Chapter 9 -Raghukul

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Sita and Urmila were in there chamber revising what they were taught.

"Didi when will Rakshasi and Shrutkirti return? "


"Okay. When will Mandavi and Shrutkirti return didi"

"They will return soon. Chotemaa and Chotepitashre live there alone na,they also feel sad without us so we should let Mandavi and Shrutkirti also spend some time with them."

Urmila was dejected. How could Sita let this happen.
"Come, Lets go to pitashree he will narrate us some story. " said Sita

"No didi. I don't want to go please. Let's sleep. "

Without hearing anything Sita dragged Urmila out of the room.

At Janak's chamber
Urmila and Sita ran towards Janak and hugged him tightly.


Janak hugged them back.

"You both here? Story?? " asked Janak

They both nodded in excitement.

"So tell me what kind of a story do you want to hear"

"Story of worriors"
"Story of great people who changed the society"
Both Urmila and Sita spoke respectively at the same time.

"Umm. Today I will narrate you the story of great Raghukul which is a mixture of great worriors as well as great people. Happy? "

"Very" said both of them together

"Pitashree isn't Raghukul the one Maharishi Gautam was talking about at the time of Gyan Sabha that one day a Raghuvanshi will come and release Mata Ahilya from her curse"questioned an excited Sita

Janak was stunned hearing Sita's words.

"Yes my child. Are you ready for the story? " questioned Janak


"The Kingdom of Kosal is one of the most powerful Kingdom of the Aryavarta. It is ruled by Raghuvanshis.
believed to be an offshoot of the Suryavansh lineage of kings tracing its ancestry to Surya. It is called Raghuvansha after King Raghu, a king who protected the sacrificial horse of Ashwamedh from Dev King Indra. Any king who belongs to Raghuvansha, as a result also belongs to Suryavansh. Though they are known for their bravery but for this dynasty the importance of promise is even more than their life and they have prooved this time after time.
King Mandhata, who is said to have ruled the entire earth , and defeated the Indra-head of Devatas.

One of the greatest personality that Suryavanshi's have give is King Harishchandra. He is an example of pure honesty. Satyavadi Harishchandra did not break his promise ever, even if he gave promise in his dream.

Next is King Dilipa said to be the most righteous and chivalrous emperors of the Ikshvaku dynasty.

Another great personality is King Bhagirath said to be the legendary king of the Ikshvaku dynasty, who brought the River Ganga, personified as the river goddess Ganga, to Earth from the heavens. Mankind will forever be indebted to him for this. It is after his name that River Ganga is also known by the name of Bhagirathi.

Next in the line is King Raghu, whose descendants are known as Raghuvanshi. His son was King Aja and King Aja's son is King Dasrath who currently rules Kasol. He has four sons and i have heard a lot about his eldest son Ram at such a young age the whole Aryavarta is highly praising him. He will turn out to be a great king and take the name of Raghuvanshis to new height."

"Wow Pitashree! Raghuvanshi's are indeed great. " beamed Urmila

On the other hand Sita was somewhere else only. Ram's name gave her a weird sensation something she never experienced before. She finally reacted with a question.

"Pitashree have you meet them. Do they share good relations with Mithila? "

"I haven't meet them personally but yes they share good relations with Mithila. Before your birth when Mithila faced a decade long drought many kingdoms helped us but it was because of Ayodhya and King Dashrath's constant support for those long 13 years that we were able to survive. The whole Mithila will forever be greatful to them. " Janak said in gratitude.

"Pitashree have you ever thanked him" questioned Urmila

"Yeah, i thanked him a lot of times in letters but he was so down to Earth to take the credit"

"But why didn't you never meet him personally like invited him to Mithila as a guest to show your gratitude. They helped and gave hope to our praja afterall. " asked Sita curiously

"I always wanted to my child but that drought devoid Mithila of everything we were out of grains our treasury was empty and a lot more problems at that time my praja was my first priority. Morover i could not invite King Dashrath in such terrible conditions Ayodhya is a very rich and luxury friendly kingdom which i would not have been able to provide at that time. After that we all became engaged in you four, your upbringing and never got a chance. " replied Janak heart rendingly.

"Sorry pitashree i should not have questioned your decision. I should have understood your situation" said Sita with a gloomy face hoping to thank them one day.

A small smile formed on Janak's face.

"Not at all Sita i always want the four of you to clear your doubts. Its possible that i may take wrong decisions and you may correct them. Now tell me what's going on in your mind i know you want to say something."

"Pitashree its just that i also want to thank them and now that Mithila is doing well and is a prosperous Kingdom we can easily arrange things according to their comfort. Don't you think we should invite him along with his entire family to Mithila? "

"But Sita we live a very simple life according to them our palace our kingdom is very different from what they are used to. I don't think they will be comfortable here" intervened Sunaina who heard the conversation from the door.

"Ma its up to them if they won't be comfortable they won't accept our invitation. We should at least try and moreover its the feeling and emotion that matters" pointed Sita

"Yes pitashree, I also agree with Sita didi" said Urmila

Janak who was convinced now looked towards Sunaina for conformation to which Sunaina nooded in agreement.

Janak went towards Sita and Urmila and hugged both of them.
"I am proud of you my daughters. I am truly blessed to have you. Today you both freed your father from carying a guilt for lifetime. You made me proud. You both are absolutely right . Tommorow only i will write to King Dashrath and invite him along with his family to Mithila. "


I am actually not sure if this chapter is worth reading or not but had to do it.
Do tell me how did you find the chapter.
Stay safe! Take care!!

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