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' I'm waking up to ash and dust. '

Sleeping giants
Season 5 episode 2

A/n: I skipped episode two because it only is about Octavia and the bunker and I couldn't think of anything else so yeah. This says two bc I don't want to skip numbers


"Where did she go?" I asked Stella. The girl madi was no longer with us. She left. "I don't know, she ran off." Stella said before we heard a loud explosion.

"Mom what's that?" She asked.

"I-I don't know." I said grabbing her hand and running off. I tried to get away from the explosion as I can. I wasn't trying to put Stella in anymore danger than she's already has.

"What if it's Madi?" Stella asked us making me sigh.

"I-I don't know." I told her.

"We should go help her." Stella said. "No, I'm not putting you in anymore danger, Stella." I told her but she pulled her hand away from me.

"Mom, we can't leave her alone." Stella said to me as I sighed.

"She took off I can't do anything-,"

"mom, we can't leave her alone. Please, mom." Stella told me as I hesitated to speak up. "Mom." Stella said to me.

"Fine." I told her as I grabbed her hand and began to walk back.

"Thank you mom." She said to me as I look at her.

"If you're my hero then you'll be her hero, too." Stella said to me making me smile.

"You always said no one gets left behind." Stella said. And she was right. I told her no one gets left behind. And if this Madi girls needs saving then I'll do that.

"Stay quiet." I said to her giving her a gun so she can be safe.

"We can make it to the north cave. Come on." I heard talks making me walk towards them. It sounded like the girl. But she sounded like she wasn't alone.

"Stay behind me." I whispered to Stella holding my gun before reaching the end and immediately raising my gun up to them.

"Stop." I said to them. My gun was up and you could barely see my face.

"Mom, it's Madi." Stella said holding my shirt.

"You know them?" I heard the woman next to Madi say.

"Clarke, they saved me." Madi said before I lowered my gun down to face the blonde with red stripes in her hair.

"C-Clarke?" I asked disbelief seeing her. I thought she was in space.

"Madison?" She asked me.

"That's Clarke?"

"That's Madison?" Stella and Madi said at the same time before seeing Clarke bleeding.

"Clarke you're bleeding." I said to her as I wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"H-how are you here? I thought you died. B-Bellamy said that you left the bunker." Clarke said letting out a groan.

"I'm alive thanks to my mom." I said to her as I helped.

"Take this Stella." I said to her giving her my bag as Madi helped.

"She saved me." I said to her.

"I'm so glad you're alive." Clarke said to me.

"Mom. Where do we go?" Stella asked me.

"Mom?" Clarke said confused as she looked at me, while helped her.

"S-she's my daughter. I was pregnant." I said to her, she was bleeding more.

"Clarke hold your injury." I said to her. I wasn't alone here.

We weren't alone.



"All units, be advised. Subjects are armed and dangerous. We are in their backyard. They know the terrain." Diyoza said through the radio while hunting down Clarke and Madison.

"Keep your eyes open." Diyoza said. Meanwhile Madison held clarke as the two girls were in front of them.

"Right here. Get in there." Clarke said to Madi.

"Stay with Madi." Madison told Stella, as she grabbed her daughter's hand.

"Mom-," Stella started off. "Listen to me, me and Clarke are going to lead them away from you two." Madison told Stella gently touching her daughter's cheek.

"I want to go with you." Stella said.

"I'm not putting you in anymore danger." Madison said to her daughter.

"Stay here and I'll come back for you I promise." I told her kissing her cheek.

"Get in there now." Madison said to her as Madi helped Stella get in.

"Take care of each other." Clarke said to Madi.

"I love you." Madison said to Stella.

"I love you too mom." Stella said before Clarke and Madison began to cover them with plants over it.

"There's something moving." They heard them say making Madison help Clarke to run.

"How is she your daughter?" Clarke asked Madison.

"It's not the time to talk about this Clarke, we need to get them away from the kids." Madison said to Clarke running away from where Stella and Madi are.


"We got them." One of them said as they pushed Clakre and Madison to the ground. Madison looked around to see they weren't in her home as a matter of fact they were probably in Clarke's home instead.

