Chapter 18 - Emotional Bonds!

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"I am gonna miss these rides soo much, Mithila is indeed very beautiful. I just love these morning horse rides around the capital. "

"neighhhh!! "

"Yaa Vyan! I got it, you also like these rides"

Ram said while taking his horse to the appropriate place.  He was ruffling his crest when he heard someone giggling.

Obviously this is not a matter of fact as there are a lot of workers in the stable. But the giggling was of a girl.

(Siya or Urmi???????  Jldi btaooo??????)

He went towards the direction and found a light brown Zaniskari with white pastern, crest and tail, licking a girl while she was having a hearty laugh and feeding hay to the horse. It was quiet evident for any passerby to guess that the horse and the girl are quiet close. Ram went towards their direction.

"Greetings Rajkumari. I see you have a love for horses."

Sita turned towards Ram and with a bright smile wished him "Greetings Rajkumar, hope you are having a good stay in Mithila. And to answer your question not only horses but I  love all the creatures here, they all are my friends. We often come here to feed them."


"Me and Urmi. She is not well today, so she requested me to go and feed them. She loves them alot." Sita said a bit sad but instantly covered it with a slight smile.

"What? Urmi is sick? And no one told me! What happened to her rajkumari? Is she alright?"  Ram asked now tensed about his baby sister.

Sita mentally smiled seeing Ram's tensed face at the mention of Urmi being sick. She thanked  destiny as she and Urmi both found their brothers in Laksh and Ram respectively. 

"Rajkumari, Why are you answering? Is something serious?"

"huuuu.....Oh sorry i was thinking something else. Nothing serious, just season change, she is not good with it, she will be fine soon. Don' t worry!"

"Can I meet her?"

"Umm.. Actually she is sleeping. Vaidya Ji told her complete rest for a few days. " Sita said and could evidently see disappointment in Ram's eyes.

He was about to turn when Sita blurted
"Well!  I can introduce you to some of her friends amd by that Urmi will be up and we can both meet her. "

"Yeah! Of course, i would love to meet my sister's friends. Well,  I guess the first one is him only? " Ram said pointing towards the horse who was licking Sita

"Yeah! He is one of Urmi's best friend and mine too."

"What's his name?" Ram said patting the horse while he responded with a neigh........ indicating that he liked Ram.

"DAIVAT! Well, it was the horse on which all four of us learnt horse riding. So, its very special for us"

"Its a nice name, if i am not wrong , Daivat means divine right? And i completely feel your connect with Daivat, i feel the same with Vyan.

"Yaa! you are right, it means divine only. By the way where is your horse,  would love to meet him, also i have this hay for him, as a first time gift" Sita said with a shy smile while Ram just mentally smiled at the innocence and pure heart of the princess.

"This way rajkumari" Ram said showing her the way towards his horse, while Sita was about to pick up the hay Ram stopped her....

"I will bring it , you please proceed towards Vyan."

"But, I can manage it."

"I know you can manage it quiet well, Rajrishi Janak's daughter are quiet independent,  I personally believe women are capable of managing anything and everything , but I won't like it, if in my presence, you will have to carry it, so let me have the honor please!

"Sensing no way out, Sita gave a slight smile, left the hay and moved towards Vyan. Meanwhile Ram picked the hay and followed her."

Vyan was one fine breed. With height of about 64 inches, it had two rear white socks , a heavy tail, and a blazing mark on face. With long back and sloping croup it was what a perfect Marwari high bloodline breed should be.

"VYAN is beautiful!" Sita said placing a loving hand on his croup. Vyan immediately bowed his head and Sita caressed his crest region.

Ram just smiled, while Sita fed him with the hay. After a while when Sita fed almost all the horses in the stable with Ram's help, they left towards the garden.

"So any special reason for feeding the horses? " Ram asked

"NO, not at all, i love doing this whenever i get time. I fell a connect with all of them, like they are my responsibility. I don't know why? Pitashree says its because we all our mother Earth's children. But i feel there is something more to this."

