Part XIV - Gingerbread Houses

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Published: May 19th, 2023
Words: 1228

{Blaza PoV}

The bright winter moonlight shone brightly into my eyes, waking me up from my nap. I got up from the bed- wait.. bed? I swear I fell asleep on the floor.. had I slept walked? My hair was also behind my ear, I never had it like that.. or even done it before.

I don't know how I ended up here, but my shins reaally hurt. Now that I looked around, I didn't know where I was. A guest bedroom mabye..?

The realization hit me after I caught glimpse of the large PC in the bedroom. I was in Sock's bedroom, and I didn't know where it was before this so that could only mean.. and my hair- ah! I- no no, I wasn't going to start this.

I shook it off and went downstairs, I suppose Socks was out somewhere. Now what would I do? I wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep.. huge shock right?

My knees felt weak from not using them for the past few hours, that was normal for me. Also why I fell down and up the stairs all the time, no I was not blaming my clumsiness on that.

I was dreading the start of school, I wasn't at all the social type and at least I was somewhat familiar with the people at my old school. But this? This is an entire new school, new layout, new people, it made my stomach feel weird..

I picked up my phone from the floor where I had fallen asleep and checked the time, it read 6:47pm. The sun had already set long before now, the winter dragging on the night to the point it was already 5pm when it set.

Despite having lived here for about 2 and a half weeks, I still hadn't unpacked my PC. Socks set up a desk in the spare room for me to set up my stuff, but I had never gotten around to setting it up despite having so much free time. I guess this would be a good time to do that, I had some time before Socks came back from wherever he was.

I stumbled upstairs and opened the spare room door, a breeze of dust-smell hit my face. Clearly nobody cleaned in here frequently. The room was settled with a comfortable looking bed, a bookshelf decked with books of various sizes and colours and a dark fake-wood desk. Through the rather large rectangular window, the pale moonlight shone, illuminating the room. (A/N Brother turned into a poet there)

I rummaged through the suitcase that had my PC in it, and started carefully taking it out before attempting to assemble it.


Eventually, I got the demon spawn of wires to start working, the screen rebooting and glowing as it powered up. I felt satisfied with getting it to work, after trying 5 different positions and 2 different cables, it worked.

I flopped onto the cozy bed in the guest room, grabbing my journal from my bag and planning to write another entry when I decided to look over my past few entries.

I almost scoffed at the part talking about actually liking Socks, it was just us being friends with each other. There was nothing else to it. I can't believe I was that dumb, or mabye it was just subconsciously? (A/N L. I. A. R.) Anyways, that was probably just a phase of me being confused and getting flustered over the smallest things.

I heard a lock click over the low buzzing of my computer and the door open and close. I suppose Socks was back from god knows where, I didn't really want to question it though.

I peeked out of the room and went downstairs, slipping again on my way down. Socks was at the kitchen counter, with his head down.

"Uhh, you okay?"

"Oh! Blaza!" Socks said cheerfully as he perked up his head, it was a whole lot harder to think what I was thinking before now that I was looking at him.

"I guess you woke up when I was gone.. sorry about that."

"..Yeah no problem. Did you have fun wherever you were?"

"Yeah yeah, I went to Ally's and we talked about plans for Christmas."

"Oh, uh.. if your up for it, would you want to do something tonight?"

"Sure, I was probably going to be bored anyways."

"Ah, okay.. uhm, what do you want to do..?"

"Do you want to make a gingerbread house? I bought one earlier this week and forgot about it."


I had almost forgotten that Christmas was in a day or two, I had already gotten all my shopping done so I guess I didn't really have to do anything else about it. Except be social for a couple hours I suppose.. that wouldn't really be a problem though, as long as everyone else was happy.

Socks rummaged through the pantry for a minute or two, before pulling out two boxed gingerbread houses. He looked proud of himself, even with the bit of dust on his head.

I really couldn't believe he was the same person who pretty much saved my life. It seemed like he hadn't changed one bit since we started talking. While I had changed in some significant ways that I hadn't before.

Socks must have noticed that I had zoned out for a bit, because he was awkwardly looking at me. I snapped out of thought and looked back down at him, his warm brown eyes sparkling between his clearly unbrushed messy bangs.

"What'cha thinking about?"

"Ahm.. what?"

"You only zone out like that when you're thinking about something, what's on your mind?"

"Uh... it's nothing, don't worry."

"That doesn't sound like nothing.." Socks said in a sarcastic tone while he unboxed the gingerbread houses.

"Nah, it's nothing serious."

"If you say so!" Socks finished happily, the clearly artificial flat cookie-bread laid out on parchment paper.

Truth be told, I had never done much for Christmas at all. It was always big company events that my mother made me go to. Other than that, I never really did anything else. I guess I occasionally went for a walk that had Christmas lights on trees or lampposts, but nothing else really. No Christmas trees, no family gatherings or anything like that at all.

But I guess if it was going to make Socks happy I could try my best to do it right.


While I was stuck trying to assemble the damn thing without it breaking, Socks was decorating away with icing and candy that looked as if one would break your teeth.

After a while, I had finally got all the pieces together. Socks had to awkwardly explain that I had to use icing to stick the pieces together. It made much more sense after I started to use the icing as some sort of edible glue.

Socks had already finished making his gingerbread house which was off to the side. He was helping me as I was trying to decorate it to look somewhat okay.

*Ding Dong!*

"Huh? Are you expecting anyone?"

"No..?" I mumbled while washing off my hands.

"Don't worry, I got the door!"


I walked over to the couch and picked up my phone. Not really thinking about much.


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