Part XX - A Walk in the Park

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Published: July 2, 2023
Words: 2310

{Blaza PoV}
{Time skip.}

January 19th, 2021

Huh.. I didn't think I'd still be writing in this
old thing much longer, but I'd say this is
important enough.

Socks invited me somewhere, I think it's to
a garden or something like that.. he said it
would be fun, and who am I to judge that?
Although it is winter and there are almost
no plants.. but I won't doubt him.

Him and I have been together for about a
week and a half.. it's been the best time
of my life. Even if we haven't done anything
different from when we were just friends,
it still feels nice to know I'm dating someone
so amazing as him.

Enough talking about that.. I think I'll end this
entry here.


Socks was out doing god knows what, hopefully not anything that would get him arrested. Although I doubt he's that stupid to get caught doing anything illegal. I heard the garage door open.. that's weird, Socks usually comes in the front door.. eh... whatever.

Socks saw me in the kitchen and awkwardly hid something behind his back.

"Oh! Hehe.. h-hi Blaza..."

"Hey. Good morning."

Socks turned around and put something into a cabinet, I still had absolutely no idea what he was hiding, mabye he was doing something illegal? Haha, no he wouldn't have to hide that from me.

"How was your morning?"

"It was good.. I went out to buy groceries; how did you sleep?"

"I slept fine.. thanks for asking."

"Yeah, no problem. I want you to be as comfortable as possible in my house." Socks said while starting to put groceries away in the fridge.

"I'm fine here.. don't worry about it. Also, let me put those away, go sit down."

"I- Wha- F-Fine.. but only this time!"

"Sure, sure.." I said while putting away the groceries he bought.

I finished putting the groceries away and turned around to look back at Socks.

"So.. where's this place you'd like to take me?"

"Heh.. well.. I invited Tbh, Meme, Ally and Joocie aswell, but they haven't replied.. and it's.. it's a nice place.. you'll like it."

"Hm.. why aren't they replying?"

"I don't really know.. Tbh usually leaves me on read, but he hasn't even looked at it."

"It's okay.. we can enjoy it even if no one else comes." I said while holding his hand reassuringly.

"O-Oh.. yeah... I guess so." He laughed quietly as a soft red tint filled his cheeks, it was really cute..

We both sat down on the couch and talked, waiting for the time that we were meeting up with everyone else. Still, no one replied to Socks's messages mabye they would just show up..? I felt bad for Socks, but he didn't look too disappointed about it, I guess he was just happy to get out of the house.

"Oh.. it's about time.."

"Ah, should we go then?"

"Hm.. I guess it's in walking distance, are you fine with walking?"  Socks said while putting his boots on.

"I'm going to wear shorts there either way.."

"Nope! You'll get a cold!! Go change out of your shorts."

"..Fine.." I said while walking up the stairs.

I got into suitable clothes for the weather and went back downstairs, seeing Socks on his phone, waiting for me. I walked to the door and tugged on my boots, pulling Socks's hat over his eyes to let him know I was ready to leave.

"Ah- Okay! I got the point!"

I opened the door and started walking down the driveway, Socks quickly catching up, shoving his hat in his pocket.

"You alright? Are you sure you won't be cold wearing that?" I said, a little concerned.

"Mhm, I'm warm, it's no problem."

"Alright, lead the way then."

"Okay.. it's over this way."

"Has anyone replied to you yet? Or did nobody respond?"

"Nobody replied, but Tb read it."

I felt bad for him, it must suck making plans and being so excited about it, then nobody replying or even reading the message. I was glad I could be there for him, hopefully this wouldn't make him too disappointed about the day. That would be my hidden goal for this day, try to not let Socks's efforts go to waste.

I looked at my phone, it was now 4:50, the sun was starting to set already. I didn't mind that at all, the stars would be nice tonight, hopefully we could see some.

"It's 10 more minutes until we're there, do you want to sit down for a minute before we keep walking? There's a bench over there." Socks asked, gesturing at a wooden bench to our left.

"I'm okay, do you need a break?"

"Ehm.. yeah... my legs hurt."

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"I- Huh!?"

"We wouldn't want to waste time, and I can keep walking while you'd get a break." I said, shrugging lightly.

"Uh.. well... okay.." Socks said with a soft sigh.

I gently picked him up, making sure he wasn't going to fall before I started walking again. I could feel his arms tighten around my shoulders as I picked him up off the ground.

"You comfortable?"

"Y-Yeah.. I'm fine. Thank you..."


"Oh, is this the place?"

I set down Socks near a little park opening, nobody was there except for some rustling in the bushes, probably a bird or the wind.

"Yeah! Come with me." He said while grabbing my hand and going into the park.

"Oh- Okay, okay! Just slow down!"

We ran more into the park, the bushes rustling along with some leaves that remained. The snow flew off tree branches when the wind blew. We eventually reached a small greenhouse looking thing, although it wasn't glass, which was a little weird
considering it was in the park.

"I brought some stuff here for everyone to enjoy the time.. but I guess we didn't really need it.. haha..." Socks said while opening the door, he looked kind of sad, but tried his best to hide it.

The little room was nice, there were lights, two couches, a table and a heater. There were some games on the shelves, they looked worn and used as this was probably a community space.

"It's nice.. the place feels comfortable and lived-in.. if you get that."

"Yeah, I get that feeling too."

I placed a hand on the couch, making sure it wasn't wet before I sat down on it. Socks sat down next to me, we started a small conversation once we were both settled in the small room.

"So.. what did you have planned for tonight?"

