Chapter 19- Solace!

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Sita was trudging around the woods.  Her face completely ashen like that of a corpse. The girl who provided solace to everyone was searching for solace herself. Her face bore no expression, absolutely none. It was just the reflection of her inner turmoil. Her breathes came heavy.

Her eyes turned watery, she starred running,  like a lost ship in the endless sea.Noice of continuous sobing and heavy breathing  filled the surrounding.

She wanted to run away but could not find a way. Her tear filled eyes searched here and there. She was definitely not at peace. There was a storm racing within her. Dejected,  she sat down on her knees still crying. She screamed between her cries.

After a while, when she was drained, she just let go of her body,  fell on the bhoomi(earth) trying hard to find the peace she needed. Finally, she closed her eyes.

"Sita didi! Sita didi!!  Sita didi!!!..........."

"What's happening? Wake up didi!  Didi, wake up! Please!"

A terrified Kirti tried waking up Mandavi, while the latter tossed in her sleep screaming the name of the eldest SunainaSuta. After continuous attempts Mandavi finally woke up.

She was completely petrified. Her face was a covered with beads of sweat all around. She was breathing heavily. Kriti offered her a glass of water which she gulped down in one go. After Mandvi was better Shrutkirti finally asked her

"Didi, What happened? Why were you screaming Sita didi's name? "

"Sita didi... Sita didi... Something is definitely wrong with Sita didi. " said Mandavi, tears now forming her eyes.


Ram was moving around his chamber. His thoughts lost in the conversation he had with Sita yesterday. He had somehow convinced her but he knew, she was not at peace. He was perplexed whether to talk to her again on that topic or not. It was a fact that this Mithila visit had tied the four of them in a friendly bond.

"Bhaiya, help me please!" Laksh said entering the chamber.

"What do you need Lakhan?"

"Bhaiya, my sister is upset since yestarday . What kind of brother would leave his sister in such a state." Laksh said with disappointment  evident in his eyes. While a slight smile appeared on Ram' face, for Laksh was being the ever caring younger brother.

"Calm down Laksh, tell me what happened?"

Laksh took a deep breath and started narrating the incident.

"So Bhaiya, While I was on my way to the chamber , I saw Sita didi and was about to greet her but she did not notice me and went from there. Trust me, it can never happen that she would not notice me but today, she was completely lost somewhere. Something is definitely wrong with her. In order to help her, I think , I should first know the reason. What should i do...ummm???"

As soon  as these words left Laksh's moth, Ram immediately shouted " no.....!!!!!!!"

This startled  Laksh "But why bhaiya?"

Ram was at loss of words" umm..umm.. its because Laksh, its not right to interfere in someone's personal matter."

"Ohh.Okay fine bhaiya, i won't but you have to help me."


"I have a plan. Right now Sita didi is looking after chudail"


"Okay fine Urmila, but come here listen to me. So we will.........................."



Urmila was contently sleeping, while Sita was just sitting beside her sick sister adoring her.

She heard some voices from outside.

"Bhaiya no ,please I am very tired."

"Please Laksh, you know I love walking there."

Sita went outside to see what's wrong, and saw Ram trying to convince Laksh for something, while Laksh had a really hard time denying it. (Of course he never denied Ram's word, but just for Sita he was acting , which also turned out to be hard for him.)

"What's happening" Sita questioned while Ram and Laksh shared a smirk and started with their world class acting.

"Sita didi, finally someone is here for my rescue. Since, tomorrow morning we are leaving, bhaiya wants to have a stroll around your beautiful garden, but I am very tired and in no mood. I know you love these walks, just like bhaiya, please accompany him. Please, Please, Please!!!"

Ram stood there hiding a smile because of his brother's acting. Laksh was doing a fine job.

"But Laksh, Urmi is sick I am looking after her."

"Is she fine, I was told her fever broke." Ram siad tensed turning to his protective elder brother mode."

" She is completely fine Raghunandan, but still she needs rest."

"I will stay here didi, you go with bhaiya please!"

"No Laksh, you are our guest, this is not your place to do."

"Didi, don't you take me as your brother, consider this as your brother's request."

" Okay fine" Sita said realising there there is no use of negotiating. Also, Sita would fell fresh.

Ram and Sita went towards the garden, while Laksh went towards Urmi's chamber.

They both entered the garden and started their peaceful stroll.

Ram took it as an opportunity to ask Sita , whether she was fine or not, after their talk yesterday.He was just forming his words to make a conversation when Sita blurted out. 

"Thank you for listening to me yesterday. I was at my lowest phase yesterday and I just needed someone, if you would have not bean there I would have completely fallen apart. Thank you for bringing me back to my senses."

"No need to mention Rajkumari. It was my duty. I hope you are not that affected now"

"Yeah I am much better now,I do need some time but I have made peace with the fact that............................."


Laksh sat on the near by seat, while Urmila was sleeping.She looked a bit weak which saddened Laksh.

"She looks better irritating me, rather than laying here in this condition. God, she has some serious problem, that's why she is after my life without any reason. But I think she is not that bad, afterall I also have to admit , that I pranked or played around with her trying to irritate her. No, but she did much more than I did that to on a regular basis. She is the more irritating one. Idiot" mumured Laksh to himself. Now I have to look after her, just for Sita didi. God please don't wake her up, otherwise I will be gone.

He grabbed a book from the nearby bookshelf as he was getting bored. The book was on Vedas.He read it for a while when Urmila started coughing and woke up.

"Oh No!!"

Lakshman  grabbed a glace of water from the nearby table and offered her. She drank it immediately not realising who it was. Only after drinking she looked upwards and saw him.

"What? Khadus what are you doing here"

"Hey don't call me that."

"I will call you whatever I want Khadus"

" You know what, you were better sleeping like that atleast everything was peaceful around chudail.." saying this Laksh started laughing and this pissed Urmila to the core also because, she was very irritatedof being sick. She lost it and started throwing everything in her range towards him from glass to pillow to everything.

"Are you crazy girl" Laksh screamed dodging the things thrown at him.

"Out of my room right now" 

In order to save himself Laksh immediately ran out of the room towards the garden to fetch Sita.


Chapter 19 of Raghili finally done.*sighs*

Hope you like it.

Do vote, comment and review guys.

This chapter is dedicated to my lovely friend GovindSakhiPanchaali. Love ya💓 and a very lovely reader of mine 081005a.


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