probably that Braze guy, or whatever his name was.

What I didn't expect was the utterly terrifying man who stepped out of the car, he was at least 6'2, blonde with an incredibly piercing gaze filled by ocean blue irises.

I could feel my knees shake as he looked down on me, I stuttered out the words "I-I Uh.. H-Hello S-S-Sir.."

He replied in a very non-threatening voice that really didn't match his face, I couldn't believe he was my age, "Eh.. Hi. You're TbhHonest?"

"Y-yep.. that's me."

"Ah, I'm Blazabee, but you can call be Blaza." 'Blaza' said in a somewhat thick accent.


This guy shook me down to my bones, I was currently 5'11 and I thought I was pretty tall, but this guy?? This guy could crush me like a small ant on the pavement.

Socks opened the door and stepped inside, Blaza and I staying behind a bit. Meme immediately ran up to him and hugged him, he had been talking about how much he missed Socks for the past 2 weeks.

Everyone welcomed Socks back as he gently stroked Nari on the head, he stepped further into the house as Nari squirmed out of his arms to go lay on Ally.

Blaza slowly walked into the house, slightly ducking to not hit his head on the door frame. Everyone stared, somewhat in awe, somewhat in fear, all except Ally, who looked ecstatic to see him. Mabye they knew eachother?

"Uh.. hello, I'm Blazabee, you all can call me Blaza if you'd like..."

"Finally, Socks got a boyfriend." Ally said sarcastically.

Both Blaza and Socks threw a glance at each other, Blaza slightly blushing. I was still outside of the house, getting cold from the December breeze.

Meme caught glimpse of me outside, snow getting brushed in the wind and onto my sweater and hurried me inside.

"Tb, your going to catch a cold. Also you knew about this!?"


"Whatever, just stay out of the cold.."

"I will honey, don't worry."

"T-Tb! How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that!!"

I stood up and left Meme to hang out with Socks, Ally was obsessing over Blaza, while he was casually answering her questions. Everyone else was setting up a party game, I decided I would join them.


I yawned as I was sitting on my couch with Meme, everyone had left. Some people called Ubers, some drove home. Either way, they had all left by now.

Socks and Blaza were the last ones to leave, helping us clean the house before they left.

"Hey Tb?"

"Yeah Meme?"

"When do you think they'll get together?" (A/N Meme you are angering me 😡😡😡)


"Please don't tell me you don't notice the way they interact with each other."

"I mean, they're good friends but I didn't really notice they had that I guess. But now that I think about it you seem right." I said while searching my memories for moments that could support his argument.

"Heh heh.. I guess you're more observant than I thought."

Meme looked pleased with himself, and took the compliment without a second word.

"Do you wanna go somewhere later..?"


{Blaza PoV}

Phew.. that was.. tiring. All of Sock's friends are very nice though, especially that one rainbow-haired girl. She practically smothered me in welcoming energy.

That one in the crab sweater seemed scared of me though, so did almost everyone else. I guess I did seem threatening to someone who never knew me before.

I was tired from the day though, I could tell Socks was too, but not nearly as tired as I was, for some reason.

I sat down on the couch, letting out a tiny sigh as I did. Socks sat down beside me and got a blanket and put it over both of our waists and down. The blanket was soft and warm, I melted into the couch cushions, absolutely ready to fall asleep.


I-I don't know why, but something is keeping me awake. I don't know what it is but I feel like something is going to happen. Despite how tired I am, I'm still unable to fall asleep.

Socks has been long asleep, I have no idea what time it is. I don't even know if the feeling is good or bad. I just want to sleep right now.

I guess it's alright though, as long as Socks is with me I'm okay, I just have to shake off this bad feeling and fall asleep.

Socks shifted around in his sleep and slipped onto my stomach, still asleep. That reminded me of a certain incident. Haha.. guess nothing much has changed.

The feeling of his soft breathing was somewhat soothing, my eyelids started to fade down, trying to fend off my tiredness but eventually gave out.

{??? PoV}

I took pity on you SocksFor1.. Why. Are. You. Still. With. Him.

I've bought all of your tickets, merchandise.. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!?

You lie to us all, telling us you love us. All bold faced lies.

Mabye you'll learn your lesson when you can't love anymore..

I hope you'll learn to not spread your pretty lies again when you love someone else.

Suspense builds intensely

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