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' I'm waking up to ash and dust. '

Pandora's box
Season 5 episode 3


I didn't know what to do. The only thing running inside my head is if my daughter is okay. If she's safe.

"It's Bellamy's isn't it?" Clarke asked me making me turn to her as she was a cross from me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Stella? Your daughter." She told me making me sigh.

"I-I didn't know." Clarke said to me.

"I found out two months after praimfaya." I said to Clarke looking away.

"After I watched my mom died." I whispered to her.

"I began to have the symptoms." I said playing with my fingers.

"I was going to give up." I said to Clarke.

"But after my mom took her last breath. She made me promise to keep living." I said to her my eyes began to water.

"I wanted to die but I stopped." I said to her.

"I stopped because of Stella. Because I knew that I would survive if I knew I could give her a life. And I did. It's not a good one." I said to her.

"And yes. She's Bellamy's." I told her.

"Does she know it's Bellamy?" Clarke asked me.

"Yes, but she doesn't know how he looks like." I said to her.

"I'm sorry about your mom." Clarke said to me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because it was your mom." Clakre said to me making me scoff.

"My mom wouldn't have died if you never created that stupid list." I said to her angrily.

"Kane and Jaha only chose the people who were on that list." I said to her.

"Madison-," she said to but I stopped her.

"You could've put her on that list Clarke." I said to her.

"Why didn't you?" I asked her angrily.

"She died. Because of you guys." I said to her angrily.

"I-I'm so sorry." She told me.

"I saved your ass back there because of Madi not for you." I said from across the room.

"I'm sorry."

"That's not enough." I said to her wiping my tears away before we heard the door buzz making me look away from her.

I didn't know who to blame for my mother's death. If it wasn't for Kane as he tossed her out, or for Octavia as she would've killed us all if we didn't choose. Or if Clarke never made that stupid list.

Everyone I cared have died. And all pain I have tried carry that with me. My thoughts fade away when the presence of someone was in front of me. It was Bellamy. He was here.

"B-Bellamy." I whispered as he gave me a smile.

"Oh, you're really here." I said wrapping my arms around him as right as I can. I never would've thought I would see him again. I didn't want to let go of him. It's been six years since I've seen him.

"S-Stella, is she safe?" I immediately asked him. That's my first concern if she was safe.

"She's safe. She's in the woods with the others. Diyoza won't look for them as long as we're in control." Bellamy said making me smile with tears.

"You're all still alive," I asked him.

"Raven, Murphy and Emori?" I asked him.

"Monty, Harper." He said to me. Harper and Monty are alive.

"They're alive? I-I thought-." I said.

"No, they went with us to look for Raven." Bellamy said to me.

"And Echo." Bellamy said making me frown. Why would she go? I still hate her with my guts. She almost killed us. Her people almost killed me.

"Echo?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said to me making me scoff.

"But that doesn't matter." He said to me making me nod.

"Now you're home." I said to Bellamy hugging him again. I missed him. I missed everyone. I can't believe they're all alive. They all survived.

"Wait. Why'd she released us?" I asked him.

"We made a deal." Bellamy said to me.

"She agreed to open the bunker." Bellamy said to me making me smile. I get to see my dad, and Dylan. "Huh." I said with a chuckle.

"Where's Raven?" I asked him.

"Still at space. She and Murphy stayed behind so we could come down." Bellamy said to me.

"Want to talk to her." He asked me making me nod.

"Raven, come in. Can you hear me? Come in." Bellamy said as he talked through the radio trying to get a hold of Raven.

"Tell me everyone's ok." Raven asked making me smile. She's alive.

"Everyone's ok." Bellamy said to her.

"We reached a deal with the people from that ship, and, by the way, the laser-com's an open line, se they can hear every word we say." Bellamy told her as I ran my hands up and down my jeans.

"Nice to meet you. We're not bad people. We-," I heard Murphy say making me laugh.

"Raven, keep him away from the radio." Bellamy said to her as I watched Clakre come over towards us.

"Copy that." Raven said to him.

"Anyway, they know the rules, but just to be safe, colonel Diyoza, here they are again. If anyone tries to get around your security, you pull the plug. If anyone does anything that wasn't agreed upon, you pull the plug, and if you don't hear from me every hour on the hour, you pull the plug." Bellamy ordered Raven as Diyoza and her people could heard through the radio.