Sita's voice was like a melody to Ram's ears. He was just quietly listening to Sita's thoughts and saying he was impressed would be an understatement. Ram actually never felt comfortable among other royals because of their attitude and thought process. They never cared for anyone other then themselves, but Sita and Mithila was quiet different and that's the thing he liked the most about Mithila, that made him feel like home here.  They never differentiate between their people, no partiality on income basis.  They live amidst nature in its purest and simplest form, no pomp and show. Care and love for everyone from an ant to a royal was all he saw at Mithila. There was not an ounce of attitude in both Sita and Urmila, about their status or birth.

Ram was in his thoughts and did not realise that Sita was calling him.
"Raghunandan!!!! " Sita called from far off.

"Hmm!!! " Ram cam out of his trance and saw Sita a few yards away near the bushes.

"I called you three to four times, where were you lost, i need your help, come here!" said Sita in a high voice so that he could hear clearly.

Ram immediately ran towards her direction only to see Sita with an injured squirrel in her hand.

"Hold her! "

Ram immediately took the squirrel in his palms and Sita ran towards the other direction.

"I will be back with some herbs,  you please take care of the kuku." Sita said running.

Ram secured the squirrel in her palms, giving her the warmth that she needed.

After a few minutes Sita returned with some herbs in her hand,  she went to a nearby tree and rubbed the herbs with the bark to extract it as a  grinded material.

She came towards their direction applid the grinded material on the squirrel's wounds. She tore of her cotton duppata, applied some paste on the duppata and tied it gently on the wound,  being careful not to hurt the littke one.

"This will give you some instant relief Kuku, till that time i will fetch some medicinal herbs from Mata Gargi for both you and Urmi" Sita took kuku from Ram's hand , caressed her a little and then left her on the ground.

While Ram just adored scene,  such a down to earth princess who cares for even the smallest of the creatures, without a single thought she tore her clothes just for the little one's relief. The people of Mithila are right, when they say, "Their princesses are gems".

"Rajkumar, I am sure Urmi would be up by now. You may go and meet her. She will be happy to see you.  I will take my leave for i have to go to Mata Gargi's Ashram. Good day! "

"Good day to you too princess! "

With this both went towards their direction.


Ram was moving towards his chamber after meeting Urmila.  He heart was at peace since the first time, after hearing the news of Urmi being sick. His protective brother side was very worried about his little baby like sister.  Urmi was not baby of course and neither did she liked being babied,  but Ram was really very protective about her. Within a short span of time,  he got really close to her. But now seeing Urmi fine with his own eyes he was at peace. But still she looked weak and needed rest. That's why he left her so that she could rest. He was in the corridor beside the garden.

He was on his way when he heard sounds around him,  extremely dull for normal ears to attend, but Ram was not normal.

The sound was like someone was trying to gobble down their sobs, but was failing miserably. He followed the sound and reached a dense part of the garden. And what he saw was the most miserable thing for him to bear. His heart died a million times there.

Sita sat beside a tree sobbing badly. Her lengs close to her chest. Her face completely red and eyes puffy from crying. It was evident that she was crying since a very long time. She looked completely broken and vulnerable.

"Siteee!!! " was the only word Ram could utter.


*Runs like my dhoti is on fire....!!!!  Bhroom!  Bhroom!! "*

Hey peps!  Here is another update of Raghili. The toughest one for me. I must say.

Frankly,  i am a mess right know with all kinds of uncertainties righ now!  So i don't know if  the chapter was any good or not. It is for you to decide and tell me.

I request you to review this chapter please.
Vote! Comment! Review

Done with the emotional and unhappy part.

Now, some good news.

First of all a very very very happy birthday to my bitch vampressXXX. I love you bohot sara!!! I promise next year we will celebrate your birthday together.

Secondly , hands down admiration to my buddies DrKanu _justloveharry_33 SohiniModak8. You guys are already my warriors. You surely will rock Neet. I know!

_justloveharry_33 you the bravest Nd the best buddy! *Bear hugs* what you did was not easy. I pray for your speedy recovery. Lobe u❤.

Special love and heartfelt thanks to my broo❤ RadheyPanchaali for helping me. 💗💗

Lastly my peps.
I have started with a new book.
"Pursuit of the Inevitable (A Mahabharata fiction). Its quite different from other time travel. First time a guy is time travelling you guys definitely need to check it out. Shower it with love!  More and more!
If you haven't checked it out you must. You ppl being my maiden work readers means a lot to me.  I will be waiting for your reviews.

Don't forget to vote and comment ur review on this chapter.
Love yaa❤

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