Part XIX - Ugh.. I don't want to go..

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Published: Jun 24, 2023
Words: 2352

{Blaza PoV}

"C'mon sleepyhead.. you have to get up.." Socks said calmly from beside me..

"Mh... I don't want to..." From what I could see from beside me, Socks was already completely dressed; I had no intention of getting up, despite it being the "first" day for us. I didn't care much about school, I knew my current grades would probably hold up for the rest of the year if I didn't show up.

"You can't miss the first day, love."

I jerked awake at him saying that, "love"? Huh? I recalled yesterday night's events, and felt that same warm and confusing feeling in my chest, I still didn't know what it was, but it felt much stronger since yesterday.

"I-I'm sorry.. do you not like me calling you that..?" Socks mumbled from beside me.

"No, I don't mind it, my goldfish memory just forgot.. y'know.."

"What, that we're dating now?"

"It feels so weird to say."

"You can say that again.."

We laughed about it, luckily for him, that got me far too awake to go back to sleep. I was still drowsy, but other than that, I was completely awake.

I got myself dressed and met Socks in the kitchen, he looked stuck on what to make.

"How about I just give you instructions on what to make, it'll be more fun that way!" I offered, pulling up a recipe from my phone.

"That's random, but okay, why not."

"Okay, boil two cups of water."


After a while of waiting, Socks looked at me, a bit wearily.

"Uhh hey Blaza..? I burnt the water.."

"Socks, how the fuck did you burn the water?"



After dealing with that situation.. we left the house to go to school. It was actually a pretty enjoyable walk, I found out Tbh, Meme and Joocie go to this school, mabye that'll make it less painful to have to survive?

"Oh! By the way, I already got our class schedules arrived yesterday, here's yours- oh wait! That's mine!"

Socks was far too cheery in the mornings, the only thing keeping my legs from collapsing was how uncomfortable this uniform was. I looked over my schedule, I was actually surprised at how much this list didn't suck.

BlazaBee - Year 2021 (A/N because of the new year.)

9:20-9:30 :Locker Passing.
9:30-10:15 :Language Arts; English.
10:15-11:00 :Mathematics.
11:00-11:45 :Lunch hour/Locker Passing.
11:45-12:30 :History.
12:30-1:15 :Science.
1:15-1:25 :Locker Passing.
1:25-2:00 :Visual Arts.
2:00-2:45 :Foreign Language.
2:45-3:20 :Physical Education.
3:30 :Dismissal

PS, Please come to the headmaster's office
to arrange the foreign language you would
like to study. Aswell as the subject of
visual arts and type of physical education
you would like to participate in.


Headmaster Vynn.

"Damn it, I hate having P.E in the morning.. can we compare schedules?" Socks asked me.

"Sure. What foreign language are you taking?"

"I dunno.. I was able to trick the last school to let me take Japanese even though I'm partially from Japan; this school already knows so probably French or something like that."


I looked over at Sock's schedule, my eyes flicking between the two of them to see if we had anything in common.

SocksFor1 - Year 2021

9:20-9:30 :Locker Passing.
9:30-10:15 :Language Arts - English.
10:15-11:00 : Physical Education.
11:00-11:45 :Lunch hour/Locker Passing.
11:45-12:30 : Mathematics.
12:30-1:15 :Science.
1:15-1:25 :Locker Passing.
1:25-2:00 :Visual Arts.
2:00-2:45 :Foreign Language.
2:45-3:20 : History.
3:30 :Dismissal

PS. Welcome back, SocksFor1, just for
your information, you are permitted to continue
to study Japanese, even if you are completely
fluent in the language. We will stick to the lessons
you submitted before you transferred. Otherwise,
please come see me.


Headmaster Vynn.

"Damn it.. well, at least we'll get to see each other sometimes during the day?" Socks said, sounding optimistic.

"I guess so.. I guess this'll be the first time we've been apart for a while.."

"Hm.. I suppose. It'll be okay, though! I'm sure."


"I know that look, it won't be like your school in Germany, I promise."


