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Sunaina and Chandrabhaga were in the kitchen spending some quality time together while looking after the preparations for lunch.

"Now i hope everything is settled at sankasya" questioned sunaina

"Most things are settled but still we both will take time to adjust there. But situation there are better from your last visit. We both miss mithila and everyone a lot. The palace seems so empty without everyone. " said an emotional chandrabhaga

Sunaina placed her hand on her shoulder" I know its difficult to live away from one's family but we are Kshatriyas. The praja(people of the kingdom) is our children. Its our duty to look after their comfort even if it means sacrificing our own happiness."

"you are right didi i understand "

"This time when you will go take mandvi and Shrutkirti along for a few days. The girls miss you both alot"

"But what about the gurukul?"

"Dont worry i will have a word with Devi Gargi and Maharishi Yagnavalkya moreover Sita and Urmila are there to help them with the lessons. You need not worry"

"Thank you didi" beamed chandrabhaga

"No chandra no need to thank me. I understand your pain. Living away from your kids the thought breaks my heart"

"Pain is there didi but i am satisfied that my children are growing under your shadow. The values and the love with which you and bhaiya will nurture no one else including me" said a proud Chandrabhaga

A lone tear escaped Sunaina's eye as she hugged her. Just than Sita entered the Kitchen.

"Greetings ma Greetings Choti maa"
Sita said with folded hands

"god bless you sita" said both together

"Maa chotimaa do you need my help in the kitchen." questioned sita.

Both smiled. Sita is much more mature and responsible than the children of her age.

"No Sita we will manage" smiled chandrabhaga

"Where are the other three Sita? " asked Sunaina

"Mandavi and Shrutkirti are in the chamber and urmila is most probably with chotepitashree in the armory" answered Sita

"uff! I don't know what this father and daughter find in the armory didi you know i think at sankasya what they miss the most is mithila's armory there he is busy with kingdom's work and is left with no time to visit armory otherwise he would have set his bed there only" complained an irritated chandrabhaga

Sita and Sunaina stood there having a hard time controlling their giggles.

"Sita you go and spend time with Mandavi and Shrutkirti. They will leave with your chotemaa and chotepitashre and will stay at Sankasya for a few days. "

Sita's head fell in disappointment but she immediately covered it with a smile.

"Maa that's a great decision both of them miss chotemaa and chotepita a lot. They will feel happy living with them for some time. "

Both the women smiled she is a perfect elder sister to her younger ones. With this Sita left the kitchen.

"Didi our sita has grown up so early. "

"you are right chandra"

"I miss her a lot she will always be my first child and is more special to me than anyone else i still remember the day when i first picked her in my arms i felt complete. That feeling cannot be put in words it was the best feeling ever. She made me realize how it feels to be a mother. The beauty of motherhood she brought for both of us is so special and fresh in my heart even today. " said chandrabhaga as both the royal ladies of mithila took a stroll down the memory lane eyes briming with happy tears as they remembered the happiness Sita brought into their life.



Khushadhwaj was sitting with Urmila is his lap at the far end of the armory watching the worriors of Mithila having a practice combat. At one side a combat was going on between the worriors at the other side a banter was going on between Kushadhwaj and Urmila as to which warrior will win.

"chotepitashree i am telling you Sagar uncle will win this one"

"No my child Rudra will win"

"No you will see sagar uncle will win"

"you are still a kid urmi"

Just the the sounds of swords clashing increased and after a few seconds Rudra's sword was in the air and landed a few meters away from Urmila's feet.Urmila started jumping with happiness.

"I told you chotepitashree Sagar uncle will win. I was right you see" giggled Urmila

Khusadhwaj smiled seeing Urmila he also used to dance like this when he used to win any duel during childhood.

With these thoughts he picked his sword and moved towards the center ready for the combat. Urmila became more excited she used to love watching warriors train and practice this is one of the reason she used to spend most of her time with her chotepita in the armory.

The combat started she was excitedly watching 4 soldiers together attacking his chotepita with sword he sat on single knee to control the force coming his way and with a blow answered them the 4 soldiers lost their balance and stumbled but were back in the combat. One by one he attacked them and defeated them.

Expecting a jumping Urmila he looked towards her but she was lost somewhere else only. He went towards her.
"Urmi? What happened? Not happy with your pitashree winning? "

"No i was just thinking can i also learn this? "

"learn what? Warfare? But i suppose it is already decided that you four will be taught about warfare at gurukul when you reach the proper age."

"I know but i want to learn sword i truly do and trust me i am ready. Please! Please! Please!! "

Kushadhwaj was very happy seeing Urmila's excitement he always wanted to teach his children warfare but never expected that Urmila will fill the void of a son in his life.

"Okay fine Urmi but first come with me"

He took Urmila to the store house and was searching for something there.

"Chotepitashree what are you looking for"

"Wait Urmi"

After searching for about 20 minutes he finally found what he was looking for. He came towards Urmila with something which was wrapped in red cloth. Kushadhwaj temoved the cloth and Urmila saw a wooden sword so simple yet so royal and elegant. A navy blue coloured sword with mud colour design.

"Pitashree this sword it is beautiful. Whose sword is it? "

"You like it. Your grandfather gave it to me when i started learning warfare, today i give it to you. God bless you my child. We will start your training tomorrow be ready. "

Urmila became emotional and hugged him.

"Thank you chotepitashree. I will never let you down. I will never!! "


Hey guys so this was chapter 8 of Siya Ram. Hope you like it. Do vote and review.

Also guys i recently came across an id on wattpad and i must say it quiet appreciable. Its an 11 year old kid writing a story. Do support him guys.

Alex Brooks- The Beginning of Trouble by storyhubbbb

I am like seriously out of words for this effort. Do support him guys.

Take care! Stay safe!!

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