"Is that all?" Raven asked him.

"No. That's not all. Someone wants to say hello." Bellamy said before he gave the radio to Clarke.

"Raven, Murphy, it's really good to hear your voices." Clarke said through the radio.

"Clarke? I don't believe it." Raven said to her.

"Jeez, and they call me the cockroach." Murphy said making me laugh.

"Hey, you guys just be careful up there, ok?" Clarke said to them making me smile, as she turned to me.

"We have another hello." Clarke said to me as she handed me over the radio making me sigh.

"How is my favorite mechanic and my least favorite?" I asked them.

"Madison!" I heard Raven say happily making me giggle.

"You're alive?" She said not believing it.

"If it isn't my favorite princess." Murphy said through the radio making me laugh at the nickname.

"How are you alive?" Raven asked me making me sigh.

"That's a story when you guys come down here." I said with a smile even though they wouldn't see it.

"Hey, we'll talk more once this is all over." I told them.

"We miss you both." I said to her.

"We miss you too." I heard Raven said as her voice cracked making me smile.

"We go to go." Bellamy said to me as I gave him back the radio.

"Raven, stay safe. We'll talk soon." Bellamy said.

"Yeah, every hour on the hour." Raven said to Bellamy as I let out a sigh.


I was the second one to come down into the bunker. I was ready to see my dad and Dylan. I have seen them for six years and I'm happy I get to do that today. I looked around people were looking at us. It changed after six years.

Everything. It wasn't the same as it was before I left. Just being here where my mother was after they dragged her body out. I didn't want to stay her for long. It just gave me flash backs when I, Jaha and Kane, threw smoke gas to get everyone unconscious to stop a war between the grounders and us.

That's where my mom was when Kane chose her to die. This place was covered in blood. A lot. More than I can imagine. I saw Octavia. She had red paint on her forehead. She changed. Diyoza and her McCreary came down as Octavia looked at them with dirty looks.

"Who are they?" She asked.

"We're here to rescue you." Diyoza said to Octavia, as I saw McCreary holding his gun tight, Octavia was going to walk up to them when Bellamy stopped her.

"O., O., it's ok. We have an understanding." Bellamy said holding onto his sister.

"Before we get to that, where's my mom?" Clarke asked.

"I'll take her to her mother." Indra said to Octavia.

"So I take it you're his sister." Diyoza said as I looked around to see if I recognize anyone.

"Yes, sorry. Octavia, this is colonel Diyoza." Bellamy said.

"Colonel." Octavia said.

"Used to be." She said to her.

"Love the war paint, by the way." Diyoza said to her.

"Ok, so how do we do this?" Bellamy asked her.

"Two at a time." Diyoza said to Bellamy.

"Why don't you people get your things, and we'll get started as soon as we're ready topside?" Diyoza said to them all but none of them moved at all that's when octavia nodded making them walk off.

"Exactly how many people should we be prepping for extraction?" McCreary asked.

"Twelve hundred." I spoke before Octavia spoke.

"Eight hundred and fourteen." She said making me turn to her.

"Copy that." Diyoza said before i let out a sighs.

"I'm going to find my dad." I said to them before I walked off. Before I stopped when I saw a man running up making me freeze.

"D-dad?" I whispered as I saw his face. He looked old. He had a beard growing on his face. His hair got longer.

"Your alive?" He asked me before he wrapped his arms around me and I did the same.

"Oh my god." I said crying on his shoulder.

"I thought I wasn't going to see you again," he said to me making me cry.

"Dad. Oh my god. You're still alive." I said to him as he kissed my head.

"I thought I lost you." He said to me as I cried.

"I'm okay. I'm here." I said to him pulling away.

"Oh my god." He said to me touching my face.

"You've got bigger." He said to me making me smile.

"You've got older." I said making him laugh.

"I'm so happy I get to see you again." I said to him.

"I thought I lost you like I lost your mom." He said making my breath hitch.

"N-no. Mom saved me from dying." I said before I began to cry.

"I-I-i tried to save her." I said shaking my head.

"I tried." I whispered before he hugged me again.

"It's not your fault." He told me making me nod.

"I-I watched her take her last breath." I said to him.

"She's proud of you." He said to me. How can she be proud of me.

"We know it." He said to me as I pulled away from him.

"Yeah." I said to him wiping my tears away.

"Um, where's Dylan?" I asked him.

