Chapter 23- Unshed Tears

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Author's POV

While addressing the people Ram felt a powerful jerk, as a result of which he lost his balance and banged on the floor near the pillar, a few meters away from where he was addressing the people. Everyone heard a smashing sound and their hearts were in their mouth.

"Ram!Shatrughan!" came some voices among the screams.

"Bhaiya? Are you Okay?" Shatrughan who fell on Ram while pushing him asked in a concerned voice after recovering from the shock. Because of the force Ram's head hit the floor because of which, he was still not completely conscious. His head was throbbing badly.

Everyone rushed to their side immediately , while a wave of gossip formed among the common people. Afterall, a Chandelier fell on the Royal Prince of Ayodhya.

"Shatrughan, Ram! Are you both alright? " a panicked Kaushalya questioned

"Mata, I am alright bit I don't think about Ram Bhaiya " shatrughan said , getting back to his feet.

"Lata, go and bring water for them fast."a worried Sumitra instructed to a nearby dasi and went to Ram's side to check him.

"I am fine! Please, don't worry." Ram who was now almost back to his senses announced.

"Narayan ka lakh lakh shukar hai ke mere bache surakshit hai." an emotional Kaushalya caressed their faces and pecked them on their forehead respectively.(By Narayan's grace my sons are alright.)

"Let's take them to their room, there vaidya Ji will check them." Dashtrath instructed everyone.


Ram was on his bed with Keikeyi and Kaushalya by his each side, while Vaidya Ji was checking him.

"Maharaj, everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about. Rajkumar is absolutely fine. Just give him rest for the day." saying this the royal physician left.

"God Forbids!Had shatrughan not pushed Ram at the right time, what would have happened?" Keikeyi questioned.

"Maa! I am fine. Please stop worrying. It was just an accident" Ram held Keikeyi's hand firmly, assuring him.

All this while, there was this single person who was a silent spectator and didn't speak a word, and left the room abruptly. Bharat looked at Ram for confirmation to which Ram nodded and he immediately followed the former.

Before, Bharat could catch hold of that person, he was gone. Bharat very well knew, where to find him for he was a piece of Bharat's heart. He immediately walked towards the armory, only to see his brother swinging a sword frantically. He was not practicing, he was just being clumsy and careless. His moves were extremely dangerous, the relieved part being he was alone no one was around him. With his frantic moves, groans and screams escaped his mouth at several intervals. It was all his frustration and anger that was oozing out. And deep down it was his guilt.Guilt of not being there at the right time for his brothers.

"Laksh" Bharat moaned softly. But Laksh was unstoppable

He went close to his little brother, Laksh's entire body was covered in sweat. His eyes were red, they were the unshed tears, that were piercing heart since last few hours. Deep down Bharat's condition was the same, both of them could have lost their breath today. It was true that the breath of Ayodhya brothers resided in their brothers.

Bharat firmly held Laksh's shoulders and hugged him, not even caring an ounce that the sword in his hands could have harmed him. Bharath's warmth calmed the storm inside Lakshman. He dropped his sword and clutched Bharat tightly. Both of them didn't utter a single word, just stayed in each other's embrace, finding their comfort.

Its true that sometimes you don't need words to comfort someone. Your presence is enough.

With this incident, that possessive Laksh who feared the curse his father received resurfaced once again, this time much more powerful and strong.



The palace was dead silent, it was a chilly morning. Everyone was still asleep as it was not dawn yet. Ram woke up as the effect of medicine nullified. After the incident he was tucked in the bed for the entire day, as a result of which he woke up this early today.

He just sat up on his bed when he saw Lakshman's upper body leaning by the lower portion of his bed. He was sleeping peacefully in Ram's feet on the cold floor. His head resting on the bedpost.

A lump formed Ram's throat seeing Laksh. His brother is indeed crazy for him. His eyes literally teared up. Everyday, he shows something new to Ram as a token of love he holds for him.

He caressed his hair lovingly. He knew yesterday's incident was dreadful for Laksh, not only because Ram's life was at stake, mainly because while saving Ram if something would have happened to Shatrughan, Laksh would have never forgiven himself. He would have turned into a living corpse. Ram knew Laksh more than Laksh himself. Not being able to save Ram and the though of something bad happening to Shatrughan had shook Lakshman to core. He felt that as long as he was alive, it was his and only his duty to protect Ram, not hid baby brother's.

Ram moved out of the bed, adjusted Laksh's bed on the bed carefully as to not to wake him up. He covered him with a blanket and left the room.

Shatrughan's Room

Ram quietly entered Shatrughan's room. His youngest brother was hero of the moment for the entire Kingdom today. Everyone was singing his praises. He moved towards the sleeping figure of his brother.

"Hero of the Kingdom, sleeping like a kid" he giggled seeing the weird position in which Shatrughan was sleeping. One leg in the blanket, other hanging down the bed, his hand making a V above his head and his blanket on his stomach.

"Ghana! Ghana! When will you learn to sleep properly." ram settled him and adjusted his blanket

He pecked his forehead.

"I know you love me alot and are very brave, but mind this was the first and last time you put your life in danger to save me. I am not allowing you to do it ever again Kidoo. I am not your responsibility but you are mine. Remeber this. No heroic act in future." Ram whispered to his sleeping brother.

Shatrughan groaned in his sleep also, indicating his disapproval. Ram just laughed at the cute antics of his brother and left with one last glance, closing the door behind. But, he opened the door once again and said

"Good Luck with Laksh! Hard task to convince a pissed Laksh kiddo" he giggled


An excited Shatrughan moved towards the Dining hall, where everyone was present with a smirk dancing on his face. He was struggling to hide his excitement. He entered the room and greeted everyone.

He looked towards Lakshman, who was still pissed and not talking to him. He cleared his throat to attract everyone's attention and announced

"I want to meet The Royal Family Of Mithila!"


*Dodges all the eggs and tomatoes thrown at me*

Sorry Guys! Late Again I know. *grins like an idiot*

Well! I have decided to pace up the book now. Don't know if I will be successful or not.

Avoids the topic

Lets focous on the chapter!

How was it? Was it any good?

Less of dialogues today and more of description because dialogues were not giving me feelz.

I hope you like it!

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Silent Readers !*puppy eyes*


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