Chapter 11- Suprise!

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At Guru Vashisht's Ashram

Ram, Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan were pacing towards Guru Vashisht's hut. He called all of them to his hut and the four brothers were wondering the reason.

The four of them entered his hut.

"Greetings gurudev" all four of them bowed together

"God bless you my children " guru vashisht blessed them.

"Gurudev you called for us" asked Bharat

"Yes my child, some people are here for you four. "

"For us? But who? " asked an astonished Shatrughan.

The four of them had no clue about the holiday thing, and usually no family member was allowed to meet their children during gurukul years.

"Bring them in" instructed Guru Vashisht to one of his disciples

The brothers were constantly watching towards to door to see who are here to meet them.

Just then four people entered from the door. Seeing them the brothers did not knew how to react. They just froze at their place shocked unable to relax.

"Kids they are your parents only. Don't keep standing here go meet them. They have come after a long journey don't keep them waiting. " said Guru Vashisht mentally giggling at their reaction.

The four of them ran towards the door and fell at their parents feet for their blessings while hiding their tears. Each of them picked them up and hugged them so tightly as if to never let them go. The mothers were already in tears seeing their grown up sons.

"You all have grown up soo much."
Said Kaushalya while wiping her tears

"They have grown up more than required that they don't even write letters to us. Don't you know how much your mothers miss you all" said keikeyi

"Mata we wanted to write letters but it was Ram Bhaiya who refrained us from writing letters. " said an emotional Shatrughan still hugging Kaushalya. Three pair of eyes snapped towards Ram. The pair of eyes belonged to Kaushalya, Keikeyi and Dashrath.

"Then it must be because you three would cry while receiving and writting letters that Ram refrained you three. Am i right? " said Sumitra eying Ram

"You are right Maa. Chote used to cry whenever he received any of your's letter. This crybaby of yours has started crying even more" said Lakshman smirking.

"Maaa... see Bhaiya has started teasing me again this is what he does all the time and he also teases Bharat Bhaiya a lot. A month back while we all were asleep he painted my face just like he did to those guards last time" complained Shatrughan

Lakshman glared at Shatrughan.
"Now crybaby has turned into grumbler. I will see you later chote" mumbled Lakshman under his breath loud enough for Shatrughan to hear but what he did not knew was Sumitra was right behind him listening to his threats.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his left ear.
"See him later but first deal with me" said Sumitra in a threatning voice.

"I am gone now" thought Laksh

"Maa its hurting please leave me you meet your son after two years and this is the first thing you do! Aah!aah! Not fair maa" said Laksh whining

"You deserve this. What did i tell you before leaving Bharat's colours are forbidden for you didn't i? " questioned Sumitra tightening her grip on her ear.

"Ohh Ram bhaiya are you okay? What happened? " said Laksh

Just as Sumitra turned towards Ram. Lakshman took this as an opportunity to slip out of her grip and ran towards Kaushalya and Keikeyi who were giggling and hid behind them. An enraged Sumitra walked towards him.

"Maa please save me from maa Sumitra's wrath" requested Laksh.

As expected once again he was saved from Sumitra's anger. It was after this whole drama when Ram questioned

"Mata Pitashree for how long c you all are here? I hope you won't leave today be here for at least a day or two"

Guru Vashisht smiled and moved towards his four students.

"I am afraid Ram but they have to leave now only" said Guru Vashisht

Their face fell at the statement they did not want to part soo soon.

"not only they but you four also have to leave now only so go pack your stuff quickly "

The four of them looked at him with confusion.

"Yes my children. I know you miss your family a lot, more than other children here and since you all are doing soo well in your studies and warfare i have decided to grant you leave for an entire month"

"Is it true " asked Bharat

"Yes my child"

The four of them were soo happy at the thought of spending time with the family.

"Thank you soo much Gurudev" said the four of them while touching his feet.

"God bless you my children. Spend good time with your family and be back soon"

Soon the four of them left his hut to pack their stuff while their parents after talking to Guru Vashisht mooved towards their camp on the outer areas of the gurukul.

The four brothers hugged Dashrath.

"Pitashree we are soo glad we are going home. I so desperately wanted to go to Ayodhya" said Lakshman

"Laksh we are not going to Ayodhya right now. We will go to Ayodhya after two weeks"

"After two weeks? Why?? " questioned Shatrughan

"Because your mother Keikeyi is bound to go to Kekeya because of my promise to your nanashree. Also you and Bharat will accompany her so that your nanashree allows you three to leave early and all of us could spend some time together. "

"Okay but why will we not go to Ayodhya pitashree? asked Ram

"It is because my daughters wanted to meet me " said Dashrath smiling accepting them as his Daughters even before he met them sensing a unique bond with them.