"Let me see her face." Diyoza asked as McCreary lifted up both the blondes heads up harshly.

"You only caught two?" Shaw asked beside Diyoza looking down at McCreary.

"We only saw those two." McCreary said pushing their heads down making them wince in pain. Madison didn't know what they wanted. But as long as they didn't find both Stella and Madi. It was okay. At least she knows that they aren't after them. They are just kids.

"I highly doubt they were alone." Shaw said making Madison look at the woman above her.

"How many others in the woods?" Diyoza asked them making Madison not speak and just stare. Clarke also did the same.

They didn't speak to them. That's when diyoza looked at McCreary before he hit Clarke in the face with the edge of the gun making Madison look away. She didn't know whether to talk or ignored it.

"Answer the question." McCreary said making Madison glare at the man before he grabbed Madison instead and was ready to hit her.

"Not yet." Diyoza said.

"First we pray." Diyoza said making McCreary and another man up Madison and Clarke up and dragging them inside harshly.

"Secure the perimeter. Her people will come for her. Be ready." Diyoza said to her people.

"Let's move." They said as Madison looked around seeing every step they make.

She wasn't going to talk but she will see everything they do and hear everything they say so she knows what they are doing. Just like Clarke. McCreary say Madison and Clarke far away from each other so they wouldn't do anything stupid to get themselves out of there.

They would think that they don't speak and understand but little do they know they were wrong. Madison and Clarke have been unstoppable since they came down here and they both survived praimfaya and they can survive this.

Just by one look they know what they will do to them. They have everything planned out. Madison watched McCreary kneel in front of Clarke before slapping her across the face making Madison fist clench but she couldn't do anything other than stare at him do that to her.

She wanted to kill him. For invading her home. Trying to kill her daughter. Making the run from their home. "Hey, hey, stop!" Shaw yell as McCreary he walked towards McCreary and Clarke.

Madison could tell he wasn't like his other friends. The way he looked away when McCreary hit Clarke. She knew he didn't like the way they did that to Clarke. He seemed nice.

But sometimes they just do it because they want and after they want them dead. "We need them." Shaw yelled at McCreary before he grabbed Shaw by his neck.

"Hey! Enough!" Diyoza said to both of them going up to them breaking them.

"That's enough!" Diyoza said to them.

"He's not one of us." McCreary said.

"We lose eight men, and he doesn't even care."

"He is one of us." Diyoza said. Madison turned to look at Clarke and mouth if she was okay. And Clarke nodded.

"None of us is here without Shaw." Diyoza said to McCreary.

"None of us is here without me either. You remember that." McCreary said before they watched Diyoza hold McCreary by the collar of his shirt.

Madison wanted to get the hell out of here and find her daughter and keep her by her side. She wanted to be with her. To see if she was alright. And if no one hurt her.

"We all have a role to play, and we're all upset about the loss of our men. Take a tram and sweep the woods for her friends." Diyoza order McCreary before he walked off bumping into Shaw before he left.

"Let it go." Diyoza said before walking towards Madison and Clarke.

"You see this." She said pointing towards Clarke's blood making Shaw kneel down and touching Clarke blood.

"Blood alteration like they had Eligius III. Two suns, no sunscreen needed." Shaw said as he got up.

"Must be how they survived down here." Diyoza said, Madison watched how Diyoza took out her radio.

"Bring me a med kit. Over." Diyoza said as Madison but down her lips anxiously hearing Diyoza's voice.

"On my way." A man on the radio said, Diyoza placing the radio on the desk making Madison and Clarke lay their eyes on it. Without looking away. Diyoza pulled out a chair in front of Madison and Clarke looking at both blondes as they both had the same expression.

"Mhm. So serious." Diyoza said to them.

"Harris, I'm en route. How's the search of sector six?" The man on the radio.

"Finishing up now." Harris said through the radio.

"We got off on the wrong foot you and I." Diyoza said to them.

"We had no idea that there was anyone alive down here. How could we have?" Diyoza said with her arms crossed as Clarke and Madison stare at them.

