Part XII - Shopping for Snow

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Published: May 8th, 2023
Words: 1431

{Socks PoV}

I yawned as the morning sun glared into my eyes through the white curtains. I realized I was laying on Blaza, who was still asleep, holding my hand. I didn't want to disturb his sleep, the introvert in him probably had a stroke after yesterday.

I let go of his hand and tried to sit up, succeeding. I knew we didn't have any food in the house at all, so I would have to wait for Blaza to wake up before I went out for groceries.

I checked the windows for the weather, it was a complete snowstorm. No way I could go out today. I guess it would be a while of.. surviving I guess.

Blaza mumbled something, all I heard was indistinguishable whispering ... meh, probably having a nightmare of some sort. I figured it didn't mean anything and just went on my phone until he woke up.

Blaza jolted up suddenly, looking extremely disturbed.

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah, bad nightmare I guess.."

"Alright, the snowstorm is a bit too heavy to go out today."

"Oh, okay. Mabye it'll clear out for later."

"Do you want to watch a movie in the meantime?"

"Yeah, of course!"

"Heh heh.. come full circle have we?"

Blaza laughed and I turned on my tv, I still remember the first time we actually met, heh.. different times I guess.

He and I talked about what movie to watch for a few minutes before settling on something on the top ratings, no clue what it was about. I pressed the button to play the movie, and settled into the couch.


I yawned as the movie came to an end, I stood up and checked the window if the weather had cleared up. The snow was much less intense than before, still lightly snowing on top of the 3 feet we already had.

"Hey Blaza, the snow has cleared up and the roads have been plowed, you wanna go now?"


Blaza and I went into my garage, which I somewhat struggled to find. We got into my car and I attempted to turn on the engine. I don't know how or why, but the engine worked after being off for more than a month. Tbh may have took it out to make sure the engine didn't malfunction, but I didn't know.

I pulled out of my driveway and started heading to the nearest grocery store, I figured it wouldn't be too busy considering the snowstorm ended only around 40 minutes ago.

... 👉👈 more time skips

We arrived in the parking lot of the store, Blaza and I made a quick list on what to buy while we were driving, he wrote it down on a spare sheet of paper he had.

We walked into the store, getting a shopping cart as we entered. It was loud and cramped, I didn't really mind it after being on a cramped stage so many times, but I could see it bothered Blaza. I held him close to me as we quickly bought what we needed for the next while.

20 minutes later and we were leaving the store, I was now 173.25$ more broke. Yippee. If only I got paid 2% more of my cut. Eh, no matter, it didn't worry me all too much.

Blaza helped me put all of the bags in the car before zooming down the freezing parking lot to return the cart.

A small drive later and we were back at my house, talking in the kitchen.

"Uhh.. Socks? This might sound childish but can I go look at the snow? I've never really seen snow this deep."

"Of course you can! I'll even come with you!"

"Oh, okay!"

I put on my boots, hat and gloves and lended some winter-wear to Blaza, who put the hat on backwards. We adventured outside, him going first, he tripped into the snow which made me fall beside him.

"Who made this stuff so cold!?"

We both laughed and eventually got up, leaving us-shaped marks in the snow.

An idea popped into my head, I carefully rolled up a small ball of the cold white powder in my gloves and threw it at Blaza. It landed right in his face, he wiped it off and just stared at me for a good 8 seconds before rolling up his own ball and hurling it at me.

We did that for a while, tripping in the snow, making little burrows, throwing snowballs at each other, it was extremely fun. Both of our cheeks and noses had gone pink from the bite of the cold wind.

Eventually, him and I stopped throwing snowballs and decided to make a snowman instead. Well, not exactly a snowman it was a snowcat, but that didn't really matter. It was a rather odd looking cat, but who cares! We had fun making it together.

Blaza and I agreed to go inside eventually. Luckily, we had bought hot chocolate when we went to the store earlier today. I got the kettle out and stared heating some water, Blaza slightly flinching when I pulled it out.

I set out two cups and got the hot chocolate mix out of the pantry, which was now full of mainly ...saltine crackers? {A/N idk man don't ask me.}

A few minutes of silence broken by the occasional whining of the kettle, I could finally pour the water into the cups and add the mix.

Hehe.. I was going to do something special for Blaza! I knew we bought whipped cream and marshmallows, so I could make his look extra nice!

Blaza had gone to the washroom so now I could do it!

Yess! It looked great! Now I just have to wait for when he came back.

"Okay I'm back, I- whoa."

Blaza licked the whipped cream, just the whipped cream. Didn't even drink it. Just licked it. Eventually we both actually drank them, and it tasted pretty good for store bought powder.

We ended up setting back down on the couch and talking for a while, Blaza picked up his small journal and started writing for a while, but eventually continued talking to me.

{Blaza PoV}

December 9th, 2020

Why is this so hard!? I am getting so many mixed
signals from him, but I don't even know if he likes guys
or not but I'm too scared to ask! Cupid, If this is your
attempt at a joke, it's not funny.

Oh yeah, I could ask one of Sock's friends, they already
seemed to ship us so that would probably work? I don't
know, I don't even know if I actually love him, I mean,
of course I love him, like a friend but do I like like him?

I don't know, mabye I'm just confused. But I guess
asking that rainbow-haired girl wouldn't hurt right?
Anyways, life is going pretty good right now, I hope
it stays like this for as long as possible. I already
feel really comfortable here in America even if it's
only my second day here.

I'm a little concerned about healthcare but I've
decided that isn't too important at the moment.
My mother on the other hand, I don't know what I
should do about her, she hasn't tried to contact me or
anything, so I don't think she cares.

In conclusion, life is well.


I closed my journal and tucked it deep into my backpack, I definitely didn't want Socks reading the last few pages, or did I? It would make telling him a lot easier..

I decided to message the rainbow girl, who I had saved as "Ally" in my contacts list. I didn't know how to ask her so I just went for it.
'Do you know anything about Sock's sexuality? It feels weird asking someone else but I'm too nervous to ask.'

'Why do you want to know?'

'Wow, I didn't think I could still hear your annoying voice though text.'

'Ugh, fine. Last I knew he was Gay, but you might have better luck with Tb. I swear those two know eachother's social security numbers.'

'Thanks, Ally.'

That annoying voice was still ringing in my head, but she did prove useful, I wasn't going to bother asking crab guy, I was too scared to ask any more than Ally. {A/N no I do not think Ally's voice is annoying. Pls don't come for me.}

I let out a small sigh, knowing was half the battle right?

Ally autocorrects to all-you-can-eat 💀

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