Important Note

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I am back peps.  I am back earlier than i expected because of some issue. Once again my work has been copied.  I just hate it now. Earlier i have been ignoring this but not now.

My peps know the face painting  concept started in Chapter 3 with Lakshman and continued in Chapter 6 with Urmila is a very important concept of my book depicting soul connection and similarities. This concept will go ahead also.

I talked to the person very politely requesting her to either edit or give my book the credit. The person has the audacity to say she has not copied and its her original work. Bloody hell.  Its brain or zerox machine that she thought the sane characters similar to mine even the person who will paint and the person whose face has been painted are same. Really?

Story telling about the other clan still i convinced myself since it is shown in SKR but quite differently than what i showed there is no mention about drought scene. Still its fine i didn't complain.

Next is where khushadhwaj becomes urmi's mentor for sword fighting. Sword fighting is a common concept to show the princess as a fierce one. Just requested to change the tutor because i wanted to show the special bond with her chote pita.

Everything i write has a logic and copying is not acceptable. Their mischiefs,  fights, tantrums etc take a good amount of thinking from my side. I am touchy about it.

I never said unpublish your work. I just wanted an edit that's all. You unpublished it without even asking for details, without even going through my story.  ( her claim)

Who does this if u have written it on your own. If u wrote it on ur own u atleast go through the similarities once before editing.

All this was fine but accusing me and playing victim card? Absolutely unacceptable. I am broken. Literally broken.

And guys many writers like me are not much active in reading other people's work. It is your duty and responsibility  to bring it to the rightful author's notice.

Plus if u know which book i am talking about don't message her or bash her. I seriously don't want this.

Love you all❤

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