"Are we going to meet Shanta didi? " asked Ram

"no my other daughters"

"Haww pitashree you had daughters and we didn't even know. How could you do this to me? asked Lakshman being over dramatic trying to mess around with his father.

"I think i need to call Sumitra you need your dose. Right Laksh? " said Dashrath playing back

"No no no. I didn't say anything"

"So one of my good friend and his daughters have invited us to their Kingdom for a visit. So we four decided that since Keikeyi is not here as well why not consider his invitation plus it would be an honour for both of you to meet such a great personality and lear from him. " said the king specifying the last part to Ram and Laksh.

"Okay but who is this friend of yours pitashree?? " asked a curious Ram

" Rajrishi Janak of Mithila"

As the name left his mouth his four sons gasped. They have heard a lot about Rajrishi Janak and his wisdom his virtues and Mithila here at gurukul.

"Bhaiya you and laksh bhaiya are soo lucky to meet him in person. " said Shatrughan

"we never knew Rajrishi is a friend of yours pitashree" pointed Bharat.

"yeah he is a good friend of mine now you four hurry up otherwise we will be late to our destinations your mothers are waiting. Hurry up"

All four of them vanished towards the tent where their mothers were waiting for them.
After about an hour the princes were ready to leave with their parents to their respective destinations.

Though dressed in plain clothes they still looked handsome along with a sword by their waist they looked exceptional warriors.

They mutually decided that since their gurukul is not over they will not wear any royal clothes and jewellery instead plain clothes. But their charm still remained intact.

After meeting each other the brothers did a group hug at last and mounted their respective chariots and started their journeys.


At Mithila

The palace of Mithila was buzzing with activities since last two days and why not the royal family of Ayodhya will reach here after two days.

Amongst this buzzing two girls were running in the corridor the elder one chasing her younger sister to get her dressed.

"Catch me Sita didi" said Urmila while laughing.

"Urmi stop. Change your practice outfit and let me braid your hair you know na a lot of work is to be done na. Get changed Urmi. "

"First catch me didi"

Findind no other way out Sita did what was required.

"Aah! Aah! My foot" screamed Sita.

Next moment Urmila was by her side concerned.

"Didi what happened? Are you fine? "

Just then Sita held her wrist.

"caught you Urmi" said Sita smirking

Afterall she was her elder sister.

Urmila huffed
"Didi this is not done on your part. Does it suits you to trick your younger sister? "

"You can make me run after you the entire palace like a mad person but i cannot even trick you. Very smart"

"Okay fine"

"Now lets go you should change before maa comes to know"

Urmila changed quickly from her training outfit. It was her routine everyday to have a sword session every morning. She was very skilled at it. She impressed her chotepita on the very first day of her training. Though he is not here but her training continued with the senapati of Mithila in her chotepita's absence.

Now she was sitting in front of Sita to get her hair done.

"Didi when are King Dashrath and his family coming "

" after two days urmi. But his two sons and his second wife Queen Keikeyi are not coming since she has to visit her father"

"Which sons of him are coming didi? "

"His eldest son Ram and his third son Lakshman. "

The names gave Sita and Urmila weird sensations.

"Are they nice didi? "

"I don't know Urmi but since they are Raghuvanshis they should be nice and pitashree was all praises for them. I have heard his four sons are very protective for each other especially Lakshman for his eldest brother. "

"Just like i am for you?? " asked Urmila innocently

Sita smiled"Yes Urmi just like you"
Urmila was indeed just like Lakshman overprotective for her Sita didi.

"What all is pitashree planning? "

"Well pitashree has planned a lot for them and we must help him to execute it properly. Since Mithila is famous for its wisdom a lot of Scholars will visit Mithila and a lot of discussions will take place in the next few days. There will be a Mahadev pooja for their welcome followed by a family gathering amongst the two families . Pitashree will gift them famous Mithila's swords. Saraswati vandana and a lot more events which even i don't know" completed Sita

"I also want that sword. " complained Urmi
"Its already discussed not now"
"Fine. But the events are great i am very excited"
"A lot of preparations as well Urmi now lets go before maa comes to find us"

With this both the sisters left the chamber hand in hand.


How did you find the chapter guys?

Since SiyaRam and Lakshmila are going to meet soon so i will take your ideas if you want to see any specific scenes between them or any other idea you can let me know.

Also i would like to dedicate this chapter to my friend ishikamarwaha and ArpitaMohanty8 my regular reader
for her support and love to my book.

Hope you guys like the chapter. Do vote comment and share.

Take care! Stay safe!!

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