"I don't really know... I thought about games but no one else is here..."

"The stars will be clear tonight, would you like to take a walk while we wait for the night to set?"

"Sure! That sounds nice."

I stood up and offered my hand for Socks to get up. We started walking in the snow; it wasn't all that deep but still had a cold breeze when the wind swiped it. The sky was a nice orange colour, quickly fading into purples and blues as it got closer to the west.

"It's such a nice breeze today, I'm glad we didn't let it go to waste." Socks said, closing his eyes once we reached a spot by the frozen lake.

"Mhm.. it'll be a nice night, I'm sure."

"Yeah. As long as Tbh doesn't interrupt again."

I looked at him, a little confused. I went through my memory trying to remember what he was referencing. Once I realized it, my face started heating up as the memory wouldn't leave my mind when I thought about it.

"Haha.. y-yeah..."

"Not that him being with us is a bad thing! He definitely knows how to spark fun in a conversation." Socks said, waving his hands. I didn't know who he was trying to convince about what he meant.

We talked for a few more minutes as the sun set, it was nice to feel so free from all worries at the moment. Eventually, the sun had set and the stars were out, it was a beautifully clear night.

"Oh.. that reminds me, I got something for you... thought it might be useful for tonight?" Socks handed me a telescope. It was nice quality and was about half my size.

"W- H-How did you carry this without me noticing...?" I said, completely shocked and thankful that he would do this for me.

"That's a secret~!"

"Well.. thank you so much... I can't really explain it.." I smiled at him and unfolded the telescope, I set it up and began to calibrate it to the scope needed.

"How's it workin'?"

"All good.. how much did you spend on this..?"

"More than a dollar, that's all I'm saying."

"Wow, thank you. That narrows it down." I said sarcastically, "Come look! It's a great night for this."

"Uhh.. okay! I don't know how to use it though.."

"It's already set up, just move it around as you'd like."

"Ehm.. if you say so.." Socks leaned forward and looked through the telescope, the scale between him and the object was quite funny. It was at least three quarters of his size and didn't look proportional at all.

"Whoa.. that's actually... really cool.." Socks said, turning back to me.

"Thank you, I'll definitely get use out of it."

"Don't mention it.. it was nothing, really."

I laughed quietly, I knew there was no winning this, it would just go back and forth. After a while of trying to figure out how to do it, I packed up the telescope walked over to a bench, wiping the snow off of it first. Socks soon followed after he finished making his mini snowman.

The second Socks sat down, there was awkward tension, I didn't know how to start another conversation, or continue one, to be honest. It wasn't that I wasn't enjoying myself, I was just.. too happy to put it into words..? I know I really shouldn't get my hopes up, relationships at this age don't usually last, but I think I'm willing to try.

I looked at Socks, coincidentally, we had both looked at each other at the same time. I don't know how, but I could swear I felt his nose brush mine, it was kind of adorable.

"It's a shame no one else could make it today, it's a really nice night." I said, trying to break the awkwardness of the situation.

Socks nodded while looking down, I was starting to wonder if I had done something wrong, but he didn't look upset or any like that.

"Uhm.. are you okay...?"

"...Huh? Oh- Sorry! I was just thinking. I guess I zoned out."

"What were you thinking of?"

"Uhm.. well... you know the night Tbh interrupted..? I was thinking we could.. uh... try that again..?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Gah.. you idiot..."

"I just don't know what you meant by that.."

"I want you to kiss me!"


I felt like I couldn't move, but I knew I wasn't dead because I could feel my cheeks turning extremely red. I didn't know how to reply to that, or what to do in the situation. We live together, so it would be awkward and... I- uhm...

"I-I've never.. done that... and.. uh..."

"It's fine..! I-I really don't mind! Unless you're uncomfortable..!"

"No..! It's fine! Just uhm.. I have no idea how to uh.. start..?" I laughed at my own inexperience, it was an awkward situation and I was probably about to have a heart attack.

"Do you want me to do it instead..?" Socks said while holding my hand gently and smiling at me reassuringly.

I didn't even know how to respond to him at this point. Should I make an excuse..? Or just say yes? I don't even know...

"O-Okay.." I didn't even realize I responded with that for a few seconds, until it actually registered what I had said.

"Well... then.." Socks laughed nervously, I could feel my heartbeat almost going through my chest.

Everything in my mind was telling me to back away, but I ignored it, for some reason I felt safe around him. I really didn't expect this to go this far, but I wasn't about to say anything.

I could feel his warmth on my face, it made my hands start to shake. Well, more than they had been before now. I closed my eyes and somewhat hoped this wasn't real, somewhat hoped it was. A sense of warmth washed over me, almost like a dream, and before I knew it, a cold gust of wind hit my face.

I opened my eyes and saw Socks covering his face with his hands. At the moment, I was too stunned to speak or even move, I was just blushing like crazy. Both Socks and I looked around at the violently moving bushes before we heard talking.

"Did you get the picture Meme?"




All of them fell out of the bushes lining the park, landing awkwardly in a pile while Joocie stepped out, he must have been careful not to spill anything.

"Uhm.. haha... hi you two.." Tbh said awkwardly as Ally and Meme got up.

Socks and I looked at each other, he had an expression that said 'Well, shit.' written all over. Joocie picked pine needles off his sweater as Socks got up from the bench.

He picked Tbh off the ground by his hands and said "Was this your master plan, crab man?"

"Mmmmmh.. I guess so, yeah."

Socks dropped Tbh and looked back at me.

"You wanna go home now?"


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