"We are just trying to get back home." She said.

"Imagine our surprise when we doing that there was no home to get back to, and then your people started killing mine." She said to Madison and Clarke. 'People? They are just children.' Madison thought to herself.

"Surely you can understand why I'm upset." Diyoza said as Madison's eyes went back to the radio hearing McCreary speaking to the others through the radio.

"Just like you were upset when we took your village. I don't blame you." Diyoza said leaning forward towards Clarke and Madison.

"When a fascist government tried to take my home, I wanted blood, too, and I got it." Diyoza said to them as Madison just wanted the urge to punch the woman right in front of her in the face.

She doesn't want to listen to her talk. She wants to find her daughter. "We're at the lake now, heading due north." Harris said.

"Nobody else has to die today." Diyoza said.

"You tell me what I need to know, and we can come up with an arrangement that works for all of us. Sounds like a plan?" She asked the both blondes in front of her. "Maybe she doesn't speak English." Shaw said making Madison eye him.

"What you got?" McCreary said.

"She speaks English." Diyoza said to Shaw.

"She wants us to think she doesn't so we'll speak freely and reveal something she can use against us." Diyoza said making Madison swallow and look down.

"Every time patrol checks in-," Diyoza said grabbing the radio from the table.

"They look at this. She's tracking our movements; that's all they care about. You don't want to talk that's fine. Don't talk." Diyoza said to them.

"But we'll see how you feel when we find whoever you two are protecting." Diyoza said as she got up from the chair.

"Change of plans, ladies and gentlemen." Diyoza said. "No more prisoners." She said through the radio making Madison hesitate to look at the dirty blonde woman.

"Shoot to kill." Diyoza said making Madison eyes look up at Diyoza.

Madison felt like she was going to scream at her. She doesn't want her to touch her daughter. She's going to kill her if she lays a hand on Stella.


Madison and Clarke have been tied up for hours. Madison didn't know how to get off these ropes if they were being watched. They haven't left at all. Madison watch Shaw as he gave them water as he knelt down.

"Come on." He said to them.

"What harm can come from telling me your names?" He asked them two making Madison just stare at him and don't say anything at all.

"Well, believe it or not. This is the best conversation I've had in over a hundred years." Shaw said as he walked around them.

"I was an altar boy in a church just like this. Saginaw, about two hours outside Detroit. On my Harley, I'd make it in one." Shaw said to them. Madison didn't want to waste time to listen to him talk about his life back then all she wants is to kill them.

"God, I miss that bike." Shaw said making Madison roll her eyes when he wasn't looking.

"More than I miss most of the people." Shaw said before the radio went off.

"Someone just ran out of that cave." McCreary said making Madison and Clakre heads snap towards the radio. 'Stella.' Madison thought in her head. They found her. Hey found Madison's daughter.

"Harris, falk, watch your six." McCreary said through the radio. Madison wanted to get out now. Just hearing that she wants to run after them. Backing them off from Stella.

"Copy that. Tight intercept." A man said making Madison's eyes wander everywhere.

"Fast little thing. There's two. We can cut them off at the lake. Go west." McCreary said as Diyoza walked towards Madison and Clarke with the radio in her hand.

"Changing direction now." One of them said.

"Wait, scratch that. They're turning north." McCreary said making Madison look at the woman.

"I got a shot." McCreary said making them both snap.

"No." Both of them spoke up.

"She's-they're just a child." Clarke said to them.

"They're just k-kids." Madison spoke up.

"They speak." Diyoza said looking at Shaw.

"Please." Clarke said to her.

"Don't let them kill her. She's all I have." Madison told her.

"How many others are in the woods?" Diyoza asked them.

"None. It's just the four of us." Clarke said to her.

"I am begging you. Tell him not to shoot." Clarke said to Diyoza.

"Fire at will." Diyoza said making Madison scream.

"No. No. Please-I beg you. D-don't. We'll answer everything. J-just don't kill them. P-please." Madison said to Diyoza as she tried to reason with her.

"S-she's just a child." Madison said.