"Right here." He said to making me turn around and see him. He still looked the same. He hasn't even aged.

"Hey." He said to me as I ran up to him and jumped in his arms.

"I never gave up hope. I knew you were alive." He said to me as I hugged him right.

"I'm so glad to see you." I told him.

"Me too." He said to me making me smile.


"Hey." I said hugging Nathan.

"It's good to see you." He said to me making me smile.

"It's good to see you too." I said to him with a smile. As I helped others to get back up.

"It's good to be out." Dylan said to me making me smile.

"Y-yeah." I said with a chuckle as we walked down.

"It's been so long." I said to him.

"I want you to meet someone." I said to him.

"Who?" He asked me.

"Her name is Stella." I said to him with a smile.

"She's my daughter." I told her as his eyes went wide open.

"Y-you have a daughter?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it's a long story." I said to Dylan.

"Tell me about it." He said making me laugh.

"Um, well it happened two months after praimfaya. I began to have the symptoms and from there on I tried to sta alive finding somewhere to keep her safe." I said to Dylan.

"Then after I gave birth to her." I said to Dylan.

"She grew up and i taught her how to fight to protect herself and hunt." I said.

"Wow, sounds like a mini you." Dylan said making me laugh.

"Yes she is." I said to him.

"And let me guess." He said to me.

"Bellamy's the dad?" He asked me making me nod.

"Uh-yeah. He doesn't know that. Not yet." I said to him.

"That's fun." He said to me.

"Shut up."


"What's going on?" I asked running to the front pushing past the crowd.

"Hey! Hey. What the hell do you think you're doing?" Bellamy Asked Diyoza.

"One call from me-," Bellamy said before Diyoza cut him off.

"Make your call." She said to him as her men held guns up pointing it towards us.

"Raven, come on. Read me?" Bellamy said through the radio but we didn't hear any reply back.

"What did you do?" I asked her angrily.

"The deals off, but nobody has to get hurt." Diyoza said making me scoff.

"You're the one who's going to get hurt after I kill you myself." I said walking towards as Bellamy stopped me from going anywhere.

"Someone's coming." One of her men said.

"Hold your fire." She said as Clarke came.

"Where's your mother?" Diyoza asked Clarke.

"She's our doctor. You can't have her." Octavia stepped in.

"She asked you a question. Where is the doctor?" McCreary asked making me roll my eyes.

"That's right." One of her men said.

"You're not so tough now, are you?" They said as they held their weapons and coming closer to us.

"No! Hold." Octavia said as she stopped her people.

"I'm right here!" We heard Abby say as she walked up towards us.

"Don't shoot." She said with her hands raised.

"We'll come without a fight." Abby said with Kane behind him.

"I bet you will, traitor." Octavia said glaring at her.


"The two of us. Those are my terms." Abby said. She's just going to hand herself and Kane over to Diyoza.

"I see where your daughter gets it from. Take them both." Diyoza said before they grabbed Abby and Kane.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Clarke asked her mom.

"I love you Clarke." Abby said before they dragged her away.

"Let's go. Move." They said.

"Ok. Then. Here are my terms. The valley is ours. Any attempt to get there will be met by overwhelming force. As long as you stay here, we won't have a problem." Diyoza said looking at Octavia.

"Is that a problem?" She asks her.

"What about Raven and Murphy?" Bellamy asked.

"For now insurance." Diyoza said making me scoff.

"Let's go, on me." She said before they walked off.

"Szybunka, that's an order." She said as one of her man wasn't even listening to her a he held that big machine gun.

That's when he screamed pulling the trigger making a big blast as I fell to the ground with Bellamy on top of me. I wasn't able to hear anything my head was exploding.

"Ah!" I let out.

"Madison, can you hear me." I heard Bellamy said as I got up.

"Hey." He said to me as I just gave him a nod that's all as I got up and looked around. There were bodies on the ground. More than one. Some of them dead. We watched their ship go up.

"I trusted you." I heard Octavia say.

"This is all your fault." She said to Bellamy.

"Bloodreina." Nathan said to her.

"What do we do now?" He asked her.

"Now we go to war." She said as Indra had her helping her walk as I just stared around.

Before my eyes landed on Bellamy as he had the same reaction as me.


A/n: how do you like this chapter so far? What do you think about Madison and Bellamy? Hope you Enjoy!
Your fav, 🥰


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