chapter 15- The First Feminist

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Today was a quiet day in Mithila palace. Urmila and Laksh did not fight. Strange. Urmila did not play any prank on Lakshman much to everyone's shock and Laksh could not find Urmila to prank her.

Laksh felt incomplete today. Being in Mithila he realised one thing girls are not only limited to dolls and kitchen.
Sita and Urmila were different and they were meant to be afterall they are Rajrishi Janak's daughters.

Ram and Lakshman were moving through the corridor to the assembly hall to attend the proceedings of Rajrishi Janak and learn from him.
Ram felt Lakshman's gaze travelling here and there. He smirked remembering Lakshman's expression when he told him about Urmila being a sword fighter. He tried ignoring Ram's words but somehow could not control his glittering eyes. They were moving towards the assembly hall when they met Queen Sunaina on their way.

"Pranam" both of them greeted

"God bless you sons. Are you both heading to assembly hall? "

"Yes. Maharani" said Lakshman

"Ohh. That's great"

" Maharani can you tell me where is my sister? I haven't seen her since morning?" said Ram smirking mentally. From the corner of his eye he saw Laksh shift uncomfortably.

"Ohh yeah. Today we have a special guest in assembly for discussion . Sita and Urmila are preparing for that only. The person is very dear to them.

(any guesses guys??)

"That's great Maharani. May i know who that person is? " questioned Ram

"Of course Ram. Its MAHATAPASVINI GARGI. One of the most renowned scholar of Aryavrat. Also she is Sita and Urmila's guru. A pure feminist and Bhramachari. Purely straightforward. Sita and Urmila love her alot and she too loves them."

"Wow we are excited to meet her now."said Lakshman

"Of course she will be here after the assembly for debate with Urmila and Sita. You both can meet her personally"

"Thank you soo much Maharani"

Sunaina smiled and went away for her work.

"This Mithila trip is getting excited day by day " pointed Ram

"yeah. True!! I am excited to meet her. " confessed Laksh

"Me too! Let's go"

Assembly hall

Raj Janak was sitting in the middle on his thronechair. To his left was King Dashrath followed by Ram and Lakshman. To his right was Kulguru Shatanand followed by Sita and Urmila.

"Attention! Attention!! Mahatapasvini Gargi Vachaknavi is entering the assembly. "

Then entered the ever elegant, the every gorgeous lady of the moment Gargi Vachaknavi. Decked in white blouse and skirt drapped with red cloth and a cream veil covering her bun with tulsi rosary in her neck and wrists. A kesar tilak to complete her look. She looked a classic lady.

Everyone in the room was mesmerised by her look and ever charming smile.

Rajrishi Janak went towards her direction to greet her. To which she greated back gracefully passing a beautiful smile to Urmila and Sita.

She then greeted King Dashrath and Ram, Lakshman. Ram and Lakshman were completely impressed by her charm.

She then took her seat beside Sita and Urmila.

Rajrishi Janak addressed the assembly.

"Today I am extremely happy and honoured to welcome Mahatapasvini Gargi Vachaknavi amongst us. Also we have among us Ayodhyanaresh King Dashrath." both greeted the assembly with folded hands respectively.

"I have specially aranged this assembly discussion for my daughters Sita-Urmila and Dashtrathnandan Ram-Lakshman. I thank each one of you for gracing the assembly. Over to you Devi Gargi"

"Thank you Rajrishi for your kind words and having me here. Pranam everyone. I know this assembly is arranged for the four kids we have over here. " she said pointing towards Ram, Lakshman, Sita and Urmila.

" I would like tell Sita and Urmila my dear students and all the girls out there in Aryavarta .  Never,  i repeat never underestimate yourself.  This world is very cruel for girls.  They want to to confine you to kitchen and house but don't listen to them.  Do what your heart says.  Do whatever you want to learn, preach and teach what you want but just remember one thing your independent thoughts and views should not disrespect others.  I personally feel everything a man can do, a woman can do equally good and even better.   When i started learning there were no people like Rajrishi to support me, they used to say knowldge,  studies  and all are not for girls but i did not pay any heed to their opinion.  I asked them only one simple question "Who is the Lord of Knowledge?" after that they never questioned my decision atleast not on my face.

If you want to work and earn? Why not?  Devi Lakshmi is the goddess of Money.

"If you want to wield weapons? Say it out openly!!  No one can stop you.
Many a times Mata Parvati had to take the form of Mahakali to end asurs which none of the Tridev could!"

"I know Sita and Urmila won't disappoint they were the ones who made me realise my mistake to reject being a shikshika at Rishi Yagyavalkya's ashram.
Today i am a Rishika maybe the the first Rishika ever and i can say that a woman who is a child's first teacher can teach other kids as well.  She who loves her family can protect and fight for them as well. " with this she opened her arms and Sita and Urmila ran towards her hugging her.

The entire hall was dead silent. And after a minute the hall roared with thunderous applause. Such was her aura.

After the Applause slowed down. She said

"And Rajkumars  never disrespect women, your manhood is not in disrespecting them and stopping them from doing what they want.  Your manhood is in supporting them and respecting them.  She is the reason for your existence afterall"

Ram and Lakshman got up from their places and moved towards Gargi.  They both settled on their knees and touched her feet.

"We will always remember this Gurumata" said both Ram-Lakshman

Gargi lifted them and the three of them hugged, then blessing them.


So hey guys. This was chapter 15 of Raghili.  I have kept it short as i did not want you to get boared.

I wanted to do one chapter on Mahatapasvini Gargi.  She was the oldest and the strongest pillar of feminism in India.  Today there are a lot of people claiming themselves as feminists but are just promoting fake feminism.

So i wanted to do this as a dedication to her.  Hope you like the chapter.

Do colour the little star at the bottom. Comment and review.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to Siyagargi my friend for our common love towards Gargi and nithyarb my another friend as she was very eager for the update. I hope i satisfied you.

I know you want to see the four of them bond.  Next chapter on that i promise. This was important for me so i did.

Show your love and support.

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