"She went behind those twin rocks! Falk! Take them on the other side!" McCreary said through the radio making Madison try to get out of the ropes.

"I know where they are. That's our summer hunting grounds." Clarke said making Madison stop.

"She's leading them into a trap." Clarke said referring to Madi.

"I see them. Going in. Cover me." Falk said making Madison stare at the woman waiting for her response.

"Listen to me." Clarke said.

"If they don't stop right now, those men will die." Clarke said to her.

"I see her. I'm going in." Falk said.

"I believe her." Shaw said to Diyoza looking at Clarke. "It's the truth." Clarke said turning to look at Diyoza.

"If you let them go, I'll tell you everything." Clarke said as Diyoza stared at her. "Please. Listen to her." Madison begged her.

"All units. Stand down. Now." Diyoza gave the order making Madison let out a sigh knowing they will stop hunting her daughter and Madi.

"If we stand down, she'll get away. I'm taking the shot." McCreary said. Since the moment McCreary saw Madison she didn't like him at all.

"Falk, if McCreary disobeys, shoot him in the leg. Harris, if falk disobeys, shoot him on the head." Diyoza order them.

"Standing down." McCreary said making Clarke and Madison sighs in relief.

"Good choice."  Diyoza said before looking at Clarke and Madison.

"There may be traps near your position. Check it out and report back. Over." She said. Shaw and Diyoza looked at both of the blondes sitting in front of them waiting until they hear back.

"Son of a bitch. Another bear trap. Almost stepped right in it." McCreary said through the radio.

"Report to base camp. Over and out." Diyoza said to him.

"Thank you." Clarke said to Diyoza.

"Thank you for telling the truth. As long as you keep doing that, your friend and your daughter in the woods will stay alive, and so will you two." Diyoza said to Clarke and Madison.

"Do we understand each other?" Diyoza asked them.

"Yes." Madison and Clarke said to her, as Diyoza sat down and crossing her arms and looking at them two.

"Good. Then let's begin. Start with how the world ended." Diyoza asked them.

"Which time?"


"On the ark, they taught us that the war started as a Chinese first strike, but they were wrong." Clarke said to them with a sigh, before Madison began to speak.

"It was started by an A.I. called Alie. Her intention was to reduce the popu-," Madison said before she was cut off when she heard the radio.

"Colonel, we have five more hostiles." A man said on the radio making Clakre and Madison stare at each other confused. 'Five? It's only two. Stella and Madi.' Madison thought to herself.

"At least one of armed. Are we still playing nice?" They asked Diyoza, she looked at them before grabbing the radio. Madison was just confused as Clarke. She didn't know there was more. All they know it was Madi and Stella out there.

"Find out where they are. And reinforce their position." Diyoza ordered her me.

"You heard her. Grab the gear." A man said.

"Not you, McCreary." Diyoza said before turning to Madison and Clarke.

"What did I tell you would happen if you lied to me?" She asked Clarke.

"We didn't lie." Madison told her.

"We don't know-uh!" Madison said before Diyoza hit her in the head making her head bleed.

"Take them outside. Use the collar." Diyoza ordered McCreary walking towards Madison and Clarke.

"I thought you'd never ask." McCreary said staring at Madison.

"Colonel." Shaw said to Diyoza as McCreary knelt down towards Madison's touching her face making her glare at the man in front of her.

"Poor thing." He said to her as she was breathing heavily and glaring at him. She just wanted to shoot that man in the head and leave him for dead. But she can't.

              "Four of ours are dead." Diyoza said through the radio as her men held guns at Bellamy and the others. Madi and Stella were hiding against a tree listening them talk.

"It's time to even the score." Diyoza said.

"Should we go and help them?" Stella asked madi who shushed her quietly.

"Congratulations. One of you gets to live." A man said to them as they were ready to shoot.

"Now Stella." Madi whispers before Stella throw her spear hitting one of them man in the head, Madi running out shooting one of them as Stella ran behind her killing the others as they kept shooting them until all of them were dead on the ground.

Madi turned around to look at the five people in front of her. And Stella beside her. "They're just kids." Bellamy said as he saw both girls standing in front of them as he saw how they both killed those men.