We got to the school, it was a four-story building, which was relatively large. There were benches and trees scattered around, most of them dusted with snow. The lively chatter of students walking around the school grounds was unexpected since it was around 4°c. (39.2°f for you silly Americans)

"Hey! You guys made it!" Someone said, running over to us, it was that same attitude from last night, Tbh.

"Oh, hey Tb." Socks said as Tbh snatched his schedule.

"Jeez, you could have asked, dumbass." Socks yanked back his hands from Tb viciously grabbing the paper.

"Tbh, give it back." Meme said with an exhausted tone, probably having done this many times.

"Fiiiiiineeeee.." Tbh said while slowly handing the paper back.

I finally spoke up in the conversation, "Meme, why are you so tired?"

"I was writing songs for the next performance, I forgot I had to have them done by today."

"Huh?" I looked at Socks, thinking he would know what Meme meant.

"Oh.. heh... yeah.. the meeting is today..."

I got nervous, I had completely forgotten about the idol group meeting, where I might be joining, I didn't know that Meme was in it. Just then, the bell rang. We waved Tbh and Meme off and went to our assigned lockers, the few books we needed were supplied by the school.

Socks and I started walking to English, I just followed him since I didn't know where the class was.

"Sorry I didn't tell you about the meeting being today.. I thought it would stress you out too much.."

"Oh.. that's no problem."

Socks smiled at me as we walked in the class, at least I didn't have to introduce myself, hopefully. We found two open seats and took them, I looked out of a window while Socks had his head in his arms.

"Hello class! Today we'll be studying..."

I stopped paying attention after that, I put in my AirPods and started playing my music, I didn't care about the lesson whatsoever.

{Time skip to dismissal}
{Socks PoV}

I absolutely hate having P.E in the morning, then I'm all tired for the rest of the day, but I'm too awake to fall back asleep! I was waiting outside the school for Blaza, when I got a message.

-Bear Boy <3- (Socks nicknamed him that btw 👍)
Hey Socks! I'll be about an hour, don't wait
for me, I can see you from inside.

Alright, I'll meet you back at home, have
fun doing whatever the hell you're up to.

-Bear Boy <3-
Alright, love you.


Shit, I dropped my phone in the snow. I picked it out of the snow and started walking home, it was definitely a whole lot more boring without Blaza walking with me, but it was nice to have some silence.. not that I didn't mind him near me, actually, I liked it whe- Ah! What am I even thinking about..

I hope Meme wrote some good songs for the rehearsal tonight, I got the outfits finished and made by the deadline and I think Tbh got the backtracks and stage set.. it was a team effort and definitely hard on all of us. That overpaid president didn't do shit but get the venue.. I guess that took work but not nearly as much as Meme worked.

I really hope the rehearsal goes well, we've done it so many times before, but I am still nervous. The performance is in two months.. ugh. Why can't we just have recorded performances.. ah.. that would take the fun out of it, I guess.

I arrived at home, struggling to find the right key as I unlocked the door. The place felt dull without Blaza here, it hasn't even been an hour since I last saw him, but I miss him already. It still seems unbelievable we're dating now, I am never going to tell Tbh.

I sat down on my couch and went on my phone when I saw a message from Meme.

-Blue Gremlin-
Oi, Socks.

What do you want.

-Blue Gremlin-
Are you and Blaza dating?

Damn, straight to the point.. but yes.

-Blue Gremlin-


-Blue Gremlin-

I see.

I set down my phone, amazing timing. Now Tbh knows. That was the one thing I didn't want him to find out, not like I had anything to hide from him, to be honest. I got another notification from the blue one, I read it.

-Blue Gremlin-
Song list for the next performance btw.

I clicked on the link, it was a google document with the song list and who would be performing them, with links to the scheduled rehearsal times for each. It also had the order that they would be played and when to swap outfits at halftime.

