Chapter 14 - A warrior?

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The trip Mithila was going very well for the Ayodhya family. The other day when they went to have a round around Mithila people welcomed them soo warmly that their hearts swelled some even had tears in their eyes. Rajrishi and his family is even more welcoming. The families had grown very close within a span of few days especially Sita-Urmila with Sumitra-Kaushalaya and Ram-Lakshman with rajrishi Janak.

But there was one thing which was not going well. It was Laksh and Urmi.
Their pranks with each other were increasing day by day.

Last night Lakshman caught a frog from the garden and left it in Urmila's room to scare her but!but!but! it is our Urmi we are talking about today morning she was roaming around with the frog on her shoulder. She is already friend with the frog much to Lakshman's annoyance.


Ram was moving in the corridor of Mithila adoring the palace when he heard some weird sounds. He followed the sound and what he saw was a small kid around 8 or 9 practicing around with wooden sword.

Ram stood there confused because they had been here for 3 days and he has not seen any kid except for Sita and Urmila. Also earlier everyone thought Rajrishi Janak has 4 daughters but they came to know that two of them are actually his younger brother's daughter but they live with him here at Mithila and he is doing their upbringing. *sweet na? *

But the question is who is this kid with sword. The face was covered with cloth and the person is in proper training outfit. Watching him Ram realised that the kid is new to sword fighting because of the wooden sword but he was quiet impressed with the skills. The person was quiet fierce while training. After about good 15 to 20 minutes of training the kid removed the cloth to wipe the sweat. But Ram was shocked would be an understatement. The kid was none other than URMILA . Ram knew Urmila was different but this different he never expected. He gasped looking at her moves.

Ram in the moment of excitement took a cloth from around, covered his face and entered the armory took a wodden sword which was lying there and with soft steps walked towards Urmila sure that she won't realise his presence as her back was towards him.

When he was about to reach her and make his presence feel by putting a sword on her neck he had a shocker awaiting. Urmila sensed his presence and before his sword could land on her neck she twisted and attacked him from the other side. Ram stumbled for a moment but gained balance immediately.

Next moment both were moving in circular motion eyeing each other.
Urmila thought it was some sort of test for her.

She waited for his move unaware of the person's identity.

Ram took a turn jumped and attacked her. She countered him in air.
This time Urmila attacked him continuously and he ducked her attacks continuously for a good 10 minutes. Ram could easily defeat Urmila as he was fully trained and Urmila was just a beginner but he wanted to test her skills. Their combat went for another 15 to 20 minutes none agreeing to backoff when in an attack by Urmila Ram's facecloth tore off.

"What? Rajkumar Ram. He was fighting with me? Was he assigned to test my skills?? "thought Urmi to herself.

"Pranam Rajkumari, no brave rajkumari. I am sorry to interrupt your session but seeing you weild sword so nicely i could not control myself to have a combat with you."

"No issues at all prince. Hope i didn't dissapoint you? "

"No not at all rajkumari. You fought beautifully. Don't mind me asking how long you have been learning? "

"1 week prince!!"

"Seriously? Doesn't seem like truly you are a born talent rajkumari."

"Thanks a lot and yes please don't call me rajkumari, call me by my name please"

"Okay i will but you should also not call me rajkumar. "

"But you are elder to me what should i call you? "

Ram walked towards the nearby bushes and plucked a flower and went towards Urmi.

"I feel a weird connection with you. Like i know you from a long time. I always wanted a younger sister and i don't know why i get those vibes from you. You are dear to me like mu brothers. Will you become my younger sister Urmi? " Ram said giving him the flower

Urmila didn't react. She was numb.

Ram considering this as a no turned to exit the ground. His heart broke into pieces. The reason still unknown to him. Just as he was about to step out a crying Urmila hugged him tightly from behind.
"Ram Bhaiya!! Where are you planning to go leaving your Urmi here. Your sister! "

Ram turned and hugged her tightly.
A new bond was formed and it had a long way to go loving, caring and sacrificing for each other.

"No where Urmi. "

They finally broke the hug.

"Ram Bhaiya this flower is very beautiful. I love it. "

" Obviously it is for my sister afterall. Wait i have another gift for you"

"What Bhaiya??? " said an excited and jumping Urmila

"Wait Urmi!"

" She is just like my Lakhan. Finds happiness in small-small things. "
Thought Ram to himself.

"Be fast Bhaiya!!You are taking a century." complained Urmila

Ram laughed seeing her innocence.

Ram removed his sword which was hanging by his waist.

"For the time being i only have this to give it to you my sister. This brother of yours wants you to use this sword when you start using metal sword. This is my favourite sword given by the most important person of my life today i give this to you another most important person of my life. "

"But Bhaiya? Its your favourite how can i? It means soo much to you"

"No arguments Urmi. Won't you fulfil your elder brother's wish? "

Urmila took the sword. Bowed her head to the sword and hugged Ram tightly.

"Its the best gift Bhaiya"

"You are just like Lakhan. Truly"

"Lakhan? "

"oh! Lakshman"

"About that i wanted to apologise for what i did...."

"Don't actually i am glad"

"umm... "

"I am glad someone is there who can prank Lakshman who always pranks other"

Both the brother-sister duo laughed.

"Bhaiya! Its time for breakfast! Let's go otherwise Mata will scold me"

With this she started pulled Ram towards the common room.

"hehe. Wgo will say this girl was wielding sword soo fiercely a few moments ago. Wait? Sword??? Not dolls? Lakshmannnnnnn?? " screamed Ram mentally.

Far away at Kailash
A lone tear escaped Mahadev's eye seeing this bond.

"What happened Swami? " asked Mata Parvati

"Narayan's sister is here Gauri. She will be a great support to Lakshmi Narayan in this tough journey. She would. She will selflessly sacrifice so many things for Narayan Lakshmi."

" Of course Swami. After all she is Bharata Narayan's Ksheer Sagar. But "

"True. But she will get lost in the books as the unspoken warrior of Ramayana. She will also be the Mother of Kartikey, Ganesha and Ashoksundri when they will go to Mrityulok Parvati!!!! "


Heya peps. I am back. I know i am very late sorry for that but i was caught up with some family issues and stuff. Also my entrance exam about which i told you stands cancelled so i am super tensed right now.
Pray that i get admission please.

Can you guys guess the special person who gifted Ram that sword??

Hope you like the chapter. Do vote, comment and share.

Also guys if any of you is intrested in Mahabharata role-playing ping me its super awsome.

Love yaa. Byee

Take care! Stay safe!!

PS - If you find Ruku/Rukmini written anywhere in the chapter. Its Urmila. Catch jimmyprotested29 for this its her fault😂😂.

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