Chapter 13 - That Fall

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Lakshman was now fully coverned in mud from head to toe. All his clothes were dirty. While he was trying to come out of the mud pool he heard a laughter, a beautiful laugh which he never heard before, the laugh was melody to his ears and he just wanted to stay in the moment.

"That's what you get when you call my beautiful garden a messy jungle. Mind it" came a threatning yet sweet voice.

Laksh removed some mud from his eyes and face to get a view of the person. The sight in front of him enraged him. The girl who's eyes were rolled up and blood dripping from her face was now laughing at him and now he understood what actually happened with him and he was very upset with himself.
"How could he be fooled so easily? "

He was still in his thoughts and Urmila was still laughing when a tensed Ram came towards them running because of Lakshman's scream.

"What happened? How come you are here in this mud pool? " asked a confused Ram

Lakshman who was still embarrassed of himself was quiet. While Urmila had a hard time controlling her giggles. It is then Ram noticed her presence and seeing her look he understood what happened and started laughing, Urmila to joined him. Now Laksh was more enraged and embarrassed.

"Bhaiya will you stop laughing hand help me please! " exclaimed Laksh

Ram now sobered himself and answered "Oops!! Yes! Yes! Sorry Lakshman. Give me your hand" and he started pulling out his brother.

"What? Lakshman?? Means!Means!! Oh no" thought Urmila to herself who was now tensed.

Tensed would be an understatement super tensed.

Just then a beautiful voice came
"What is happening here?"

Ram felt a tickling sensation in his stomach hearing the voice and when he lifted is eyes to see he saw the most beautiful girl to born to ever grace this world. Decked in red and golden the girl looked a goddess straight from heaven.

Ram was mesmerised. The moment their eyes met the whole world stopped for that particular moment. The scene other side was also the same.

The entire trilok was waiting for this meeting and it finally happened. There was a rain of flowers on them straight from heaven.


A loud voice followed by a laughter brough Siya Ram out of the world only to notice Laksh again in the pool of mud.

Ram was so mesmerised in Sita's eyes that he forgot to pull Lakshman out as a result of which he slipped and fell in the mud again.

"Aaaahhh! Bhaiya?? Don't you love this brother of yours? " questioned Laksh

"I am so sorry Laksh. Here give me your hand"

That moment two hands came to Laksh's support.

One was Ram and other was??? Any guesses???*winks*

The two of them both got lost in each others eyes again.

Lakshman took both their hands as it was a lot of slippery in hope that if one will not pull the other one will but poor guy didn't know the reason for Ram's diversion and once again Ram forgot to pull his brother so did Sita ,Laksh tried to stand up, slipped and again landed in the mud pool.

"aaaahhhhh!!!!!! My backkkk"

This time there was not stopping for Urmila. She laughed and laughed and laughed while Ram and Sita were apologetic. Sita shot Urmila a warning look and she stopped laughing.

Finally the three of them together pulled Lakshman out of the mud much to his relief.

"I am soo sorry Rajkumar for my sister's behavior. Please don't be upset.Urmi don't you need to say something?" said Sita

"No!! He needs to apologize he called my beautiful garden a messy jungle"

"Urmiiii! " Sita shot him a ' do you want me to complain to maa' look

"Sorry! Sorry! RajKumar i am really sorry" blurted out Urmila almost immediately.

"Laksh. You too apologize." said Ram

"What for? "

"For calling this little princess' garden a messy jungle. Is this how you treat such a cute girl." said Ram ruffling Urmila's hair.

"Okay fine. Sorry"

"I am not a little princess. I am big and brave one. " said Urmila complaining

"Okay! Okay! Big and brave princess! Happy? " questioned Ram

"Very!! " exclaimed Urmi Jumping while Ram just laughed at his antics. He always wanted a younger sister like Urmi. So lively. He saw in Urmila an image of a sister he always wanted.
"I once again apologise for the event rajkumar. " said Sita

"Please don't embarrass me by apologizing to me and that to for someone else's mistake. You are like my sister. Please don't apologize and yes call me Lakshman please. "
remarked Laksh while Sita smiled

"Let me show you your room. So that you can bathe and change. Please come. I will get your horses parked"

With this Sita signaled a soldier to take their horses while she took them to the palace.

On the way Ram and Sita were moving in front while avoiding each other's gaze whereas Urmila and Lakshman were behind them giving fierce and cold looks to each other. If it was not Ram and Sita with them both Lakshman and Urmila would have attacked each other by now by scratching the other one's face and pulling hair.

They reached the chamber which was allotted to Ram and Laksh.

"Here. This is your chamber princes. Get freshed then we will meet for dinner. Hope yoy like your stay here. Good day" greeted Sita

"Good day princess. Thanks for your help. Good day too you to big and brave princess. " exclaimed Ram

"Good day Ram Bhaiya" wished Urmila hapily just ignoring Lakshman's presence.

"Thank you for your help didi! Have a nice day"replied Lakshman to Sita's wish giving a cold look to Urmila.

With this Sita and Urmila left.

Sita pulling Urmila's ear
"Is this how you treat your guests Urmi? "

"Aah! Aah! Sorry didi but i didn't know he was the prince of Ayodhya. "

"As if it would matter to you"

Urmila giggled while Sita tightened her grip.

"Okay! Okay sorry di. He called our garden messy jungle. I don't like him he should learn something from Ram Bhaiya. Ram Bhaiya is soo nice. Didi please don't be mad at me " said Urmila makind a puppy face.

"You! You don't even let me get upset with you. Okay fine stop now. Remove this colour before maa comes to know"

"You are the best didi"

At Ram and Lakshman 's room

"Thank god chote and Bharat Bhaiya are not here. Other wise they would have teased me for lifetime. And that girl she should learn something from Sita didi she is soo nice. "

"Her name is Urmila. And it was your fault you called her garden messy jungle. "

" It was in the heat of the moment bhaiya. I was so frustrated finding the way. Also you will not tell any of this to anyone. Promise me? "

"Okay. Promise. Now go have a bath and get changed then we have to meet everyone."

With this Lakshman hugged Ram believing the event to be kept a secret and left to have a bath.


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A very big Thank you to my friends 1lostlegendGolden_Cloak and PrabirPoddar

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