(A/N I WILL PUT THE ARTIST NAME SO YOU CAN LISTEN TO THEM IF YOU WANT. Also the solos don't mean they're the only ones on the stage, everyone else is just dancing :D)

Idol - Opening - Everyone (YOASOBI)
39 Music! - Eveyone (Mikito P, Hatsune Miku)
Loneliness of Spring - Blaza [NEW MEMBER INTRO] (INABAKUMORI)
Mixed Messages - Tbh [Solo] (Tom Cardy)
Discord - Everyone (The Living Tombstone, Eurobeat Brony)
NIGHT DANCER - Ally & Meme (imase)
Love me, Love me, Love me - Everyone (Miori Celesta)
Young Girl A - Socks, Meme, Tbh (Siinamota)


Pop Star - Tbh & Meme (Coco & Clair Clair)
Shinunoga E-Wa - Meme [Solo] (Fujii Kaze)
Show Me How - Socks [Solo] (Men I Trust)
Valentine - Blaza [Solo] (Laufey)
Sunflower - Tbh, Meme, Ally (Michele Leigh)
Fairytale - Socks & Blaza (Alexander Rybak)
Rises The Moon Closing - Everyone (Liana Flores)

Huh, this list wasn't that ba- WHAT!? BLAZA ACTUALLY APPLIED!? Good for him for getting a solo, it's impressive he made that good of an impression on the president to give him such a big part. Heck, I don't thing I got that many parts, nope, never mind.

I heard the door click and immediately jumped up from the couch and ran to the door.

"Hey, I'm ba-" Blaza said quietly while closing the door.

I hugged him tightly, even though I knew we had to do this again tomorrow, I never wanted to be apart from him again, the time away from him felt really lonely, to be honest.

"Oh! I missed you too..?" Blaza said awkwardly, hugging me back.

"I hated being away from you.. ah.. it sounds so cringey to say..."

"It's okay.. I get it. I missed you too."

"Anyways.. we need to start to get ready for tonight's meeting."

"Yeah, I got the song list a few minutes ago."

"Mhm, Meme and Tbh worked on them, so they're bound to be great." I said while putting my shoes on.

"Hm.. oh.. they actually approved the song I wanted to do.. huh. I thought my writing was shit."

"Eh? You wrote one?"

"Yeah, I didn't think it would get approved, but have you seen the lyrics to Tbh's solo?"

"No.. knowing Tbh it's probably weird as hell."

"Yep. You're completely right about that."

I walked over to the garage and got in my car, I'm surprised the thing turned on, I really need to use my car more. Blaza got in and I started driving to the studio, I wasn't used to driving this car, it was weird.

We got to the studio, alive surprisingly. I grabbed my bag and walked in, Blaza following close behind.

"Ah, there we go. Now we can start." The president said as we walked in.

{Time Skip to the end of the session.}

"TBH THOSE ARE THE LYRICS!?" I asked Tbh, surprised it got approved.

"Mhm!" Tbh said, looking proud.

"Half of the song is about dick, how fitting." Blaza added, walking back to the car.

"Rude.. but true. Alright, bye~!" Tbh walked away while Meme buried his face in his hands, clearly embarrassed.

It was very late now, almost midnight. It was a clear night, a perfect night for stargazing, if we had the time. But I still had to drive.. at least home wasn't too far.


Ugh.. finally home. Traffic made a 10 minute drive turn into a 40 minute one, Blaza had fallen asleep already, I envied that, but as we got home, I didn't want to wake him up.. but I had to get him inside..? I eventually gave in and picked him up from in the car, trying to be as quiet as possible while closing the car door.

I really questioned how he slept through having his shins slammed against door frames, but as long as he sleeps, I guess it's okay. I set him down and gently put a blanket over him.

I tossed my phone onto my bedside table and put my bag on the floor, It was a long day, I was just tired.

I flopped onto my bed, making sure not to wake up Blaza. Life was perfect; I feel like nothing could be better.. of course something bad is going to happen now that I thought about it.

I turn over to see Blaza, sleeping peacefully; he looked so adorable when he was sleeping.. I held his hand and let my eyes close.


"Goodnight to you too..." Blaza said, smiling at me.

"How long have you been awake..? Did I wake you up..? Sorry if I did..."

"Don't worry about it. Waking up next to you is great to me, no matter what time of day it is."

"Okay.. well, Goodnight.."

Kiss already

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