"Bellamy?" Madi said to him making him look at her. Stella didn't know if it was her dad or not. Her mother told her stories but never showed her how her father looked like. All she did was kept quiet.

"Clarke knew you could come." Madi said stepping forward.

"Clarke's alive?" Bellamy said as they all were shocked. But that wasn't all.

"Not just her." Madi said to him as Madi looked at the girl beside her.

"Um-so is Madison." Stella said in her small voice making Bellamy head snap to the girl next to Madi. He saw the way the girl easily began to feel shy.

But he was also shocked and surprised that Madison. The girl he loved, wasn't dead and that she didn't die. She was alive. And all this time he thought she died and he never had the chance to tell her how much he loved her.

"She's alive?" He said as his voice cracked.

"They're both in trouble. We have to go." Madi said to them,

"what about the others in the bunker?" Monty said from behind Bellamy.

"Still there." Madi said to them.

"What? No, no. How can that be?" Bellamy asked Madi.

"I'll explain on the way." Madi said to him as Madi and Stella grabbed a hold of Bellamy's hand. Bellamy felt something different when Stella touched his hand but he didn't know what it was.

"We need to save them." Stella said in her little voice. Harper and Monty stared at the little girl as she turned over to her boyfriend.

"That little girl looks just like Madison." Harper whispered as she saw the girl walking away with Madi and Bellamy.

Harper had a thought but it couldn't be. Can it.

             Pushing Madison as she fell down the stairs as McCreary laughed at her as she tried to take off the collar off her neck. Madison was alone.

McCreary knocked Clarke unconscious inside and decided to play around with Madison. More like torturing her.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." McCreary said to her with a smirk.

"You might burn your fingers." He said before pressing the button as Madison began to scream as she was being shocked by the collar.

"Yeah. Ha!" Everyone said as they watched Madison suffer as she coughed. She felt like she couldn't-Like she was running out of air.

"O-please." Madison let out.

"We weren't lying." Madison said as McCreary looked at her.

"Hit her again." Diyoza ordered him again making her scream in pain falling to the ground, tears forming her eyes, the collar began to sizzle making her groan.

"We don't know who that was." She said looking down.

"J-just-just stop." Madison said to McCreary as he laughed in her face.

"I'm just getting started." He said to Madison.

"Hit her again." Madison heard Diyoza say making the collar sizzle as she screamed in pain. She wanted it to stop. She wanted them to stop. That's when everyone turned around and saw a rover. She didn't if it was Stella or Madi.

"No." Madison let out as she was down on the ground.

"Come out with your hands high." Diyoza yelled as the rover was still there and nobody he's come out.

Madison was hoping it wasn't her daughter or Madi. She saw the door opening seeing someone getting off the rover.

She couldn't see who it was. The lights made hard for her to see. But they began to walk forward with their hands high. It wasn't Stella or Madi. It wasn't them.

"Unarmed." She heard him say making her eyes soften. She hasn't heard his voice in years. But she would never forget his voice.

"Just want to talk." Bellamy said making her let out a small sob. He's back.

"Talk." Diyoza said as her men had their guns up at him.

"Give me one good reason not to kill you where you stand." Diyoza asked him.

"How about I give you two hundred and eighty three?" Bellamy said to her.

"That's how many of your people are gonna die if you and I can't make a deal." Bellamy said slowly walking up as Madison watched Bellamy hold a mug in his hand before he closed his other hand making the rover drive back. She still doesn't know who was in there with him. Bellamy walked forward.

"That's far enough." Diyoza said to him.

"two hundred and eighty three live for two. She must be pretty important to you." Diyoza said to Bellamy as he looked down at Madison.

It was the very first time they've seen each other after six years.

"She is." Bellamy said as Madison stared at him with tears in her eyes.

She was hoping that one day he'll come back and he did.


A/n: ahhh omg this is a long one. It's their first scene together. Madison and Bellamy. And Stella and Bellamy. Yall, he still doesn't know it's his child. Enjoy!
Your fav, 🥰


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