Part XIII - No Amazon Prime

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Published: May 17, 2023
Words: 1352

{Blaza PoV}

A few days have passed, apparently I'm enrolled in a new high school, but it's winter break right now so I don't really have to worry about that.

Ally and I have been speculating for a while, she thinks I should go for it but I think it's too soon. We've only known each other for a month or so.. Gah! I get I'm dumb and naive but I never thought it would lead me here! But if my feelings are right, I guess I don't really care how long it takes.

It's getting awfully close to Christmas, I ordered some stuff on Amazon to give to everyone. I didn't have a license or anything, so I couldn't drive anywhere. Socks and I went practically everywhere with each other so I couldn't just go anywhere. Either way, most of the stuff was arriving today, and Socks was out with crab guy so I didn't have to worry.

I also ordered things for crab guy, blue sweater guy and rainbow girl and the other ones. I should probably get better with their names.. I was now about 450$ more in debt, but that didn't really matter, I still had too much money in my bank account.

"Ding Dong!!"

Ah! I pretty much jumped up from the couch and went to the front door to go get the packages (I assume?). When I opened the  door, there was 3 boxes piled at the door. I eventually got them inside and started attempting to cut them open, failing several times before giving up and using scissors while feeling like a child.

I carefully picked everything up, unwrapped it and set it into individual sections for different people. I also got wrapping paper, boxes and gift bags. I carefully put things into their respective boxes and discreetly marked them with initials of the person's first name.

I looked at the pile of stuff in front of me, what would I do with all of this? Where would I hide all of these until Christmas? If we even did anything to celebrate that holiday.. I settled on an empty dust-filled closet in the basement. It didn't look like somewhere he used or touched often, the doorknob having a thick layer of dust on it, as well.

I sneezed while leaving the basement, I guess he really didn't go down there at all. I heard my phone ringing from the kitchen, I  went over and checked who it was, it was Socks calling me. I answered the phone and waited for him to say something.

"Uhh, hey Blaza! Tb and I will be a bit longer, but I'm coming home soon!"

"Mkay.. I that all you called for?"

"I- uhm.. yes- yeah. Yeah that's it."

"Okay, see you later."


That was wierd.. why was he stuttering so much? Not like he didn't know me. Mabye I sounded different over the phone? I was at a loss for that one.

{Socks PoV}

"Wow, you're really a mess when you talk to him huh?"

"Shut it, Tb. You and Meme are enough already."

"Yeaaaaah.. but then I don't get to ship it! So you're the next victim!"

I scoffed at him, we had finished some Christmas shopping for the gang, I got Tbh a new crab sweater when he wasn't paying attention. His was all torn an re-sewed in places.

I punched him in the shoulder, he fake-yelped in pain when I hit him, hitting me back. I was really glad I had someone like Tb, I could really tell him anything at all. He was also a member of our group, which made the connection even more relaxed and relatable.

"But seriously, what's stopping you?"

"Jesus, for the last time Tb! I. Don't. Like. Him!" (A/N liar)

"Ugh, you oblivious shit."

'Oblivious?' I thought to myself, not wanting to encourage him to push me any further. But that left my head spinning, too bad I was the one driving. And sure, I may have been ever so sliiightly lying to Tb, but that didn't matter, keyword, SLIGHTLY.

We eventually got home, stuffing most of the boxes we had made in the car into the garage. I tucked Tb's box far behind so he didn't see it. Apparently Meme was going to pick up Tbh in a few minutes, so we said our goodbyes and I went into my house.

I saw Blaza sound asleep on the couch, no clue how long he'd been asleep for. One thing I caught at a glance, he was holding that same small yellow journal. I was sort of curious to what he had been writing, but I didn't want to go snooping. Especially when he was asleep.

He also didn't have anything covering him, so I laid a blanket on him before checking my phone. I had a message from my agency that I didn't really want to read, but alas, I had to.

"New outfit debuts on April 17th. Live at 6:30pm."

Yess!! We have been waiting for new outfits to debut for at least 2 years. I messaged Tbh if he had seen the message, he didn't reply.

That was pretty long to wait though.. better late than never I suppose. Not like our current outfits are bad, they're just getting old. I wasn't looking forward to the pay cut but that's okay.


I was sitting cross-legged on the floor at the time. Blaza was uncomfortably shifting around, getting pretzeled in the blanket. I went over to the couch and tried to gently pull the small book and pencil from under him, it looked uncomfortable.

He let out something of a sigh after I pulled out the things from under him, his hands grabbed the blanket and pulled it up and nestled into the pillow. How did he find ways to be comfortable in any way he slept? And how did he sleep so much? He has to sleep at least over half of the day. I wish I could do the same to be honest.

{Time skip a week or so..}
{Still Socks PoV}

Christmas is in 2 days, which means winter break ends in 6. Why has the time gone by so fast.. mabye because my days are pretty much the same everyday. I don't really mind that though, it's nice having a break.

One thing that's changed the past few days, Blaza and I have been more distant. I don't know what's up with him, or if mabye I did anything? He doesn't seem to be mad at me though, so I guess it's fine.

I set down my book and got up from my couch, I had plans to go visit Ally today, she wanted to do something.. I forget what she wanted to do to be honest. Something for Christmas mabye?

I went downstairs to go to Ally's house, taking a quick look at Blaza, who was asleep, again. This time on the floor.

I sighed and picked him up off the floor, it was quite hard to pick him up considering how tall he was. I seriously didn't know how he was sleeping through this. I got him up to my bedroom and set him down on my bed, the still sleeping Blaza limply flopped on the bed when I set him down.

He kept sleeping even after I had stumbled up the stairs and when he hit his legs on the doorframe. The guy must have double the usual melatonin output I swear..

I was about to leave and go to Ally's when I realized Blaza had got hair in his face. I knew it wouldn't really affect him but I walked over and tucked his hair behind his ear.

I didn't know why I did that, it wouldn't have mattered if I didn't, it just felt right.. meh. Probably just impulse or something like that. I had to be at Ally's in a few minutes, so I got going.
Don't worry, it gets traumatic soon :)

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